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You know what's cool? My dancing Hey guy it is Cara and today I wanted to talk about the
idea of being cool. Am I cool? Is he cool? Am I cool? What is cool exactly? You know
what I'm going to look up the exact definition of cool. Not the cool I'm looking for. It's
all about being impressed, I guess. Being impressed by this person or this thing and
I think that's hard because it's so subjective, right? We are all impressed by very different
things. I'm impressed whenever someone does a backflip, but a gymnast who has done backflips
before maybe not so much. But maybe, maybe they think cracking knuckles is really cool
and in that case I am so cool. So coolness is subjective, being impressed is subjective.
For example, celebrities. Let's take Justin Bieber. Some people think he's really cool.
They like the way he dresses, the way he sings, they want to date him, they want to be him.
He is cool. But other people, not so much. And so how do we say whether he's cool or
not? On a personal standpoint, in high school when you're walking down the hall and everyone's
like "oh my god, she's so cool!" Is she though? Because maybe you think oh no she's not cool
because to me coolness is her being nice and her being kind to others and she's not. But
then to someone else cool might be she wears the hippest clothes, she uses the coolest
slang. Peace signs. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this video, but I think it's
to deconstruct the word cool. And get us to thinking there's not just one definition of
cool. Especially in high school and middle school, I think it's very easy to get this
idea that oh the popular crowd, or what I'd call the "think-they're-popular" crowd, like
that's the definition of cool, that becomes the standard of cool and so in order to be
"cool" you have to talk a certain way, you have to dress a certain way, you have to do
certain things. And I think that's crap. There' s these different spheres of coolness and
just because you don't fit into one of the spheres doesn't mean you don't fit into another
one. There's just so many different definitions of what cool can be and is. I was listening
to Rhett & Link's podcast, Earbiscuits and they were talking to Hank Green. And Hank
was saying it's so weird for him when he comes to LA because he gets to hang out with all
the cool kids like Grace, and Rhett & Link, and Hannah. They thought like no you're cool;
you've created all these things, you made Vidcon you are such an intelligent dude you're
cool. And there were these mutual feelings of inadequacy with one another. They both
felt like they weren't cool enough for the other person. Everyone think that they're
uncool. It's just this viscous cycle of insecurity and inferiority complexes. We meet people
and we might be really intimidated like "oh my god they are so awesome!" they might be
saying the exact same thing about you because maybe you're doing something they really want
to do in their life; you're acting a certain way, you look a certain way, you're carrying
yourself a certain way that they really admire. A lot of times we are insecure about things
we think of as "flaws" We think are uncool parts about us. When there are probably a
lot of people out there who see us and see those flaws as actually the coolest things
about us. Cool is not something that's etched in stone; it doesn't have a certain look,
it doesn't have a certain style or a way of speaking or a favorite hobby or TV show. There's
no standard for cool. I think we always like to think that the grass is greener on the
other side, and that's just not true. We always think that if we just do this one thing, if
we get this haircut, if we lose this weight, if we wear these clothes, if we achieve this
award that we'll somehow get there, get to this status of cool kid. Instead we need to
shift our focus and realize that what we have now, if we just let it be and be ourselves
the coolness is going to come out. Maybe not to everyone, but it's impossible for everyone
in the world to think you're cool. Someone out there is going to think you're uncool,
it might be your mom I don't know. But you're not going to have everyone's approval, that's
okay. You really only need your approval. Okay well I'm hoping I got that point across.
I'm not entirely sure because I didn't have this scripted I just had a few notes because
I really wanted to talk about this and it's something that I think is really interesting.
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than that thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next week. Bye!