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Coffee or caffeine in the morning is a necessity.
After all, it stimulates your central nervous system, elevates your mood, and increases your alertness.
But for those times that it's not available or for those who don't drink it, here are some scientific tips to kick your body into gear.
でも、たまたまコーヒーが無かったりそもそもコーヒーを飲まない人のために 今回は、体のスイッチを入れる上で科学的に証明された有効手段をご紹介しましょう。
Number one, find the light.
その 1、明かりをつける。
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, and is critical in regulating your sleep.
When it's dark, your body produces more melatonin, making you sleepy.
And when it's light, the production of melatonin drops.
So open those curtains, go outside, and expose yourself to light in the morning to decrease melatonin production and physiologically wake your body up.
If you have to wake up in darkness, try an illuminating alarm clock.
They slowly fill your room with light to wake you up naturally.
Two, end your shower with cold water.
2 番目は、シャワーの最後は冷水にするということです。
Studies show that exposing yourself to cold water can activate components of the brain responsible for regulating wakefulness, making you feel alert.
研究では、冷水に体をさらすと目覚めをつかさどる機能を持った脳の部分を活性化させることができることが分かっています。 そうすると、注意力も上がってくるのです。
Researchers have also found that the shock of cold shower water can increase your metabolic rate further, reducing feelings of fatigue.
Three, hydrate yourself.
その 3、水分を十分補給する。
Up to sixty percent of your body is water.
人間の体の 60 %は水分です。
While sleeping, you sweat, breathe, get up to urinate, or poop, all of which dehydrate you.
Studies show that even mild dehydration decreases alertness, increases fatigue, and negatively affects mental concentration.
So in the morning, grab a glass of water to replenish your fluids to fight off that tired feeling.
And don't forget to drink water throughout the day to stay alert.
Four, eat a healthy breakfast.
その 4、ヘルシーな朝食を取る。
Researchers have found that participants feel more alert after consuming a meal first thing in the morning.
If the meal was high in simple sugars, like a donut, the alertness wore off quickly, whereas if the meal was high in fiber and carbohydrates, like oats, alertness lasted longer throughout the morning.
もし、ドーナッツのように単糖分の高い食事を摂ると、注意力は持続しませんが オート麦などの炭水化物の場合は、午前中いっぱい長時間にわたって注意力が持続することが分かっています。
Another study found that breakfasts high in fat taste better, but led to consuming more food throughout the day as opposed to a high fiber and carbohydrate breakfast which satiated hunger and increased cognitive function throughout the day.
別の研究では、脂肪分の高い朝食は美味しく感じるものの、日中より多くの食べ物を摂取することにつながることも明らかになっています。 一方で繊維質や炭水化物の多い朝食を摂ると 空腹感が満たされて、1日中頭の回転が鋭い状態で過ごすことができるのです。
Five, drink some orange juice.
その 5、オレンジジュースを飲む。
Citrus fruits ,like oranges, are rich in molecules called "flavonoids".
Flavonoids have been linked to slowing cognitive decline due to aging, and decreasing the onset of Neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimers.
One study found that participants who consumed flavonoid-rich orange juice had increased alertness and cognitive function compared to their counterparts who were fed a placebo.
ある研究では、フラボノイドが豊富なオレンジジュースを飲んだグループは偽薬を与えられたグループと比べて 注意力と認知機能が向上したことが分かっています。
Number six, be physically active in the morning.
その 6、朝に体を積極的に動かすようにする
Studies have found that physically active students perform better on tests than those who are less active.
Physical activity enhances cognition due to the increased blood flow throughout the body, providing your brain with more oxygen and increasing mental performance.
体を動かすことで体全体の血液の流れが増し、脳に酸素が多く行き渡ることになり 認知力が活性化して精神状態も向上するのです。
And the hippocampus, which is part of the brain critical for learning and memory, is highly active during exercise.
And seven, listen to music.
Music has the ability to create a state of arousal, causing pupils to dilate and blood pressure to increase.
It can also increase activation in regions of the brain associated with movement and emotion while potentially releasing the "feel good" chemical, dopamine, throughout your body.
また音楽は脳の一部である動きと感情に関連した箇所の活動を活発にし 「楽しい感じ」をもたらすドーパミンを体全体に放出します。
So build that wake up playlist.
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