字幕表 動画を再生する
♪ (Jimmy Eat World, "Hear You Me") ♪
いじめやネットいじめ それに伴ううつや自殺の問題が続くなか 私たちは先日の悲劇についてティーンエイジャーたちと
Oh, my gosh. I saw this video.
Oh, Amanda Todd.
この世界規模の問題について 重大さが認識され より深い議論が生まれる手助けとなれば幸いです
I heard about her.
もし あなたがいじめの被害者であったり 自殺を考えているのなら 誰かと話をしてください
Oh, no. She flashed them. Watch out.
この動画の説明部分に役に立つ情報があります - ベニー & ラフィ・ファイン
Okay, that's pretty-- not right. That's pretty creepy.
“私の 終わりのない 物語を聞いてください”
Okay, that's really creepy.
これか 見たよ “私の 終わりのない 物語を聞いてください”
See, now this is cyberbullying.
アマンダ・トッドか 話は聞いてる “7年生の頃 私はチャットを通じて 他人と会っていました”
What a jerk.
♪ I never said thank you for that ♪
♪ I thought I might get one more chance ♪
Dude, this is serious.
ああ “露出”しちゃったんだ “それに応えました”
Oh, this is just taking it to a whole new level.
“1年後 朝4時のノック”
Then those aren't true friends, girl.
これはおかしい 恐ろしい “1年後 朝4時のノック”
Yeah, the video itself wasn't what got to me.
“警察でした 写真がバラ撒かれたのです”
What got to me was the people in the comments.
怖い話だよ “警察でした 写真がバラ撒かれたのです”
That really pissed me off.
これを“ネットいじめ”というんだ “警察でした 写真がバラ撒かれたのです”
♪ Now I'll never have a chance ♪
何てことを “警察でした 写真がバラ撒かれたのです”
♪ May angels... ♪
“また1年後 同じ男が現れました”
♪ (Sia Furler, "Breathe Me") ♪
“転校先や新しい友人も 知られていました”
Dude, that is really (bleep) up.
“Facebookで胸の写真を 公開されました”
I would try to help if I had the chance to.
これは深刻だ… “Facebookで胸の写真を 公開されました”
People are cruel, man.
これは次元が違うね “Facebookで胸の写真を 公開されました”
People are disgusting.
これは次元が違うね “友人と人望を失い 毎晩泣きました”
I'm sorry.
“友人と人望を失い 毎晩泣きました”
(FineBros) No, don't apologize.
じゃあ真の友達じゃないね “友人と人望を失い 毎晩泣きました”
So, had you heard about Amanda Todd before watching this?
動画自体よりも コメント欄を見るのが辛かった “一人で昼食を食べました”
- Yes, I've seen that video. - Mm-hmm.
あれには腹が立ったね “一人で昼食を食べました”
I had heard about Amanda Todd.
“やがて前の学校の 男友達から連絡があり”
(FineBros) Do you know what happened to her
“「彼女がいない間 こっちに来ないか」と誘われ”
after this was posted?
She killed herself, didn't she?
“男友達 その彼女 その他 十数人が押しかけ”
- Yeah, she committed suicide. - No.
“地面に叩きつけられ 執拗に殴られました”
(FineBros) She actually killed herself
“側溝に倒れているところを 父に発見されました”
about a month after this video went up.
Are you serious?
救いがないな “家に帰って漂白剤を飲みました”
(FineBros) She ended up committing suicide.
できる事なら 俺が助けたのに “半年経った今でも 漂白剤や 側溝の写真が送られてきます”
And how does it make you feel hearing this story
“「これを見て自殺すればいい」 とメッセージ付きで”
and knowing that that happened?
人間は残酷なもんだ “「これを見て自殺すればいい」 とメッセージ付きで”
It's kind of speechless shocked.
最低ね “「これを見て自殺すればいい」 とメッセージ付きで”
I feel like she made two little mistakes, and that's not fair.
“なぜ私が こんな目に遭わなければ?”
That type of stuff gets to me,
“私には もう何も 残されていません”
and I'm not a very emotional person at all.
She felt like her life was that bad to where she killed herself.
You know, and...
“Stay strong ♥”
I wish I could just talk to her.
It makes me feel like crap. Like...
everything bad I've ever done to people,
like, everything bad I've ever said to somebody,
うん 動画を見た
it makes me feel like that really had a bad effect.
She's so Internet-famous now and whatever,
この投稿の後 どうなったか知ってる?
yet other kids who have killed themselves
for better reasons than that. Like...
like no one gives a (bleep) about them, you know?
(FineBros) And what do you think
of the guy that blackmailed her?
結局 彼女は自殺した
I think he should go to jail. That's, like, child pornography.
この出来事を聞いて どう思う?
He's a grown man. He shouldn't be picking on some teenage girl.
That's pretty (bleep) up, knowing that you killed some girl.
たった2つ過ちを犯しただけ こんなのおかしい
How could you deal with that?
普段は動じない俺でも こういう話は堪える
He should be arrested for the rest of his life.
(FineBros) And how do you think people that were tormenting her
- feel now that she's done this? - I don't know.
Because I never understood,
こういう話は聞くたびに 気分が悪くなる
why would they treat her like that in the first place?
彼女は これで存在が 知られたけど―
I hope they feel really horrible.
I hope they feel like this for the rest of their lives.
"Man, why did I do that to her? Why did I hurt her like that?
She's gone now. What have I done?"
児童ポルノだ 刑に値する
If they don't feel that way,
大の大人が 少女を弄んでいいはずがない
then that means they don't have a heart.
It just depends on the person, how big their pride is.
It's like if they let themselves feel guilty.
I don't think they're going to entirely stop doing it.
彼女を貶めた人たちは 今 何を思ってるだろう?
People still bully even after terrible things happen.
(FineBros) There's still people leaving comments like,
そもそも あの人たちの 神経は理解できない
"I'm glad she's dead and she deserved it."
一生 後悔し続けてほしい
- Why are people doing that? - I don't know.
“何てことをしたんだ 自殺させてしまった”
When is she gonna see this?
そう思わない奴は 正気じゃない
Are you just doing it for your own pleasure?
良心が残っていれば 後悔してるはず
They just want a reaction,
こんな事の後でも いじめを続ける人はいる
and that's what they really feed off of.
今も “死んでよかった”と 書き込む人がいる
People like to talk big on the Internet.
なぜそんなことが できるんだろう?
Well, I mean, I've seen comments like that
just on YouTube comments for the videos,
彼女が見たら どう思うの?
like, "Oh, yeah, this guy should kill himself."
It's another form of cyberbullying
that needs to be monitored by parents,
and it's the parents' fault.
YouTubeでも“死ねばいい” というコメントを見かける
They have no repercussions for what they do on the Internet.
They can say anything,
and that's why people leave horrible comments on these videos.
ネットでは何をしても 何も感じないんだ
They feel like nothing bad is gonna happen to them.
だから どんな悪口でも 書けてしまう
It's 'cause it doesn't.
実際 何も起こらないしね
(FineBros) What do you think should happen to the people
ネットに罵詈雑言を連ねる 人々は どうなるべき?
that would leave comments like this on people's pages?
There's not much to do, you know?
They should have their accounts revoked.
They should just have their comment box removed.
Something should happen to them,
like some form of punishment,
捕まえるとしても どうやって全員を?
but the reality is nothing is gonna happen.
How are they gonna catch all those people?
直接の責任はないけど 場を提供してるのだから
Kids find a way around everything.
転校を重ねても いじめが 続いたことについては?
I think that these websites should be shut down.
You can't blame them that this is happening.
They have no control over it,
逃げ場がないなんて 想像を絶する
but they're providing the resources to let it happen.
高校生ってのは 自分が弱く感じるから―
(FineBros) And what about the rest of what she went through,
少しでも弱い相手をいじめて 優位に立とうとするんだ
how she had to keep transferring schools,
それが 状況を悪化させ 重大な結果を招くとも知らずに
but the bullying followed her everywhere?
自分で決断したことだから 結果も彼女の責任だという声も
Man, people are cruel.
I feel so bad for her.
冷酷な仕打ちが彼女の責任? そんなわけない
I can't even imagine the feeling
of not being about to escape something.
High school students, you know, they feel weak,
so they pick on people weaker than them
so they can at least have some power,
人生において大事なのは 失敗から学べること
and they find an easy target
失敗しても 人生は 好転しないと言われ続ければ
like someone who already has past problems,
彼女だって そう思い込んでしまう
and they make it worse without realizing that
どうすれば 彼女を 助けられただろう?
that has very bad consequences.
(FineBros) Some people have said
that she deserves some of what happened to her
because of the choices that she made.
- What do you think about that? - Well, everyone makes mistakes.
たとえ見捨てた後でも また友達になれた
All these mean-hearted people are over here like,
親や学校は話して ほしいと思ってても―
"She deserved it." No, she didn't.
信用できる人を 見つけるのは難しい
You can justify what they're saying,
同じ経験をしてるのは 自分だけなんだから
but, at the same time, it's like, calm down.
Just give the girl a little bit of respect and decency.
中学のとき 演劇やってて
She's just a kid. She doesn't really know any better.
The whole point in life is you're gonna learn by messing up,
俺はゲイじゃないけど たとえそうでも―
and if she keeps messing up and you keep telling her,
俺の性的指向と お前に何の関係があるんだ?
"Oh, you're never gonna get better,"
“ゲイ”と呼ぶだけで それが悪口になるなんて
she's gonna start to think that life's never gonna get better.
(FineBros) At any point during her going through all of this,
いろんなことで 笑いものにされた
what do you think could have been done to help her?
“ゲイ”“チビ” “バカ”“ブサイク”…
She just really needed a friend.
Somebody could've stood up for her.
前は太ってたから よく“デブ”と
I would've stood up for her.
友達がいなくて 必死に居場所を探した
Her friends could not have abandoned her.
私が必死と分かると 周りは…
Just accept the fact that they did it and be their friend again.
In school, they want you to talk to your teachers,
その結果 私が 他人に対して意地悪に
the principal, your parents,
7~8年生のとき 誰もデートしてくれなかった
but it's tough finding someone who can actually understand,
“お前の体は 8歳の男の子だ”と言って
because they're not going through it. You are.
(FineBros) Do you have any personal experience
- with being bullied or teased? - Yeah.
In middle school, I was in theater. I was a theater kid.
People would call it "gay."
高校に入ってからは 男の子の話題の代わりに―
Even if I was gay, which I'm not, but it's like, even if I was,
how would my sexual orientation affect you in the slightest?
どんな形であろうと いじめは一生ついてくる
Now that "gay" has become a slur, it's just another hateful thing
that people can say to hurt a person,
軽く うつになったことも 脱したけどね
even though it really shouldn't be.
他人のせいで そうなったと 思うと 本当に腹が立つ
I've been made fun of in school for a lot of things,
因果は やがて報いられる
called "gay," "short," "stupid," "ugly."
Racist remarks sometimes.
平気でいるために していることは?
I used to be kinda overweight back then,
気にしないこと 内に留めること
and people used to call me "fat" and stuff.
As a kid, I was really--
書くのはいい 自分と会話できる
I was just trying to fit in so hard,
やさしい両親がいて よかったと思う
because I didn't really have any friends.
話すのは嫌かもしれないけど 親は必ず理解してくれる
They saw that I was trying hard, and they just kinda...
好転を期待して 無視する
like, dismissed me.
And then, because they did that,
I started getting really mean to everyone.
無理に馴染む必要はない 他人がどう思おうと気にしない
It was around seventh and eighth grade.
None of the boys would date me
高校とは ひどい場所
because they said I had the body of an eight-year-old little boy.
And I laugh about it now because--
それとも もうすぐお別れ
I also cry about it too.
いじめられて 自殺を 考える子がいるのは なぜ?
I couldn't help it, you know? It's just...
It's just mean how they would even say that.
When I got to high school, stuff about boys didn't really matter.
嫌なことばかりの人生を 自分で終わらせられる
But stuff online got a little bit worse.
いじめられてる間が 人生の大半に感じられて
You're gonna have it your whole life
それしか知らないから もう好転しないと思ってしまう
no matter what shape or form it is.
ネット上の情報は どこまでも広がる
I don't get picked on anymore,
クラスから学校へ 学校からネットへ
but then I see people who pick on other people,
and at one point in my life,
外の世界の言説は すぐ消えてしまうけど
I also went through an amount of depression,
and I managed to get through it.
現実とネットで繰り返され ずっと消えない
Seeing stuff like that,
大人に話しても 聞く耳を持たれなかったりして
knowing that I've been through it at one point in my life,
it really pisses me off.
“子供のいじめは 普遍的で仕方ない”という人も
Karma will bite them in the ass one day,
いじめは問題として 軽く見られてる気がする
and it'll be awesome. (chuckles)
(FineBros) What do you do to keep yourself going
子供に そんなこと 言っちゃいけない
- and not let it get you down? - Well, I mean, it hurts,
通過儀礼みたいな ものとは違うんだ
but I don't make a big deal about it.
自殺にさえ繋がる問題を 軽視してはいけない
I just kind of keep it inside,
and then write about it so I can get out my emotions.
ドラッグや飲酒と同じように 扱えば 状況は変わるはず
I mean, writing is a great tool.
ネットいじめに対して 子や親はどう対処すべき?
You just talk about how you feel to yourself.
大事なのは いじめられた子が 親に伝えること
I'm glad I have my mom and my dad, because they help me a lot.
親にも できることは あるのだから
As much as a lot of kids hate to go to their parents,
Facebook等を使えば 親も関与できる
your parents know what they're talking about.
I just kind of ignored it. Like, I know life's gonna get better.
そうすれば 子供の立場を 知ることができる
Four years is just a tiny percent of your life.
I usually just make a joke out of it.
I don't need to fit in, you know? I don't care about you guys.
親が知り得るのは 氷山の一角だ
I'm gonna go off on my own
親に見えるのは ここだけ
and do my own thing that makes me happy.
MySpace、Facebook、 YouTube、Google+…
High school is awful,
ところが 一度 この小さな壁を突き破ると―
and I'm always going to remember it as awful,
but it's something I'm going to get past, and I'm fine with that.
たとえば4chanのような 面白くて狂った世界が
(FineBros) And why do some teens end up considering suicide
親はここだけを見て 知ったつもりになって
as the answer when this bullying happens to them?
They feel like they have no hope left. No friends.
君の学校はいじめに関して どんな教育をしてる?
Nothing else to live for, I guess.
As opposed to letting yourself cry
いじめを止める クラブがあって―
and letting yourself feel those emotions, it's just done.
疑われる いじめを 発見すると仲裁する
You can just end it yourself.
This is the biggest majority of their life,
いや 俺自身 まだ悪口を受けるしね
it's all they remember,
年初に こういう話題について 議論したけど それきり
and they think their life is never gonna get better,
しかも 皆それで 十分だと思ってる
'cause this is all they know, so they end it.
実際には 誰も関心を払わない
With the Internet posts on Facebook, Twitter, anything,
いじめに対する 根本的な解決策はあると思う?
it gets around.
It will start at the school, it will spread through the school,
then it will go to the Internet and it will spread to everybody.
そいつらを ぶっ飛ばせば解決する
When people say things just out loud,
過去に他人を いじめた人が 見てたら何て言う?
people will eventually forget about it,
but if it's on the Internet, so many people see it so fast.
It just stacks on top of each other, and it doesn't go away.
俺は誰に対しても 礼節を重んじる
And then they try to talk to adults about it,
だが そういう奴は嫌いだ
and then the adults just try to brush it off
like nothing's really wrong, so they feel like there's no hope.
君が いじめを止めれば 他人の手本になる
(FineBros) Some adults say that bullying has always been there
いじめられている人 自殺を考えている人には?
and it's just kids being kids. What do you think about that?
月並みだけど 世界はよくなる
I mean, I kinda think bullying has gotten overrated.
What are they thinking? Oh, my God.
今が世界の終わりに 感じるかもしれないけど
They shouldn't be telling their kids that.
ケイティ・ペリーも言ってる “嵐の後には 必ず虹がかかる”
It's not like a rite of passage that you pass through,
自分をつかさどるのは 自分なんだ 奴らじゃない
'cause, like Amanda Todd, you can take your own life.
つらいときは 誰かに伝えて
It's a serious topic. It's not kids being kids.
誰もが つらい目に遭う 誰もが いじめに遭う
Bullying should be something presented in Congress.
If we treated it like we treat drugs or alcohol,
it would be so much different.
(FineBros) When it comes to the Internet, how can kids
and parents help each other make the situation better?
I think the most important thing is that
俺も もしあいつから 解放されてなかったら―
kids and teens need to tell their parents when they get bullied,
今ここで この番組に 出てないよ
because the parents can do something about it.
自分を信じて 世界は よくなる
Parents could get more involved and actually make Facebooks
and friend their kids or something,
so that they know what is going on with their kids.
I think it's better just to start when they're younger
and train them to always be open with you
and just always talk to you so you always know what's going on.
No matter how much a parent's gonna tell their kid,
"Oh, be careful of this, be careful of that,"
they're just gonna go and do it anyway, because they wanna see--
you know, they're just curious.
It's like an iceberg, what parents know.
They see this part of the Internet,
and this involves Myspace and Facebook and YouTube and Google+,
but then once you actually breach
this little wall of the Internet,
it's this huge thing that involves sites like 4chan,
which are these insane places that are really--
they can be hilariously funny,
seriously just completely (bleep) up.
Parents think they know what it is about the Internet.
They think they know about the Internet. They have no idea.
(FineBros) And what kinds of things has your school
specifically done to educate the students about bullying?
We actually have a lot of stuff in my school.
We have an anti-bully club.
They actually have a little club,
and they try to stop people from bullying.
There will be people out there,
and if they see some type of bullying,
they'll go up to him and be like, "Hey, was that necessary?"
(FineBros) Do you think it's working?
Not really, 'cause I'm getting made fun of till this day.
At the beginning of the year, they kind of talk about it,
and when there's big stuff like this
that's going around and that's pretty viral, they talk about it,
but other than that, it's not really brought up in schools,
which sucks, because everybody thinks
that there's so much that gets done for it,
and there really isn't.
It really feels like you're alone and nobody cares.
(FineBros) Do you think that bullying can ever truly stop?
- Is there a full answer? - Possibly.
If they were just start to notice the bullies,
take them, and blow them up, then it would stop.
(FineBros) And if anyone was watching that was a bully
and was someone that torments people online,
- what would you say to them? - You're a dick.
It doesn't make you look cool.
You just look like a douche-licker.
You guys are the people that I hate.
I try to be a peaceful person,
but those are the people that I hate.
End the chain with you.
If you're a bully and you stop being mean
and you try to be nice to people,
you can be the example that others live by.
(FineBros) And what would you say to someone who is being bullied
or considering suicide and might be watching this?
This is so cliche, but it does really get better.
Tupac said a great thing.
He said, "You got to keep your head up."
Stay strong. It's okay.
I know it seems like the end of the world.
Katy Perry says in that song,
"After a hurricane, there's always a rainbow."
Honestly, you can get through it.
When it comes down to it,
you're in charge of who you are and what you do, not them.
You need to tell someone if you are feeling that way.
Everyone goes through this.
And I mean everyone goes through bullies,
so don't feel like you're the only one out there.
Set a goal and make it a long-term goal
or something that you look forward to.
There's so many beautiful moments in life.
This is just a tiny period of your life,
and you have so much to live for. It's amazing.
If I let that bully get ahold of me,
then I wouldn't be 3,000 miles across the country
filming with The Fine Brothers on "Teens React"!
Believe in yourself and everything will go fine.
Suicide is not the answer, 'cause even if you feel
like there's nothing for you to live for anymore,
there always is. It'll be okay.