字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント well, microsoft was the first software company where we wrote software for personal computers and we believe that we could hire the best engineers there was a unbelievable amount of software to be written and we could do it well we could do it on a global basis and... the original customer base was the hardware manufacturers and we sold to literally hundreds and hundreds you know... over a hundred companies in japan and over a hundred companies doing word processors and industrial control type of things we know in the long run we wanted to sell software directly to users but we actually didn't get around that till nineteen eighty when we had uh... our first sort of games and productivity software that that people would go to a computer store in actually buy the the software package we actually talked about it in an article and i think nineteen seventy seven was the first time it appears in print where we say a computer on it on every desk and every home and actually the we said running microsoft software if we were just talking about the vision we'd leave that those last three words out uh... if we were talking in an internal company discussion we put those words in and it's very hard to recall how crazy and wild that was you know on every desk and in every home you know at the time you have people who are very smart saying you know why would somebody needed computer or even Ken Olsen who would run this company digital equipment who made the computer i grew up with and you know that we admired both him and his company immensely was saying that this seemed kinda a silly idea that people would want to have a computer when IBM saw that we had written software for all the personal computers they came to us sought our advice on the design but we said you should put the discant and since they wanted to ship very quickly another company uh... called digital research had done that work for the eight bit machines and they were starting to do a version for this new these new sixteen machines we commenced by the end of the sixteen bit machine using this eighty eighty six eighty d eight processor. Well Digital Research really hadn't finished the work and then IBM was getting frustrated because Digital Research wouldn't sign even a non-disclosure agreement and then some of us uh... particularly Paul and uh... key person named Kozhikode Nishi uh... was from japan worked with us said no no no we should just do that ourselves and because of a quick timing we end up liscensing the original code from another company uh... and turned that into MS-DOS and so then subsequently MS-DOS competed with this Digital Research CP/M uh... after about two or three years and MS-DOS became far far more popular uh... then than CP/M and then eventually we would take an add graphics capability on top of MS-DOS and then integrate the two together and so today when we talk about Windows it actually includes all those MS-DOS things in it. that's the full operating system although most of you think of the graphics in Windows and stuff there's a lot of more classic operating system capability that that's built in there the IBM initial deal is a flat fee deal uh... another flat the deal it had certain restrictions that prevented IBM from selling to other hardware makers so people did IBM PC compatible machines we would get the revenue by doing business directly with those people and that the deal was very complicated but it was a deal that Steve Balmer who's a key person of the company by that time and i thought a lot about and it was a fairly junior team from IBM so we tried to make sure they're giving our belief that personal computers would be hyper popular that microsoft would get a lot of that upside so they felt they got a very good deal, which they did as the industry expanded we uh... for new versions and for different machines, we got that opportunity even though they did not pay us the royalty even in the early days if you set a computer on every desk in every home and you'd say okay how many homes are there on the world how many desk are there on the world you know can i make twenty bucks for every home, twenty bucks for every desk if you get these big numbers but part of the beauty of the whole thing was we were very focused on the here and now should we hire one more person if our customers didn't pay us whould we have enough cash to meet the payroll we really were very practical about that next thing and so involved in the deep engineering that we didn't get ahead of ourselves we never thought you know how big we'd be. i remember when uh... one of the early lists of wealthy people came out and uh... one of the Intel founders was there the guy who ran Wayne computer actually is still Wayne is still doing well and we thought hmm... boy, the software business does well in fact, microsoft could be somewhere to that, but it wasn't real focus that that everyday activity of just doing great software drew us in and some decisions we made, like the quality of the people, the way we were very global that vision of uh... uh... how we thought about software that was very long term but other than those things you know we just came in to work every day and uh... wrote more code you know hired hired more people it wasn't really until the IBM PC succeeded and perhaps even into Windows succeeded that there was a broad awareness that microsoft was very unique as a software company that these other companies have been one product companies hired people couldn't do a broad set of things, didn't renew their excellence, didn't do research uh... so and we thought we were doing something very unique, but it was easily not until nineteen ninety five or even nineteen ninety-seven that that there was this wide recognition that we we were the company that had had revolutionized software when i was very young hadn't been exposed to computers, so i was mostly just reading, doing math, learning about science and i wasn't sure what my career would be i knew i loved learning about things, i was an avid reader but it was when i was twelve years old that i i first got to use a computer actually a very limited machine by today's standards uh... but that definitely fascinated me when i was first exposed i was intrigued uh... by figuring out what it could do and what it couldn't do and some friends and I spent lots of time uh... the teachers got intimidated, so we were on our own trying to figure it out actually we gave course on computers uh... to the other students and it became you know a fascination where uh... we got paid for doing computer work and