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  • I want to talk about social innovation

    翻訳: Kyoko Florendo 校正: Akinori Oyama

  • and social entrepreneurship.

    今日は 社会のための革新と

  • I happen to have triplets.


  • They're little. They're five years old.


  • Sometimes I tell people I have triplets.


  • They say, "Really? How many?"


  • Here's a picture of the kids.


  • That's Sage and Annalisa and Rider.


  • Now, I also happen to be gay.

    セージとアナリサと ライダーです

  • Being gay and fathering triplets is by far

    さて 私はたまたまゲイでもあります

  • the most socially innovative, socially entrepreneurial thing


  • I have ever done.

    私にとっては 最も社会的に革新的で

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

    社会的起業精神に あふれたところです

  • The real social innovation I want to talk about


  • involves charity.

    本当に社会のための革新を もたらす今日のこの話は

  • I want to talk about how the things we've been taught to think


  • about giving and about charity


  • and about the nonprofit sector


  • are actually undermining the causes we love

    これまで 教えられてきた考え方のせいで

  • and our profound yearning to change the world.

    世界を変えたいという熱い思いと 大事な信念が

  • But before I do that, I want to ask if we even believe

    台無しにされている ということです

  • that the nonprofit sector has any serious role to play

    でもその前に 疑問に思うのは

  • in changing the world.

    非営利セクターは世界を変えるのに 大きく貢献していると

  • A lot of people say now that business will lift up the developing economies,

    私たちが 信じているのかということです

  • and social business will take care of the rest.


  • And I do believe that business will move

    社会事業が残りの問題を解決する」と 多くの人が思っています

  • the great mass of humanity forward.

    もちろん 経済が成長することで

  • But it always leaves behind that 10 percent or more

    人類を大きく進歩させると 私は信じています

  • that is most disadvantaged or unlucky.

    しかし常に1割 いえ それ以上の恵まれない人や

  • And social business needs markets,

    不運な人たちを 置き去りにするものなのです

  • and there are some issues for which you just can't develop


  • the kind of money measures that you need for a market.

    必要ですが 市場化するためには

  • I sit on the board of a center for the developmentally disabled,

    簡単には数値化する 指標を作れないという問題があります

  • and these people want laughter

    私は発達障害者施設の 役員をしていますが

  • and compassion and they want love.


  • How do you monetize that?

    笑いと思いやりで さらには愛を求めています

  • And that's where the nonprofit sector

    それを金銭に変えることなど できるでしょうか?

  • and philanthropy come in.


  • Philanthropy is the market for love.


  • It is the market for all those people


  • for whom there is no other market coming.


  • And so if we really want, like Buckminster Fuller said,


  • a world that works for everyone,


  • with no one and nothing left out,


  • then the nonprofit sector has to be


  • a serious part of the conversation.


  • But it doesn't seem to be working.


  • Why have our breast cancer charities

    だが現実は そう上手くは いってないようです

  • not come close to finding a cure for breast cancer,


  • or our homeless charities not come close

    乳がんの治療法を発見するには 遠く及ばず

  • to ending homelessness in any major city?


  • Why has poverty remained stuck at 12 percent

    主要都市のホームレス解消には ほど遠いのでしょうか?

  • of the U.S. population for 40 years?

    なぜ米国の貧困率は 40年間もずっと

  • And the answer is, these social problems

    人口の12%で 改善しないのでしょうか?

  • are massive in scale,

    そのわけは 社会問題はとても規模が大きいのに

  • our organizations are tiny up against them,

    解決しようとする 私達の組織が

  • and we have a belief system that keeps them tiny.


  • We have two rulebooks.

    また 私たちの考え方のせいで 規模を大きくできていません

  • We have one for the nonprofit sector


  • and one for the rest of the economic world.


  • It's an apartheid, and it discriminates


  • against the [nonprofit] sector in five different areas,


  • the first being compensation.

    5つの分野で 非営利セクターが差別されています

  • So in the for-profit sector, the more value you produce,


  • the more money you can make.

    営利セクターだと 良い仕事をすれば

  • But we don't like nonprofits to use money


  • to incentivize people to produce more in social service.

    非営利団体が お金でスタッフの

  • We have a visceral reaction to the idea that anyone

    やる気を起こさせ 福祉サービスを向上させるのは好まれません

  • would make very much money helping other people.

    私たちは 人助けをすることで

  • Interesting that we don't have a visceral reaction

    お金を稼ぐという考えに 不快感を持っています

  • to the notion that people would make a lot of money not helping other people.


  • You know, you want to make 50 million dollars

    考えには不快感を持たない というのは面白いですよね

  • selling violent video games to kids, go for it.

    例えば 暴力的なゲームを 子供に売って

  • We'll put you on the cover of Wired magazine.

    50億円儲けたいなら 頑張れと応援して

  • But you want to make half a million dollars

    WIRED 誌の表紙に 載せるんです

  • trying to cure kids of malaria,

    だがマラリアの子供のために 5千万円を

  • and you're considered a parasite yourself. (Applause)


  • And we think of this as our system of ethics,

    寄生虫のように扱われます (拍手)

  • but what we don't realize is that this system

    こう考えるのを 私達の倫理体系と捉えていますが

  • has a powerful side effect, which is,


  • it gives a really stark, mutually exclusive choice

    この考え方には ひどい副作用があるんです

  • between doing very well for yourself and your family

    この考えのせいで 有名大学の 聡明な卒業生たちは選択を迫られます

  • or doing good for the world

    自分とその家族のために たくさんお金を儲けるか

  • to the brightest minds coming out of our best universities,


  • and sends tens of thousands of people

    そんな殺伐とした二者択一の 選択を迫られるのです

  • who could make a huge difference in the nonprofit sector

    そうして 毎年何万人もの―

  • marching every year directly into the for-profit sector

    非営利セクターにも 大きく貢献できる人材が

  • because they're not willing to make that kind of lifelong economic sacrifice.

    次々と営利企業への道を 迷わず選びます

  • Businessweek did a survey, looked at the compensation packages

    というのも 自分の一生を経済的に 犠牲にして過ごしたくはないからです

  • for MBAs 10 years of business school,


  • and the median compensation for a Stanford MBA,

    MBA取得10年後の 年収の調査をしました

  • with bonus, at the age of 38, was 400,000 dollars.

    スタンフォード大のMBA卒の 中央値は

  • Meanwhile, for the same year, the average salary

    38歳でボーナスを含めて 4千万円でした

  • for the CEO of a $5 million-plus medical charity in the U.S.

    一方 米国で5億円規模の

  • was 232,000 dollars, and for a hunger charity, 84,000 dollars.


  • Now, there's no way you're going to get a lot of people

    平均給与額は2,300万円で 飢餓対策活動だと840万円でした

  • with $400,000 talent to make a $316,000 sacrifice

    さて 年収4千万円を

  • every year to become the CEO of a hunger charity.

    稼げる人たちに 毎年3,160万円を犠牲にして

  • Some people say, "Well, that's just because those MBA types are greedy."

    飢餓対策団体のCEO に なってもらうのは非常に困難です

  • Not necessarily. They might be smart.

    「MBAを取る人は欲張りだからねぇ」 という人もいますが

  • It's cheaper for that person to donate

    そうとも限らず 利口なのかもしれません

  • 100,000 dollars every year to the hunger charity,

    彼らにとっては 毎年1千万円を

  • save 50,000 dollars on their taxes,

    飢餓対策に 寄付する方が安上がりなんです

  • so still be roughly 270,000 dollars a year ahead of the game,


  • now be called a philanthropist because they donated

    まだ年に2700万円分も 飢餓対策団体に行くより有利です

  • 100,000 dollars to charity,


  • probably sit on the board of the hunger charity,


  • indeed, probably supervise the poor SOB

    さらに飢餓対策団体の 役員にもなり

  • who decided to become the CEO of the hunger charity,

    CEO の道を選んだ あわれなソイツを

  • and have a lifetime of this kind of power and influence

    管理する側に 回ることになるでしょう

  • and popular praise still ahead of them.


  • The second area of discrimination is advertising and marketing.


  • So we tell the for-profit sector, "Spend, spend, spend on advertising

    差別されている分野の 2つ目は広告とマーケティングです

  • until the last dollar no longer produces a penny of value."

    営利事業なら 「販売効果が出せる最後の1ドルまで

  • But we don't like to see our donations spent on advertising in charity.

    広告に使って使って 使いまくれ」と言うのに

  • Our attitude is, "Well, look, if you can get the advertising donated,

    慈善活動となると寄付したお金を 広告に使われたくないのです

  • you know, at four o'clock in the morning, I'm okay with that.

    私たちの姿勢は 「誰かが広告枠自体を 団体に寄付してくれるなら

  • But I don't want my donations spent on advertising.

    まぁ朝4時の枠くらいだろうけど 特に構いませんが

  • I want it go to the needy."


  • As if the money invested in advertising

    必要な人に 渡してくれ」 と思っています

  • could not bring in dramatically greater sums of money

    これはまるで 広告へ投資しても

  • to serve the needy.

    貧しい人の為に 衝撃的な程の大金が集まる事なんて

  • In the 1990s, my company created

    ありえない とでも言うようです

  • the long distance AIDSRide bicycle journeys


  • and the 60-mile-long breast cancer three-day walks,

    AIDSRide (エイズライド) という 長距離自転車旅行と

  • and over the course of nine years,

    約100キロを歩く 3日間に渡る乳癌ウォークを企画しました

  • we had 182,000 ordinary heroes participate,


  • and they raised a total of 581 million dollars.

    18万2千人の一般人が参加し 人々を助け

  • They raised more money more quickly for these causes


  • than any events in history,

    同じテーマの過去のどんなイベントよりも もっと早く もっとたくさんの

  • all based on the idea that people are weary


  • of being asked to do the least they can possibly do.

    ポイントはこうです 人は 到底ムリだと思っていることを

  • People are yearning to measure

    頼まれるのは 勘弁してほしいと思っていますが

  • the full distance of their potential


  • on behalf of the causes that they care about deeply.


  • But they have to be asked.


  • We got that many people to participate

    でも 誘われないと駄目なのです

  • by buying full-page ads in The New York Times,

    私は広告を ニューヨーク・タイムズや

  • in The Boston Globe, in primetime radio and TV advertising.

    ボストン・グローブの見開き広告 さらには

  • Do you know how many people we would have gotten

    ゴールデンタイムのラジオやTVで行い 多くの参加者を集めました

  • if we put up flyers in the laundromat?


  • Charitable giving has remained stuck, in the U.S.,

    何人が集まったと 思いますか?

  • at two percent of GDP ever since we started measuring it in the 1970s.

    米国での 慈善事業への寄付は

  • That's an important fact, because it tells us

    70年代の調査開始以来 GDPの2%で停滞しています

  • that in 40 years, the nonprofit sector


  • has not been able to wrestle any market share

    この40年間 非営利セクターが

  • away from the for-profit sector.


  • And if you think about it, how could one sector


  • possibly take market share away from another sector


  • if it isn't really allowed to market?

    売り込まずに どうやって他のセクターから

  • And if we tell the consumer brands,

    シェアをとれる って言うのでしょうか?

  • "You may advertise all the benefits of your product,"


  • but we tell charities, "You cannot advertise all the good that you do,"

    「自社商品の良さを 宣伝しても良い」と伝えて

  • where do we think the consumer dollars are going to flow?

    慈善活動には 「善行を宣伝するな」と言ったとしたら

  • The third area of discrimination is the taking of risk

    消費者のお金は どっちへ流れていくと思いますか?

  • in pursuit of new ideas for generating revenue.

    差別されている分野の 3つ目は 収益を上げるための

  • So Disney can make a new $200 million movie that flops,

    新しいアイデアを追求することに どのくらいのリスクを取れるかです

  • and nobody calls the attorney general.

    例えば 200億円かけた ディズニー映画がこけても

  • But you do a little $1 million community fundraiser


  • for the poor, and it doesn't produce a 75 percent profit

    貧しい人のために 地域で1億円の資金を集めた時は

  • to the cause in the first 12 months,

    最初の一年以内に 目的に対して

  • and your character is called into question.


  • So nonprofits are really reluctant to attempt any brave,

    あなたは人格を 疑われます

  • daring, giant-scale new fundraising endeavors

    そのせいで 非営利は大胆かつ果敢に

  • for fear that if the thing fails, their reputations

    大規模な資金集めに 乗り出すのに消極的です

  • will be dragged through the mud.


  • Well, you and I know when you prohibit failure,


  • you kill innovation.


  • If you kill innovation in fundraising, you can't raise more revenue.


  • If you can't raise more revenue, you can't grow.

    資金集めの革新を止めてしまうと 収益金は増やせません

  • And if you can't grow, you can't possibly solve large social problems.

    収益金を増やさないと 成長はありません

  • The fourth area is time.

    成長なしに 大きな社会問題の解決は無理です

  • So Amazon went for six years without returning any profit to investors,

    差別されている分野の 4つ目は時間です

  • and people had patience.

    アマゾンは投資家に利益を分配することなく 6年間が過ぎましたが

  • They knew that there was a long-term objective down the line


  • of building market dominance.


  • But if a nonprofit organization ever had a dream


  • of building magnificent scale that required that for six years,

    でも これがもし非営利団体だったら

  • no money was going to go to the needy,

    団体が 実現に6年を 要するような壮大な夢を持ち

  • it was all going to be invested in building this scale,


  • we would expect a crucifixion.

    必要な人にお金が 渡らないような

  • And the last area is profit itself.

    運営をすると やり玉に上げられます

  • So the for-profit sector can pay people profits

    最後の差別分野は 利益そのものです

  • in order to attract their capital for their new ideas,

    営利企業ではアイデア実現用の 資金集めの方法として

  • but you can't pay profits in a nonprofit sector,


  • so the for-profit sector has a lock on the multi-trillion-dollar capital markets,

    非営利セクターでは 収益金を還元することができません

  • and the nonprofit sector is starved for growth

    このため 営利企業が数百兆円の 資金調達市場を独り占めしていて

  • and risk and idea capital.

    非営利セクターは 成長やリスク耐性や

  • Well, you put those five things together -- you can't use money

    アイデアを育む資金に 飢えています

  • to lure talent away from the for-profit sector,

    この5つの違いを まとめると

  • you can't advertise on anywhere near the scale

    営利企業のように 人材獲得にお金を使えませんし

  • the for-profit sector does for new customers,


  • you can't take the kinds of risks in pursuit of those customers

    新規顧客目的の 大規模な広告は行えず

  • that the for-profit sector takes,

    顧客を獲得するのに 営利企業のような

  • you don't have the same amount of time to find them


  • as the for-profit sector,

    営利企業なら許される 実現までの

  • and you don't have a stock market with which to fund any of this,


  • even if you could do it in the first place,

    資金を集めることができる様な 株式市場もありません

  • and you've just put the nonprofit sector


  • at an extreme disadvantage to the for-profit sector


  • on every level.


  • If we have any doubts about the effects of this separate rule book,

    圧倒的に不利な状況に 追いやられているのです

  • this statistic is sobering:

    この別のルールがあることによる 悪影響を疑うなら

  • From 1970 to 2009,


  • the number of nonprofits that really grew,


  • that crossed the $50 million annual revenue barrier,


  • is 144.

    超えて成長した 非営利団体の数は

  • In the same time, the number of for-profits that crossed it

    144 です

  • is 46,136.

    同期間に この大台を超えた 営利企業の数は

  • So we're dealing with social problems that are massive in scale,

    46,136 です

  • and our organizations can't generate any scale.

    わたしたちは 大規模な社会問題を扱っているのに

  • All of the scale goes to Coca-Cola and Burger King.

    非営利の組織は 必要な規模に成長していません

  • So why do we think this way?

    大きくなれるのは コカ・コーラやバーガーキングだ

  • Well, like most fanatical dogma in America,


  • these ideas come from old Puritan beliefs.


  • The Puritans came here for religious reasons, or so they said,

    古くからの清教徒の考えが 起源になっています

  • but they also came here because they wanted to make a lot of money.

    ピューリタンは宗教上の理由で アメリカに渡ったとされていますが

  • They were pious people but they were also

    しかし 金儲けのためでもありました

  • really aggressive capitalists,


  • and they were accused of extreme forms of profit-making tendencies

    同時に熱心な 資本主義者だったのです

  • compared to the other colonists.

    他の入植者よりも 過激に利益を追求する傾向を

  • But at the same time, the Puritans were Calvinists,


  • so they were taught literally to hate themselves.

    ピューリタンは同時に カルヴァン主義でもあったので

  • They were taught that self-interest was a raging sea

    文字通り己を嫌悪するように 導かれていました

  • that was a sure path to eternal damnation.


  • Well, this created a real problem for these people, right?


  • Here they've come all the way across the Atlantic to make all this money.

    こんなことだと 信者には大問題でしょう?

  • Making all this money will get you sent directly to Hell.

    わざわざ大西洋を越えて 金儲けに来たのに

  • What were they to do about this?

    お金を稼ぐと まっすぐ地獄行きです

  • Well, charity became their answer.


  • It became this economic sanctuary


  • where they could do penance for their profit-making tendencies


  • at five cents on the dollar.

    利益を追求しながらも 利益の5%を寄付する事によって

  • So of course, how could you make money in charity


  • if charity was your penance for making money?

    慈善活動が 金儲けの罪滅ぼしなら

  • Financial incentive was exiled from the realm of helping others

    もちろん慈善活動では お金を稼いだりできません

  • so that it could thrive in the area of making money for yourself,

    人助けの領域から排除された 金銭的な動機というものは

  • and in 400 years, nothing has intervened

    利己の領域だけで 大いに追及されることになりました

  • to say, "That's counterproductive and that's unfair."

    この400年間 このことが「非生産的で不公平だ」

  • Now this ideology gets policed by this one very dangerous question,

    などと言って止めさせようとする動きは 全くありませんでした

  • which is, "What percentage of my donation goes to the cause versus overhead?"

    このイデオロギーは この非常に危険な質問に守られています

  • There are a lot of problems with this question.

    「私の寄付の何%が本来の目的ではなく 運営費に使われますか?」

  • I'm going to just focus on two.


  • First, it makes us think that overhead is a negative,


  • that it is somehow not part of the cause.

    まず1つ目は 運営費が目的には関係なくて

  • But it absolutely is, especially if it's being used for growth.


  • Now, this idea that overhead is somehow

    しかし実際には目的を担っていて 特に成長のために使われるならなおさらです

  • an enemy of the cause


  • creates this second, much larger problem, which is,


  • it forces organizations to go without the overhead things

    2つ目のさらに大きな問題を 生みます

  • they really need to grow

    組織は成長のために本来必要な 経費を使わないような運営を

  • in the interest of keeping overhead low.


  • So we've all been taught that charities should spend

    運営費を低く保つには 組織を大きくする必要があるのにです

  • as little as possible on overhead things like fundraising

    このように 資金集めなどの経費は

  • under the theory that, well, the less money you spend on fundraising,

    最小限に留めるべきだと 教わってきました

  • the more money there is available for the cause.

    ただこれは 資金集めに 使う額を減らせば

  • Well, that's true if it's a depressing world

    目的に使える額が増えるという 理屈からきています

  • in which this pie cannot be made any bigger.

    もちろん 寄付金総額のパイが増やせないような

  • But if it's a logical world in which investment in fundraising

    暗い世界なら それは真実でしょう

  • actually raises more funds and makes the pie bigger,

    しかし 資金集めに投資することで 寄付金総額のパイを増やせて

  • then we have it precisely backwards,

    もっと資金を集められるという 当然のことが起こる世界なら

  • and we should be investing more money, not less,


  • in fundraising, because fundraising is the one thing

    資金集めの投資を減らすのではなく 増やすべきです

  • that has the potential to multiply the amount of money

    なぜなら 資金集めは

  • available for the cause that we care about so deeply.

    私たちが深く気にかけている 本来の目的に

  • I'll give you two examples. We launched the AIDSRides

    使える金額を何倍にもする 非常に有望な方法だからです

  • with an initial investment of 50,000 dollars in risk capital.

    2つ例を挙げましょう エイズライドは

  • Within nine years, we had multiplied that 1,982 times

    リスク市場から500万円の初期投資を受けて 立ち上げました

  • into 108 million dollars after all expenses for AIDS services.

    わずか9年間で この資金を1,982倍に増やし

  • We launched the breast cancer three-days

    諸経費を除いて 108億円が エイズ関連活動の資金となりました

  • with an initial investment of 350,000 dollars in risk capital.


  • Within just five years, we had multiplied that 554 times

    リスク市場から 3,500万円の初期投資を受けて

  • into 194 million dollars after all expenses


  • for breast cancer research.


  • Now, if you were a philanthropist really interested in breast cancer,


  • what would make more sense:

    さて みなさんが乳癌に関心がある 慈善家だとしたら

  • go out and find the most innovative researcher in the world


  • and give her 350,000 dollars for research,

    例えば世界で最も革新的な 研究者を見つけ

  • or give her fundraising department the 350,000 dollars

    研究用に3,500万円を渡すでしょうか それとも

  • to multiply it into 194 million dollars for breast cancer research?

    彼女の資金集め担当に 3,500万円を渡して研究資金を194億円に

  • 2002 was our most successful year ever.

    増やしてもらうでしょうか どちらが良いか分かりますよね?

  • We netted for breast cancer alone, that year alone,


  • 71 million dollars after all expenses.

    その年だけで 乳癌だけのために

  • And then we went out of business,


  • suddenly and traumatically.


  • Why? Well, the short story is, our sponsor split on us.

    突然 ひどい形での倒産でした

  • They wanted to distance themselves from us

    なぜ?と思いますよね? 短く言えば スポンサーが私達と違う意見だったのです

  • because we were being crucified in the media


  • for investing 40 percent of the gross in recruitment

    メディアによって やり玉に上げられたからでした

  • and customer service and the magic of the experience

    私たちが総収益の40%を 参加者募集や顧客サービス

  • and there is no accounting terminology to describe

    参加者の思い出づくりに 使ったことが責められたのです

  • that kind of investment in growth and in the future,

    このような成長と 将来のための投資を

  • other than this demonic label of overhead.


  • So on one day, all 350 of our great employees

    あるのは運営コストという 悪魔のようなレッテルだけでした

  • lost their jobs

    350人の すばらしい職員たちが

  • because they were labeled overhead.


  • Our sponsor went and tried the events on their own.

    運営コストだと レッテルを貼られたからです

  • The overhead went up.

    その後スポンサーは 独自にイベントを実施し

  • Net income for breast cancer research went down


  • by 84 percent, or 60 million dollars in one year.

    たった1年で 乳癌研究のための収益金が

  • This is what happens when we confuse

    84%減に当たる 60億円減ってしまいました

  • morality with frugality.


  • We've all been taught that the bake sale with five percent overhead

    倹約することを混同すると こうなります

  • is morally superior to the professional fundraising enterprise with 40 percent overhead,

    私たちは 運営費5%の 手作り品のバザーの方が

  • but we're missing the most important piece of information,

    プロを使って運営費40%になる資金集めより 倫理的に良いと教わってきましたが

  • which is, what is the actual size of these pies?


  • Who cares if the bake sale only has five percent overhead if it's tiny?

    実際の収益総額は どのくらいなのかという点です

  • What if the bake sale only netted 71 dollars for charity

    バザーなら運営費がたったの5%でも 収益金もちっぽけなら 何の意味もありません

  • because it made no investment in its scale

    バザーは 規模拡大の投資がないから

  • and the professional fundraising enterprise netted


  • 71 million dollars because it did?

    プロが 規模拡大投資をすると

  • Now which pie would we prefer, and which pie

    71億円の収益金が出るとしたら どうでしょうか?

  • do we think people who are hungry would prefer?

    さて どちらの総額が 良いですか?

  • Here's how all of this impacts the big picture.

    飢えている人だったら どちらの総額の方がいいでしょうか?

  • I said that charitable giving is two percent of GDP in the United States.

    全体にどんな影響があるのか お話ししましょう

  • That's about 300 billion dollars a year.

    アメリカでの寄付総額は GDPの2%だと言いました

  • But only about 20 percent of that, or 60 billion dollars,

    これは 年間約30兆円にあたります

  • goes to health and human services causes.

    でも このうち たった20%の6兆円しか

  • The rest goes to religion and higher education and hospitals


  • and that 60 billion dollars is not nearly enough

    残りは宗教 高等教育 病院に 使われています

  • to tackle these problems.

    6兆円では これらの問題の解決には

  • But if we could move charitable giving


  • from two percent of GDP up just one step

    しかし 成長に投資する事で

  • to three percent of GDP, by investing in that growth,

    慈善活動への寄付を1段階だけ推進して GDPに占める割合を

  • that would be an extra 150 billion dollars a year in contributions,

    2%から3%に 上げることができたら

  • and if that money could go disproportionately

    さらに年15兆円の寄付金が 増やせることになります

  • to health and human services charities,

    そのお金が 健康や人道奉仕だけに

  • because those were the ones we encouraged to invest in their growth,


  • that would represent a tripling of contributions to that sector.

    この分野は私たちが 成長拡大を特に勧めている分野ですが

  • Now we're talking scale.

    そのセクターへの寄付額が 3倍増しになります

  • Now we're talking the potential for real change.

    そうです 規模があれば

  • But it's never going to happen by forcing

    本当の変化を起こせる 可能性が出て来ます

  • these organizations to lower their horizons


  • to the demoralizing objective of keeping their overhead low.


  • Our generation does not want its epitaph to read,

    組織の視野を狭めているようでは 変化は起こせません

  • "We kept charity overhead low."

    私たちの世代の墓碑銘に 「慈善活動の運営費を節約した」

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

    なんて記録されるのは イヤでしょう?

  • We want it to read that we changed the world,


  • and that part of the way we did that

    「世界を変えた」 と書いてほしいですよね

  • was by changing the way we think about these things.


  • So the next time you're looking at a charity,

    運営費に対する考えを変えて成し遂げた」 と続きます

  • don't ask about the rate of their overhead.

    こうなるために 慈善活動を選ぶ時は

  • Ask about the scale of their dreams,

    今後は運営費の割合を 聞くのではなく

  • their Apple-, Google-, Amazon-scale dreams,


  • how they measure their progress toward those dreams,

    アップル グーグル アマゾン級の 夢を持っているかを聞いて

  • and what resources they need to make them come true


  • regardless of what the overhead is.

    運営費にはとやかく言わず 何が夢の実現に必要かを

  • Who cares what the overhead is if these problems are actually getting solved?


  • If we can have that kind of generosity,

    問題が実際に解決されるのだったら 運営費をなんてどうでもいいですよね?

  • a generosity of thought, then the non-profit sector can play


  • a massive role in changing the world for all those citizens

    考え方への寛大さを持てるなら 非営利セクターは

  • most desperately in need of it to change.

    世界が変わることを 切に必要としている人のために

  • And if that can be our generation's enduring legacy,

    世界を変えるという 大きな役割を果たせます

  • that we took responsibility

    それが私達の世代の 不朽の遺産となるなら

  • for the thinking that had been handed down to us,


  • that we revisited it, we revised it,


  • and we reinvented the whole way humanity thinks about changing things,

    それを再考し そして訂正し

  • forever, for everyone,


  • well, I thought I would let the kids sum up what that would be.


  • Annalisa Smith-Pallotta: That would be --

    これがどういうことなのか 子ども達に まとめてもらおうと思います

  • Sage Smith-Pallotta: -- a real social --

    (アナリサ) それは

  • Rider Smith-Pallotta: -- innovation.

    (セージ) 本物の社会のための

  • Dan Pallotta: Thank you very much. Thank you.

    (ライダー) 改革です

  • (Applause)


  • Thank you. (Applause)


I want to talk about social innovation

翻訳: Kyoko Florendo 校正: Akinori Oyama


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 営利 慈善 セクター 寄付 運営

TED】Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong (The way we think about charity is dead wrong | ダン・パロッタ) (【TED】Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong (The way we think about charity is dead wrong | Dan Pallotta))

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