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  • When we looked at our book we wrote it with something in mind, which was to defy what

  • the great philosopher Hagel said, which is he said, "That if there's one thing history

  • teaches us is that history doesn't teach us anything. People don't learn from history."

  • So we decided we'd try and learn from history from China a hundred years before the common

  • era. But then when we finished the book we said well there is actually something about

  • the future and we'd like to think about three trends that are really important for corporations

  • to think through, and in particular how their relationship with society is going to work.

  • And they were first, the ever increasing possibility that artificial intelligence will change the

  • way in which labor works: how do we communicate with companies? What actually do they do?

  • Can they do things more perfectly or will they become less human?

  • We started the discussion by speaking to Tim Berners-Lee. And Tim, rather surprisingly,

  • said to me well, " Well John, the thing about artificial intelligence is that corporations

  • are already robots. They're ready robots so there's nothing new here. They behave robotically

  • and maybe they shouldn't." So I said, "Well I contend that they absolutely shouldn't because

  • they are part of the human fabric of society." So that was the first thing we talked about.

  • The second we worried about was the change in the economic center of gravity in the world.

  • If we go back to the first year after in the common era, 1 A.D., you'd find that the center

  • of economic gravity in the world was somewhere in the Middle East. And over the last couple

  • of thousand years it's moved from there to the middle of the Atlantic and now it's moving

  • back to somewhere in the East. So it moves as countries become more comparatively advantaged,

  • more educated and things move and therefore values, the way in which companies work, move

  • again.

  • And we wanted to make the point that our book is not about pure moral values, it's about

  • practical attempts to include people into this great endeavor, which is business, which

  • makes the world better. Because it actually makes people more prosperous; brings people

  • out of poverty and so forth. So we wanted to do that. And the third thing we said was

  • that business actually doesn't have a right to be in the world, but it has to solve some

  • of the very big problems that are facing the world: obesity and the ingestion of too much

  • sugar; climate change; diseases, chronic diseases that exist; water shortage; pollution. The

  • list goes on. And we gave a dozen examples of where we thought 30, in order to have the

  • right to be a company, companies should be focused on, at least in some part of their

  • brain, solving some of these problems for the future. And it just maybe that artificial

  • intelligence, the ability to think more broadly, to gain access to more data, to understand

  • more about it might just lead us to a better solution to some of these extraordinary problems

  • that have been around a long time, it's just that we now see them with the greater clarity

  • and indeed they are becoming more and more dangerous, climate change being a prime example

  • of something becoming more dangerous.

When we looked at our book we wrote it with something in mind, which was to defy what


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A2 初級

A.I.の台頭、シフトする経済、企業の意識が未来を決める (The Rise of A.I., Shifting Economies, and Corporate Consciousness Will Define the Future)

  • 322 27
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日