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Today, I am going to show you
翻訳: Keiko Marutani 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
how this tablet and this virtual-reality headset that I'm wearing
今日 みなさんに
is going to completely revolutionize science education.
このタブレットと 私が装着している このバーチャルリアリティ・ヘッドセットが
And I'm also going to show you
科学の授業にどのような革命を もたらすかをお見せしましょう
how it can make any science teacher more than twice as effective.
それと 科学の教師が
But before I show you how all of this is possible,
生徒の学習効率を数段 高められる方法を お見せしましょう
let's talk briefly about why improving the quality of science education
どうすればそのすべてが 可能になるのかをお見せする前に
is so vitally important.
科学の授業の質を高めることが なぜ重要なのかについて
If you think about it,
the world is growing incredibly fast.
And with that growth comes a whole list of growing challenges,
challenges such as dealing with global warming,
その成長の裏側には越えるべき 課題もたくさんあります
solving starvation and water shortages
and curing diseases,
飢餓問題 水不足 病気の根治など
to name just a few.
And who, exactly, is going to help us solve all of these great challenges?
そういった大きな難問解決に いったい誰が手を貸すのでしょうか
Well, to a very last degree, it is these young students.
最終的にはそれは 彼ら若き学生たちなのです
This is the next generation of young, bright scientists.
彼らこそ 若き聡明な 次世代の科学者たちなのです
And in many ways, we all rely on them
様々な面で私たちが 彼らに期待しているのは
for coming up with new, great innovations
to help us solve all these challenges ahead of us.
迫り来るあらゆる難問を 解決してくれることです
And so a couple of years back,
数年ほど前 私は ビジネス・パートナーとともに
my cofounder and I were teaching university students just like these,
大学でこういった感じの 学生を前に教鞭をとっていました
only the students we were teaching looked a little bit more like this here.
私たちが教えていた学生は こんな感じだったんです
And yes, this is really the reality out there
そうです これが現実なのです
in way too many universities around the world:
学生が退屈してしまって 興味をなくし
students that are bored, disengaged
なぜ それを学ぶのか 理由さえわからなくなる
and sometimes not even sure why they're learning about a topic in the first place.
そんなことが 世界中のあまりにも
So we started looking around for new, innovative teaching methods,
but what we found was quite disappointing.
そこで私たちは 斬新な教え方が ないものかと探したのですが
We saw that books were being turned into e-books,
blackboards were being turned into YouTube videos
私たちが目にしたのは 本がデジタル書籍になり
and lecture hall monologues were being turned into MOOCs --
massive open online courses.
大ホールでの授業が MOOC すなわち
And if you think about it,
大規模オープンオンライン講座に なっていく様子でした
all we're really doing here is taking the same content
and the same format,
ここでしていることは 同じ内容を
and bringing it out to more students --
which is great, don't get me wrong, that is really great --
but the teaching method is still more or less the same,
素晴らしいことではあるんですよ 誤解しないでくださいね
no real innovation there.
でもどちらかといえば 依然として教え方は同じで
So we started looking elsewhere.
What we found was that flight simulators had been proven over and over again
ですから私たちは他で 探すことにしたのです
to be far more effective.
それで わかったのですが フライトシミュレータを
when used in combination with real, in-flight training to train the pilots.
And so we thought to ourselves:
非常に効果があがることが 繰り返し証明されていたのです
Why not just apply that to science?
それを科学の授業に応用することを 思いついたのです
Why not build a virtual laboratory simulator?
仮想ラボシミュレータを 造るのはどうかと思ったのです
Well, we did it.
それで やってみました
We basically set out to create
私たちが目指したのは 基本的に
a fully simulated, one-to-one, virtual reality laboratory simulator,
完全再現した 個人対応型の仮想現実ラボを作り
where the students could perform experiments
with mathematical equations
that would simulate what would happen in a real-world lab.
数式に基づく実験を 疑似体験できるようにすることです
But not just simple simulations --
we would also create advanced simulations
with top universities like MIT,
最先端のがんに関する研究を 学生に教えられるようなレベルの
to bring out cutting-edge cancer research to these students.
先進のシミュレータを 制作することにしたのです
And suddenly, the universities could save millions of dollars
by letting the students perform virtual experiments
before they go into the real laboratory.
大学は いきなり何百万ドルもの経費を 節約できるようになりました
And not only that; now, they could also understand --
それだけではなく 学生は
even on a molecular level inside the machine --
疑似装置の中で何が起きているのか 分子レベルで
what is happening to the machines.
And then they could suddenly perform
その上 実験室では危険すぎる実験まで できるようになったのです
dangerous experiments in the labs as well.
For instance also here,
重要なテーマでありながら 安全性を理由に多くの学校で
learning about salmonella bacteria, which is an important topic
教えることができなかった サルモネラ菌について学ぶことができるのです
that many schools cannot teach for good safety reasons.
それに もちろん テストをした後
And we, of course, quiz the students
and then give the teachers a full dashboard,
so they fully understand where the students are at.
しかし それだけではありません
But we didn't stop there,
because we had seen just how important meaning is
意味を理解することが とても重要だからです
for the students' engagement in the class.
So we brought in game designers
楽しくて引き込まれるような ストーリーを考えだしたのです
to create fun and engaging stories.
例えば この授業で学生は
For instance, here in this case,
ドラマ『CSI:科学捜査班』のような 殺人ミステリーを
where the students have to solve a mysterious CSI murder case
学習課題の科学的知識を駆使して 解決しなくてはなりません
using their core science skills.
And the feedback we got when we launched all of this
返ってきた反応は 非常に肯定的でした
was quite overwhelmingly positive.
Here we have 300 students,
CSIの殺人ミステリーに 真剣に取り組みながら
all passionately solving CSI murder cases
while learning core science skills.
And what I love the most about this
授業の後 学生が すっかり驚いて 戸惑い気味に
is really when the students come up to me sometimes afterwards,
all surprised and a little confused,
and say, "I just spent two hours in this virtual lab,
途中でFacebookを一度も見なかった」 と言った時でした
and ... and I didn't check Facebook."
学生にとって それほど身を入れ 没頭できるということなのです
That's how engaging and immersive this really is for the students.
実際にどのような 効果があったのかを理解するために
And so, to investigate whether this really worked,
学習心理学者が160名の学生を 調査しました
a learning psychologist did a study with 160 students --
被験者はスタンフォード大学と デンマーク工科大学の学生です
that was from Stanford University and Technical University of Denmark.
And what they did is split the students into two groups.
ひとつのグループは 仮想ラボシミュレータを使い
One group would only use the virtual laboratory simulations,
もうひとつのグループは従来の 教え方で学びました
the other group would only use traditional teaching methods,
両グループとも 授業時間の長さは同じです
and they had the same amount of time.
Then, interestingly,
they gave the students a test before and after the experiment,
実験の前後に テストが実施されました
so they could clearly measure the learning impact of the students.
And what they found
仮想ラボを使うと 従来の学習方法より
was a surprisingly high 76 percent increase in the learning effectiveness
学習効率がなんと76%も 高まったことがわかりました
when using virtual laboratories over traditional teaching methods.
But even more interestingly,
the second part of this study investigated
学習に対する教師の影響力についても 調査したのです
what the teacher's impact was on the learning.
And what they found
仮想ラボと 教師による 手ほどきや指導を組み合わせると
was that when you combined the virtual laboratories
with teacher-led coaching and mentoring,
向上するということが 判明したのです
then we saw a total 101 percent increase in the learning effectiveness,
つまり かけた時間が同じでも 教師の影響力は
which effectively doubles the science teacher's impact
with the same amount of time spent.
So a couple of months back,
we started asking ourselves --
学習心理学者、教師、科学者 ゲームデベロッパなど
we have a wonderful team now of learning psychologists
素晴らしい専門家のチームが あるわけですが
and teachers and scientists and game developers --
どうすれば 新たな教育の概念を
and we started asking ourselves:
How can we keep ourselves to our promise
私たちは自分たちに 問い続けることにしたのです
of constantly reimagining education?
そして今日ここで 皆さんに 私たちが考案したことと
And today, I am really excited to be presenting what we came up with
そして非常に苦労して制作してきたものを 発表できることを嬉しく思います
and have been working incredibly hard to create.
I will explain briefly what this is.
基本的には携帯電話を使います ー
Basically, I take my mobile phone --
すでに殆どの学生がスマホを 持っていますから ー
most students already have these, smartphones --
スマホをこの安価な VRゴーグルにつなぎます
and I plug it into this virtual-reality headset, a low-cost headset.
And now what I can effectively do is,
I can literally step into this virtual world.
会場にいらっしゃる何人かにも 試してもらいましょうね
We'll have some of you in the audience also get to try this,
とにかく実際に体験してもらうと いかに没入感を得られるかが
because it is really something that you have to try
to fully feel how immersive it really is.
この仮想ラボ空間に まるで 本当に足を踏み入れたように感じます
It literally feels like I just stepped inside this virtual lab.
Do you see me up on the screen?
Great! Awesome.
たった今 私の携帯電話は 百万ドルクラスの
So basically, I have just turned my mobile phone
操作可能な すごい装置一式が揃う アイビーリーグ大学の研究室を
into a fully simulated, million-dollar Ivy League laboratory
with all this amazing equipment that I can interact with.
例えば このピペットを使って 実験をすることができます
I can, for instance, pick up the pipette and do experiments with it.
ここにはE-GelもあればPCR装置も ああ みてください
I have my E-gel, my PCR and -- oh, look there,
次世代シークエンサー (NGSM)も
I have my next-generation sequencing machine,
and there I even have my electron microscope.
そうです 電子顕微鏡を 携帯できるなんてすごいでしょう
I mean, who's carrying around an electron microscope in their pocket?
And here I have my machine,
このマシンを使って さまざまな実験が可能です
I can do different experiments on the machine.
And over here I have the door,
他の実験室で 別の実験ができます
I can go into other experiments,
I can perform in the laboratories.
And here, I have my learning tablet.
関連する理論を検索し 読むことができます
This is an intelligent tablet
ご覧のように インタラクティブに反応します
that allows me to read about relevant theory.
今ここで行っている実験に関連する ビデオや情報を閲覧できるのです
As you can see, I can interact with it.
I can watch videos and see content that is relevant
マリーは私の先生というか ラボアシスタントで
to the experiment that I'm performing right now.
Then over here, I have Marie.
She is my teacher -- my lab assistant --
and what she does is guides me through this whole laboratory.
今私がいる この擬似空間に テレポートして
And very soon,
この実験全体を通して手助けしたり 指導したりできるようになります
the teachers will be able to literally teleport themselves
into this virtual world that I'm in right now
もっとかっこいいものを お見せしましょう
and help me, guide me, through this whole experiment.
And now before I finalize this,
I want to show you an even cooler thing, I think --
something you cannot even do in real laboratories.
This is a PCR machine.
I'm now going to start this experiment.
試してください 本当に小さくなった気がしますから
And what I just did is literally shrunk myself a million times
into the size of a molecule --
and it really feels like it, you have to try this.
So now it feels like I'm standing inside the machine
試験管内で 私たちの体内で起こるのと同じように
and I'm seeing all the DNA, and I see the molecules.
I see the polymerase and the enzymes and so forth.
複製されていく様子が ここで観察できます
And I can see how in this case,
あらゆることがどう作用するかを 理解することができます
DNA is being replicated millions of times,
これらの新しい教え方に 可能性が詰まっていることを
just like it's happening inside your body right now.
皆さんに少しでも感じ取って もらえればと思います
And I can really feel and understand how all of this works.
Now, I hope that gives you a little bit of a sense
今 見ていただいたことは全部 VRゴーグルがなくても
of the possibilities in these new teaching methods.
And I want to also emphasize
that everything you just saw also works on iPads and laptops
次世代の科学者たちに 力を与え奮起してもらうために
without the headsets.
I say that for a very important reason.
In order for us to really empower and inspire
the next generation of scientists,
科学教育で 次の大きな 飛躍的進歩を果たすには
we really need teachers to drive the adoption
of new technologies in the classroom.
教室の中で使用可能な これらの技術を
And so in many ways,
I believe that the next big, quantum leap in science education
教師側の決断次第であると 私たちは信じています
lies no longer with the technology,
ですからさらに多くの 大学や学校 そして教師が
but rather with the teachers' decision
to push forward and adopt these technologies
可能性を実現することを 願っています
inside the classrooms.
And so it is our hope that more universities and schools and teachers
私自身に夢を与えてくれた ちょっとした逸話を
will collaborate with technology companies
to realize this full potential.
And so,
lastly, I'd like to leave you with a little story
that really inspires me.
And that is the story of Jack Andraka.
ジャックがどのように その大発明をしたのかを説明した時に
Some of you might already know him.
そこにいたるまでに 突き当たった壁についても
Jack invented a new, groundbreaking low-cost test for pancreatic cancer
at the age 15.
その壁とは 経験不足という理由で
And when Jack shares his story of how he did this huge breakthrough,
ラボへのアクセスが 許可されなかったことでした
he also explains that one thing almost prevented him
from making this breakthrough.
数百万ドルの設備の仮想ラボを 世界中にいるジャックのような
And that was that he did not have access to real laboratories,
生徒たちに差し出し 考えうる限りの
because he was too inexperienced
最新で最先鋭の機械を 与えることができたらどうでしょう
to be allowed in.
どんな科学者だって そのような環境を与えられたら
Now, imagine if we could bring
Ivy League, million-dollar virtual laboratories
想像してください そういう環境が
out to all these students just like Jack,
革新的な発想で世界を変えようとしている 次世代の才能ある若い科学者たちに
all over the world,
大きな力と新たな発想を 与える様子を
and give them the latest, greatest, most fancy machines you can imagine
that would quite literally make any scientist in here
jump up and down out of pure excitement.
And then imagine how that would empower and inspire
a whole new generation of young and bright scientists,
ready to innovate and change the world.
Thank you very much.