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  • Dear Ryan, please remake How to be Ninja.

  • Dear Ryan, can you do, "How to be Ninja 2?"

  • Dear Ryan, can you make "How to be Ninja"?

  • Dear Ryan, How to be Ninja! [How to be Ninja! x7]

  • That video is so old.

  • The sad part is that I think that some of you watching are actually younger than that video.

  • Anyways, it's been like 8 or 9 years since this video came out.

  • A lot of you actually saw it back then.

  • It's one of my most popular videos by far.

  • And probably every single year since, I've been asked to remake this video for some reason.

  • And there's reasons why I never remade that video.

  • I mean first of all, it has tons of copyrighted music in it that almost got my account removed in 2008.

  • Secondly, there's a very offensive joke in this video.

  • That back in the day it was like, I mean it wasn't okay to say, but people could say it and get away with it.

  • Today, I can't get away with it.

  • If you saw the original, you know which part I'm talking about.

  • And last, but most importantly, it's probably one of my most popular videos of all time.

  • And no matter what I do, or how I remake it, you can never beat the original.

  • People naturally love the original more.

  • I mean think about every single movie that was ever remade.

  • The people who watched the original, or read the books always complain about the new version.

  • So I apologize for this misleading title, but I am never going to remake How to be Ninja.

  • It has copyrighted music, it has offensive jokes,

  • and it's never going to meet anyone's expectations, so why do it?

  • It would probably just upset more people who actually enjoyed the original,

  • so I'm sorry. I just can't make it.

  • With that being said, here is a parody of How to be Ninja. Enjoy.

  • AH! Oh, oh sorry.

  • This song is copyrighted

  • and this is kinda racist

  • Woah! *groans in pain*

  • Wah!

  • Give me your money!

  • No!

  • *groans in pain* Stop it! Stop it!

  • Hey you!

  • Who, me?

  • Yeah, you.

  • God?

  • Do you want to learn how to defend yourself?

  • Yeah.

  • Aren't you tired of bullies picking on you all the time?

  • Mhmm.

  • Well then, How to be Ninja 2.0 is the DVD for you!

  • This DVD comes with your two very own personal trainers.

  • Hello, my name is Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite Teriyaki Suzuki Honda Civic.

  • Hello, my name is Bob.

  • And today we are going to be teaching you how to be ninja!

  • Hata! Hooooo!

  • You're supposed to fall down.

  • Oh. Ooo.

  • The first lesson in being a ninja is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things.

  • *ninja sounds*

  • Wait a second.

  • *groans in pain*

  • Lesson two. You must be able to catch anything with your chopsticks.

  • Hey, should we change this lesson? I feel like catching things with your chopsticks doesn't really have anything to do with being a ninja.

  • Yes, it does. You just don't want to do it because you know you're going to get hit at the end.

  • No. I-I just think that we don't...

  • *sigh* Fine, I'll do it.

  • Hey! I got it!

  • Hey, wait, where's the green ball? I thought I was supposed to get hit by it.

  • Yeah, about that. I kinda left the green ball in Hawaii so...

  • Oh, now you guys want me in a video.

  • Eight years later with no videos and waiting in Hawaii.

  • Well, you know, we don't even need the green ball 'cause what does a green ball have to do with being a ninja anyway?

  • Yeah, but we have to end this lesson somehow. I mean, I gotta get hit my somet-

  • *gunshot*

  • *groans in pain*

  • Lesson three. A true ninja must be able to teleport from place to place-sudu.

  • And that's how it's done!

  • No, it's not. *all scream*

  • Lesson four. You must be able to transform into anything.

  • You must be able to turn into an animal.

  • *makes monkey sounds*

  • Turn into a tree.

  • Or maybe even a--

  • Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. We can't say that one, remember?

  • Why?

  • That's a gay slur now, and we can't get away with saying that anymore.

  • Right.

  • Alright, let's just go back and do it ag-

  • Or maybe be a politically correct homosexual male.

  • I am just like, equal to, and/or equivalent to everyone else in every way.

  • *ding*

  • Let me just do that one again

  • That sounded so gay.

  • Lesson five, you must be able to preform a fatality.

  • *laughs*

  • *gasp*

  • *scream*

  • *scream*

  • *gasp*

  • *scream*

  • Wait wait wait no no.

  • Why?

  • Why do I always have to get beat up in these?

  • Well, because I'm the one showing the fatalities

  • Why can you do fatalities too?

  • Fine, if you really want to teach, go ahead

  • ok~

  • *gathering energy sound*

  • *gathering energy sound*

  • *gathering energy sound* Green Ball No Jutsu!

  • oh... yeah...

  • *gunshot*

  • If you follow all these lessons

  • You should have come up with something like this

  • *mad groan*

  • Wait

  • The first lesson in being a ninja is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things.

  • Are you ready?

  • Mortal Kombat

  • *girly scream*

  • *slow-mo groan and scream*

  • *yell*

  • *scream in pain*

  • *yell*

  • Hanate!

  • Bob!

  • Hanate!

  • Bob!

  • Hanate!

  • Bob!

  • Hanate!

  • Oh! Forget this!

  • huh?

  • *gunshot*

  • *catching bullet by chopstick sound*

  • Hey! I got it! I guess catching things with your chopsticks

  • Really do have something to do with being a ninja...

  • - I mean... - Green Ball No Jutsu!

  • Huh?

  • *get hit sound*

  • Teehee!

  • That's wrong...

  • I'm scared, ha ha ha ha...

  • Lower further back

  • Dude, are you...

  • Further back

  • Oh... that's why...

  • *happy scream*

  • Oh I ate my line... Damn it! *laughter*

  • *laughter*

Dear Ryan, please remake How to be Ninja.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

忍者2.0になるには (How to be Ninja 2.0)

  • 755 32
    Janice に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日