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  • You know what's cool? My dancing Hey guy it is Cara and today I wanted to talk about the

  • idea of being cool. Am I cool? Is he cool? Am I cool? What is cool exactly? You know

  • what I'm going to look up the exact definition of cool. Not the cool I'm looking for. It's

  • all about being impressed, I guess. Being impressed by this person or this thing and

  • I think that's hard because it's so subjective, right? We are all impressed by very different

  • things. I'm impressed whenever someone does a backflip, but a gymnast who has done backflips

  • before maybe not so much. But maybe, maybe they think cracking knuckles is really cool

  • and in that case I am so cool. So coolness is subjective, being impressed is subjective.

  • For example, celebrities. Let's take Justin Bieber. Some people think he's really cool.

  • They like the way he dresses, the way he sings, they want to date him, they want to be him.

  • He is cool. But other people, not so much. And so how do we say whether he's cool or

  • not? On a personal standpoint, in high school when you're walking down the hall and everyone's

  • like "oh my god, she's so cool!" Is she though? Because maybe you think oh no she's not cool

  • because to me coolness is her being nice and her being kind to others and she's not. But

  • then to someone else cool might be she wears the hippest clothes, she uses the coolest

  • slang. Peace signs. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this video, but I think it's

  • to deconstruct the word cool. And get us to thinking there's not just one definition of

  • cool. Especially in high school and middle school, I think it's very easy to get this

  • idea that oh the popular crowd, or what I'd call the "think-they're-popular" crowd, like

  • that's the definition of cool, that becomes the standard of cool and so in order to be

  • "cool" you have to talk a certain way, you have to dress a certain way, you have to do

  • certain things. And I think that's crap. There' s these different spheres of coolness and

  • just because you don't fit into one of the spheres doesn't mean you don't fit into another

  • one. There's just so many different definitions of what cool can be and is. I was listening

  • to Rhett & Link's podcast, Earbiscuits and they were talking to Hank Green. And Hank

  • was saying it's so weird for him when he comes to LA because he gets to hang out with all

  • the cool kids like Grace, and Rhett & Link, and Hannah. They thought like no you're cool;

  • you've created all these things, you made Vidcon you are such an intelligent dude you're

  • cool. And there were these mutual feelings of inadequacy with one another. They both

  • felt like they weren't cool enough for the other person. Everyone think that they're

  • uncool. It's just this viscous cycle of insecurity and inferiority complexes. We meet people

  • and we might be really intimidated like "oh my god they are so awesome!" they might be

  • saying the exact same thing about you because maybe you're doing something they really want

  • to do in their life; you're acting a certain way, you look a certain way, you're carrying

  • yourself a certain way that they really admire. A lot of times we are insecure about things

  • we think of as "flaws" We think are uncool parts about us. When there are probably a

  • lot of people out there who see us and see those flaws as actually the coolest things

  • about us. Cool is not something that's etched in stone; it doesn't have a certain look,

  • it doesn't have a certain style or a way of speaking or a favorite hobby or TV show. There's

  • no standard for cool. I think we always like to think that the grass is greener on the

  • other side, and that's just not true. We always think that if we just do this one thing, if

  • we get this haircut, if we lose this weight, if we wear these clothes, if we achieve this

  • award that we'll somehow get there, get to this status of cool kid. Instead we need to

  • shift our focus and realize that what we have now, if we just let it be and be ourselves

  • the coolness is going to come out. Maybe not to everyone, but it's impossible for everyone

  • in the world to think you're cool. Someone out there is going to think you're uncool,

  • it might be your mom I don't know. But you're not going to have everyone's approval, that's

  • okay. You really only need your approval. Okay well I'm hoping I got that point across.

  • I'm not entirely sure because I didn't have this scripted I just had a few notes because

  • I really wanted to talk about this and it's something that I think is really interesting.

  • If you guys liked this video by the way please give it a big thumbs up and don't forget to

  • subscribe to my channel for new videos every single week. My social media links are in

  • the downbar below if you guys want to follow me there that would be amazing. But other

  • than that thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next week. Bye!

You know what's cool? My dancing Hey guy it is Cara and today I wanted to talk about the


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  • 203 13
    Pedroli Li に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日