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  • The great master Ip Man once composed the origin of Wing Chun.

  • My ancestral master Yim Wing Chun, whose nationality of origin was Guangdong.

  • Her mother died early and her father Yim Yi was almost framed into jail.

  • He then brought Wing Chun along to Mount Daliang.

  • They ran a tofu shop there for a living.

  • Yim's tofu shop

  • I'm Wing Chun, I love to smile

  • and I love seeing people smile.

  • Smile, without seeing the teeth.

  • It shouldn't be only seeing the teeth and without seeing the eyes.

  • Wing Chin, you're so nice.

  • She's Wing Chun, a happy girl.

  • She gets happy as she sees others happy.

  • I have a little request.

  • Please smile more often.

  • I think your smile...

  • would be so charming.

  • My dad, Yim Yi who was once a disciple of Shaolin.

  • He has been teaching me kung-fu since I was small.

  • So I used to think that my kung-fu is good.

  • Then I found out that my father's kung-fu is just so-so.

  • But the dish he made is just wonderful.

  • Here comes the pepper!

  • This is my cousin, Ying Chun, she has good manners.

  • But she hates to smile.

  • So there're so many customers curious about her.

  • Luckily, we have Bro Cow.

  • He's my cousin's guardian.

  • My lovely Ying Chun, come here.

  • Give me the bill, please.

  • You're so pretty...

  • Sir!

  • Two tofu and one tofu pudding.

  • That will be 5 dollars for total.

  • Is the tofu nice?

  • Be careful, sir.

  • It's nice...

  • The tofu is nice...

  • Bye, sir!

  • Wu Yin, a carpenter.

  • His craftsmanship is good and the price is reasonable.

  • All the furniture in tofu shop is made by him.

  • His smile is cute.

  • His problem is he lost to me in a match for grinding beans

  • but he refused to admit that.

  • It is a peaceful small town.

  • Uncle Chicken, he's a kidult. He often designs different games to play with us.

  • That's gambling, our neighbors love that.

  • They would gamble for Wu Yin runs away for denying his loss...

  • ...whether I will run after him or even I would get him or not.

  • Also whether we will get into a fight and who will win.

  • As long as everyone is happy for that, I will do it.

  • Uncle, you'd better advise cousin

  • not to hang around with Wu Yin anymore.

  • I did, but she just didn't listen to me.

  • I can do nothing about it.

  • You're conniving her too much.

  • Cow.

  • Am I conniving Wing Chun?

  • You're not conniving her, you're spoiling her.

  • Mr. Wong.

  • Mr. Ku.

  • Your eyes are black, how many days you've not slept?

  • Have some tea.

  • Go ahead...

  • Mr. Wong, Mr. Chan.

  • This is called Mount Dew.

  • It's a famous tea in Sichuan.

  • The smell is strong and it tastes sweet.

  • From Tang dynasty till Qing dynasty,

  • it used to be an imperial tribute.

  • Imperial tribute, it's wonderful.

  • Good tea...

  • It's really a good one.

  • Teas yielded from different places will have flavors.

  • Even for different seasons,

  • we will have different methods of fermentation.

  • In spring, it's better to taste fruit tea.

  • It's not being fermented, it'd be like teenage girls.

  • It's so refreshing.

  • While in summer, we'd try Longjing.

  • It's gentle and elegant.

  • It's like drinking with a beauty, so carefree and joyous.

  • In autumn, we'd taste Tieguanyin.

  • It's fragrant and "sweet" aftertaste, it's like chatting with a beautiful woman.

  • For winter, we'd go for aged Puerh.

  • It tastes mellow, smooth, thick and rich.

  • The smell originates in the lower abdomen and rushes to the head.

  • It will be so refreshing.

  • Mr. Leung is so educated.

  • It's time to reveal my little trick.

  • Fatty.

  • Come here and let them see that.

  • Okay.

  • Please check it out.

  • Watch careful.

  • Aren't his black eyes and eye bags all gone?

  • They're all gone.

  • Why?

  • Would tea leaves have such magical effect?

  • You're right!

  • Not just this.

  • Fatty, how do you feel?

  • I'm so energetic now.

  • There's a power running through my body.

  • I have to release it.

  • My appetite is getting better.

  • It's so wonderful.

  • Young master.

  • Dad! Mom!

  • Tell him to go to Liang Shan, you got it?

  • Dad, mom, I'm back.

  • Look, our son is back.

  • Son, you're back!

  • Dad, mom.

  • You're back?

  • Have a seat.

  • Dad.

  • Mom.

  • Good...

  • Come on, have a seat.

  • Chou.

  • Where have you been?

  • I've been to Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Wuxi.

  • Dad, you wanna get a new snuff bottle, right?

  • Yeah.

  • I bought a refined one, see if you like it or not.

  • Dad, see it.

  • Good stuff.

  • Of course.

  • I've been growing up in a scholarly family and with your teaching,

  • wouldn't I have a bad taste?

  • Son, you've a bias in favor of your dad.

  • Mom, I also have something for you.

  • Really?

  • Let me see.

  • A pair of jade cups?

  • Dad and you love drinking tea.

  • Then you could have it together.

  • Chou.

  • Do you still remember

  • your dad's friend, Uncle Yim?

  • You told me that many times already.

  • He's a Shaolin disciple, he's from a scholarly family too.

  • He has a daughter, Yim Wing Chun.

  • She's so gentle and educated.

  • It's in my mind already.

  • I mean, Chou,

  • you're going to Sichuan for purchasing.

  • I want you to go to Da Liang Shan

  • to visit Uncle Yim's home.

  • Mom, your hair looks great today.

  • You're so attentive.

  • But not everyone would appreciate that.

  • Look, not again.

  • I've been enjoying it for so many years.

  • My eyesight is getting weak though.

  • Well, you mean...

  • it'd be my fault, right?

  • What do you mean?

  • What's wrong with you?

  • Do you wanna fight?

  • Come on! Ain't I scared?

  • Mom...

  • Dad, what did you say about Uncle Yim?

  • He saved me when I was young.

  • He's our benefactor.

  • As Mrs. Yim gave birth to Wing Chun,

  • we decided to be in-laws.

  • Uncle Yim used to write to me

  • saying that Wing Chun is a nice girl

  • who is taking good care of his business.

  • Mom, I don't even know how she looks like,

  • how could I marry her?

  • There's a portrait of her, look.

  • Dad, are you sure?

  • You have to go to Mount Da Liang,

  • to meet your fiance.

  • That's it.

  • Yes.

  • Buns, meat buns.

  • Leung Bao Chou, my prearranged fiance.

  • He's quite handsome and educated.

  • He's good at business.

  • But he's not virile enough.

  • I like a manly man.

  • It's unfortunate that I had been too rough

  • as I first met him.

  • Excuse me...

  • Excuse me...

  • Wanna run?

  • I quit... I lost.

  • Till now?

  • It's too late, go!

  • Wing Chun won...

  • Jesus?

  • Chou, I've never imagined

  • there would be such a girl in the village.

  • She's fighting so hard and fierce.

  • She even ripped off his clothes, look.

  • It'd be a nightmare

  • to the one who would marry her.

  • Love you... beat you up!

  • It's this one.

  • Let's go inside. Okay.

  • Is Bao Chou coming?

  • Bao Chou.

  • How do you do, Uncle Yim?

  • You don't have to, have a seat.

  • Okay.

  • Fatty, bring over my parents' gift.

  • Okay.

  • That's so nice.

  • Uncle Yim.

  • This is Da Hong Pao from Mount Wuyi and the foreign Ceylon tea.

  • Hope you will like it.

  • You have gift for me?

  • Ying Chun, put that inside carefully.

  • We have been friends for generations.

  • Bao Chun, have you eaten yet?

  • Well, try our famous dish.

  • They are all made from tofu.

  • Eating veggie? I'd rather...

  • It'd be my honor.

  • Go ahead.

  • Ying Chun, serve Bao Chou for me.

  • I'll get Wing Chun here.

  • Yes, uncle.

  • Bao Chou... Dad!

  • Coming.

  • No more gypsum, I've to buy some...

  • Excuse me...

  • Hello, Wing Chun.

  • Excuse me.

  • Who is he?

  • Excuse me.

  • Oh my god!

  • Jesus Christ!

  • How coincident?

  • But Confucius said before...

  • the best is to get away at once.

  • Did he say that?

  • I said that.

  • That young man outside...

  • is Uncle Leung's son...

  • You... Wing Chun!

  • Listen to me!

  • He came all the way from Guangdong to here.

  • You'd better get changed and meet him.

  • Cow.

  • Where's Bao Chou?

  • He left already.

  • He left?

  • Ying Chun, why did Bao Chun leave so suddenly?

  • Uncle, Mr. Leung had a diarrhea

  • and he went back to motel to have a rest.

  • He said he...

  • Dad.

  • Too bad.

  • Is this okay?

  • Where's he?

  • Cousin, he's gone.

  • Gone?

  • No, he ran away.

  • I spent much time to dress up, how dare he ran away?

  • What the hell!

  • Wing Chun!

  • Chou...

  • Stop...

  • I can't run anymore.

  • Can I have a rest?

  • If she catches up, I'd have nothing to say in reply.

  • It's your idea!

  • Let's go!

  • Let's pack up and go for the next business meeting.

  • I said get away, I never said run.

  • Dad!

  • He's gone.

  • Which motel he's staying at? I will get him back for you!

  • That's enough!

  • How dare you blame him?

  • If you didn't ask me so many questions just now

  • and kept him waiting, he wouldn't leave though

  • Are you blaming me?

  • You are speaking for others instead of your own daughter?

  • Today...

  • I lost face and being so ashamed,

  • it's all your fault!

  • How dare you say that?

  • Uncle.

  • Let me go and comfort her.

  • Dad.

  • I...

  • It's my fault.

  • I didn't listen to you and made you mad.

  • Your mom died so early.

  • I have been raising you as a boy.

  • And you have to take care of the business, too.

  • You are a girl though.

  • I almost hold up your marriage.

  • You always say this.

  • I'm willing to do that.

  • A man should get married on coming of age, and so should a girl.

  • It's so important for a girl to marry a good husband.

  • I don't wanna get married though.

  • I will take care of you forever.

  • I will beat anyone who bullies you.

  • Come on, who needs you to take care of?

  • I won't hide from you then.

  • Leung Bao Chou, who came to our shop today,

  • is your fiance.

  • That decision was made when your mom was dying.

  • Fiance?

  • Yes.

  • You never asked me whether I want it or not.

  • It's my marriage, why did you make such a decision for me?

  • You marry to him if you did it.

  • Harmony casino

  • It's impossible.

  • I've delved into it for four months to get a winning trick,

  • it'd be perfect and no risk at all.

  • Today's really not my day.

  • Sorry to make you lose money.

  • I'm sorry...

  • If you bet on Big, I'll bet on Small,

  • or just the opposite.

  • That's the winning trick I got.

  • I just thought of another trick,

  • Tomorrow, I will win for sure.

  • How's that?

  • I found out the reason why I lost.

  • Is there a drug store nearby?

  • Yes!

  • Drug store?

  • How dare you fool me?

  • I'll kick your ass!

  • Where is it?

  • Gambler Cheung.

  • You lost again and you wanna mess around?

  • None of your business!

  • Freeze!

  • Hey... someone wants to buy your tofu.

  • I'd better not hold up your business.

  • I'd come for your tofu next time.

  • Miss.

  • One should be forgiving.

  • If you're not in a rush, please come in to have a drink.

  • It's good to have a rest.

  • No need.

  • I am Yim Wing Chun.

  • The drug store you're looking for is in the front and turn right,

  • then go straight.

  • Thanks, Wing Chun.

  • Dad often says that I'm nosy, but not this time.

  • It's fate that brought Master Ng Mui and I together, she became my master.

  • And it changed my life.

  • Mom.

  • Are you mistaken?

  • Dad.

  • It wouldn't be like what you said though?

  • It is.

  • I didn't mistake it.

  • I just can't take that.

  • You used to tell me that Wing Chun

  • is so educated, gentle

  • and she's good at business and housework.

  • She would be the best girl in town.

  • But the one that I saw...

  • she dressed like a man.

  • She's so rough, shrewish

  • and she likes beating others up.

  • If I marry her...

  • we'll fight very often,

  • and I'd be beaten to death though.

  • Dad.

  • Mom.

  • You don't want your son

  • to be beaten up, right?

  • Chou!

  • Chou!

  • Is she that fierce?

  • Better than mine?

  • You're better for sure...

  • What about comparing to your mom?

  • Mom is better though.

  • You...

  • won't be scared by your mom and me, how could you get scared by her?

  • You have to go to Liang Shan village with us

  • to meet my in-laws.

  • That's it.

  • Okay.

  • Cousin, with your birth date and time

  • and I got good lots from different temples for you.

  • You two are destined to be a couple.

  • I didn't lie to you.

  • If it's so accurate,

  • did you do it for Bro Cow and you?

  • You little rogue!

  • I'm talking about your stuff, be serious.

  • Close your eyes.

  • Okay.

  • It's the same.

  • Really?

  • From now on, you need to change.

  • You have to be a gentle

  • and elegant girl.

  • Don't I look

  • like a girl?

  • Cousin, you look good on my clothes.

  • Of course.

  • How dare Leung Bao Chou gave a cold shoulder to me?

  • Let me tell you, if I see him again...

  • he'll be a dead meat!

  • Look at yourself.

  • You have to sit and smile like a lady.

  • There's a proper way to walk.

  • Smile, without seeing the teeth.

  • It shouldn't be only seeing the teeth and without seeing the eyes.

  • When you sit, you just sit on the edge of the chair gently

  • and don't lie on it.

  • Just sit on the edge gently.

  • You can't lie your whole body on it.

  • Cousin, be more gentle. Come on.

  • Walk in small steps.

  • You have to walk slowly.

  • Walk in small steps.

  • Cousin!

  • You little imp, I'm gonna hit you.

  • Naughty girl...

  • You missed...

  • The market today is so crowded.

  • Place your bet...

  • Everybody, I gotta go now.

  • Go for it.

  • Looks very alike.

  • Look, why did he come out?

  • Is the tofu good today?

  • Take care, sir.

  • Am I mistaken? Is it Wing Chun?

  • Young master...

  • It's Wing Chun!

  • Gao Fuk, what have you been doing?

  • Why didn't you tell me there's such good stuff?

  • I...

  • Beauty, what's your name?

  • Young master, her name is Ying Chun.

  • Here comes the shredded tofu.

  • Go... Hurry!

  • Cow, serve this customer.

  • Okay!

  • His name is Gao Shing, he's the young master of a rich family from the next village.

  • Don't ever mess with him.

  • Master Gao, what would you like to eat?

  • Wing Chun?

  • I heard that there's a bet and the loser has to grind beans for you.

  • I do wanna try that.

  • Alright, come on.

  • Ain't I scared?

  • But if you lose,

  • you have to work here for three months.

  • Okay, but if you lose,

  • you have to be my wife.

  • And Ying Chun can go with you too.

  • Wing Chun and Ying Chun, that would be exciting.

  • Right...

  • Okay?

  • Hold it!

  • Let me give her a lesson.

  • Don't move!

  • Wing Chun!

  • Cousin!

  • My walnuts!

  • Young master...

  • Young master...

  • Hurry! Help young master to get up!

  • Wing Chun...

  • Wing Chun!

  • Young master... what should we do?

  • I'm hurt, try to delay that.

  • Our young master really likes Wing Chun's beauty and her kung-fu.

  • He wants her to be his wife.

  • However, it's a bit rush today.

  • We haven't well prepared.

  • Well...

  • after three months,

  • we will come back with betrothal money and bridal chair.

  • And our young master will have a match with Wing Chun.

  • If we win, Wing Chun have to marry my young master.

  • Mr Gao, thanks for your love for my daughter.

  • I think that's the deal.

  • Okay! Contest for spouse, I like it.

  • Let's have a match after three months.

  • Be there, let's go!

  • Go!

  • Uncle, how could you promise that?

  • Yeah, boss. You couldn't promise that casually!

  • A wise guy knows when to retreat.

  • Wing Chun, you're no match to Gao.

  • Let's go back to discuss that.

  • Ying Chun, you better get hurry.

  • Dad, you're so coward.

  • It's all your fault!

  • Abbess, have some tea!

  • Dad.

  • Abbess, have some tea!

  • Abbess.

  • Today, it's fortunate that you helped.

  • So that Wing Chun wouldn't get humiliated.

  • Not at all.

  • Mr. Yim, the kung-fu that Wing Chun practiced...

  • Is it from Shaolin?

  • I taught my daughter kung-fu.

  • I'm a disciple of Shaolin, I spent a few years there to practice kung-fu.

  • Abbess,

  • are you from Shaolin too?

  • Shaolin encountered a tragedy.

  • Don't you know that, Mr. Yim?

  • Please tell me in detail.

  • In the past few years, Shaolin was famous for kung-fu. The Qing government worried about that.

  • The government bribed a traitor of Shaolin, Ma Ling Yi.

  • They attacked Shaolin from within and without.

  • The temple got burnt and caused numerous death.

  • Only Bai Mei, Zhi Shan...

  • Fung Dao Tak, Miu Hin and I managed to get away with this.

  • Then we have been keeping our incognitos for further plans.

  • And I...

  • disguised myself and came to Liang Shan.

  • Everyone Drug store

  • Just listen to me, that would be fine.

  • Okay...

  • Doctor Chan, I gotta go, thanks.

  • Take care, Mrs. Wong.

  • Have a seat, sir.

  • Have a seat...

  • Excuse me...

  • Doctor, I can't sleep at night and it's like something is burning inside my body.

  • And I can't see and hear clearly, any cure for that?

  • Yes.

  • My family's secret recipe can get rid of your internal heat

  • and it will help you to have a peace of mind.

  • I'm Chan Tung, may I know...

  • I'm Ng Mui.

  • Sorry, I didn't recognize you...

  • Please.

  • This way, please.

  • This way.

  • The villages around here used to be important spots

  • of the Silk Road and the Ancient Tea route.

  • And it's also an important route to foreign countries.

  • Last year, I bought a drug store here.

  • I was meant to connect chivalrous guys from different places.

  • I never thought that I would find this secret route to the mountain.

  • And it would lead to the other side of the mountain...

  • There's a temple on it, it's so privy.

  • Abbess could stay there for a while.

  • Abbess.

  • We have to get revenge for our fellows.

  • There's nothing we can do for now.

  • Let's talk about that later.

  • Mr. Yim, we are both from Shaolin,

  • I really like Wing Chun very much.

  • I would like to teach her a new fighting style.

  • With her talent, if she practices for three months,

  • she will defeat Gao Shing.

  • That's great!

  • Thank you, abbess.

  • Thank you! Thank you, abbess.

  • Please.

  • Wing Chun, come with me.

  • This way.

  • Come on.

  • Master, it's beautiful here.

  • The view is so nice.

  • Why haven't I come here before?

  • Okay!

  • You do have a good foundation with your Shaolin fist from your father.

  • You won't lose to Gao Shing.

  • But woman's strength is not as good as man.

  • You would lose if the match is taking too long.

  • The boxing that I invented

  • is using soft to overcome hard.

  • The distinctive feature is it's close distant attack.

  • When the centerline of both opponents aligns,

  • the distance would be the shortest, the punch would be loaded effectively.

  • The centerline is crucial.

  • You have to protect your centerline tight.

  • And attack your opponent's centerline,

  • together with the flexible stance,

  • and control the moving forward and backward and the timing of exerting the force,

  • you can hit your opponent by yielding your opponent's strength.

  • I'm now teaching you Siu Nam Tao.

  • Siu Nam Tao is the basic technique.

  • It's the foundation to control your strength in short distance.

  • Nam Tao means thinking.

  • To recognize the whole through the observation of a small part.

  • You have to be calm, concentrated, without distracting thoughts.

  • Bridging, it means searching for arms.

  • It's a way of intercepting opponent's attack.

  • The main point is yield to a greater force from your opponent.

  • With the most direct route and fastest speed

  • to dispel your opponent's attack.

  • You have to be relaxed when doing wing arms, never push against your opponent

  • and go with your stance.

  • Use lower wing arms for protection.

  • So the way you project your wing arms have to be rigid.

  • Your palms and your arms have to be in a straight line.

  • Once touching your opponent, you have to be relaxed.

  • Darting fingers, it's another way of attack.

  • Long bridge, striking your opponent's attack and dispelling it simultaneously.

  • There's no fixed styles for this.

  • You have to change it when you're using it.

  • You have to remember these pithy formulas and methods.

  • Going with the flow of attack, forward execution flow.

  • Striking your opponent's attack and dispelling it, occupying the centerline.

  • Going with the flow means avoiding to counter the strike directly.

  • Borrowing power from your opponent and add your own force

  • and go with the flow either to pull or push your opponent.

  • Forward execution flow means in close range combat,

  • you won't have time to see, you have to rely on your instinct.

  • When you feel there's no resistance from your opponent,

  • attack your opponent simultaneously.

  • Striking your opponent's attack and dispelling it simultaneously.

  • To attack as your defense.

  • Attack would be the best way to defend.

  • Occupying the centerline means taking up the centerline.

  • Body, it's the centerline position.

  • What is it?

  • One.

  • W, A, N, G

  • This is "Wang".

  • 3 times 7 equals to what?

  • 21

  • It's 10.

  • Master, are you kidding me?

  • I remember a story which was told by Master Wai Chung in Ming Dynasty.

  • He says, man got to have wisdom.

  • We have to look at a single thing from different perspectives.

  • So we have to use our brains wisely,

  • so as to defeat your opponent.

  • Sticking hands, it's the practicing method of this unique boxing.

  • It doesn't have a fixed form.

  • It mainly trains your reflex and feeling

  • in order to get an advantageous position.

  • During the attack and defense, you have to make your opponent revealing his weakness.

  • And you have to grasp the chance to attack instantly.

  • So you have to practice hard.

  • Train up your instinctive reflex,

  • then you can master your skill proficiently.

  • It'd be good practicing with different opponents.

  • So as to adapt to different variations.

  • Don't mess around, go and help!

  • Coming!

  • Let me. Safety is the most important point.

  • Sir, take care.

  • Uncle Chicken, you're here.

  • I've learnt some new moves.

  • New moves?

  • He doesn't want to play with me.

  • No...

  • Give me a break... I can't...

  • Wing Chun, may I play with you?

  • Come on! Wing Chun.

  • Dad!

  • Dad, come and practice.

  • Okay, you better watch out...

  • Awesome, right?

  • Silly girl, I just let you win.

  • But I won't.

  • Master, the meal is ready.

  • Not bad though.

  • You do cook and decoct.

  • Your father should be so happy to have a filial daughter like you.

  • Happy the hell?

  • He always says that I behave like a man.

  • Master, do you have your own family?

  • Before I became a nun, I had a daughter.

  • But she died once I gave birth to her.

  • If she's still alive, she'd be at your age.

  • Master, you just take me as your own daughter.

  • Once you take me as your disciple, I will treat you as my parent forever.

  • I will take care of you from now on.

  • I know that you're filial.

  • But I get used to be alone...

  • and I'm fine for that.

  • I'm so appreciated for your kindness.

  • Right, your father is quite old though.

  • You should find yourself a good husband so that your father wouldn't worry about you.

  • Dad tries to force me to marry Mr. Leung.

  • I don't like him.

  • Why?

  • I just don't like him.

  • For no reason, so capricious.

  • What a naughty girl.

  • Thank you!

  • Thank you so much!

  • Wing Chun! Ying Chun!

  • Gao Shing is here.

  • Wing Chun, they also brought the bridal chair.

  • That's too arrogant.

  • Cousin.

  • You have to defeat this bastard.

  • Uncle Chicken, shall we gamble today?

  • No, I'd like to root for Wing Chun.

  • Stop!

  • Listen.

  • Our master comes here to get his wife today.

  • What the hell!

  • Wing Chun...

  • Be calm, don't fall into his trap.

  • Honey!

  • I've prepared the bridal chair to bring you home.

  • Just...

  • save it for yourself.

  • Everybody...

  • please be my witness for me.

  • My daughter, Wing Chun is going to have a match with Mr. Gao Shing.

  • If she loses, she will marry him.

  • If he loses,

  • he will work in my tofu shop for three months.

  • It's just a friendly match today.

  • Not to hurt each other anyhow.

  • Please get ready.

  • Cut the crap.

  • I wanna go back earlier for the bridal chamber.

  • Wait.

  • I have a more refined way for this.

  • What is your refined way?

  • Why did you draw a circle?

  • Fight within this circle.

  • Both attack three times, the one who falls out the circle will be counted as losing.

  • Honey, such a small circle, it'd be so close.

  • I like it.

  • Well, I'm coming.

  • Gao Shing is so nasty.

  • If you know where he'd attack on you,

  • you can attack him in advance while he's unprepared.

  • Great!

  • You lost!

  • Right! You lost!

  • Go home!

  • It's yours inside the circle, outside the circle, it'd be mine.

  • That's my word!

  • Great!

  • My teeth!

  • Where are my teeth?

  • You, I'm gonna kill you!

  • Great!

  • You said,

  • outside the circle it's yours, it'd be mine inside the circle.

  • That's my word.

  • Fellows, go!

  • Still wanna fight?

  • Help me to go back!

  • Help master out!

  • Abbess, thanks for your help.

  • I'd never forget your kindness.

  • Wing Chun won for herself through her hard work

  • and her passion in kung-fu.

  • You have to practice hard from now on

  • and you'll be somebody one day.

  • Thanks for your teaching, I'll work hard.

  • Well,

  • the government is trying to arrest the followers of Shaolin.

  • I won't come down unless it's necessary.

  • I don't want to get you into trouble.

  • If anyone ask about me, don't tell them you've seen me.

  • It's a matter of life and death, do remember that.

  • I got clues that

  • the five rebels from Shaolin already escaped.

  • They got hidden in Guangdong, Guilin, Sichuan, Yunnan.

  • It wouldn't be a problem though.

  • No way, you have to kill them all.

  • You have three months

  • to kill them all.

  • Yes!

  • I know you had an affair with Ng Mui before.

  • You won't practice favoritism, will you?

  • If you make it, I could get you promoted.

  • If you fail, you should know the consequence.

  • Yes.

  • Thanks, my lord!

  • I will do my best

  • to repay your kindness.

  • Did you get traced?

  • No.

  • But on the way, my fellows got ambushed.

  • Is everyone here? Yes.

  • Master Kam.

  • I let one of them alive as told by you.

  • But I heard that there're surviving supporters of Shaolin in Liang Shan village.

  • I could go and check it out.

  • Don't do that, I will be there.

  • Yes!

  • Go after! Hurry!

  • Just marry me if you have no other choice.

  • Stop there!

  • Look, how beautiful it is.

  • This green one looks great, mom.

  • Here...

  • Mr. Yim, long time no see!

  • It's been a while, Mr. Leung.

  • Mrs. Leung!

  • Mr. Yim, how's your business lately?

  • Share your blessing, it's fine.

  • Mr. And Mrs. Leung, let's go inside.

  • Okay... Let's go inside.

  • I fucked up.

  • Why would her fiance

  • come at this time?

  • Wu Yin, what did you tell Wing Chun?

  • I screwed up today.

  • Mr. Leung.

  • Liang Shan village is a small town, what do you think?

  • Although it's small, everything is here.

  • Please!

  • Uncle Leung, please.

  • Aunt Leung.

  • It's nice.

  • This is the tofu snack that I made, please try it.

  • Okay!

  • It's yummy!

  • It tastes good!

  • Thanks, Aunt Leung.

  • Son, you try it.

  • Let me.

  • Let me...

  • Mr. Leung, do comment on this.

  • Not at all.

  • Good tofu would taste good.

  • Let me...

  • Good food needs to have an expert

  • who will appreciate that, right?

  • Yeah.

  • It's hard to find someone who would appreciate that.

  • Mr. And Mrs. Leung, as you came a long way to here,

  • and it's still early...

  • I should take you to look around.

  • Good idea.

  • Fatty, you still wanna eat?

  • Come with us.

  • Have a chat with Wing Chun.

  • Yes, mom.

  • Last time, you left without saying anything, what do you mean?

  • Nothing.

  • You disliked me because I'm too rough?

  • I think you're a mommy boy,

  • you don't look like a real man though.

  • You just hang around with your parents all day long.

  • Often gets into fight with guys on the street,

  • is that what a lady should do?

  • What's wrong for being a courageous girl?

  • It'd be better than being a sissy like you.

  • I like giving a lesson to someone like you.

  • Don't be so proud of knowing a bit kung-fu.

  • There is always somebody out there

  • who is better than you.

  • How dare a sissy give me a lesson?

  • Do mind your words!

  • So what?

  • You...

  • Nice gentlemen should not contend with ladies!

  • Oh, there are flowers on your handkerchief.

  • Is that for a girl?

  • Can I have a look?

  • You...

  • Stop that!

  • Stop that!

  • What's happening?

  • Why you two got into a fight?

  • Apologize to Wing Chun!

  • Go!

  • Wing Chun, come here...

  • Apologize to Bao Chou.

  • Dad, she started this first.

  • You said I'm a tomboy, no one would marry me.

  • I didn't say that.

  • You said I'm not a lady, that means I'm a tomboy.

  • You distorted my words!

  • It proves that I'm a girl.

  • This is great!

  • What you think you're doing?

  • That's unbelievable.

  • Mrs. Leung is right, one should stand for the truth.

  • Are you trying to stir up the trouble?

  • I'm just being honest!

  • Mr. Leung, it's your luck

  • to have such a good wife!

  • You know how to appreciate that.

  • Look at you.

  • It's getting worse.

  • Dad.

  • She said I'm sissy, not a man.

  • You...

  • Look at me, that's a man.

  • Or you can ask your mom.

  • Those were the days.

  • Mrs. Leung, you said great.

  • You're still laughing?

  • Dare you laugh, how do you teach your daughter?

  • How do I teach my daughter?

  • How do you teach your son though?

  • Does it mean you have reason by raising your voice?

  • Dad... Mom...

  • You're so unreasonable!

  • You're not making sense!

  • Get your hands off me!

  • Aunt

  • Will you take Wing Chun?

  • Do you hate my son?

  • Dad...

  • How come you do it for real?

  • Mr. Leung, we've got no choice.

  • Okay! I will go for it!

  • Dad!

  • Will you two be reconciled?

  • Be sincere, don't force yourself.

  • It's alright!

  • They are fighting so hard, go and stop them, hurry!

  • Dad, stop that. Stop...

  • Uncle Yim... Stop...

  • Mr. Yim, your kung-fu is still with you.

  • It's good for you.

  • Mr. Leung, your punch...

  • is really powerful

  • That's enough!

  • Happy now?

  • Yeah. Yeah.

  • Sorry about that.

  • It's okay.

  • Cheers! Cheers!

  • Have some more...

  • Bao Chou, hope you'll like the food.

  • Let's drink up, come on.

  • My honor...

  • Uncle Yim, you're so nice.

  • Come on... cheers.

  • Ying Chun, let's drink up.

  • I'm drinking for her.

  • I'm so happy today.

  • I never thought that they would be so reasonable.

  • Regardless of the misunderstanding you had before,

  • the most important is to be sincere.

  • Just say it out whatever you have.

  • And everyone is happy, right?

  • I have arranged Mr. And Mrs. Leung to go for an opera.

  • After that we'd have a drink and have a real good chat.

  • You two just arrange for yourself.

  • Come on... Okay!

  • Let's drink up! Come on...

  • Cheers!

  • Cheers!

  • Let's go.

  • Dad, take care.

  • Have fun.

  • Aunt, uncle, bye.

  • Take care!

  • Come back!

  • Drink! I drank too much.

  • Let me.

  • Go.

  • Buddy.

  • Cow, you drank too much.

  • No!

  • Just a sip.

  • Drink...

  • Bro Chou, look.

  • The ten maxims for getting along with people!

  • You always teach me that

  • we have to pay more respect to others.

  • Miss Wing Chun, she's such a courageous woman.

  • She knows how to take care of her family and...

  • Sociable...

  • Yeah, sociable.

  • That's what I meant.

  • Look... It's coming now.

  • Not even an apology, that's too disgraceful.

  • We have to trust others.

  • So I believe that last time Bao Chou had a diarrhea...

  • was real.

  • Right! It's real!

  • I just knew that woman is stingy.

  • Be more forgiving and generous.

  • Forget about the old grudges.

  • Come on! Cheers! Forget...

  • Be more considerate.

  • Hope that Chou

  • would be alright after his diarrhea.

  • And there won't be any sequela.

  • Be more understandable.

  • What's wrong with you? Why so nice?

  • To praise more.

  • Mommy boy.

  • Sissy...

  • Don't be too proud!

  • Be more helpful

  • Tomboy, cut the crap!

  • To care more.

  • Without any good words, wanna fight?

  • Bad companions have bad influence, it's no good...

  • Speak bitingly, be careful!

  • Do I fear you?

  • Mommy boy.

  • Watch out, Chou.

  • Be careful!

  • Tomboy!

  • Dare you say...

  • Safety is the most important, to have more space.

  • Go.

  • It's not safe to me at all.

  • Have more space!

  • It'd be too dangerous to get up.

  • I'd better lie down.

  • Lie down.

  • Let go!

  • I won't!

  • I won't too.

  • I got to touch Wing Chun's hand if there's a chance.

  • A woman's hand is soft and warm, it's top grade.

  • It's hard as wood, you'll be a jinx.

  • Don't blame me for not warning you.

  • Soft...

  • Warm...

  • Top grade.

  • Why did you grab my hand?

  • Having held your hand...

  • I'll be with you forever.

  • What did you say?

  • Everlasting... and unchanging.

  • Unchanging...

  • We all have love.

  • Wake up!

  • Anything happened last night?

  • How would I know? What did you do?

  • Help!

  • Cousin!

  • Cousin, what's with you?

  • What happened last night?

  • Who took off my clothes last night?

  • You were so drunk last night, Bao Chou got you to the bed.

  • Oh!

  • I took off your clothes.

  • My head is killing me.

  • I'm going to bed.

  • He's not a masculine guy.

  • He's a gentleman.

  • Mr. Yim, please take care of Bao Chou.

  • Mr. Leung, you don't have to worry.

  • Uncle Leung, my dad

  • will take good care of Bao Chou.

  • You have to listen to Uncle Yim as after we left.

  • Yes, mom.

  • Thanks.

  • Take care...

  • Take care!

  • Let's go.

  • Wooden dummy, besides training our body,

  • footwork, variation, attack and defense,

  • it mainly trains our accuracy.

  • Take it as your opponent.

  • You can practice sticking hands with it anytime.

  • Wing Chun.

  • Wing Chun.

  • Is something bothering you today?

  • Master, what does it mean by "Having held your hand, I'll be with you forever"?

  • Being together with your loved one for the rest of your life, it'd be the most joyous thing.

  • I understand, that's everlasting and unchanging.

  • It's gonna rain soon.

  • Master, you're marvelous.

  • How do you know it's gonna rain?

  • I once lived in the mountain for quite a while.

  • I used to practice in the forest.

  • I had seen different kinds of birds.

  • And they have different habits and forms for flying.

  • Man used to be a part of the nature.

  • Man and the nature have the instinctive feeling.

  • Mui, I want to be with you forever and never be parted.

  • Impossible, we are from two opposing sects.

  • When I take over the master post, I will amend our rules.

  • That's a taboo, won't you be scared?

  • Scared?

  • No matter it's a sect,

  • for you, I could confront the whole world!

  • When I was young, I fell in love with a guy.

  • His name was Kam Ying.

  • He's a disciple of Serpent sect

  • But he's from a poor family.

  • He used to be edged out by others

  • and never had the chance to take over the master post.

  • And I was a disciple of White Crane sect.

  • At that time, our sects were hostile to each other.

  • We both got expelled by our masters.

  • And I was pregnant at that time.

  • The disciples of Serpent were ordered to hunt us down.

  • Brother, please don't kill her.

  • She's bearing my baby.

  • Then you go with us.

  • Go.

  • Kam Ying!

  • For a monk, all physical existence is a vanity.

  • To see through the vanity of life, that's difficult.

  • To forget the past, that's much more difficult.

  • I can forget about the people.

  • But I can't forget about my kung-fu.

  • How's that?

  • Strained a bit.

  • I will give you some herbs for that.

  • You stew it with a pork in soup.

  • This will reduce stasis, improve blood circulation and ease your tendon.

  • It will cause diarrhea, so don't use too much.

  • Thanks, master.

  • Master.

  • What kind of man would be considered as a nice guy?

  • As distance tests a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart.

  • The time you spent with Bao Chou is still short, you have to watch for a longer time.

  • A nice guy...

  • would be responsible and would stand up for justice.

  • This is my dad's gift for Uncle Gao's 60-year-old birthday.

  • Hope you'll like it.

  • Uncle Lau is so nice.

  • Dad hasn't returned from the palace, I would take it for him.

  • Gao Fuk!

  • Yes!

  • Put the gift in the study.

  • Yes, young master.

  • You came all the way back from your work.

  • That's really kind.

  • I must serve you good.

  • I will bring you to brothel tonight...

  • Sounds good!

  • But I heard that there's a famous shop here.

  • You mean Yim's tofu shop.

  • Their food is nice, the cashier is famous for her beauty.

  • She's tofu Xi Shi.

  • Her kung-fu is not bad though.

  • Bro Cow.

  • Wu Yin.

  • What are you talking about so happily?

  • Mr. Leung promised

  • to serve us nice food in a while.

  • Really?

  • Me too?

  • Of course!

  • Wing Chun, boss said he's not feeling well today.

  • He went back to have a rest.

  • Not feeling well?

  • I should go home and check it out, bring this back to the shop.

  • Wing Chun, what's this?

  • Herbs, it enhances blood circulation and relaxes your muscles and joints. Good stuff.

  • Master said you'll have diarrhea if you have too much of this, you have to put it right.

  • Cow, what's this?

  • Herbs, it enhances blood circulation and relaxes your muscles and joints. Good stuff.

  • Good stuff?

  • Keung, put a little bit in every pot.

  • Good stuff then you should put some more.

  • Put some more.

  • Come on...

  • The main course is here!

  • Salt baked stuffing duck!

  • Everybody, please try my cooking.

  • Do comment on this.

  • Let's go for it.

  • Mr. Lau, it's here.

  • What smells so good?

  • Dongpo's Pork. Enjoy it.

  • I will fetch some more.

  • Cashier.

  • We are meeting again.

  • Cashier.

  • Bring me some for what they have.

  • Sorry, sir.

  • We are having our private dishes.

  • It's for us only

  • not for others.

  • Everybody...

  • Bring it here, let me try.

  • Why did you take my dish?

  • Mr. Lau.

  • Please try.

  • Cow.

  • It's nice.

  • Sorry, sir.

  • You're not welcome here, please leave.

  • Tofu Xishi...

  • Your hands are so smooth.

  • Behave yourself!

  • Take your hands off!

  • Let me show you what I got!

  • Cow!

  • Cow, are you alright?

  • Don't move! Sit down...

  • I love to fight.

  • Ying Chun!

  • Cow!

  • Cow!

  • Stop!

  • Why did you hit us?

  • You're bullying the weak, disregarding the laws.

  • Go!

  • Cow!

  • Cow...

  • Gao Shing!

  • No more fight, let's gp...

  • You're lucky today, I let you off for this.

  • Go!

  • Master.

  • That's really outrageous.

  • What happened?

  • Gao Shing came messing up the place and Cow got hurt.

  • Wing Chun, he molested your cousin.

  • Bro Cow, you'd better see the doctor.

  • I will report the case.

  • Don't stir up the trouble, forget it.

  • No way!

  • He hurt Bro Cow and molested my cousin.

  • And our shop is such a mess, we can't let him off.

  • No... my stomach is killing me...

  • I can't hold it anymore, I gotta go.

  • Cow...

  • Cousin.

  • Why is everyone so strange?

  • They all have diarrhea.

  • What about Leung Bao Chou?

  • He's fine, his kung-fu is quite good.

  • He blocked Gao Shing for Cow and saved him.

  • He has diarrhea too, he just went out.

  • Cousin...

  • Cheerful Brothel

  • Thanks.

  • Sir, which girl are you looking for?

  • No.

  • Buddy, I am here for another mission.

  • I have to catch Ng Mui and other rebels from Shaolin.

  • Good! I would help you out

  • and double up for you.

  • You rascal! I'm out of here...

  • Master Gao...

  • This way, Master Gao.

  • This way...

  • Who are you?

  • I'm here to ask for justice!

  • Someone help...

  • Help!

  • You wanna go down? Let me help you!

  • Let me help you then!

  • Up there! Over there!

  • Master...

  • Where the hell have you been?

  • Are you hurt?

  • Your kung-fu is quite good, who taught you that?

  • Are you alright?

  • It's okay.

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • It's on fire...

  • Go.

  • Master, watch out...

  • I know who she is.

  • She is Yim Wing Chun from the tofu shop.

  • Leung Bao Chou, am I wildful?

  • Being willful for justice, that's your character.

  • And you're an emotional person.

  • Am I wrong?

  • No.

  • Even if you are, it's my fault.

  • Why?

  • I can't stop you from getting wrong, that's my responsibility.

  • So it's my fault.

  • Even if you're wrong

  • as long as you don't admit that, it's not your fault though.

  • It's all my fault.

  • Why did you say that?

  • Because you're my wife.

  • My wife will never be wrong.

  • Having held your hand

  • I'll be with you forever.

  • Everlasting and unchanging.

  • Is Wing Chun's kung-fu taught by a nun?

  • Dunno.

  • Her moves are completely different from before.

  • Master, I do remember that.

  • I saw a woman before, she seemed to be a nun.

  • When was it?

  • Last time you fought with Wing Chun.

  • But she vanished in a blink.

  • Do you think she's a ghost?

  • It should be her.

  • Ng Mui.

  • She must be hiding in the town.

  • Search the whole town.

  • We have to get her!

  • But the town is so big, it would be hard.

  • We should lure her out.

  • Who is the boss here? Come here!

  • I am, what is it?

  • Get him!

  • Easy...

  • Why did you get him?

  • Go!

  • Stop!

  • I heard that your tofu pudding's nice.

  • I'd like to try.

  • Cow, you go ahead.

  • It's so nice.

  • I'd like to meet the one who made such yummy food.

  • Sir, I made it.

  • I'm Yim Yi, thanks for your praise.

  • Do you have any secret recipe?

  • No, I was learning while I was making it.

  • With an honest operation, the most important is to have the heart.

  • What an honest person, good.

  • Is there an Abbess Ng Mui here?

  • No...

  • Do you know where she lives?

  • Dunno.

  • I know nun loves to eat tofu.

  • You just didn't notice as she came, right?

  • Think it thoroughly.

  • I've never seen a nun in town.

  • And we also serve meat here.

  • As long as she's a good customer, whether she's a nun or what,

  • we would serve.

  • This little girl is so eloquent.

  • Look at the way you stand, you should know kung-fu.

  • Just a little bit.

  • I do admire girls who know kung-fu.

  • Hope you could keep an eye on that.

  • If there's any news about the nun,

  • please let me know, I won't let you get nothing for that.

  • Who was being rough to this guy just now?

  • Sir, it's me.

  • I get you here to protect the people

  • but you did bully the weak.

  • I hate this most.

  • I will wait for your news.

  • Kam Ying is highly skilled in kung-fu, his move is fierce.

  • If he can't find Ng Mui,

  • he won't give up on this.

  • I have to tell master about this.

  • She must leave at once.

  • No, they are watching you.

  • You can't go.

  • Well, let me do it.

  • Uncle Chicken, as you're so old,

  • they would follow you if you go.

  • Just because I'm old, they wouldn't do anything to me.

  • Absolutely not.

  • They wouldn't have mercy for this.

  • Let Uncle Chicken and I go and distract them

  • then you can go up to the hill from another route.

  • We don't have much time left, that's the only way now.

  • Uncle Chicken...

  • Wing Chun, don't worry.

  • Good man will be blessed.

  • I have known you since you were a child.

  • I still have to attend your wedding though.

  • Dad.

  • I have to pass this barrier.

  • Uncle, you don't have to worry.

  • I will be with her.

  • Wing Chun, you're right.

  • Be kind, but not to be coward.

  • Okay.

  • You guys get going.

  • Watch out!

  • Outflank!

  • Watch out!

  • Go!

  • This way! Go!

  • Go! Go!

  • Uncle Chicken!

  • Uncle Chicken!

  • Never thought... you're so good.

  • I haven't showed them what I got.

  • They are lucky.

  • Wu Yin...

  • Last time, I asked you what you had said to Wing Chun.

  • You haven't told me yet.

  • Just marry me

  • if you have no other choice.

  • I knew that already...

  • Liang Shan village... filled with love.

  • Master!

  • Abbess!

  • Excuse me, have you seen Ng Mui?

  • She left already.

  • She left?

  • Ng Mui.

  • Are you Ng Mui?

  • I am.

  • I'm Kim Ying, I'd like to offer you to work for the imperial government.

  • I'm just a nun, I can do nothing at all.

  • Sir, thanks for your praise.

  • Never mind, as long as you want to.

  • I have given up everything, I just want to follow Buddha's practice.

  • A wise man submits to circumstances.

  • Ng Mui, if you swear allegiance to the imperial government, let bygones be bygones.

  • I promise you would be nicely taken care of.

  • There should be life and death in the world.

  • I did understand that.

  • Shin Mui.

  • They know that we are friends, so they send me to persuade you.

  • I know that you hate me

  • But it's so urgent at that time.

  • For saving you and our baby,

  • so I went back to my master.

  • I thought you would know my reason for that.

  • And I had been looking for you after that

  • but I couldn't find anything.

  • Shin Mui, can we live a life we had previously?

  • I'm willing to give up everything I have.

  • You're willing...

  • Are you willing to give up your wealth?

  • I will, after one thing is settled.

  • What?

  • To help me out by telling me where the four rebels are.

  • Kim Ying. You're so despicable!

  • You're not human for saying something like that!

  • If I can't leave a good name to posterity...

  • I will leave a bad name though.

  • You bastard!

  • You treat human life as nothing for getting your promotion!

  • Woman wants love

  • while man wants power.

  • Anyone who blocks my way would be dead!

  • Are you alright?

  • It's okay.

  • If Ng Mui runs away, you will all be dead.

  • Whether it's dead or alive, wait till you beat me.

  • How dare you!

  • Abbess.

  • Wing Chun!

  • Master!

  • Wing Chun!

  • Are you alright?

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • Bao Chou, go this way with master!

  • Wing Chun, you...

  • Hurry!

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • Abbess!

  • Bao Chou, you go to help Wing Chun

  • She is so kind-hearted, without any hatred.

  • I'm afraid that she would be defeated by Kim Ying.

  • Wing Chun!

  • Wing Chun!

  • Wing Chun! Wing Chun!

  • Bao Chou!

  • Bao Chou!

  • You must hang on...

  • You have to hold on...

  • Bao Chau!

  • Wake up!

  • You can't die...

  • You promised me that

  • you would be with me...

  • forever and ever.

  • Wing Chun!

  • Bao Chou...

  • Bao Chou...

  • You still alive?

  • Abbess said you didn't have that hatred...

  • it'd be hard for you to kill Kim Ying.

  • So... I'd rather die...

  • Why are you so stupid?

  • Grave of Wu Yin Grave of Uncle Chicken

  • Master,

  • let's move to Foshan together.

  • Then I can take care of you.

  • I have my own plan.

  • Bao Chou, take good care of Wing Chun.

  • I will.

  • Abbess, please stay in my place if you go to Foshan.

  • You are so much welcome.

  • That's the deal.

  • Master!

  • What's the name of the fist that you taught me?

  • We have a feeling of affinity, just name it "Wing Chun".

  • Oh!

  • No. 1 tofu in the world!

  • You would have no regrets for eating this.

  • Take care, sir.

  • No. 1 tofu in the world!

  • You would have no regrets for eating this.

  • Sir, please go inside!

  • Yong, serve the customer.

  • No. 1 tofu in the world!

  • You would have no regrets for eating this.

  • Sir, what would you like to have?

  • What would you like to have?

  • We...

  • would like to try everything!

  • Good!

  • A food combo set then!

  • It'll be ready in a minute.

  • Here is the meal.

  • Combo set.

  • Please enjoy it.

  • What's up?

  • Stealing? Beat you up!

  • Beating up?

  • Come on... stop that.

  • It'll be on my treat.

  • Come on, one for you. Take it.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • Good.

  • Everyone will have one

  • You too.

  • Granny, what kind of fist is it? It's so great.

  • Wing Chun.

  • Is Wing Chun famous?

  • Good question!

  • Will I be good at fighting after learning this?

  • Kid, what's your last name?

  • My last name is Ip.

The great master Ip Man once composed the origin of Wing Chun.


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B1 中級

詠春拳(2010年 (Wing Chun (2010))

  • 92 1
    雨夜独行 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日