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  • Hello there!

  • So I have had surprising amount of requests since I first started this internet thing

  • to go over my everyday makeup routine.

  • And although I am by no means a professional, I will leave that to Michelle Phans of the world.

  • I was, like, why not? I show how I go from

  • this

  • to this

  • Now, to start off double your eyes with optimism

  • It's all about your perspective on the world,

  • But you wanna be careful and not put too much optimism

  • or else you'll just be left with disappointment via your high expectations.

  • I also like to line my optimism with little bit of something

  • that I call '"I don't give a f#ck about outcomes"

  • Because the less that I care about the result and the more I concentrate on the process of what I am doing

  • the happier I am.

  • Now I like also to give myself a little bit of a cat-eye,

  • everyone I meet knows, that I own four cats and I love cats and

  • if you have a cat, we are automatic best friends

  • Now that you are done with perspectives, start a lining, shaping,

  • and filling in your thoughts,

  • because we are our thoughts,

  • and if your thoughts are negative, self deprecating or judgemental

  • guess where its gonna go?

  • it's gonna trickle all the way down that beatiful face

  • and make you ugly.

  • Next, we gonna blend. And blending is so important

  • because you wanna make sure that everything is even and nicely spread out

  • so

  • intellectually,

  • emotionally,

  • physically,

  • spiritually,

  • what are you doing to make sure that all of these areas are well maintained and balanced?

  • Physically, are you taking care of your body? Diet and exercise wise?

  • Intellectually, are you always try to stimulate your brain and learn new things?

  • Emotionally, are you in touch with your feelings and

  • making sure that you are working through whatever it is that you are going through?

  • and, of course, spiritually, are you in touch with whatever your meaningful philosophy of life is?

  • and have you confirm the questions about morality, and your existence, and your purpose to

  • to a good degree.

  • Kindness,

  • I think we tend to overlooked this one the most.

  • or we tend to do too much.

  • but I mean can you imagine if we all try to out kind each other

  • how f#cking great the world would be

  • But just make sure that you doing it in a moderately healthy amount

  • because I see a lot of girls, who are way too kind

  • for all the wrong reasons

  • and end up giving all of themselves away, and are left with nothing.

  • When you are in the end here, don't worry. One of the final steps,

  • I believe, is what you say.

  • Are you speaking in a way that you are would be proud of

  • Are you gossiping way too much?

  • I am really guilty of this.

  • Are you being too insulting even in a joking way?

  • And last but not least is your self esteem.

  • Is your self esteem low and flat, and unflattering?

  • Do you feel really insecure and frizzy?...

  • I am trying so hard to make the language match make up and this other thing

  • So forgive me if it doesn't make sense.

  • But in other words does what you do out here match with what you feel in here

  • Because I believe confidence and how you carry yourself

  • is going to effect more of your relationships than anything else.

  • If everyway you come from is from insecure and inadequate feeling place

  • you are not gonna be a very fun person to be around,

  • so make sure you take care of this when necessary

  • And I conclude the tutorial of how I put on my face

  • and the message of this video is pretty obvious,

  • take care of this but also make sure you're taking care of everything behind it as well.

  • One thing I'm really like to do is a looking in the mirroir

  • and all imagine that I'm rapidly aging until I'm just a skull

  • like I am have flesh falling off, and, like, wrinkles, and have maggots is going through an eyehole and everything

  • And I don't know if it's exactly mentally healthy

  • but it's a nice reminder of the impermanent nature of our flesh.

  • Yeah, think about that

  • I will see you next week

  • Stay awesome Gotham

  • stay beatiful too

  • inside and out

  • Oh, yeah

  • Also I lied this not my everyday make up routine

  • It's only when I'm going on camera

  • when I'm not on camera I either have no make up on or just have like a eyeliner or something

  • because your skin eats what's on it

  • sooooo

  • Yeah, I found that out from a makeup artist

  • and I was like:" wow, my skin eats sh*t that's on it...

  • That's amazing..."

Hello there!


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

顔の付け方 // 赤名杏奈 (How to put on your face // Anna Akana)

  • 10780 1191
    YSI に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日