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  • How's it going Bros my name is Pew *Zelda music*

  • Today's video might seem a little mean, but it was requested by you Bros

  • Now some would say that these pictures are not up to standard

  • But I'm here to

  • They are perfect the way they are

  • So I'm gonna take the original photo and changed it (nice grammar there Pewds) to the fanart art so it matches

  • Thats how good of a person I am

  • Thats how much I love my fans

  • If people don't realize this by now

  • *Cool Head Trun*

  • Ah Man

  • First picture is a

  • classic brofist where is it

  • I swear I've seen this fuckin picture

  • Im gonna ask twitter for the oringal

  • to this fanart see if they can fin....

  • FFS!

  • here it is

  • it must be this one

  • Why do I look so fat on this picture was I fat

  • before

  • so heres this one lets fix it up

  • so clearly my

  • eyes are disproportionate

  • Obviously my eye belongs in my forehead

  • much better

  • *Random Background Music*

  • ok the forehead needs to be adjusted

  • like I knew my forehead was big

  • but I didn't know

  • I guess I never realized how big it actually it is

  • Is that

  • That forehead is something

  • *dramatic music*

  • *Scanning noises*

  • they line up perfectly

  • *Pewds Laughing*

  • oh that's good

  • Look at that

  • Its like almost 100%

  • It's a 100% accurate Fanart

  • And I really appreciate the talent

  • Fuck The Haters

  • Now here's another great

  • great one.

  • Listen. I am not stomping over

  • You bros took art

  • I am just trying to correct

  • Now the tricky part about this

  • picture is that it's kinda hard

  • to tell where the oringal is from

  • But I do believe its anders game

  • And I think it's this pic pic picture....

  • For some fucked up reason the photagrapher

  • messed up my face

  • this is how it looked like


  • So let's uuuhh let's adjust it to

  • the oringal

  • You know what?! thats fucking good

  • *Felix Laughing*

  • Nothin' needed

  • I'm seriously thinking the guy or girl

  • printed out the picture

  • and over layed it you know when you put the

  • picture towards the window

  • and you could just fill it in.. these proportions

  • are a little to perfect for me to think

  • they didn't just do that and my nose

  • my nose is spot on honestly like I appreciate that

  • Okay well let's fix this shit man

  • *more random background music *

  • I need to get in to plastic surgery soon

  • *More Epic Music*

  • Alright so let's have a look before

  • AFF..TR....*Pewds Laughing*

  • Here we have disgusting disfigured face

  • beautiful for who I am

  • thank you

  • fanart

  • Alright lets see what you bros think about this one

  • it does kind of look like donald trump

  • what the fuck

  • same person

  • yeah well no shit Sherlock

  • dude this guy looks he wants to do

  • something horrible to me

  • OMG yes

  • Let's finish it off

  • with the greatest picture I have ever seen

  • I can't draw for shit I'm not trying to put anyone down here

  • oringal to this pic

  • it matches perfectly


  • not funny

  • here we go here's the oringal

  • clearly someone try to prank me

  • and did something weird with the picture

  • aw god this is gonna be tricky man

  • honestly the nose is spot on I don't even have to change it

  • My poor nose...

  • Everyone makes fun of it

  • My whole life

  • What did I do

  • Jesus Christ this is fucking terrifying dude

  • OMG

  • *Felix Laughing

  • This is art like this is art

  • you can't argue with art

  • I love it

  • so much

  • ughhh disgusting

  • I feel like Im doing you bros a favor here

  • IDK would you agree

  • Dan agrees what the fuck

  • Why do I have this picture?!

  • Alright let's see if you bros agree with me

  • *chuckles*

  • Your teeth goals

  • Thanks!

  • Nightmares DO come true

  • Felix after crack

  • How did you know?

  • what the fuck

  • come ooon

  • It's good

  • Alright bros you bros are amazing I love everything you

  • do for me

  • uh there is so much

  • talent and even though

  • I appreciate the effort alright

  • the funny part about this picture is

  • I still look the same like they're practically still identical...

  • I love this picture... I will forever cherish this picture

  • Bros thank you so much for watching this video

  • and thank you so much for all the amzing

  • fanart I re really

  • really apperciate the effort

  • I think its really cool

  • I hope you didn't

  • take this the wrong way

  • Thank you bros so much for watching and as always stay awesome bros!!

How's it going Bros my name is Pew *Zelda music*


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

"FIXING" FANART(ピューディパイ・フォトショップ)。 ("FIXING" FANART (Pewdiepie Photoshop))

  • 507 18
    ying silence に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日