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Hi I am Dr Sneha Desu. I am a fitness instructor and sports and clinical nutrition specialist.
In my experience I have come across many women with different kind of goals. There are women
who just want to stay fit, there are women who just want to lose weight and there are
women who just want to carry their baby without feeling exhausted. And there are those with
actual medical conditions and exercise actually helps. For whatever reasons if you are not
able to hit the gym and workout and go to a park and run or just play a sport, I am
here to help you guys to help you to get to your fitness goals. I will be taking you all
through a series of 4 videos which will be targeting specific muscle groups in your body.
Like any other form of exercise guys make sure you have your doctor's approval before
attempting any of the movements that I will be taking you guys through today. Lets start
with the warm up guys. Starting off with jogging on the spot, this can start slow and slowly
increase the pace from there. Then we will jog into some seal jacks. This is opening
your arms and legs in and out like this. just 3 more here, one and we are dropping into
shuffles, shuffling back and forth taking it slow and easy and again picking up the
pace from there. few more reps, all good. Now we are going to drop our heel on the floor
like this straight, legs going all the way down making it a dynamic movement guys. warming
up back of our legs as well as our calf muscles. Just going to keep doing this, few more reps
here. Dropping into butt kicks, just gonna be kicking butt with your heel. couple of
more reps here. I am gonna open up my legs and drop hands on the floor and just twist
your upper body opening up your arms sideways like this doing wind mills guys. just gonna
be few more reps here, 2 more and last one. i am going to be coming back, same stands
reaching to the side. twisting and reaching to the side, opening up the side of your abs,
few more here. nice work and adding some shoulder rotations warming up those shoulders 5 back
and 5 forward. You are just gonna diagonally open up your shoulders now as well as your
chest, 2 more reps and finishing that up with some neck rotation, couple of reps to the
side and couple of reps to the back and forth. alright that's the end of your warm up guys,
So we are gonna start off today's work out with upper body program. So the first exercise
guys is going to be a dumbbell forward to overhead press while you are shuffling side
to side. I am gonna start my timer for 45 seconds, remember there is a rest period of
15 seconds between every exercise alright. Starting now you are just going to take your
dumbbells and shuffling forwards and backwards like this and just gonna be adding forward
and overhead press just like this. If you think dumbbells are too heavy guys, more than
welcome to do just body weight guys just moving your arms in and out. doing great just couple
of more seconds, if you are not able to take it overhead guys just take it forward and
back you are still working on your arms, 15 more seconds here and we get to rest. This
is how to do it looks from side guys, make sure you are shuffling back and forth, 5 more
seconds and we are done. So, that was the first exercise. We are going to do second
exercise seal jack to a half burpee So, if you would like you can take dumbbells again
or you are welcome to just do it with body weight. This is how the seal jacks go guys.
you are just gonna open up your arms in and out so 2 seal jacks and dropping down into
2 burpees. Its only a halp burpee guys you are gonna add a jump to that, just dropping
down again into 2 seal jacks, dropping your dumbbells down into 2 burpees. You don't have
to add a push up, jumping up again, remember if you want to make it more challenging you
are gonna add 2 pushups alright, one pushup getting your feet back and another pushup
and back to the center and jumping up to open up your arms one more time, two dropping down
again into two burpees, alright and a jump, you have to always add a jump to burpee guys,
its gonna make it burn more calories. Alright, coming back two more and back. Next one is
going to be dumbbell squat to a press jump. I am going to hold both the dumbbells up on
my shoulders, dropping down into a squat every time you squat make sure your butt goes back,
chest up straight at all times, knees not going beyond your toes. dropping now into
a squat when you come up you just gonna press up and add a jump to that alright all the
way down and all the way up guys. Like I said make sure you knees are not going beyond your
toes at all times if you think you are able to press it every single time then you can
do one jump and then the other with the press alright. keep moving guys doing good. 20 more
seconds here, alright, 15 to go remember you don't have to always add the jump guys, if
you want you can use squat and press up like this, its gonna make it slightly easy and
2 more reps here, last one. Moving on to the next one its going to be a moving plank, I
am just going to lay out this mat for this, start off in the plank position so plank position
on the hands guys, so right from here , you are gonna slightly go up on to your elbows,
slowly picking up your body on to hands again and doing the same thing every time alternating
sides every time guys make sure you are not lifting up only with one arm right using the
other arm as well alternating every time. Remember guys upper body strength is extremely
important especially for women because they in general have a weak upper body, so make
sure doing these exercises is really gonna help you guys. Coming back up keep alternating
sides, couple of more reps here. keep doing the same, you cannot hold a plank guys you
are welcome to drop on your knees and do the same thing that's gonna make it slightly easy
and doing last rep here and that's it. Next one is going to be dumbbell forward and diagonal
punch while you are dropping down into trimetric lunges. I am just going to pick up my dumbbells,
dropping down into prior lunges, just continuous reverse lunges like this alright. dropping
down into one i am just gonna do 2 punches forward, dropping down again 2 punches to
the side right, keep doing this as quickly as you can, remember punches are not just
great for your arms but also for the side as well as the front abs as you are twisting
like this. So dropping down again, if you want you can do all 4 punches at once or you
can just do 2, dropping down and doing 2 to the side alright. I am gonna make it 4, it
is going to make you little more exhausting alright. keep doing same thing guys 10 more
seconds again couple more here make sure you are twisting all the way to the side guys
and get the most of this workout and last rep here. So, the next one is going to be
regular pushups. Lot of women who don't have enough upper body strength to do regular push
ups. You can just drop onto your knees and do the same thing again. starting off in the
plank position, make sure your elbows are flaring out every time you drop all the way
down coming back up like this. Like I said guys if you cannot do that you are most welcome
to drop your knees and cross over your feet like this and do knee push ups. Lot of women
start off like this until they develop enough upper body strength to be able to do normal
pushups right. So keep moving with me 20 more seconds. This is great for just not the back
of your arms but also for your upper chest guys, couple of more reps here, doing good,
if you think you have enough strength just get back onto your feet and do regular push
ups. Please try them out. 2 more reps here and dropping down. Next one we are moving
on to 7th exercise it is going to be dumbbell bent over row to a reverse fly and adding
the jump to that. So, this is how you do a bent over row guys. Just gonna have a slight
bend in the knees, bending over chest up straight back, we are just gonna have palms facing
each other and row dumbbells all the way up. I am gonna make this little more exciting
by adding a fly to the same thing. So one row to one fly if you think that's too easy
then add a jump to that, one row one fly and coming back to the center one fly alright,
So its gonna be jumping every time you get into a fly, this its great to your mid to
your upper back guys. Lot of women neglect this exercise when they are doing the regular
workout, its like why do we need upper back strength and mid back strength, its extremely
important guys, it forms the base of your core, so keep doing this with me one last
rep. alright. Dumbell Russian twist to external rotation. So you are just gonna pick up 2
dumbbells, you will be sitting on your butt like this, feet off the floor starting from
this position you are just gonna twist to both sides, alright, so twisting like this
if you like you can add an external rotation or you do the same. So one external rotation
you are moving both the dumbbells out keeping your elbows close to the body and you can
be twisting to the sides like this. This is a great exercise again for the side of your
abs no doubt where you are also working your mid to your upper back as well as the back
of your shoulders while you do this exercise alright, 2 more reps keep going. Every time
you come to the center guys remember if its too difficult you are more than welcome to
drop your feet on the floor and do the same thing just make sure you are holding that
incline with your upper body or if you are just sitting up its gonna be no use guys,
so make sure you are holding that incline. One last rep here .. So the next one is going
to be dumbbell bicep curl to an ice skater alright. So i am gonna take my 2 dumbbells
like this stepping out of the mat and Ice skate is you are just going to take you feet
off and hop side to side like this. So now i am gonna add bicep curl while I do the same
thing alright, If you can if you want to you can just drop your foot on the floor or if
you think this is easy you can just lift your foot off the floor like this, you are doing
great guys just keep moving with me . we are gonna build some crazy upper body strength
alright. Just a few more reps here nice work like I said you can just drop your foot when
you do the same exercise, couple of more reps here might seem like dumbbells are getting
much heavier than they are one kilo but you are gonna keep moving yeah last 2 reps here
and finishing it up. We have already come to the last exercise guys so for the last
exercise i am gonna be needing my step ups i am gonna place it over here alright, we
are gonna drop down into tricep dips all following that up with some kicks alright. starting
in this position you are just gonna drop down bending only at your elbows. Lot of women
tend to move their hip and its very easy to move your hip that's not working on your arms
right. so you are just gonna drop down only bending your elbows guys keping your hip close
to the stepper, if you wanna make this little more difficult you are just gonna add kick
alright. So i am dropping down into 4 dips following it up with 4 kicks so I am also
getting a little more cardio in by adding that kick to the exercise. Working on big
muscle grips in the body to the front of our legs, so i am dropping down again some more
dips here alright thats one, jumping again into kicks. 4 more here last one. Alright
so now that we are done with all the exercises we are gonna do all of them one more time
same thing 45 seconds on 15 seconds off i am just gonna put my step up aside starting
off with dumbbell forward to overhead press while you are shuffling back and forth like
this alright so I am shuffling I am just gonna be moving dumbbells in and out like I said
guys you can just stick to one movement, why stick to the simple ones when you can make
it little more difficult and burn some more calories than you just do one movement right.
doing the same thing with me couple more reps here doing really well guys when we will done
half way through its half the journey left. few more reps here 10 more seconds and that's
all. You wont have to do this exercise another time. nice work and finishing up with one
rep. So, the next one seal jack into half burpees with dumbbells, if you think it is
getting very difficult with the dumbbells guys please put them aside and do the same
thing what I suggest is stick with the dumbbells, starting off again with the seal jacks going
to be 2 seal jacks dropping the dumbbells down into 2 burpees alright coming again remember
guys upper body exercises will not make you bulky its a huge myth that only happens if
you are really taking lot of supplements and steroids alright coming back remember if you
just doing with light weight it really doesn't matter keep moving and keep doing these exercises
with me, you just have 8 more to go. alright 4 more reps here. and last one finish it up
with 2 seal jacks all good, so moving on to the 3rd one it is going to be dumbbell squat
and press jump with the 2 dumbbells I am just picking my one kilo dumbbell starting off
in this position guys remember every time you squat butt goes back chest up straight
when you come up you are just adding a tiny jump alright remember you don't have to go
all the way up when you are jumping guys even a little bit of jump is really good alright.
doing the same thing over and over for the next 40 seconds guys but the good thing is
i am gonna get 15 seconds rest after that alright so stay with me we are gonna finish
this workout. Sqaut as I have already stressed guys is extremely important for you and doing
this shoulder movement is brilliant to get you that lean upper body you have always dreamt
of having alright stay with me couple of more reps here and finishing that one rep. Next
one is going to be moving plank like i have said you can also drop down to your knees
and do the same thing. Starting off again in the plank position either off your knees
or on your knees i am just gonna show it on my knees now , dropping it on to elbows onto
your hands onto you elbows right make sure you are alternating sides every single time
nice work try not to twist your body too much guys keep that hip in one line for the rest
of your body It will really work guys few more to go here that's one. this is gonna
really tone up your arms guys you don't feel it now but you will see great results soon.
Just keep moving with me just few reps here and finishing it up with one last rep. alright
so the next one is going to be a dumbbell forward and diagonal punch while you are dropping
down into lunges. So, I am just gonna pick up my dumbbells to do this exercise remember
dropping down into nice and deep lunges when you do this. Getting down into two punches
and again giving two punches into side alright, just like this guys. Its very easy if you
think you are losing balance you are most welcome to drop your knee and do the same
thing all right. I am gonna do 4 here making it little more effective I am going to 4 punches
2 forward and 2 side all right few more reps and we will be done with this exercise. Make
sure you are fully extending your arms every single time guys you know half punches although
they do work its not as effective as the full ones. So please extend your arms all the way
out give me one rep here and that's all. So the next one we have, its going to be knee
pushup. I am going to get on my mat like this dropping down into pushups like I said you
can also do it off your knees holding a plank like this and doing deep push ups I am just
going to do with my knees now, this guys almost flaring out every time make sure you are feeling
it in your upper chest as well as the back of your arms guys and you will also be feeling
little bit in your shoulders and that's okay make sure you are not extending your leg too
much and keeping it too low down. Go along with your body guys that's the key for this
exercise You will also be feeling it in your core that's what it takes to hold your body
speed up like this all your core muscles are actually activated while you drop down into
pushups. Couple of more here and we are done, two more reps and last last one. Moving on
to the next one it is going to be dumbbell bent over row to a reverse fly jump. So I
am going to pick my dumbbells for this exercise its going to be a reverse fly and then a row
right so I am starting off from this position, slight bend in my knees bending over chest
up straight back, just rowing dumbbells into 2 reps and opening up into fly or you can
just do one rep and opening into fly. if you want you can also add a jump to that I am
gonna do the jump guys so I hope you are following the same with me . When you workout remember
to squeeze your back muscles guys when you do this to make the most of this movement
half way through guys If you think you are getting tired please don't stop just avoid
the jump and do the same exercise there is no point of you stopping in between your work
period guys. it is not going to interval training otherwise. Dumbbell Russian twist to external
rotation So you are just gonna pick up 2 dumbbells and sitting on your butt like this, feet off
the floor you are just gonna twist to both sides so twisting like this. If you like you
can add an external rotation or you do the same all right so one external rotation you
are moving both the dumbbells out keeping your elbows close to the body and you can
just keep twisting to the sides like this. This is a great exercise again for the side
of your abs no doubt and you are also working on your mid to your upper back as well as
the back of your shoulders while you do this exercise all right 2 more reps keep going
all right Every time you come to the center guys remember if its too difficult you are
more than welcome to drop your feet on the floor and do the same thing. Just make sure
you are holding that incline with your upper body or if you are sitting up its gonna be
no use guys so make sure that you are holding that incline one last rep here all right.
We are now gonna move on to dumbbell bicep curl with ice skater Make sure I am gonna
pick this again. Just gonna be moving to the side like this and curling when you jump all
right if you want to you can put your feet on the floor but I suggest you try work on
some coordination balance while you balance yourself on one foot. Jumping and curling
sideways guys and also have your palms facing each other guys while you curl it works on
the inner part of the front of your arms. This is the exercise guys which makes you
have those lean arms toned arms that you see all women have on magazine will get it like
this keep moving with me one last rep here all good. Moving onto the last exercise guys
that's it and the end of this workout So I am gonna bring my stepper in one more time
and drop down in to dips followed by kicks all right Same position keeping your hip close
to the floor going as low as you can go dropping down 4 dips and then 4 kicks you can lift
your hip slightly about the same position guys when you are kicking as it gives you
little bit of the momentum to kick forward all right and dropping down and do 4 more
dips and kicking forward almost done guys end of this upper body workout you are gonna
look good towards the end of this session all right Just stay with me couple of more
reps and finishing it up 4 kicks and 4 dips all right that's the end to your upper body