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  • Hello, how are you?

  • -Good to see you.

  • Good to see you too!

  • Isn't this so exciting to be here at the GQ awards?

  • Very, very exciting. I mean I'm surrounded by so many friends it's wonderful. You know

  • it's really lovely. I remember when I first came to this I didn't know many people then

  • sort of all of my generation of guys started doing well and then they start appearing here

  • so it's very exciting.

  • Who will you be then finding later to have a bit of a dance, have a bit of a catch up?

  • Well, Richard Madden I haven't seen in a while. He's a very good friend of mine so yeah I'm

  • looking forward to seeing him a lot.

  • Now this is the ultimate boys' night but what happens on your ultimate boys' nights?

  • What happens? I just have fun I mean we all work so hard I haven't, you don't get the

  • chance to see your friends all the time, you're off here, there and everywhere so it's nice

  • to sort of bring us all together, put us in the same place and have some free booze and

  • have some fun.

  • If you could give a GQ award to anyone, who do you think is really killing it at the moment?

  • What a GQ award? Anyone? Erm, OR! That's a hard question.

  • There are so many, there are so many!

  • I've just seem Peter Capaldi, give it to him.

  • Yes, well done!

  • And lastly you have literally had the most busiest kind of year out of most actors - in

  • the next four months what are you most looking forwarding to?

  • Well, I'm really looking forward to I'm going to Toronto Film Festival in - on Friday and

  • opening a movie, the Riot Club, which I'm really excited about. So, we're opening then.

  • That's my, that's immediately what I'm doing next.

  • You have the coolest cast.

  • Very cool cast, yeah!

  • Amazing. Well, enjoy tonight and see you a bit later.

  • -Thanks so much. See you in a bit.

Hello, how are you?


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A2 初級

GQアワード。ダグラス・ブースが新作『ライオット・クラブ』と友人との交流について語る (GQ Awards: Douglas Booth talks new film Riot Club and catching up with friends)

  • 27 4
    s7003122 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日