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  • How to Improve Your Memory. Can’t remember names, datesor even why you walked into

  • a room? Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to increase your memory power.

  • You will need A puzzle game Grape juice Dried or fresh rosemary and/or sage Aerobic exercise

  • Catnaps A relaxation technique An active social life The herb bacopa and blueberries. Step

  • 1. Do crossword puzzles, play Sudoku, take up bridgegames like these stimulate the

  • mind, helping the brain grow new neural pathways, improving your mental ability. Step 2. Drink

  • purple grape juice (not white). Research has found that drinking eight ounces of Concord

  • grape juice a day improves memory by 20%, thanks in part to loads of antioxidants. Spring

  • for organic grape juice; organic fruits and vegetables have 40% more antioxidants than

  • non-organic ones. Step 3. Both rosemary and sage improve people’s scores on word-recall

  • tests by stimulating the brain’s memory center. In fact, students in ancient Greece

  • wore sprigs of rosemary in their hair on test days. Need to remember a name? Picture it

  • written across the person’s forehead; the visual image will help you remember it later.

  • This was a favorite trick of Franklin Roosevelt, who was renowned for his ability to remember

  • names. Step 4. Hit the dance floor, jog, or do anything that gets your pulse racing. Physical

  • activity rushes oxygen to the brain and builds new cells in the brain region linked to memory.

  • Repeat whatever you need to memorize – a name, an address, a phone numberwhen

  • you first hear it. Saying it out loud helps lock it into your memory. Step 5. If you can

  • possibly swing it, take naps. Research has found that people who squeeze in a catnap

  • during the day retain twice as much of the information they learned that day as those

  • who don’t. Step 6. De-stress yourself by taking up yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

  • When youre stressed, the brain activates an enzyme that impairs short-term memory.

  • If youre trying to memorize something, do it on an empty stomach. The hormone that

  • improves memory is highest when the stomach is empty. Step 7. Be a social butterfly. One

  • study found that people who socialize regularly do far better on memory tests than their less

  • outgoing counterparts, since participating in conversations exercises the brain. Step

  • 8. Have a handful of blueberries each day. Blueberries contain a chemical that dramatically

  • improves memory, and a half-cup is all you need to get the benefit. Step 9. Moving your

  • eyes side to side for 30 seconds every morning can improve memory by ten percent. How? It

  • gets the two sides of the brain working in harmony. Did you know The average person forgets

  • 30% of what he’s heard after 20 minutes, and 50% of what he’s heard within half an

  • hour!

How to Improve Your Memory. Can’t remember names, datesor even why you walked into


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B2 中上級

記憶力を向上させる方法 (How to Improve Your Memory)

  • 985 53
    Nghĩa に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日