字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント So next week I'm doing a major giveaway, so don't forget to subscribe and keep an eye out 来週すごいプレゼントがあるから、見逃さない様にチャンネル登録してね for next weeks video for your chance to win something super duper amazing! 超素晴らしいプレゼントが貰えるチャンス! Hey guys, it's Wengie, welcome back to my channel, or welcome if you're new! I hope you guys are having ハイ、ウェンジ―だよ。皆おかえりorようこそ!ステキな一日を過ごせたかな an awesome day! Today I wanted to do a night routine for you guys, and you guys have been requesting this for 今日は「夜の習慣」についてのビデオだよ。ずーっとリクエストしてくれてたよね the longest time. I'm really excited because this video was partnered with Michael Todd, thank you guys so Michael Todd提供のビデオだからすごく楽しみ much for sponsoring this video, I'll be sharing with you guys their Soniclear cleansing brush. Other thing you 協力に感謝します。ソニクリア・クレンジングブラシを皆に紹介するよ guys always ask me about is my bralette, I've linked it down below. So I've included some night routine hacks, いつも皆に聞かれるブラレットもリンクを貼ってるよ。夜の習慣・ハックや DIYs, and tips in there. Of course, this is not a night routine I do every night, cause gosh who has time for DIYとコツ。もちろん毎晩じゃなくて、時間がある時だけ that? If you guys aren't part of my family already, I encourage you guys to join, there's a subscribe button まだ家族の一員じゃない人は是非入ってね。登録ボタンが floating on screen, or if you're on a mobile device it is down below. And if you guys are part of my family, 画面にあるし、スマホなら下にあるよ。すでに一員の人は you know the drill, let's get this video to 15,000 thumbs up, that would make me SO excited. やり方知ってるよね。このビデオが1万5千回イイネになったら、すごく嬉しい Let's get straight on to the video! My hair is caught in my eyelash. さっそくビデオを始めましょう!髪がまつ毛に掛かった The first thing I like to do when I get home is to change my clothes, and yes, that means no pants. 帰宅して始めにする事は着替え。そうパンツを脱ぐ Once I'm comfortable, I basically spend my night either editing, answering emails, or doing some sort of work. 楽ちんになったら、編集やメール返信などの仕事をするよ And a great hack to get me through this time is to use scents that promote concentration and memory, この時間は集中力や記憶力を高める香りを用いるのが良い like lemon, peppermint, and rosemary to help me stay focused and wake me up. レモン、ペパーミント、ローズマリーの香りがおススメ You can either brew a tea for some hydrating aromatherapy, or burn a candle, or use scent sticks at 水分補給にお茶を入れたり、アロマキャンドルやスティックも良いね your desk. Scent associations can help you kick yourself into gear as you start to link this particular その香りのおかげで勉強や仕事がはかどるよ smell to studying or working. こうして仕事をするとお腹がすくから、スナックを用意しよう Now all this hard work is making me hungry. So it's off to grab a snack. ヘルシースナックには人参やセロリがおススメ。チップスが欲しければ A really healthy snack idea is to chop up some carrots and celery, and if you're craving chips actually just try ピタパンをカリッと焼いて、マフィントレイに入れると便利 baking a pita bread until it's crispy. A great hack is to serve these nommies in a place like a muffin tray. これなら分けて入れられるし、ディップも入る It has all the perfect compartments for each little snack and a place for dips. 普通のフムスよりビートルート・フムスの方がカロリー低いし Beetroot hummus is actually much lower in calories than plain hummus, and you can also try パンプキンもあるよ。夏に向けてダイエット中なら、しっかりカロリーチェックしてね other low calorie dips, like this pumpkin one. Check the labels for the lowest calorie dip if you're getting ready for 食べる分だけ最初にとっておくと、食べ過ぎやムダが無い summer. By spooning out your dips first, it means you won't overeat and finish the whole tub. 良いアドバイスだった? Yep, you're welcome. 私のお気に入りは食べながらNetflixを見ること。そう、 My fav thing to do while munching is to, of course, watch Netflix and chill. No, no, not that kind of chill, Netflixを見ながら食べるんだよ。見る物に困ったら just Netflix and chilling with the food. And if you're stuck on a show to watch, consider the documentary or ドキュメンタリーや海外作品も見てみて。日本のアンダーウェアやテラスハウスが大好き foreign sections, I found some great Japanese shows like Atelier and Terrorist House that I have loved just 他の国の文化が知れる、良い方法だよ as much as western shows. It's also a great way to experience other cultures as well. 時間が無い時は、クレンジングブラシでメイクを落とすのも大好き For days when I want to save time, I love to remove my makeup using a cleansing brush, like this one by これはMichael Toddのソニクリア・クレンジングブラシで、 クレンジングや洗顔、角質除去が一度にできる Michael Todd, and this is the Soniclear cleansing brush, and this both removes my makeup, cleanses, and めんどうな日にぴったりだね exfoliates all in one step. So it's perfect for lazy days. ローズミルク・クレンジングは肌に優しくて、しっとり Their [?] cleanser is also super gentle and moisturizing. The brush head is antibacterial and ブラシは抗菌で水が流れてても簡単に洗えて、水に塗れても大丈夫だから really easy to wash under running water, and the whole brush is actually waterproof. シャワー中でも使えて効率がいいね So you can use it while you shower for extra efficiency points. 時間がある時はマスクするのが大好きで、超簡単なDIYはハチミツを使うの When I have time, I love to pamper myself with a mask, and a super easy DIY mask is to actually use honey. ハチミツには抗菌作用があるからニキビケアや予防に最適 Honey is naturally antibacterial so it's great for acne treatment and prevention. And it's also full of 抗酸化作用も豊富でエイジングケアにも良いし、保湿効果が高くて滑らかで antioxidants which really helps with aging, and it's also extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it gives you a 肌の自然なツヤが出るし、お財布にも優しい。スプーンにくっつくと嫌だから natural glow, and it's actually super budget friendly. And I hate it when honey sticks to my spoon. So a great hack まずココナッツオイルを付けると良いよ。肌にも良いし、ハチミツをすくってもツルっと入る is to dip it first in coconut oil, which is also amazing for you skin by the way, and then when you spoon the honey こうするとスプーンに付いた分がムダにならないし out, it'll just slip right out. That way you're not wasting any honey that's sticking on the spoon and you can 正確な量が計れて、片付けも簡単。 accurately measure the recipe out. And plus, it's so much easier to clean. You can mix different ingredients 肌の調子に合わせて、色んな物をミックスして。ニキビには、ハチミツ小さじ2 と シナモン小さじ半分 into honey depending on your skin concerns as well. So if you're suffering from acne, try mixing two teaspoons 乾燥肌にはハチミツ小さじ1 と アボカド小さじ1 と プレーンヨーグルト小さじ1 of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon, for dry skin try mixing one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of 敏感肌にはハチミツ小さじ2 と アロエベラジェル小さじ1 avocado, and one teaspoon of plain yogurt. And for sensitive skin, try two teaspoons of honey with 肌を明るくするなら、ハチミツ小さじ2 と レモン汁小さじ半分 one teaspoon of aloe vera gel, and finally if you want to brighten your complexion, try two teaspoons of honey あとはブラシで塗って、約30分おくと、肌が柔らかくなるよ with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. 待ってる間に、すごく良いムード・ハックを紹介するよ And then all you need to do is use a brush and brush it onto your skin and leave it there for 30 minutes for super 自分が毎日感謝してる事や、 soft skin. And while I'm waiting for the mask, I want to show you guys this great mood hack. 自分の中で発見した気付きや学びを3つ書き出すだけ。 毎日続けると And it is to just simply write down three things you're grateful for every day, and also three reflections or 変化がなくても、より幸福を感じられるの。1か月でもいいから試してみて learnings that you discovered about yourself, just some reflection time. And just by doing this everyday you'll 私にツイートしてくれても良いよ。@Wengieね。 experience that you're happier, without even changing anything else in your life. You have to try this even just 皆の感謝や考えを是非聞かせてね for a month, you can even tweet it to me, my twitter is @Wengie and I'd love to hear all the things you're マスクを洗い流したらスキンケアの時間。まずはトナーね grateful for and all your thoughts. ハーブウォーター・トナーをつけると、リフレッシュできるし After I wash my mask off, it is skin care time. For the first step is toner, and I absolutely love using this 肌に残った汚れも拭き取れる。でも何も付いてないから、さっきのクレンジングの良さが分かるね herb water toner on just a cotton pad, it helps refresh my skin after the mask and also wipes away any そしてSK-Ⅱエッセンスが吸収されるまでパッティングする addition debris I've missed on my skin. You can see how well the cleanser worked because there is nothing これは本当に肌が明るくなるよ。使用を止めた時に on my skin. So after this I take some SK-II essence [?] and pat it onto my skin until it absorbs. 肌にくすみが出ていた事に気付いたの This actually really helps brighten my complexion and I notice when I stop using it, like my skin just looks a bit 冬の保湿のためにShu Uemuraのオイルを最後に使うの more dull than normal. オイルは肌にすごく良いし、マッサージもできるから大好き Now finally, I'm using this Shu Uemura oil as a way to moisturize my skin in winter. I love using 首の下まで顔を押し当て、耳の後ろから鎖骨までプッシュし oils because it's just great for your skin, and it also gives me enough slip to give myself a quick face 顔のむくみや毒素を流し出す massage. Press against your face, working your way down your neck, and then push on the pressure points フルフェイスマッサージに興味がある人は、チュートリアルビデオがあるよ behind your ears down to your collar bone to help flush the bloating and toxins away from your face. ブルー系ライトがリラックスや睡眠の妨げになる事は知ってた?だからナイトタイムには I have linked my face massage tutorial as well if you're interested in a full on face massage. こんな黄色くて温かいトーンのライトやキャンドルに変えてみて Did you know that blue base lighting can make it harder to relax and fall asleep? So swap your nighttime lights スマホ画面もブルーライトを放つから、寝る前のスマホは不眠症を助長するよ for warmer tones, like this warm yellow one I have, fairy lights, or using candles. 睡眠トラブルがある人はスマホの代わりに Also your phone screen can emit the blue light as well, so going on your phone before bed can actually より目に優しい本を読むと、早く眠れるよ contribute to insomnia. So if you have trouble sleeping, try swapping out your phone for an actual だって少し退屈でしょ。Miaも本読む?猫達とベッドでくつろぐのも大好き physical book which is gentler on your eyes, and also helps you fall asleep faster when it gets, この時間が一番幸せ you know, a little bit boring. Mia, do you like reading too? And I love winding down with my kitties on my bed. もう一つのリラックスするコツは、ラベンダーやジャスミンの香りを2、3滴 It is literally the best experience ever. 枕元に掛けるとグッスリ眠れるし、寝返りも減るよ Another great tip for relaxation is to put a few drops of lavender or jasmine scent and hang them near your もっと良い眠りにはアイマッサージもすごくおススメ。機械でも自分の指でも良い pillow for a relaxing sleep, it even helps you toss and turn less during the night. For an even better sleep, 目の疲れが取れる良い方法だよ。一日中スマホやパソコンを使うからね a great tip is to give yourself an eye massage. By using an electronic like myself, or use your fingers. アイマッサージをすると、目の周りの循環を良くして、むくみやクマが減るから And this helps reduce your eye strain cause we're on our phones and computers all day, so it;s really great to 朝起きて、目元がすっきりしてるなんて最高だね de-stress the eyes. Eye massages can improve circulation around the eye area which reduces bloating じゃ、皆おやすみ。良い夢を and dark circles, which is a total bonus as well when you wake up in the morning your eyes will look much ビデオを見て何が一番良いハックだったか、是非教えてね clearer. So goodnight guys, and sweet dreams. 皆とまったりできて楽しかった。バイバイ皆大好き! Let me know which is your favourite hack or tip that you found out today on this video, I would love to know. It's been so fun chilling with you guys, bye guys, love you! [music] [laughter] [more laughter]
B1 中級 日本語 豪 小さじ ハチミツ クレンジング 良い スマホ ブラシ 試してみたい夜の日課ハック&DIYS (Night Routine Hacks & DIYS You Should Try) 232 14 kath_chaste に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語