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Hey everyone Travis Robertson real estate coach
CEO and founder of Robertson coaching international
where we help agents just like you create businesses that support their lives
not run their lives. I'm really excited to bring to you today
the five different phases of marketing and what we're gonna be doing is we're going to
be looking at the five phases that
every single person who comes in contact with your business
are gonna move through from the time they become a lead to the time that they
become a sale
and give you the opportunity and the understanding of how to capitalize
on each of these five phases and drive people through them
to convert more clients, make more money oftentimes
off the lead you're already getting. So what's the first phase?
the first phase is what we like to call lead generation
and every phase by the way has a question; a question that you need to
answer for your business or for your marketing plan
so what's the question here? the question here is this:
how will you generate new leads for your business
over let's say the next 12 months. now most agents think
well, I want to generate leads as many ways as I possibly can
the problem is this the more you try and do
the less effective you become. instead what I want to do is this I want you to
focus on
one to three major lead generating activities that you're going to employ in
your business over the next 12 months. become a master at them
rather than trying to do them all ineffectively
so pick one to three different lead sources
now most people ask us okay but that's great but what are the three that I
should choose
you know it's a great question. Some of that's going to depend on
your budget, the time that you have to invest to the resources that you have available
to you
but beyond that what you want to do is you wanna focus really on those things
that are going to move you forward based off of the goals that you set for your
but let me do this I wanna share with you three of the lead generating tactics
right now that are working
very very well for our clients two of them by the way are great at generating
listing leads and if you're like most agents
pretty much everybody could use more listing leads right so what are the
three different tactics that are working really well
number one direct mail marketing.
I know it's old school people go oh but direct mail marketing it's so
1995 but here's the thing: everybody's been moving their business online right
now all the marketing is in
where? your inbox or on social media and it doesn't mean I don't like marketing
areas but what I found is this our in boxes or our mailboxes
have become extremely quiet so this is the thing is our mailboxes have become so
do what we want to do is you want to get through that noise through that clutter
what better way than to hit people in their mailbox
tactic number two Facebook
leads Facebook advertising Facebook Ads
have been generating hundreds and hundreds
of awesome listing leads for our clients
if you're not doing facebook advertising it's time to invest a little bit of
and a little bit of time and explode your listing inventory
and finally number three is strategic calling...strategic calling, see
what we found is that most agents that come to work with us
and that start working with our coaching program have clients or leads or people
that they haven't contacted in a while
and so what we do is we have them make a list about let's say the hot leads from
the past six to 12 months
that they were so close, right there of either buying a home
or listing their house and then what happened? they never move forward.
so what we want you to do is we want you to compile a list of all of those people
but rather than just calling them and saying "you know, hey, you still
interested in selling your home or
do you still want to buy a home?" what we needed to do...the key
is you must provide value. So how do we do that?
what we encourage you to do is call with an item of value so maybe it's an
updated CMA for an old listing lead or
maybe you are working with a buyer and that buyer had a certain type of home
that they were looking for.
It all comes down to providing value, providing value, providing value. So those
three things right there
can generate listing leads and buyer leads very very quickly for your business.
and they're working exceedingly well for our clients but there are so many
different ways
so many different things that you can do to generate leads the key is this
fine just a few focus on one to three,
cut all the crap and that simplicity is gonna allow your business
to explode. As always, I'm Travis Robertson, it's been a pleasure to serve you.
If you have any questions on this leave a comment below
like this video on youtube feel free to visit us online at travisrobertson
We'll answer any questions you have and if you want to find out of coaching may be
right for you
we'd love to talk with you as well. I look forward to seeing you in the next video
and serving you with more these. Take care you guys.