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  • >> DAVID J MALAN: All right, so this is CS50.

  • And this is clearly a Friday.

  • And this is the end of week one.

  • So you may recall that we left off, last time, with a cliffhanger of sorts.

  • Whereby we expose this lie, that no matter what you've been taught growing

  • up, 1 divided by 10 is not, in fact, 0.1 or 0.100 or 0.10000.

  • In fact, if we compile this program, as we did yesterday, with,

  • make imprecision, and then do dot, slash, imprecision,

  • we learned that this is what's 1 divided by 10 actually is.

  • So that's not really quite the case.

  • But this does hint at some fundamental limitation of computers.

  • And indeed, among the things we're going to do

  • today is take a look at why this has happened, what implications this has,

  • how humanity has failed to grasp this in some very

  • serious situations-- the result of the which

  • has been quite tragic and expensive-- and also

  • take a look at how we can actually defend

  • against these kinds of limitations.

  • So intuitively, perhaps, why is 1 divided by 10,

  • according to my computer here, not just 1/10, 0.10?

  • Yeah.

  • What do you think?

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: The radix is different?

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: The what is?

  • Oh, the radix is different?

  • So not quite.

  • It's actually more fundamental to the hardware.

  • Other thoughts?

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE MEMBER: They represent numbers differently?

  • DAVID J MALAN: So they-- Right.

  • They represent numbers differently.

  • Inaccurately, apparently.

  • So that is-- Well, differently from what?

  • Or from whom?

  • From us?


  • They don't use the decimal system to [INAUDIBLE].


  • So in a sense, they don't use the decimal system.

  • Underneath the hood, everything is, indeed, binary,

  • and that's related, in fact.

  • But it's even a simpler explanation than that.

  • Yeah.

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: They only have so many bits.

  • They can only store up to a certain extent, like with the decimals.

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Yeah.

  • This is what's really getting at it.

  • It turns out that computers typically, will always only

  • use a finite amount of information to represent something.

  • Right?

  • After all, we only have a fixed amount of hard disk space.

  • We only have a fixed amount of RAM, or computer memory.

  • And if you only have a fixed amount of something,

  • surely you can't actually count up to infinity or any number you want.

  • You, kind of, have to pick and choose what range

  • of values you're going to support.

  • >> And so for instance, a week or two ago, when we talked about ASCII,

  • and we talked about 8 bits, or a byte, so to speak,

  • the biggest number we could represent with 8 bits was what?

  • 255.

  • And we can represent 256 total values but not if we spend one of them

  • on 0-- Well, but if we spend one of them on 0,

  • then the biggest number is, of course, 255.

  • >> So it turns out, that this is the case too, in this context.

  • We started talking, last time, about floating-point numbers, which

  • are different from integers, in that they have a decimal point

  • and, hopefully, some numbers after that, but they are too.

  • A computer is only typically going to use 32 bits, maybe 64 bits

  • to represent a floating point value.

  • So even though we've grown up learning mathematics and knowing

  • that you can absolutely have an infinite number of numbers

  • after the decimal point, not if you have finite memory.

  • You, kind of, have to round, or pick and choose which

  • numbers you're going to represent.

  • And so you can think of, in a sense, this being the computer's closest

  • approximation to the value 1/10 that it can get, with just 32 or so bits.

  • And it's not just 1/10.

  • >> For instance, if I change this to 1/3, which we think is even simpler.

  • So 1 divided by 3.

  • Let me save the file.

  • Let me go ahead and recompile it.

  • And let me re-run it.

  • Here too, apparently, 1/3 is not 0.3 and then an infinite number of 3's

  • thereafter.

  • You have this imprecision at the end.

  • So we humans are correct, and what you learned is, in fact, correct,

  • but we're bumping up against some limitations.

  • >> And what I thought we'd do today, is begin

  • by looking at, frankly, the tragic consequences of this

  • sometimes, when mankind does not quite implement

  • for this reality and these limitations.

  • And we'll see a series of vignettes from the History Channel that takes

  • a look at how things have gone wrong.

  • It's about 8 minutes long, and we'll come back after this

  • and take a look at exactly what else can go wrong.

  • If we could dim the lights--


  • >> -Computers, we've all come to accept the often frustrating problems that

  • go with them.

  • Bugs, viruses, and software glitches are small prices

  • to pay for the convenience.

  • But in high-tech and high-speed military and space program applications,

  • the smallest problem can be magnified into disaster.

  • On June 4, 1996, scientists prepared to launch an unmanned Ariane 5 rocket.

  • It was carrying scientific satellites designed

  • to establish precisely how the Earth's magnetic field interacts

  • with solar winds.

  • The rocket was built for the European Space Agency

  • and lifted off from its facility on the coast of French Guiana.

  • >> -And about 30 seconds into the flight, they first

  • noticed something was going wrong.

  • That the nozzles were swiveling in a way they really shouldn't.

  • Around 40 seconds into the flight, clearly the vehicle was in trouble,

  • and that's when they made the decision to destroy it.

  • A Range Safety Officer with tremendous guts pressed the button,

  • blew up the rocket before it could become a hazard to public safety.

  • >> -This was the maiden voyage of the Ariane 5,

  • and its destruction took place because of a flaw

  • embedded in the rocket's software.

  • -The problem on the Ariane was that there

  • was a number that required 64 bits to express,

  • and he wanted to convert it to a 16 bit number.

  • They assumed that the number was never going to be very big,

  • that most of those digits in the 64 bit number were 0's.

  • They were wrong.

  • >> -The inability of one software program to accept

  • the kind of number generated by another was at the root of the failure.

  • Software development had become a very costly part of new technology.

  • The Ariane 4 rocket had been very successful, so much of the software

  • created for it was also used on the Ariane 5.

  • >> -The basic problem was that the Ariane 5 was faster, accelerated faster.

  • And the software hadn't accounted for that.

  • >> -The destruction of the rocket was a huge financial disaster,

  • all due to a minute software error.

  • But this wasn't the first time data conversion problems

  • had plagued modern rocket technology.

  • >> -In 1991, with the start of the First Gulf War,

  • the Patriot missile experienced a similar kind

  • of number conversion problem.

  • As a result, 28 people, 28 American soldiers

  • were killed and about 100 others wounded,

  • when the Patriot, which was supposed to protect against incoming scuds,

  • failed to fire a missile.

  • >> -When Iraq invaded Kuwait and America launched Desert Storm in early 1991,

  • Patriot missile batteries were deployed to protect Saudi Arabia and Israel

  • from Iraqi Scud missile attacks.

  • The Patriot is a US, medium-range surface-to-air system

  • manufactured by the Raytheon company.

  • >> -The size of the Patriot interceptor, itself, is about, roughly 20 feet long.

  • And it weighs about 2000 pounds.

  • And it carries a warhead of about-- I think it's roughly 150 pounds.

  • And the warhead, itself, is a high explosive,

  • which has fragments around it.

  • The casing of the warhead is designed to act like buckshot.

  • >> -The missiles are carried, 4 per container,

  • and are transported by a semi-trailer.

  • >> -The Patriot anti missile system goes back at least 20 years now.

  • It was originally designed as an air defense missile

  • to shoot down enemy airplanes.

  • In the First Gulf War, when that war came along,

  • the Army wanted to use it to shoot down scuds, not airplanes.

  • The Iraqi Force was not so much of a problem,

  • but the Army was worried about scuds.

  • And so they tried to upgrade the Patriot.

  • >> -Intercepting an enemy missile traveling at mach five

  • was going to be challenging enough.

  • But when the Patriot was rushed into service,

  • the Army was not aware of an Iraqi modification that made

  • their scuds nearly impossible to hit.

  • >> -What happened, is the scuds that were coming in, were unstable,

  • they were wobbling.

  • The reason for this, was the Iraqis, in order

  • to get 600 kilometers out of a 300 kilometer range missile,

  • took weight out of the front warhead and made the warhead lighter.

  • So now, the Patriot's trying to come at the scud, and most of the time,

  • the overwhelming majority of the time, it would just fly by the scud.

  • >> -Once the Patriot system operators realized the Patriot missed its target,

  • they detonated the Patriot's warhead, to avoid possible casualties if it

  • was allowed to fall to the ground.

  • >> -That was what most people saw, those big fireballs in the sky,

  • and misunderstood as intercepts of Scud warheads.

  • Although in the night skies, Patriots appeared

  • to be successfully destroying scuds, at Dhahran,

  • there could be no mistake about its performance.

  • There, the Patriot's radar system lost track of an incoming Scud,

  • and never launched, due to a software flaw.

  • It was the Israelis who first discovered that the longer the system was on,

  • the greater the time discrepancy became, due to a clock embedded

  • in the system's computer.

  • >> -About 2 weeks before the tragedy in Dhahran,

  • the Israelis reported to the Defense Department,

  • that the system was losing time, that after about 8 hours of running,

  • they noticed that the system was becoming noticeably less accurate.

  • The Defense Department responded by telling all of the Patriot batteries

  • to not leave the systems on for a long time.

  • They never said what a long time was.

  • 8 hours?

  • 10 hours?

  • 1000 hours?

  • Nobody knew.

  • -The Patriot battery stationed at the barracks

  • at Dhahran, and its flawed internal clock, had been on over 100 hours

  • on the night of February 25.

  • >> -It tracked time to an accuracy of about 1/10 of a second.

  • Now 1/10 of a second is an interesting number

  • because it can't be expressed in binary, exactly.

  • Which means, it can't be expressed, exactly,

  • in any modern digital computer.

  • It's hard to believe, but use this as an example.

  • Let's take the number, 1/3.

  • 1/3 cannot be expressed in decimal, exactly.

  • 1/3 is 0.333 going on for infinity.

  • There's no way to do that, with absolute accuracy, in decimal.

  • That's exactly the same kind of problem that happened in the Patriot.

  • The longer the system ran, the worse the time error became.

  • >> -After 100 hours of operation, the error in time was only about 1/3 of a second.

  • But in terms of targeting a missile traveling at mach 5,

  • it resulted in a tracking error of over 600 meters.

  • It would be a fatal error for the soldiers at Dhahran.

  • >> -What happened, is a Scud launch was detected by early-warning satellites,

  • and they new that the Scud was coming in their general direction.

  • They didn't know where it was coming.

  • >> -It was now up to the radar component of the Patriot system,

  • defending Dhahran, to locate and keep track of the incoming enemy missile.

  • >> -The radar was very smart.

  • It would actually track the position of the Scud

  • and then predict where it probably would be,

  • the next time, the radar sent a pulse out.

  • That was called the range gate.

  • >> -Then, once the Patriot decides enough time has

  • passed to go back and check the next location for this detected object,

  • it goes back.

  • So when it went back to the wrong place, it then sees no object

  • and it decides that there was no object, it was a false detection,

  • and drops the track.

  • The incoming Scud disappeared from the radar screen,

  • and seconds later, it slammed into the barracks.

  • The Scud killed 28 and was the last one fired during the First Gulf War.

  • Tragically, the updated software arrived at Dhahran the following day.

  • The software flaw had been fixed, closing

  • one chapter in the troubled history of the Patriot missile.


  • >> DAVID J MALAN: So we'll take a look at some similar limitations in just a bit.

  • But first, let's transition to a few FYI's.

  • So one-- this weekend, there will be super sections,

  • which are meant to supplant regularly scheduled sections, which

  • will start up a week hence.

  • Take a look at the CS50's website for more information on those.

  • They will also be filmed and streamed live for those unable to attend.

  • Problem set 1 is on the course's website already,

  • and we'll take a look at that in just a little bit.

  • And office hours too, will take place this Monday through Thursday.

  • >> So this was the most canonical program we looked at last time.

  • It's like the simplest program you can write in C,

  • and even that's a bit of a bold claim.

  • Right?

  • Because there's a lot of seeming complexity to this.

  • So let's take a quick look at what some of these elements

  • were and then try to provide a mental model for how

  • these simplest of programs work, and then we'll start

  • looking at things ever more complex.

  • So this line here, highlighted now, in yellow, what did we say, last time,

  • that this does for us?

  • What's the purpose it serves?

  • Anyone from farther back?

  • Yeah.


  • DAVID J MALAN: Good.

  • So it gives you access to commands, or let's

  • call them functions, that someone else wrote, that are declared,

  • so to speak, in some other file.

  • So we'll see exactly what a .h file is versus a .c file, eventually.

  • But for now, just know that printf, for instance,

  • is among the functions that have been declared in some other file, somewhere

  • else on the cloud's hard drive that allows us to access printf and use it

  • without having to reinvent that wheel ourselves.

  • Meanwhile, main.

  • What was the analog of main, last week?

  • Yeah.

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Green flag is clicked.

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Yeah.

  • Scratch's, when green flag clicked.

  • It's like the puzzle piece that kicks things off.

  • And so similarly, did the world decided some years ago that in C,

  • and a bunch of other languages, if you want to write a program,

  • your first function has to be called, main.

  • And it has to look like this.

  • But we'll come back, another time, to what, int,

  • and, void, mean in that context.

  • For now, the curly braces are kind of like Scratch's puzzle piece shape

  • that encapsulates some number of lines.

  • And among on the lines here, is this one here.

  • printf is a function whose purpose in life is to print a formatted string.

  • And by formatted, I mean you can plug in placeholder values,

  • and you can specify how many decimal points, how many numbers to print

  • after a decimal point and the like.

  • And printf, of course, takes one or more arguments or parameters,

  • otherwise known, more simply, as inputs.

  • >> So printf, like a lot of functions, takes inputs.

  • And those inputs are embraced by the two parentheses here.

  • And inside of those is one input.

  • It's a string, as we've called it, which is just a sequence of characters,

  • like a word, or a phrase, or a whole essay even, in between double quotes.

  • And that's what's going to influence the behavior of printf because, of course,

  • it's just a generic print function.

  • It's not going to know what to print, unless you tell it.

  • And then, some minutiae.

  • What did we say this weird sequence of symbols is?

  • Yeah.

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: New line.

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: New line.

  • So it turns out, you can't just hit, enter, when you're writing the program.

  • Generally, the compiler is going to get a little confused as to what you mean.

  • Rather, you have to literally say, give me a new line here.

  • And so /n is what we generally call an escape character.

  • So n, for new line.

  • And the compiler knows that when it sees /n,

  • it should actually induce the computer, ultimately, or printf, in this case,

  • to print out an actual new line, like hitting the, enter,

  • key on your keyboard.

  • And lastly, what did we say this piece of syntax is for?

  • What does it represent?

  • Yeah.


  • >> DAVID J MALAN: It's just the end of the line.

  • It's the end of the statement.

  • And realize that we don't put them everywhere.

  • We certainly don't put them at the ends of every line.

  • For instance, there's none on the first line, there's none on the line

  • with, main, there's none after the curly braces,

  • but you'll start to see and get familiar with where it's called for.

  • And it's almost always after a function call or a statement, some action

  • that you're actually taking.

  • >> And know now, especially if among those less comfortable,

  • these are the kinds of stupid things that you'll end up accidentally banging

  • your head against the wall over.

  • Because you'll be logically confident in some problem

  • you've solved for a problem set, and the damn thing just

  • won't compile or even run.

  • And so often, early on, it's going to be because you missed a parenthesis,

  • or you missed a semicolon.

  • And so just be mindful of these kinds of things,

  • and try not to get frustrated by them because very quickly does this

  • become old hat.

  • But it's very easy to get frustrated early on, as a result.

  • >> So now, let's take a look at how this line is actually working

  • and then look at a slightly more complicated one.

  • So we have over here, the ability to draw on this screen.

  • And let's suppose that this is my computer screen,

  • but I am writing the, hello program, and I have not implemented, printf.

  • Someone else has implemented, printf.

  • Who would like to claim to have implemented, printf?

  • If we may?

  • All right, what's your name?

  • >> STUDENT 1: [? Copal. ?]

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Copal, come on up.

  • Come on up.

  • All right.

  • So we have, here, some name tags, since we'll make a little game of this.

  • And we will call you, printf.

  • And if you want to come over here, what I've just drawn on the screen,

  • it's quite simply, there's me, this.

  • >> All right, so, hello my name is, printf, if you'd like to put that on.

  • All right.

  • And if you can go stand by the computer screen

  • as though you are the function that came with this computer system.

  • And your purpose in life is to actually print something.

  • But much like the program we just had on the screen, here,

  • we're going to have to actually give you some input.

  • >> And so, if my input, here, is apparently, what is passed to printf,

  • let's kind of mock it up like this.

  • I'm going to literally write on a piece of paper, "hello, world,"

  • backslash N. And to be clear, what I've just drawn on this piece of paper,

  • looks like this.

  • So when I run this program, and this yellow line of code gets executed,

  • it's as though I, the hello program, am handing some input off to a function

  • that someone else wrote.

  • >> And if you, with your finger, could actually, with your finger,

  • draw on the screen whatever it is you have been handed,

  • the effect, ultimately, is to see exactly that, on the screen.

  • And a Little corner case here.

  • And good, we shouldn't see the, new line, at this point.

  • It would be incorrect for you to explicitly draw the newline.

  • But if we kept writing words on the screen, they would end up below that.

  • >> So thank you very much, but stick around here for just one moment.

  • We now need one other volunteer, if we could,

  • that's going to need to play the role of-- It's only people in the orchestra

  • right now.

  • How about-- OK.

  • Right here.

  • Come on up.

  • What's your name?

  • >> STUDENT 2: [? Ivay. ?]

  • DAVID J MALAN: Sorry?

  • STUDENT 2: [? Ivay. ?]

  • DAVID J MALAN: Ethan, come on up.

  • No?

  • Did I get that wrong, even after you said it twice?

  • Come on up.

  • It's hard to hear up here.

  • OK.

  • And I'm sorry, what's your name?

  • >> STUDENT 2: [? Ivay. ?]

  • >> [? DAVID J MALAN: Ivay. ?] OK.

  • For now, if you don't mind, you are GetString.

  • >> STUDENT 2: OK.

  • Cool.

  • DAVID J MALAN: So if you would like to stand here for just a moment,

  • let's take a look at a slightly more complex program, that

  • now has three lines of code.

  • So we have, one, state your name using printf; two, a call to GetString,

  • followed by an assignment to a variable called, string s, or called s;

  • and then another call to, printf, but this time with two inputs.

  • >> So we've already done state your name, or rather, we've

  • already done a printf call.

  • So I'm going to write, State your name.

  • And so, what I'm going to pass, printf, in just a moment,

  • is quite simply, this.

  • So if you want to go ahead and draw this on the screen, that's your input now.

  • All right.

  • And forget string, we now have our own line of code here.

  • So in, GetString, we need to actually call, GetString.

  • So your purpose in life is to just walk out into the orchestra, if you could,

  • and get someone's name.

  • But let's give you something to put it on.

  • If you want to, go ahead and get a string,

  • get someone's name on that piece of paper, if you could.

  • >> All right.

  • And we'll see, in just a moment, whose name we're getting.

  • Meanwhile, what I'm going to have ready, is a blank piece

  • of paper, in which, I'm going to store whatever value it

  • is that GetString is returning to me, I, being a string variable called, s.

  • All right.

  • So what do you have here?

  • Nik.

  • All right.

  • So we have Nik's name here.

  • So this is what literally has been returned

  • to me, so to speak, by GetString.

  • >> I, now, am going to execute the left-hand side

  • of that expression, where I simply copy down, for today's purposes, Nik.

  • So now, I have a variable called, s, storing Nik's name.

  • I've already handed to printf, a previous argument.

  • But in our third and final line of code, I actually have to hand printf

  • something a little different-- "hello, %s," backslash n.

  • >> And so the last line I'm going to send-- the last thing I'm

  • going to write down now, is this.

  • So the two lines of code, or rather the last line of code,

  • calls for two inputs-- one, this, and two, this.

  • So if our printf function can now take these as input,

  • let me clear the screen for you.

  • Actually no, you can go ahead.

  • We'll leave it up, since it's on the same program.

  • We should see, hello, Nik.

  • All right.

  • So this was quite a few hoops to jump through, just

  • to write, state your name, and, hello, Nik.

  • But this simple idea of message passing, of input passing and output receiving,

  • is exactly the model we're going to have for even the most complex functions.

  • So thank you so much to you both.

  • We have a lovely stress ball here for you.

  • And thank you to our GetString and printf volunteers alike.

  • Thank you.

  • All right.

  • Thank you to you both.

  • >> So we've been talking about thus far, mostly about strings.

  • And it turns out that C can actually understand a few different data types.

  • In fact, let's take a look at these here.

  • So C, and a lot of languages, understand things called chars.

  • A char is generally a single byte, or eight bits.

  • And it represents a single character, like the letter A, or the capital

  • letter A, or the lowercase letter A, or an exclamation point,

  • or any character that you can type on your keyboard, and sometimes even more.

  • We also happen to see floats.

  • A float is, generally, a 32-bit value, or four bytes

  • because again, one byte is eight bits.

  • >> So a float is a floating point value, something with a decimal point.

  • And indeed, that's what the movie was talking

  • about when they spoke about floating point values, some fixed number of bits

  • being used to represent a real number.

  • But there's also things called doubles.

  • These exist in Java, if you've taken APCS,

  • and a double, as the name thankfully suggests, is twice as big as a float.

  • It's still a real number, it just has more bits

  • with which to be ever more precise, or to store even larger numbers.

  • int is easy.

  • We talked about that last time.

  • It's just an integer.

  • And it's generally 32 bits, or four bytes.

  • >> And so, if you have, let's see now, 32 bits-- and we did this in week 0,

  • ever so briefly-- if you have 32 bits, what's the biggest

  • number you can represent as an integer?

  • Give or take?

  • It's like 4 billion, and that's only if we're

  • representing positive numbers only.

  • If you have 32 bits, and you want to represent negative numbers as well,

  • your range is, essentially, negative 2 billion to positive 2 billion.

  • But generally, we'll start at 0 go up to 4 billion.

  • >> You don't have to know precisely, but we can see this, in fact, if I just

  • open up a little calculator, here.

  • I can do 2 the 32, and that's exactly how big,

  • how many values you can represent, with 32 bits.

  • And it's roughly 4 billion.

  • So we'll keep seeing that number in a few different places.

  • But if you need longer numbers than that,

  • it turns out there's something called a long long.

  • And a long long is generally 64 bits, which

  • means it's an order of magnitude even bigger than an int.

  • >> So I can't even pronounce the biggest number that you can represent,

  • but it's markedly bigger.

  • Now as an aside, historically, if an int is 32 bits,

  • and a long long is 64 bits, how big is a long, not a long long?

  • You'd think it's longer than an int but maybe less long than a long long,

  • but it actually depends.

  • >> And so it turns out one of the frustrations too,

  • with writing code on certain systems, is that not all of these data types

  • have pre-determined values.

  • Sometimes it's this many bits.

  • Sometimes it's that many bits.

  • So you actually have to know, sometimes, what hardware

  • you're running your software on.

  • Thankfully, other languages and other data types that now exist,

  • allow you to be more precise.

  • Well, we saw string, and we saw bool, too,

  • but it turns out those come only with the CS50 library.

  • So those are not built into C. Those instead,

  • come in that file called CS50.h, that we'll eventually

  • peel back the layers of.

  • But for now, they're just additional data types.

  • A bool is a true or false, and a string is a sequence of characters,

  • like a word.

  • Now printf, we've seen, has placeholders, %s is one.

  • And you might be able, to now, infer from these other examples, how

  • you could have a placeholder for different data types.

  • For instance, take a guess, if you wanted to print out a single char using

  • printf, the placeholder is probably %c.

  • And if you want to print out an integer with the placeholder, %i.

  • %lld is a long long decimal value, but long long, so that maps to that.

  • And then %f for floating point value or for a double,

  • so sometimes they're re-used in different contexts.

  • So we'll see and use some of those over time.

  • And printf and other functions also support others' escape sequences,

  • and sometimes, these are necessary.

  • So backslash n is a new line.

  • Backslash t, does anyone want to take a stab?



  • So if you actually want to print out a tab, not

  • a fixed number of spaces but an actual tab character, you don't hit your,

  • tab, key on the keyboard, generally, you actually do backslash t.

  • Backslash double quote, why would I ever want that?

  • Right?

  • Why can't I just type a double quote on my keyboard?

  • AUDIENCE MEMBER: Because, otherwise, it's

  • going to think it's the end of like your print [? text. ?]

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Exactly.

  • Remember, with our printf examples, when we

  • were passing to printf in input, on the left of that input string

  • and on the right of that input spring, of course, was a double quote.

  • If your own input has a double quote in the middle of that,

  • the computer might potentially get confused, as to,

  • does this double quote belong in the middle?

  • Does it belong with the left one?

  • Does it belong with the right one?

  • And so, if you want to make it super clear, you do backslash double quote,

  • so that it's escaped, so to speak, and it's not conflated for something else.

  • And there's a few others here, backslash r, single quotes, 0,

  • that we may see over time, as well.

  • And now, what about functions?

  • >> So actions that we can take thus far in this language, C, well, we've seen,

  • printf, of course, and all of the others on the screen,

  • here, that we'll use for the course's first few weeks only,

  • come when the CS50 library.

  • And they make it much easier, in C, to actually get user input.

  • It turns out that in C, and frankly in a few languages,

  • it's a real pain in the neck to do something simple, like prompt the user

  • for keyboard, for his or her input.

  • And so these functions make it easier.

  • >> And it also has error checking throughout,

  • so that, when you recall on Wednesday, we

  • saw the, retry, warning, when I didn't cooperate,

  • and I typed a word, instead of a number?

  • We've done the heavy lifting early on to make sure the user cooperates.

  • But these are just training wheels that we will eventually,

  • and quickly, take off.

  • >> So to recap, then, let's take a quick look,

  • much like we did with Scratch, at some canonical constructs in C.

  • This is meant to, sort of, be a whirlwind tour,

  • just so that you have a reference and that you've seen things at first.

  • But then we'll look at actual coding use some of these building blocks.

  • So much like in Scratch, when we had statements like,

  • say or, wait, in C, we do have functions as well, like printf.

  • >> If we want to express a condition in C, it's similar, in spirit,

  • to that puzzle piece that looked like this in Scratch.

  • But instead, we literally just write, if.

  • And then, in parentheses, we put a condition,

  • where that condition is what we'll call, again, a boolean expression.

  • And again, this is sort of pseudocode.

  • And, in fact, the // is a comment.

  • It's just English words to myself.

  • But this is the general structure of an, if, condition.

  • But we'll see concrete examples in just a moment.

  • >> If you want to have a two-way fork in the road,

  • much like we did with our volunteer on Wednesday, you can have an, else if.

  • And if you want to have a third and final condition, or default situation,

  • you can have just an else block, there.

  • And similarly, with boolean expressions, you can, and, them together.

  • And we saw on Wednesday, that it's not a single ampersand,

  • it's two, for lower-level reasons that we'll eventually see and play with.

  • Or-ing things together is 2 vertical bars.

  • On a US keyboard, this is generally a key

  • with the Shift key above your Enter key or Return key.

  • >> Then there's these things that we'll use maybe once or twice.

  • They are functionally equivalent to what you can do with an, if, else if,

  • else if else, construct, but they're called a switch.

  • They look very different, but we'll see in some of our distribution code,

  • for a future problem set, most likely, that it's sometimes just a prettier

  • way of expressing a whole bunch of conditions,

  • without having a lot of curly braces and a lot of parentheses and indentation.

  • But they give us no more power than we have already.

  • And now loops.

  • And this one, we'll look at a little more slowly.

  • But then, we'll start to use these, especially for those already familiar.

  • This is the canonical way, if incredibly arcane way, to write a loop in C.

  • >> Now a loop in Scratch was pretty straightforward.

  • You have a, forever, block.

  • You have a, repeat, block with just a number you have to type in.

  • And with the, for loop, you can implement both of those ideas,

  • but it's a little more technical.

  • But frankly, it's also relatively simple.

  • Once you know the order of operations, you literally

  • are just going to plug in values and tell the computer what to do.

  • So here's an example.

  • This is a loop that, quite simply, counts from one number up

  • through another.

  • And just by glancing at it, even if you have

  • no prior experience with this language, what number

  • does it probably start counting at?

  • OK, 0.

  • And I'm guessing that's because you see that there's an int and an i,

  • which is a variable.

  • It's initialized to 0.

  • >> And then later, it looks like we're passing printf, a value.

  • And, in fact, I made a little typo here.

  • But that's easily fixed.

  • Let me add in ,i here.

  • We now have printf being passed that placeholder value.

  • And what's going to count up through?

  • AUDIENCE: 50.

  • 50.

  • 49.

  • DAVID J MALAN: 49.

  • So 50, at first glance, seems right.

  • But that, it turns out, is going to be our condition that we keep checking.

  • And we're going to stop once i is no longer less than 50.

  • So this loop, conversely, should execute, so long as i is less than 50.

  • But as soon as it becomes 50, or 51, or worse, it should stop automatically.

  • All right.

  • >> So what actually happens here?

  • So this is the order of operations for a loop.

  • One, you have the so-called initialization.

  • This yellow highlighted chunk of code is executed first,

  • and it has the effect that, per Wednesday, you probably imagine.

  • It creates a variable called i and it stores in that variable the value 0.

  • So i is 0 at this point in the story.

  • >> The next thing that happens in this construct,

  • is that the condition gets checked.

  • So I check immediately, is i less than 50?

  • And of course, the answer for now is, surely, yes.

  • Yes, because i is 0, and that's surely less than 50.

  • Then what happens, is that this line of code gets executed.

  • And in fact, if there's multiple lines of code in those curly braces,

  • they all get executed one after another.

  • >> And in the effect here, is apparently, to print out

  • the number i, which is going to be 0, and then 1, and then 2.

  • But why?

  • Why does it get incremented?

  • Well, the fourth thing that happens is that this syntax

  • gets executed, after the semicolon.

  • i++ is a shorthand way of saying; take the value of i, and add 1 to it;

  • and then the next time around, add 1 to it; and the next time around,

  • add 1 to it.

  • >> So if we keep going, what's going to happen

  • next is I'm not going to initialize i ever again.

  • If I kept initializing i to 0, this example

  • would never end because i would be stuck at 0.

  • But what is going to happen is that the condition will be checked,

  • the line of code will get executed, the i will be incremented,

  • condition will be checked, code will get executed.

  • And it kept cycling again, and again, and again,

  • until i++ induces a value of 50.

  • >> The condition then says, is 50 less than 50?

  • The answer, of course, is no, and so the whole code stops executing.

  • And if you have more code on the screen down below, that's what happens next.

  • It pops out of these curly braces and continues to print more after that.

  • >> So a joke now, from FoxTrot, that you'll perhaps now understand.

  • It's always funny.

  • It's like the chuckles kind of percolate,

  • and then you realize you shouldn't be laughing at humor like this.

  • But there is some takeaway here, pedagogically, too.

  • So it turns out that I'm missing a piece of syntax,

  • or FoxTrot's missing a piece of syntax here.

  • What's missing, that we've had in every other example, thus far?

  • Return, is there, so that's something else,

  • that we'll come back to before long.

  • What's missing, though?

  • Yeah.

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: The initialization of [INAUDIBLE].


  • So yeah.

  • So actually, this is-- Well, and count is initialized

  • up above, or rather, declared up above.

  • So this is another way of doing it.

  • But not in one line it's valid though.

  • How about here?

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: Is it the curly braces?

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Yeah.

  • So the curly braces are missing.

  • But this code, I mean, to their credit, is actually, syntactically valid.

  • It turns out, you don't need the curly braces

  • if you only have one line of code that you want to execute inside of the loop.

  • Now we always, in class and in all of our distribution code,

  • include the curly braces anyway, just for clarity's sake.

  • But realize that in textbooks and online examples,

  • you may very well see curly braces missing sometime.

  • And that's OK, if what you have indented and intended

  • is just a single line of code, and not multiple lines of code, potentially.

  • All right.

  • So related to the issue of imprecision, is an issue of overflow,

  • in the sense that, similarly, do integers have limits to them

  • just like floating point values?

  • In the world a floating point values, we can only be so precise,

  • after which, sometimes bad things can happen,

  • and our programs can be buggy and error.

  • Now even with integers, you can run into problems.

  • Now an integer doesn't have a decimal point or numbers after it.

  • It's just a natural number, typically.

  • So what could go wrong with an int?

  • If I'm using an int to count, what could go wrong?

  • Seems a lot simpler.

  • Yeah.

  • >> AUDIENCE MEMBER: If the number gets [INAUDIBLE]

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Yeah.

  • What if you count so high, that you can't express that really big number.

  • Right?

  • At some point, you're going to exceed the boundaries

  • of a 32-bit value or a 64-bit value.

  • Now again, I'm not sure how to pronounce a 64-bit value,

  • but I know with a 32-bit integer, the biggest value it can be,

  • if it's only positive values, is roughly 4 billion.

  • So if I try to count to 5 billion, something's going to happen.

  • But let's see what, in fact, can happen.

  • In the world of integer overflow, where you, in a sense,

  • overflow the capacity of an integer, what might happen?

  • >> So here's a binary number, it's a throwback to 0.

  • It's all 1's, and the placeholders there, are powers of 2,

  • so this is binary.

  • So these are 8, 1 bits on the screen.

  • And if you recall or you quickly do the math,

  • what value is being represented here with these eight 1 bits?

  • 255.

  • And even if you weren't quite sure of the math, you could do it out.

  • Or you could just kind of reason through it,

  • wait a minute, if I'm representing an 8 bit value,

  • and I've got 256 possible values, but the first of which is 0,

  • I just know that the biggest is going to be 255,

  • and that's what this one might be.

  • >> So suppose I try to add 1 to this value.

  • What would you do in grade school when adding a 1, and it

  • doesn't really fit because you have to carry the 1?

  • What is this number going to become when you add 1?

  • It's going to become 0.

  • Right?

  • Because if you had more bits-- and I'll try to, kind of, type it out here--

  • if we had more bits, what we could do here is add the 1,

  • and then we'd get this.

  • Whoops.

  • We'd have a 1 bit all the way over here.

  • >> But if this is a finite value, it's only 8 bits,

  • and that's pre-determined by the computer,

  • that 1 is effectively not there.

  • It just kind of falls off a cliff.

  • And so if you add 1 to 255, what value do you apparently get?

  • 0.

  • And so numbers accidentally, and perhaps, unintentionally,

  • end up wrapping around like this.

  • So what can be the implication of this?

  • Well, there's a few different things.

  • So one, it does end up looking like 0, unintentionally,

  • but you can kind of see, even in the real world,

  • for better or for worse, manifestations of this idea of a limit.

  • For instance, any of you who have ever played Lego Star Wars,

  • does anyone happen to know the maximum number of coins

  • you can collect in Lego Star Wars?

  • Take a guess based on today's leading questions.

  • It's bigger than 256 or 255.

  • It's 4 billion.

  • So it turns out, and there's some people--

  • some googling confirmed last night-- have gotten 4 billion gold coins,

  • or whatnot, in Lego Star Wars.

  • Though apparently, there's a way to trick the game,

  • there's a bug or feature, that lets you just accrue lots and lots of points.

  • But the largest possible value, according

  • to this screen shot of someone I found online, is indeed, 4 billion.

  • >> Now why is that?

  • It's precisely 4 billion, probably because someone decided,

  • who was writing this game, that they could do 4 billion,

  • something, something, something, like the value I put up

  • with the calculator earlier, but it's just a little cleaner for humans

  • to say the maximum number of coins-- or studs,

  • as they call them-- that you can collect is 4 billion.

  • And so, why is this?

  • How is the LEGO game implementing the counter

  • that's keeping track of the number of coins you have?

  • They're using what?

  • AUDIENCE MEMBER: It stops counting after 4 billion.

  • DAVID J MALAN: It stops counting after 4 billion,

  • which means you can infer, as a programmer,

  • that they're probably using a 32 bit integer.

  • Like the programmer literally just typed, int, in his or her code,

  • and that's the type of variable that they're using to store someone's code.

  • So there's other manifestations of these kinds of limits.

  • >> So I have not played this game-- and I was reading up on the history

  • to confirm as much-- but in the original version of Civilization, where

  • you apparently interact with each other and can wage war or have peace,

  • Gandhi was supposed to be one of the most peaceful characters, as I

  • understand it, in the first version of Civilization.

  • And in fact, on a scale of 1 to 10, his aggressiveness was just a 1.

  • So ever so mildly aggressive, apparently.

  • >> But at some point, you can apparently install democracy in your geography.

  • And if you install democracy into your version of the game,

  • then your aggression level goes down.

  • It's a good thing.

  • People are more tranquil apparently, in that situation.

  • But apparently, someone did not have an, if, condition

  • in the original version of the code.

  • >> So Gandhi's aggression level went from positive 1, minus 2, to negative 1,

  • but the game doesn't understand negative numbers.

  • So what happened was Gandhi's aggression level went from 1, to 0, to negative 1,

  • which had the effect of wrapping around to being

  • the most aggressive character in the game, at a value of 255,

  • on a scale of 1 to 10.

  • And since then, there's been more incarnations of this game,

  • and they've kept it as a sort of Easter egg,

  • that Gandhi is apparently so terribly aggressive.

  • But it was the result of a very simple programming error

  • in that very early version of the game.

  • >> Now more disturbingly, more recently, the Boeing 787

  • was documented as having a bug, not the kind of device

  • you particularly want to have a bug.

  • And the symptoms, that I'll read here, from an article online,

  • was this, a model 787 airplane that has been powered continuously

  • for 248 days can lose all alternating current, AC,

  • electrical power, due to the generator control units,

  • GCUs, simultaneously going into fail-safe mode.

  • So this was a warning issued when this problem was discovered.

  • This condition is caused by a software counter,

  • internal to the GCUs, so an integer or a variable,

  • that will overflow after 248 days of continuous power.

  • Boeing is in the process of developing a GCU software upgrade that

  • will remedy the unsafe condition.

  • >> So much like the missile scenario, wherein

  • they had some kind of variable that was counting, and counting,

  • and counting, but gradually overflowing the boundaries of its capability,

  • similarly did the damn airplane have a variable overflow

  • after enough time of running.

  • And so the tongue-in-cheek way of working around this issue

  • is to truly, reboot, your plane every 247 days, so that the memory gets wiped

  • and the variable goes back to 0.

  • But realize, this is a very large incarnation of software,

  • but especially as we hear about Apple's operating systems going into cars,

  • and self-driving cars from Google, and any number of incarnations of software

  • in our daily lives, TVs and watches, and more,

  • realize were surrounded by software, all of which is written by us humans.

  • >> And as we'll all soon discover, it's very easy and very typical

  • to make mistakes when writing software.

  • And if you don't catch them, some bad things can happen.

  • Now sometimes, some funny things can happen,

  • or at least sometimes we know to expect some badness.

  • So 0 divided by 0, from grade school, is generally a bad thing.

  • It's undefined.

  • And it turns out-- and let's see if my mic can pick this up-- that Apple

  • had some fun with this recently.

  • So I have an iPhone here.

  • I'm going to talk to Siri and ask her to give me the answer to 0 divided by 0.

  • What is 0 divided by 0?

  • >> SIRI: Imagine that you have 0 cookies, and you split them evenly

  • among 0 friends.

  • How many cookies does each person get?

  • See?

  • It doesn't make sense.

  • And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies.

  • And you are sad that you have no friends.

  • DAVID J MALAN: It's kind of obnoxious.

  • So this is what was just said there.

  • It's indeterminate, it's not defined, and indeed, many programming languages

  • or, really, compilers will detect when you, in a program,

  • try to divide 0 by 0.

  • More fun than this though, is that apparently, Cookie Monster

  • is on Twitter these days.

  • And he replied to this, with this, which is absolutely adorable.

  • But let's take a quick look at a couple of other constructs,

  • and then put some of this code to use, in good ways.

  • So it turns out, besides for loops, there's

  • something called a while loop, that looks different and is implemented

  • a little differently-- and we'll eventually see examples--

  • but in some sense, it's simpler because it

  • doesn't allow you to initialize and update within the boundary of the loop.

  • You can still implement it.

  • So you can do the exact same things with a while loop, as with a for loop,

  • but your syntax, ultimately-- as we'll eventually

  • see-- is going to be different.

  • There's even a do while loop, which is actually a little different,

  • in that whereas a for loop and a while loop always

  • check their condition first, if you read this thing top to bottom,

  • it kind of looks like it's going to check it's condition last because it's

  • truly the last line of code.

  • And indeed, that's going to be useful in certain programs that we write,

  • if you want to just blindly do something and eventually check the condition.

  • That's not necessarily a bad thing.

  • If we want variables, we can do it in a couple of different ways.

  • And we saw in the FoxTrot cartoon, one way of doing it,

  • where you declare your variable, like int counter semicolon,

  • and then later-- maybe the next line, maybe 10 lines later--

  • you actually initialize it.

  • So these 2 lines of code declare a variable of type int

  • and call it counter, so it gives me enough bits to hold an int.

  • And then eventually, it puts the value 0 into that variable.

  • It arranges the 0's and 1's in a pattern, that we know from last week,

  • represents the number we know as 0.

  • Or frankly, you can do this much more succinctly, just like this.

  • >> Now we also have the ability to call functions.

  • And in fact, here's a 2 line program, or an excerpt thereof,

  • that allows us to actually write some code that

  • gets a string from the user-- much like our volunteer a moment ago--

  • storing the result in a variable called name,

  • and then-- much like with our volunteer with printf-- prints out those values

  • by passing in two arguments, the string, followed by the variable

  • called, name, itself.

  • So let's take a look, before we come back to Mario there,

  • at a couple of now, examples of this.

  • >> I'm going to go ahead and open up, let's say, function-0.c.

  • And as always, this code is available on the course's website,

  • so you can play along at home and look at it later.

  • But here's the program in it's essence, from line 17 to 22.

  • The main program is where the program is always going to start.

  • This program, apparently, is going to print out your name, colon.

  • It's then going to call GetString, just like we did with our volunteers.

  • And then, this is interesting, it's going to call PrintName.

  • It turns out, all this time, there seems to be a function called PrintName.

  • That prints someone's name.

  • We didn't need to use printf from yesteryear, there's PrintName.

  • >> But that's misleading because PrintName does not

  • come with C. People did not invent it some 40 or 50 years ago,

  • I did, instead.

  • And in fact, if I scroll down further, notice

  • how I can write my own functions in C. We'll eventually

  • explain why we keep saying, void, in a few places,

  • but for today, let's just look at the name.

  • >> On line 24, if you want to create your own function,

  • you literally write the name of the function.

  • I chose PrintName.

  • In parentheses, you then specify what kinds

  • of inputs, and how many you want this function to take.

  • In this case, I want to take 1 variable called, name,

  • and it's going to be of type, string, so it's going

  • to be some sequence of characters.

  • And then, this program-- much like in Scratch,

  • you can have custom puzzle pieces-- is going to have this custom behavior.

  • It's going to call printf passing in, hello, placeholder,

  • and then it's going to plug in whatever the user called.

  • >> So this is an example of what a computer scientist would

  • call abstraction or functional decomposition, which are just

  • fancy ways of saying-- Is if you like this high level idea,

  • like I want functionality that prints someone's name, absolutely you

  • can literally write printf and then pass in the arguments you want,

  • and the program will work, as it has since Wednesday.

  • But you can start to abstract away the notion of printing a name.

  • You can give it a name, like PrintName, and this

  • is this idea of layering from week 0.

  • >> Henceforth, I and you don't have to know or care how PrintName is implemented.

  • Yes it uses printf, maybe it doesn't, who knows what uses?

  • Who cares?

  • Now I'm talking up here, instead of down here.

  • And indeed, as our programs get more advanced and sophisticated,

  • we're going to keep taking for granted that lower level puzzle pieces exist.

  • Because we wrote them or someone else did, so

  • that we can then build on top of them.

  • Let's take a look at this variant, function one.

  • >> So this one's a little more advanced, but it turns out

  • that in CS50's library, there's only a GetInt function.

  • We didn't think, years ago, to implement a GetPositiveInt function.

  • And that's a little annoying because if you guys are writing a program wherein

  • you want to get a positive integer from the user,

  • you can absolutely use GetInt.

  • And you can absolutely check with the condition and maybe a loop

  • if that int is greater than 0 and yell at the user

  • if he or she doesn't give you a positive number.

  • But let's build this building block ourselves, a,

  • custom Scratch piece, if you will.

  • I'm going to have a program here that ultimately, I

  • want to be able to call GetPositiveInt, and I want to be

  • able to print out whatever that int is.

  • But this is abstracted away now.

  • It's just been given a high level name that says what it does,

  • which is wonderful because it's very intuitive now to read.

  • And if I do care what's underneath the hood, let me scroll down.

  • And it's a little intimidating at first, especially

  • if this is your first program, but let's take a look.

  • >> I'm no longer saying, void, because it turns out functions,

  • much like GetString, can return a value to me.

  • They don't just have to print to the screen,

  • they can actually hand me something back.

  • And whereas before PrintName, I didn't need anything back.

  • I needed the side effect of something showing up on the screen,

  • but I didn't need a human to hand me something back.

  • Here, with GetPositiveInt, like with GetInt,

  • I want to be handed something back.

  • So I'm saying not, void, on line 23, but int,

  • which says, this function that I am writing,

  • called GetPositiveInt is going to hand me back an integer, not nothing,

  • not void.

  • >> Meanwhile, it's going to take no inputs, so I've, kind of, reversed it.

  • I'm not giving GetPositiveInt any input, I want it to give me its output.

  • And then what happens now?

  • So here's how I can declare a variable.

  • I've done it outside of the loop, for reasons we'll eventually see,

  • but this just gives me 32 bits called, n,

  • and I've pre-determining them to store integer.

  • And here's that, do while construct, and this is why it's useful.

  • Literally do this, while n is less than 1.

  • So let's see what happens.

  • I print out, please give me a positive int.

  • I then get an int, using CS50's function and stored in n.

  • >> And then, what line of code probably gets executed next, logically?

  • Which line number?

  • Yeah, so 31.

  • You wouldn't know this until you've been told or sort of infer it,

  • but that's true.

  • It goes top to bottom and then keeps repeating.

  • So if I have typed in say, the number negative 1, is n less than negative 1?

  • Yeah.

  • Because negative 1 is less than 1.

  • So what should happen?

  • I'm going to do this while n is less than 1,

  • so I'm going to go back to line 28.

  • >> And each time-- and let's run this-- make function 1 to compile it,

  • and now dot slash function 1.

  • If I type negative 1, it's going to keep yelling at me

  • until I cooperate because each of my inputs is less than 1

  • and if it's while less than 1, I'm going to keep doing this.

  • If I finally give it a number like 50, thankfully, it says, thanks for the 50.

  • Why?

  • Because as soon as n is not less than 1, I stop getting stuck in this loop,

  • and this new keyword today, return, literally does that.

  • So I've just implemented, in a sense, the equivalent of GetString,

  • where I'm handing back to whoever is using me, some value.

  • It doesn't have to be a string, it's an int.

  • So a simple, quick example, but we'll soon

  • see some more sophisticated versions still.

  • In fact, let's take a look at a numeric one, which is called return.c.

  • And this one's actually a little simpler.

  • So this program's purpose in life-- let's compile and run it,

  • so make return, dot slash, return-- notice

  • the program simply cubes the value 2.

  • It's pretty stupid, it's hard code, it doesn't take any inputs,

  • but it does demonstrate another function that I've written myself.

  • So here, I've declared a variable, called x, of type int,

  • equal to the number 2, completely arbitrary.

  • This is just some fluffy printing.

  • It says x is now, such and such, cubing dot dot dot.

  • And the magic is apparently in line 21.

  • I'm calling a function called, cube, I'm handing it a sheet of paper

  • with the number 2 written on it, and what value, mathematically,

  • do I want to get out of it?

  • Just as a sanity check?

  • 8.

  • Right?

  • I want 2 cubed back, 2 to the power of 3, so 8 back.

  • >> So where is cube implemented?

  • Well, notice it's implemented down here.

  • And just like before, logically, even though the syntax is probably

  • very new to many of you, I want this function

  • to hand me back a sheet of paper with an int on it.

  • So I have an int, the name is arbitrarily,

  • but conveniently called cube.

  • The input to it, is n of type integer, so that's

  • how I can pass in the number 2 on a sheet of paper.

  • And then it turns out C supports math, so you don't have x's for times,

  • you just use the asterisk for multiplication.

  • And this returns n times n times n, which is simply a cubed value.

  • >> So where are we going with all of this?

  • This is definitely a whirlwind tour, rest assured,

  • that in the super sections and in problem set 1,

  • you'll be walked through all this all the more.

  • And in problem set 1, we'll transition from the graphical world of Scratch

  • to something more command line in C. But we'll draw inspiration

  • from this here game from yesteryear, wherein

  • using C and the standard edition of the p set you'll implement Mario's pyramid.

  • And in the hacker edition of the p set, if you so choose to elect,

  • you will implement a bit more challenging pyramid with two peaks.

  • You'll also implement an algorithm, a greedy algorithm.

  • It turns out there's some interesting logic

  • behind the process of running a cashier's station

  • and actually handing someone back change.

  • There is an algorithm that's fairly straightforward, that you might even

  • grasp intuitively when you first read it-- realizing that's what I've always

  • done any time I've given someone some money back-- that allows you to always

  • minimize the number of paper notes or metal coins

  • that you're handing back to the user.

  • And this, of course, is compelling because if you go to CVS or whatnot,

  • you don't want to be handed a whole bunch of ones

  • or a whole bunch of pennies.

  • You want the fewest coins, probably, possible.

  • >> Finally, you'll also be challenged to dabble in the world of water

  • and actually get an appreciation for a mapping between rates of flow,

  • of like, water in a shower, just how much water is used.

  • And the allusion therein, will be this clip here,

  • which we'll end on for just 60 seconds, that

  • paints a picture of low-flow shower heads.


  • -All right.

  • I got everything here.

  • I got the Cyclone F Series, Hydra, Jetflow, Stockholm

  • Supersteam, you name it.

  • >> -And what do you recommend?

  • >> -What are you looking for?

  • >> -Power man.

  • Power.

  • -Like Silkwood.

  • -That's for radiation.

  • -That's right.

  • -Now what is this?

  • -That's the Commando 450.

  • I don't sell that one.

  • >> -But that's what we want.

  • It's a commando 450.

  • >> -No believe me.

  • It's only used in the circus.

  • It's for elephants.

  • >> -I'll pay anything.

  • >> -What about Jerry?

  • >> -He couldn't handle that.

  • He's delicate.

  • Oh yeah.


  • DAVID J MALAN: All right.

  • That's if for CS50.

  • We'll see you next week.

  • >> SPEAKER 1: [? Scully ?], [? Ian, ?] as far as this outro project,

  • what have you guys come up with?

  • >> SPEAKER 2: Well, we've given it a variety of thought,

  • and we think that the best way to--

  • >> SPEAKER 3: May I?

  • >> SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

  • By all means, actually.

  • >> SPEAKER 3: So I think we can sum up our idea

  • for the outros with one word-- nothing.

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Nothing?

  • SPEAKER 3: Nothing.

  • DAVID J MALAN: What does that mean?

  • SPEAKER 3: The outros are about nothing.

  • SPEAKER 2: Well, I mean, in philosophy, I mean, nothing is always something.

  • SPEAKER 1: So what's-- what's the premise?

  • SPEAKER 3: So it's like life.

  • OK.

  • What did you do today?

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: I got up, had breakfast, and came to work.

  • >> SPEAKER 3: That's an outro.

  • SPEAKER 2: But, I mean, shouldn't something happen to him on the--

  • SPEAKER 3: No, no, no, no.

  • Nothing happens.

  • >> SPEAKER 1: So why are we watching?

  • >> SPEAKER 3: Because it's an outro for CS50.

  • >> DAVID J MALAN: Not yet.

>> DAVID J MALAN: All right, so this is CS50.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

第1週目の続き (Week 1, continued)

  • 1311 101
    Ren-c Huang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日