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  • What’s up guys it’s me Jeremy. The new champion, Taliyah is out on the PBE, and I

  • got a chance to mess around with her a bit and try out my thoughts. She’s a really

  • cool and interesting champion, and I’m really fond of the way that she was designed as a

  • whole. I got a chance to take a look at her in pretty much every role that you might think

  • of, and I’m here to bring you guys my thoughts for just how good Taliyah is shaping up to

  • be. And as always If you guys enjoy the video don’t forget to hit that like button and

  • if you don’t enjoy the video hit that dislike. And let’s get started.

  • So Taliyah is a champion that is very much designed to be a control mage, and as a result

  • functions somewhat similarly in playstyle to that of champions like Viktor and Anivia.

  • Control mages involve using zones to aggressively influence the positioning of opponents, while

  • also outputting damage with a decent amount of utility. And control mages are really awesome

  • in my opinion, because they are probably one of the most well-designed playstyles a champion

  • can have in league of legends. She doesn’t have any super frustrating mechanics to play

  • against, and her kit is really healthy and fair to play against as well, while at the

  • same time control mages are very complex strategically in terms of positioning and using your abilities.

  • Although control mages might not always be the most complex champions in terms of mechanics,

  • in terms of the strategy to use your abilities and make plays, they are some of the most

  • in depth when it comes to that category, because often the control mages involve a lot of slow

  • and powerful skillshots that are pretty easy to dodge, and as a result require you to,

  • instead of just throwing them out at will, they require you to set up, predict, and manipulate

  • your opponent to force them into positions where your skillshots land, which is a really

  • awesome playstyle to design a champion for. Taliyah is a unique control mage in the sense

  • that she lacks a lot of damage, especially some of the burst that a lot of the control

  • mages have. She definitely does a bit less damage, and as compensation she is given better

  • utility. Not necessarily more utility, but the utility that she has is a lot more impactful

  • and powerful to create plays if you can actually land it properly. Let’s take a look at her

  • abilities. Her passive gives her bonus movement speed

  • when moving next to walls. This is kind of a boring ability, but it’s cool to like

  • surf around on a rock, and the passive gives you a bit of breathing room before it deactivates,

  • allowing you to use it to get back to lane a lot faster, as well as to roam around to

  • other lanes, so it might not be that exciting or interesting, but it’s reasonably useful,

  • and helps give her a bit more presence around the map without any downsides. You just have

  • to remember to make sure to actually walk next to a wall rather than down the middle

  • of a lane or something when walking around on the map.

  • Her Q is probably the strongest ability on her kit. It’s going to be what you want

  • to max outside of putting points into your ultimate whenever possible, and this ability

  • has a lot of dynamics to it that gives you a bunch of different options. It fires out

  • 5 line projectiles with a relatively high range, that do a pretty solid amount of damage.

  • The first one hit does some nice poke, and additional projectiles hit on the same target

  • do 50% damage. In addition, it places a zone on the ground that lasts for 3 minutes and

  • gives her bonus movement speed when moving through it. If you cast the Q inside one of

  • those zones, instead of firing 5 projectiles you fire only 1, but you are refunded half

  • of the mana cost. So you can set up the zones and use the angles to cs and save a bit of

  • mana, but it’s also kind of weird to play around, since it definitely does lower your

  • damage but it’s necessary since she runs out of mana somewhat quickly. However, if

  • you are using the Q for the 5 projectiles, and manage to land 3 or more on a target,

  • this ability is a really insane amount of damage for a basic ability. You proc thunderlords,

  • and you can really chunk people out, although landing that many projectiles on the target

  • is easier said than done, but this aspect makes rylais a core item on her, since by

  • giving her Q a slow it makes landing 4 or 5 of the projectiles on a champion quite easy,

  • as long as you hit the first one. As well, the hitbox width is generous, definitely larger

  • than the animation, and it hits in a small aoe radius so it kind of works for waveclear

  • and harassing through creeps and is a really cool ability to play with that is her main

  • source of power. Her W is probably my favorite ability on her

  • kit. This is her main source of utility that I mentioned earlier when it came to the fact

  • that she doesn’t really have more or less utility in her kit than other control mages,

  • but the utility she does have is a lot more impactful, since her W is almost like a mini

  • ranged alistar headbutt that can go in any direction, although it is quite difficult

  • to land, being able to bump an opponent into your team at a pretty significant range is

  • really awesome and is incredibly powerful, and is a great ability to set up combos, create

  • picks, disengage, and manipulate your opponents. It has a petty big delay on it so it’s quite

  • difficult to land, and that’s super cool to see because it makes the ability super

  • fair. It’s difficult to land but a big part of her strategy revoles around it. Since getting

  • hit with the W counts as a dash, it also procs the second half of the damage on her E, and

  • allows you to combo to land a lot of damage on a target. Typically, when you land a W

  • on someone you should, at least in theory be able to land most of your entire combo

  • on them, so a really big part of her playstyle involves manipulating your opponent’s movements

  • in order to force them into a position to put them in a spot where dodging the W is

  • nearly impossible, which results in a really awesome strategic playstyle.

  • Her E is what I think might be the most interesting ability on her kit. Now this ability does

  • like an okay amount of damage, and has a 4 second delay on it’s reactivation for a

  • second round of damage. 4 seconds is obviously a massive delay, and I talked about this mechanic

  • of giving something a delay a couple days ago, and we can really see this mechanic in

  • this ability on Taliyah as well. If someone uses a dash within the zone of her E, it procs

  • the second part of the damage instantly, but it does not stop the dash, however landing

  • her W also counts as a dash so those two abilities kind of combo together. Now the main reason

  • why I think this ability is so interesting, is because of how short the range actually

  • is. Where every single ability on her kit is actually quite long ranged, this ability

  • is ridiculously short ranged which Is really cool, since it gives her incentive to put

  • herself in a position where she is a little bit closer to the fight and a little more

  • at risk. As a result, she benefits a lot from tank stats, so a proper build on her is probably

  • some form of hybrid ap, maybe like a rod of ages first, then a rylais, and an abyssal

  • scepter, then zhonyas and a rabadon’s or void staff. Don’t pay attention to my builds

  • in the video, because whenever I play champions on the PBE I basically just try out a bunch

  • of random garbage that often ends up sucking, but it’s a good way to learn a lot about

  • the champion quickly. And in teamfights, a lot of postioning and manipulation with the

  • rest of her kit can allow you to land that second proc of the E, especially on tanks

  • or champions that are easily kited, and even if you can’t, the first part still does

  • relevant damage and it gives her nice waveclear. And her ultimate definitely is the coolest

  • ability on her kit. This ability took a while for me to get used to and I kind of messed

  • it up a lot, since it’s a little bit slower than I had expected it to be, but it essentially

  • creates this huge wall of impassable terrain at a massive range, so much so to where you

  • can wall off entire areas. You can wall off escape routes of an opponent in lane completely,

  • which makes it an awesome tool for ganking, and you can wall off people to be stuck inside

  • the baron pit. Think of it as like a massive semi global anivia wall, but what’s great

  • is that you can use it as a pseudo teleport kind of ability to travel to somewhere really

  • fast, and you can also deactivate the wall at any time in case you mess it up, or if

  • the positioning of the players change to where the wall is more of a burden. The wall lasts

  • for 6 seconds, and when you are riding on it, you can also jump off at any time, so

  • as a result it’s quite versatile, but the range on it, and the plays you can make with

  • it are so hilarious it’s actually quite awesome. From using it to travel to a fight

  • faster, to completely cutting off an escape route for ganks, to zoning out opponents from

  • fights and splitting them off, this ultimate is a really awesome ability that has a high

  • skillcap as well, but gives her a lot of hilarious, but also quite good playmaking potential.

  • It doesn’t do any damage, and the fact that it doesn’t is a big part of why I say that

  • Taliyah in general is maybe a bit lower in damage than other control mages, her damage

  • overall is still quite alright, she just lacks the one shot burst combo of a control mage

  • like viktor might have on some targets that get caught out. But yeah her ultimate is awesome,

  • it’s just that her all-in potential isn’t enough to kill someone from full hp, and that

  • results in a fairly strategic playstyle. Her laning phase is pretty interesting since

  • she lacks a bit of burst damage, but she has a lot of nice harass and using her q can be

  • quite effective, and she performs well versus mostly immobile champions, since she is fairly

  • skillshot reliant. But her laning phase is alright, and her waveclear is pretty solid,

  • since although her E has a super long delay, it’s not really a huge deal when using it

  • to waveclear. Her roams are great, and her teamfighting is really interesting since there

  • is a lot of strategic things you can do through manipulating opponents and zone control.

  • Taliyah is definitely designed for the mid lane, but she has some potential in other

  • roles too. She has a fair amount of utility, so she has potential on support, and her tools

  • for ganking are insane, so she has potential in the jungle as well. And since she kind

  • of works off of a tanky-hybrid kind of style, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her having

  • success in the top lane as well. It’s hard to know if her utility will be useful enough

  • without the damage though, and I’m leaning a bit towards it being a no, since although

  • her W is awesome, it’s really difficult to land if your other abilities aren’t threatening,

  • so I don’t think well see her on support, and in the jungle she lacks a bit of the waveclear

  • you would want from a good jungler, and the control mage style in general is one that

  • is much better suited for mid lane, and with her ultimate and passive roaming on her is

  • powerful, so her meta role is almost certainly going to be mid lane, and I’m not confident

  • that she will be successful in other roles, although she definitely does have some potential.

  • Overall though, the design of Taliyah is something that I am really impressed by. She really

  • does not feel overpowered at all, and she doesn’t feel underpowered as well. She’s

  • probably one of if not the most balanced champion in terms of the gameplay design that I’ve

  • seen for a really long time. Her design is really awesome, and she feels great to not

  • only play as, but also to play against, and she has a pretty high skillcap which makes

  • her have a lot of potential to be powerful at the competitive level. I really don’t

  • think that she’s overpowered, and she might not even be that strong, but she definitely

  • feels really really balanced which is really cool, and says a lot about the design of the

  • character, so big props to the lead designer Daniel Klein, who also designed Azir, Tahm

  • Kench, Lucian, and the Xerath rework, he did a great job with Taliyah, and I’m looking

  • forward to her release and would recommend her to anyone looking to try out a new control

  • mage once she hits live servers, which should be in two weeks from the day I am uploading

  • this video. And that’s gonna be it, thanks for watching,

  • subscribe if you want, an I’ll see you guys next time!

What’s up guys it’s me Jeremy. The new champion, Taliyah is out on the PBE, and I


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TALIYAHの実力は?- リーグ・オブ・レジェンド (How Good is TALIYAH? - League of Legends)

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    John Wu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日