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You know you'll never get out of here alive Cobblepot
Be quiet and wait your turn
End me Batman. You know you want to
I don't kill
He's not like you Cobblepot
(laughs) Your stupid rule will be your downfall, you know that, right Batman?
I'm not a coward who hides behind a gun. I would never take the life of another
For I am...
Batman, look out!
The Dark Knight!
The last remaining beacon of morality in the shadows of this town
Wait, what- what was that?
You- You just said you don't kill
Yeah I know, It's like..my one rule
Y- Yeah Batman..why don't you look the guy that ..yeah-
He's asleep
No he's- wait what?
Oooh I see what's happenning you guys don't know this but ah- when criminals fight me, It's exhausting
'Cause I'm good
So they often have to nap afterwards
W- Wait you can't be this-..you think they're sleeping?
Yeah that poor little guy..he's all tuckered out
..Oh my god, do you-..Do you not know what death is?
I totally know what it is, don't be stupid
Let's just back it up a little bit to talk about what hero I am
Batman, you have to know what dea-, I mean your parents were shot and killed
My parents were shot, yes, but they're alive..on a special farm
Oh boy.. They're on a farm?
They're on a special happy farm, where they make buttermilk
They rump and play, there's a hammock made of dreams..
Wow.. I can't even-..
They write me e-mails
I don't understand what you find hard to-
Batman, look out!
-about any of that. It's a very plausible situation
Old rich people go to farms
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding- I'm the one you're after?
See th- this is what we are talking about, what you just did
You killed that guy
That head wound, It's got to be taking It's toll
'Cause you are making zero sense
Nah- Gordon just let me try, ok? Please..
Batman, what do you have on your wrists?
I'm not wearing hokey pads!
It's alright, I know, listen;
What are the metal, sharp, stabby things?
These are eh- triangle blades to use against my foes
Thank you
I've broke your sword
..- You lost your footing
Good times
Now, if the metal triangle blade hits a flesh neck, what happens?
They go to sleep, just like me
And then they wake up, just like me
Usually with a boner..
I call it the bat-signal
No, they die! There's no boners, they don't get sleepy
They. Die!
Wait, but my fish, he went to sleep and we flushed him down the toilet
He's in the ocean right know, he's alive
No he's dead
Doctor Fishy! NO!
You see Batman, what you did to Doctor Fishy,
is what you've done to these men
I overfed these men?
No, you killed them
Wow, major game changer
Before I didn't understand, but know I got it
We're on the same page
You're saying If i go to sleep, ...
I die
No-, oh my god no
Well, doesn't matter either way
Because I'm about to give you a personal lesson, in death!
What happenned to no guns?
This is a gun?
You're an idiot!
Not so loud
You'll wake him
How do you even feed yourself?
Through the hole I cut in my mask
Originally It was just..hard to breathe
Harvey Dent?
No, no..
Just one last time
For old times sake
No n- n- n- no no no
Harvey Dent can we trust him?