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  • Hello~ Everyone!

  • I'm Penny.

  • The reason why I make this video is

  • to let diet people understand

  • lose weight is not difficult.

  • Only 2 things you need to do.

  • First,

  • change your food and drink

  • into healthy life.

  • Second,

  • start exercising.

  • I create a diet bonus~

  • If I can lose weight

  • between 53 kg to 59 kg,

  • I win a prize in order to go to Boracay, Philippines.

  • Enjoy sunny handsome guy~

  • beautiful write beach~

  • and Bikini !!!!!!

  • YES !

  • That's right.

  • Life is toward the target and move on.

  • I started lose weight from Feb to Oct in 2014.

  • Successfully, I lost 15 KG in 8 months.

  • In diet process,

  • I discovered not only I am changing

  • but also the people around me also want to diet together.

  • Friend's Mom: Really?

  • AHH~ It's impossible.

  • Your belly is so huge.

  • Friend: Are you.......

  • pregnant?

  • Give your chance: re-start and move on.

  • Trust me, you can make it.

  • I'm lucky to know

  • an mobile Application called

  • (introduce to everyone)

  • Aladdin Social Network.

  • After download APP,

  • only thing you can is upload every meal you eat.

  • There are professional coach in the APP.

  • They will tell you what to improve in your daily meal

  • and which meal is doing a good job.

  • Arrange your food

  • Cook yourself to control Low calories.

  • First week: 71.5→69.6

  • Brown rice has rich nutrition.

  • After 2 months

  • Belly became smaller!!

  • Amazing thing happen (^0^)

  • Clothes is easy way to set up a goal.

  • Specially, pretty dress you want to wear.

  • Belt is very visible to know where you are .

  • 6 more hole will back to size M.

  • Step by step

  • Dream come true.

  • Are you try to put on old pants

  • but.....STUCK!!!

  • To solve this problem quickly,

  • let's exercise!!!!!

  • No doubt

  • your power.

  • Change into healthy life,

  • everyone will support you.

  • Because we are young,

  • in order to change your body,

  • start doing!

  • No matter how hard it is.

  • Look at me! Lose weight is so easy.

  • Cook by yourself.

  • One word to describe:

  • Persistence~

  • Finally, I wear 6 years ago clothes in diet 6 months.

  • Lost 10 KG in 3 months.

  • Lost 16 KG in 8 months.

  • Stop thinking

  • Start doing

  • help empower your life~

  • create a more balanced and and fulfilling life.

Hello~ Everyone!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

必読】15kgの脂肪にサヨナラしてボラカイ島へ痩身旅行に行こう! ([減肥必看] 向15kg的肥肉說再見 到長灘島享瘦旅行!)

  • 1200 39
    黃靜容 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日