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  • I try, I try to hold my tears in eyes. I love you, I cannot deny. I hide my feelings all inside. Funny guy!

  • I lie, I lie about everything I fight. I know that I am kind of shy. A general friend here I am. Never mind !

  • I wait for your care, (what can I do?). I'll be always there, (just give me a chance).

  • Nothing gonna change my love for you. I miss you every night. How can I leaving your sight.

  • You give me a sign. I only wanna be your friend. Never say so.

  • I find, in your heart I am just a friend. I lost my heart.

  • I appreciate you make me know how to decide. But I can’t refuse my true heart I should confess.

  • So I, cannot only be your friend. I just can't be your friend.

  • I lie, I lie about everything I fight. I know that I am kind of shy. A general friend here I am. Never mind !

  • I wait for your care, (what can I do?). I'll be always there, (just give me a chance).

  • Nothing gonna change my love for you. I miss you every night. How can I leaving your sight.

  • You give me a sign. I only wanna be your friend. Never say so.

  • I find, in your heart I am just a friend. I lost my heart.

  • I appreciate you make me know how to decide. But I can’t refuse my true heart I should confess.

  • So I, cannot only be your friend. I just can't be your friend.

  • No~,no~,no~, I just can’t be your general friend. I just can’t be your friend.

I try, I try to hold my tears in eyes. I love you, I cannot deny. I hide my feelings all inside. Funny guy!


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A2 初級

聴いて覚える英語・東洋式】デビッド・タオ|普通朋友総合友|英語版 (【聽歌學英文-東洋風】陶喆 David Tao|普通朋友 General friend|英語版)

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    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日