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  • Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play...

  • Here are the runes, masteries, skill distribution and items that you'll need to be the toughest little kid in your family.

  • Always piss off your enemy by using yourself as a wall between him and the minions to not let him farm or get any experience.

  • If he gets cocky because you left for a second, you should punish him by attacking him until he has no choice but to run away to his mama.

  • Also, pick this kiddo when you play against champions using skillshots because this gnome is a natural counter to these fuckabishes.

  • Defeating poison boy is easier than stealing a baby's lollipop.

  • That's right! All you need to do is attack him while moving around without touching his fart until he dies.

  • And, if his ninja friend is coming at you right after that, give him a few hits here and there and use Barrier at the last second to kill that greedy fatherfucker.

  • If poison boy brings his wife to towerdive you, you should target Karma first because she stupidly tanks the tower's damage and stick your bamboo stick on her ass like a crazy glue.

  • When she's on the verge of dying, switch your target to the man that needs the power of a woman to take on a little kid playing in the park and still fail to kill him.

  • Late game, you'll be able to show everyone that you're the toughest little kid in the universe and that the enemy's attack hurts less than a baby's scratch.

  • When you finally get your Sunfire Cape, you can easily farm by staying invisible and your enemies will never know why their lanes are always pushed.

  • If you don't have that item, you can still play as a portable ward to witness a failed jump from a Giant Bug,

  • you'll know exactly where the enemies are headed to prepare a ninja gank on them,

  • you'll see what's going on in the enemy's base, and, of course, you can corner any slut you want to have the most sexy threesome in your life as a dirty kid.

  • By the way, you need to learn how to use your mushrooms to become the greatest Tankmo in your city.

  • When planting one of them, you'll gain a brief vision of the area around it, so use it to not facecheck a brush if you don't have any ward on you.

  • Hell, you don't even need wards since you can see anyone who passes near it, no problem!

  • Also, when running away from enemies, put a mushroom in front of them to make them stop chasing you like crazy glue.

  • And, if they step on it, they'll be so annoyed that they'll rage more than the angry german kid.

  • Since you're tanky and no one can chase you thanks to your mushrooms, you should have a perfect score everytime you play that gnome.

  • As you can see, you can use it to pickpocket the minions faster than ever instead of attacking them one by one like a dumb kid.

  • Oh, and by the way, never forget to plant drugs here and there to protect yourself and your team from dirty ganks when you are pushing a lane or when you're about to...

  • Here's an example of how useful the mushrooms really are.

  • By planting one here and one here, you can bait a greedy fuckabish by making him think that you're running away in fear and when he steps on your drug,

  • start attacking him until the slow effect from the mushroom vanish to drag him to your second mushroom and repeat the same thing until your enemy is down.

  • And that is why no one likes to play against Tankmo since his enemies will have to walk through a mine field to get to him.

  • If you're lucky enough, your mushroom kingdom can prevent your enemies from running away by killing them with an overdose of shroom boom.

  • In teamfights, you can stay hidden like a pussy to witness a duel like a boss and reveal yourself to kill the bug if someone tries to disrupt the fight between them.

  • Since you're the toughest little kid in the world, you don't need to stay in the back, so you can Leeroy Jenkins like a cocky bastard

  • and receive every damage for your teammates until they are ready to savagely jump on them.

  • If Poppy thinks that he can do a love suicide with you, he's gravely mistaken because you still have a blind up your sleeve.

  • Well then, my friends. Can you tell me who's the toughest little kid in the League?

  • That's it for today, people!

  • Don't forget to check out my channel for more boring League of Legends videos.

  • Feel free to leave a comment in any language you want, but I'll only answer those in English and in French because I'm a racist fuckabish.

  • Ciaossu!

Hey, what's up GG (guys and girls)? CouilleBleu's back today to play...


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B1 中級

隠しタンクTeemo - リーグオブレジェンズ (Teemo The Hidden Tank - League of Legends)

  • 1295 18
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日