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  • What is Science?

    What is Science? 科学って何?

  • [Michael Shermer] Science is the best tool ever devised

    [Michael Shermer] Science is the best tool ever devised 科学はこれまでで一番の発明です。

  • For understanding how the world works

    For understanding how the world works それは、世界がどう働くかを理解するためのものです。

  • [Jacob Bronowski] Science is a very human form of knowledge

    [Jacob Bronowski] Science is a very human form of knowledge 科学は人間の知恵です。

  • We are always at the brink of the known

    We are always at the brink of the known 私たちは常に知られたことの際にいます。

  • [Carl Sagan] Science is a collaborative enterprise

    [Carl Sagan] Science is a collaborative enterprise 科学は協力的なものです。

  • Spanning the generations

    Spanning the generations それは世代を渡っています。

  • We remember those who prepared the way

    We remember those who prepared the way 私たちは、法則を発見した人達が

  • Seeing for them also

    Seeing for them also 同じもを見ていたことが思いだされます。

  • [Neil deGrasse Tyson] If you're scientifically literate,

    [Neil deGrasse Tyson] If you're scientifically literate, もし、君が科学の知識があれば、

  • The world looks very different to you

    The world looks very different to you 君にとって世界は違ったものに見えます。

  • And that understanding empowers you

    And that understanding empowers you そして、理解は君に力を与えます。

  • [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world

    [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world 現実世界には、本物の詩があります。

  • Science is the poetry of reality

    Science is the poetry of reality 科学は現実(リアリティ)の詩です。

  • [Sagan] We can do science

    [Sagan] We can do science 私たちは科学することが出来ます。

  • And with it, we can improve our lives

    And with it, we can improve our lives そして、私たちの人生を向上させることができます。

  • [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world

    [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world 現実世界には、本物の詩があります。

  • Science is the poetry of reality

    Science is the poetry of reality 科学は現実の詩です。

  • [Jill Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas

    [Jill Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas 人間の物語は、アイディアの物語です。

  • That shine light into dark corners

    That shine light into dark corners それは、暗い片隅に光を当てます。

  • [Lawrence Krauss] Scientists love mysteries

    [Lawrence Krauss] Scientists love mysteries 科学者はミステリーを愛します。

  • They love not knowing

    They love not knowing 彼らは「知らないこと」を愛します。

  • [Richard Feynman] I don't feel frightened by not knowing things

    [Richard Feynman] I don't feel frightened by not knowing things 僕は知らないことに怯えたりしません。

  • I think it's much more interesting

    I think it's much more interesting 僕は、それはさらに興味深い事だと考えます。

  • [Brian Greene] There's a larger universal reality

    [Brian Greene] There's a larger universal reality 大きくて普遍的な現実があります。

  • of which we are all a part

    of which we are all a part そこでは、私たちは全て部分です。

  • [Stephen Hawking] The further we probe into the universe

    [Stephen Hawking] The further we probe into the universe この宇宙を探れば探るほど、

  • The more remarkable are the discoveries we make

    The more remarkable are the discoveries we make さらに私たちが成し遂げた発見が並外れたものになります。

  • [Carolyn Porco] The quest for the truth, in and of itself,

    [Carolyn Porco] The quest for the truth, in and of itself, 真実の探求は、

  • Is a story that's filled with insights

    Is a story that's filled with insights 洞察に満ちた物語です。

  • [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world

    [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world 現実世界には、本物の詩があります。

  • Science is the poetry of reality

    Science is the poetry of reality 科学は現実の詩です。

  • [Sagan] We can do science

    [Sagan] We can do science 私たちは科学をすることができます。

  • And with it, we can improve our lives

    And with it, we can improve our lives そして、私たちの人生を向上させることができます。

  • [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world

    [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world 現実世界には、本物の詩があります。

  • Science is the poetry of reality

    Science is the poetry of reality 科学は現実の詩です。

  • [Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas

    [Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas 人間の物語は、アイディアの物語です。

  • That shine light into dark corners

    That shine light into dark corners 暗い片隅に光を当てます。

  • [Greene] From our lonely point in the cosmos

    [Greene] From our lonely point in the cosmos 宇宙の中の孤独な地点から、

  • We have through the power of thought

    We have through the power of thought 私たちは考える力を通して、

  • Been able to peer back to a brief moment

    Been able to peer back to a brief moment それは宇宙の誕生の後の、

  • After the beginning of the universe

    After the beginning of the universe ほんの短い瞬間を見ることが出来ます。

  • [PZ Myers] I think that science changes the way your mind works

    [PZ Myers] I think that science changes the way your mind works 僕は、科学は考え方を変化させると考えます。

  • To think a little more deeply about things

    To think a little more deeply about things 物事について、ほんの少し深く考える事が出来ます。

  • [Dawkins] Science replaces private prejudice

    [Dawkins] Science replaces private prejudice 科学は、個人の偏見を

  • With publicly verifiable evidence

    With publicly verifiable evidence みんなの理解できるものに取って代わります。

  • [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world

    [Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world 現実世界には、本物の詩があります。

  • Science is the poetry of reality

    Science is the poetry of reality 科学は現実(リアリティ)の詩です。

  • [Sagan] We can do science

    [Sagan] We can do science 私たちは科学をする事ができます。

  • And with it, we can improve our lives

    And with it, we can improve our lives そして、人生を向上させる事が出来ます。

  • Thanks to Filipe Calvario (123Calvario) for the subs!

    Thanks to Filipe Calvario (123Calvario) for the subs!

What is Science?

What is Science? 科学って何?

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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