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  • A bill known as the “’First Amendment Defense Act” (FADA) recently passed the

  • Georgia House that would, if adopted into law, allow both individuals and organizations

  • to refuse or conduct business with anyone whose marriage they find counter to their

  • religious beliefs. It also protects individuals from existing non-discrimination laws in Atlanta

  • and elsewhere.

  • A similar law was defeated last year, but the passing of this version of the bill has

  • sparked outrage and backlash from both the public and the business community, with some

  • companies vowing to leave the state if the bill is signed into law. The most recent incarnation

  • of the bill bars the government from takingadverse actionagainst a person or faith-based

  • organization thatbelieves, speaks, or acts in accordancewith the religious belief

  • thatmarriage should only be between a man and a woman”.

  • Over four hundred companies have joined a coalition opposing the bill, many citing fears

  • the Georgia will suffer lost revenue as in Indiana where public disdain for a similar

  • bill before it even became law is said to have cost the state up to $60 million. Atlanta’s

  • chamber of commerce and visitors bureau estimates a potential loss of one to two billion dollars

  • if the bill is passed without civil rights protections.

  • The religious community is also represented among the many in opposition to the law. Almost

  • three hundred clergy member in the state have spoken out against what they see as an overly

  • broad, discriminatory proposal. Not only does the bill allow individuals and faith-based

  • organizations to discriminate against same-sex couples, but also against anyone perceived

  • to have sexual relations outside of a heterosexual marriage, such as single parents, or unmarried

  • couples, whether gay or straight.

  • However, supporters argue the law is needed to protect the religious freedom of individuals

  • to exercise theirsincerely heldreligious beliefs as they pertain to marriage. State

  • senator Greg Kirk, who proposed an earlier version of the bill in the Senate, argues

  • that faith-based organizations risk being discriminated against by the state for acting

  • in accordance with their religious beliefs. He points to the Catholic Church’s policy

  • of permitting adoptions only to male-female couples and not same-sex.

  • In response Joe Whitley, former US attorney and Department of Justice official, calls

  • the proposed law superfluous and unnecessary in a legal analysis. “The first amendment

  • in and of itself protects all Americansrights to speech, to worship freely, and to

  • be free from a state-established creed,” he said. “These rights do not need the General

  • Assembly to legislate in order to give them force or effect.” He and others fear the

  • law will be used by a restaurant refusing service to an interracial couple; a hospital

  • denying a man the right to visit his male spouse; a business refusing to hire a single

  • woman living with her partner. The same kind of discrimination on the part of an employer,

  • landlord, or public employee could be protected under FADA.

  • State Senator Nan Orrock remembers the battles that raged across the South after the US supreme

  • court findings established a law that people of color are equal. “The southern states

  • did the same sort of thing back then,” she says, referring to attempts by state governments

  • to circumvent federal protections using Jim Crow laws. “It all boils down to sanctioned

  • discrimination.”

A bill known as the “’First Amendment Defense Act” (FADA) recently passed the


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ジョージア州の「宗教的自由」法案はどこにも行かない (The Infidel 2016-04-04) (Georgia’s ‘Religious Liberties’ bill isn't going anywhere (The Infidel 2016-04-04))

  • 39 2
    cytobabe に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日