字幕表 動画を再生する
Kit's dead.
He, he died.
Kit, do you wanna go for a walk?
Sorry, that was mean.
I'll take you for a walk after this, go back to sleep!
これが終わったら連れて行くから、 寝て良いよ!
Now I feel bad.
Hey guys how's it going? My name is Micaela, and today I wanted to make a video addressing
やー、皆さんお元気ですか? ミカエラです。 前回の動画によく出ていた質問に対して
a question that was asked in my last video.
The last video I did was about why I wasn't choosing to naturalise, or become a Japanese
前回の動画は「日本に帰化しない理由」 についてでしたが、
Citizen, and it sparked a lot of really really interesting responses, interesting as in "good",
コメント欄に出ていた反応がとても 興味深かったです。
and interesting as in "hurtful and hateful", but overall very interesting, so thank you
たくさんの良いコメントもあれば、 やや優しくないコメントもあったんだけど、
very much for all of your feedback. It has been a ride.
If I don't plan to turn into a Japanese Citizen, then why am I even living in Japan?
もし帰化しないつもりであれば、 なぜ日本にいるの?
This answer has several layers, and I'd kinda like to go through them right now.
この答えには、いくつかのレイヤがあるので、 説明していきたいと思います!
The first layer is the stereotypical TV answer that every foreigner gives when they're interviewed
一番表面に出すレイヤは、よくテレビなどで外国人を インタビューする時に聴くような答えですよ。
for a TV program:
日本が美しい国であって、日本語がとても好きで、 食べ物が美味しいからです。
I like Japan because it's a beautiful country, I love the language, the food is delicious,
自然が綺麗で、街が綺麗でゴミが少ない、 日本人って丁寧で親切だからです。
I love nature, it's a very clean country, everyone is very polite, and there are some
面白い発明もたくさんあります、 例えば、おにぎりのラッパーとか、そして回転寿しの
really brilliant inventions like onigiri wrappers that open like this~! Or sushi trains with
automatic touch panels!
割と病気が少ないし、 犯罪も少ないし、
Japan is a fairly-well functioning country in terms of disease control, low crime rates,
給料と物価の値段のバランスが良いから 生活しやすいし、日常に出会う人たちが丁寧ですし、
cost of living, and people are generally polite on a day-to-day basis, because part of Japanese
日本には「和を守る」文化があるからですね。 まあ、たまにインタネットで
culture is "preserving the harmony". While on the internet you may read a bunch of really
ひどいコメントをみかけると思いますが、 日常にそういう人たちに出会わないから、
really hateful comments, that's not the way that people are in real life so don't let
it scare you away.
まあ、つまり、表面には、結構聞いたことのある回答 ばかりだと思いますが、より深く行くと・・
So that's like, the vanilla TV answer™, but there are actually more dimensions than
もちろん日本が好きです。 日本が好きで今日本に住んでいるわけですから。
でも実は、日本以外にも、 好きなアジアの国があるからですね。
I like Japan, don't get me wrong, I do like Japan and that is where I live right now,
そして、ラッキーなことに、 福岡空港から直行で飛べるし
but the truth is I also like other countries in Asia too.
And luckily because I'm in Fukuoka, Fukuoka Airport has direct flights to neighboring
Asian countries, and so it's so so easy to go from Fukuoka to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Thailand, to yes, Korea, and China.
何回も入国したことがありますが、 正直あんまり「外国」って感じがしないです。
Living in Canada, the country next door is America, and I've crossed the border many
times and it's like, you don't even really see what the difference is, to be honest,
しかし、例えばですね、日本から一時間飛べば、 韓国にいけるんです。
it's, there's nothing that different.. Besides the money.
However, being in Japan and say flying an hour to Korea, it's completely different!
刺激を感じるんです。 そのドキドキの気持ちが大好きなんです!
It's completely different, and it can be a little bit scary and intimidating, but it's
文化や言葉がわからない時、深呼吸して、集中して、 頑張って進んで行くするしかないんですね!
also thrilling. It's like, I love that thrill, that adrenaline rush you get from being somewhere
そして私は福岡にいるおかげで、 こんなに旅ができるし、
where you don't understand anything but you kinda just have to breathe, focus, and figure
そして旅し終わったら、一番慣れているアジアの国の 日本に戻れるという安心があります。
it out.
さて、三つ目のレイヤは、 一番自分の心に近いレイヤです。
And living in Fukuoka allows me to do that, I can just go to all these places but at the
カナダは素敵な国ですよ。 でも、どこの国でも、よくない面があると思います。
end of the day, I can come back to Japan where I do feel a little more comfortable. And that's
So the third layer, the third layer is actually the most personal..
なんか、自分が格好悪くて、 説明がダサく聞こえちゃうと思うけど、
Canada, is a great country in many ways, but like I said, every country has it's flaws,
日本人の方もみているということで、 なるべく分かりやすく説明しますね。
and for me there is just one outstanding flaw that I couldn't agree with, and um, that's
生まれはバンクーバーだったのですが、 学校に行った時
ultimately what drove me to want to visit somewhere new.
ちょっと離れた田舎街に住みました。田舎町だと、 意外と暇が多すぎるので、
I'm going to sound super uncool and like, grandma-like trying to explain this, I'm explaining
若い人たちはよく、 お酒を飲んだり、ドラッグで遊んだりするんです。
it in simple terms because I know that Japanese people watch this video too...
私にとって、それが納得できなかったんですね。 若い時からは、
I went to high school in a small town, I was born in Vancouver, in Richmond but I grew
絶対に薬やらない! タバコも大麻も吸わない! お酒好きじゃない!と決めていたんです。
up in a smaller town away from Vancouver, and um, going to highschool there's not a
lot to do and people like to fill their time experimenting with drugs and alcohol, for
友達はもちろんいたけど、 そしてその友達が大好きだったけど、やっぱ
me that was something that was really really hard because had decided when I was a child?
ホームパーティーなどに誘われた時に、 最初は友達と一緒に行ったけど、
when I was young? I would never do drugs or drink alcohol, because I dunno, I just, it
自分が「参加」しなかったため、 いつもノリが悪かったんです。
was something that just felt right.
I had friends, I had great friends, I love my friends so much, but um, you know going
to parties, and stuff, at first I would go anyway, but because I wasn't partaking in
そして日本に来た時、やっぱり人生が変わりました。 正しい選択に感じたのです。
any of the activities, it just became really hard to relate to everyone cause like, while
いきなり厳しい学校に入って、週六日? 違う・・
they were going on this little journey together, I was kind of like, stepping back and being
月曜日から金曜日学校があって、たまに土曜日にも 学校がありました。
like "okay this isn't what I want for myself", so I kind of isolated myself on purpose, cause
そして学校が終わったら、 生徒達が部活に行ったり、勉強したり、
it just wasn't for me.
And coming to Japan changed my life, it felt right, and the reason it felt right was because
I was suddenly put into a school that was very strict, we had school, 6? no five and
私にとって、その厳しい環境の方が、 私に合った気がしました。
a half days a week. Monday to Friday, and then half a day on Saturday.
厳しく育てられた方が、 自分がより良い人間になれる気がし始めました。
After school everyone went to club activities, they were playing sports, they were healthy,
そして、 その後も、18歳、19歳、20歳になっても、
they were engaged, and they were like, motivated?
友達と「遊ぶ」時は、カラオケに行ったり、 ゲームセンターに行ったり、
It was completely different from my school experience back in Canada. And I felt like
プリクラをとったり、カフェでスイーツを食べたり、 お話をしたり、買い物をしたり・・・
that made more sense to me. And for me, growing up in that environment, like I felt like,
スタバの桜ラテが出たらそれで盛り上がる、 そのピュアな生活が・・・
the discipline made me a better person. And I felt better about myself, and the type of
person I was becoming.
私にとって、 こういった人生の方が合っていると感じました。
And even growing up in Japan, so like from, what? 18, 19, 20, it was really nice that,
だからその人生を生きるために、 カナダの田舎街から出て
you know, when people hang out, they go to Karaoke, they go to the game centre, they
take purikura, they eat cake at a cute little cafe and they talk, and they go shopping...
もしあなたも、今大変な時期にあるなら、 知ってほしいのは、
We love starbucks and sakura lattes, and like that is our excitement for the day, that's
そのネガティブなエネルギーを集中して、 将来のあなたを作るために頑張れば
what fulfills us.
I felt like that lifestyle suited me, and the kind of person that I wanted to be, and
今大人になって、たまにカナダに帰るんですが、 友達に会いますよ。
the kind of lifestyle I wanted to have, a lot better than what I was getting living
in a small town in Canada.
今は全然一緒にいられるし、楽しいです。ただ、自分 が、ああいう環境に育てられたくなかったんです。
And if you're going through a hard time I just want you to know, that you can use that
もし、頑張って留学するって選択しなかったら、 どういう人になっていたのかが想像がつきません。
energy, you can focus it into building yourself into the person that you wanna be.
だから、日本に感謝していますよ。 この道をとってよかったと思いますよ。
Once you're in a place that feels right, like, everything changes.
親が一緒にいられなかったから、 もはや日本に育てられました感じですから。
Now that I'm older, I go back to Canada and I visit my friends, cause I do love my friends,
まあ、それで、帰化しないという選択しながら、 なぜ日本に滞在するのかって聞いても、
I visit them and a lot of them have grown out of that, I love going back and I love
seeing them and hanging out with them NOW, I just think that it was really hard growing
そして、 自分がカナダ人でいるまま全然いられるからです。
up like that, and for me, if I had grown up like that I don't know if I would have been
happy with who I was, so, I'm really glad that I took this opportunity, I am thankful
to Japan. Like, I'm thankful, to Japan for raising me, but why am I still in Japan? Even
if I don't want to renounce my Canadian citizenship? It's because I'm comfortable here! I feel
comfortable here, and I'm happy here, and I just like, I can live here without becoming
a Japanese citizen, legally, that's fine, it's not an issue, it doesn't mean I don't
like Japan. I'm very thankful for Japan, but...
I gotta go. Bye,