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Hello, there. My name is Lena.
I have been practicing Wing Chun Kung Fu for many years.
Today I'm going to explain you the four corners theory in Wing Chun.
The four corners theory is very important in Wing Chun.
Using the knowledge of this theory you can easily determine
how to protect yourselves against any strike.
Remember the hands position in the basic stance.
The elbow of your front hand must remain at a some distance from the body.
That is the distance between the thumb and little finger.
The palm of your rear hand must me near the elbow of your forward hand.
Remember the immovable elbow theory.
Namely the boundary lines.
The higher line is at the eyebrows, the lowest one is located near the groin area.
The width of the boundary is the width of your shoulders or little more.
According to immovable elbow theory your hands must do all movements in this border.
There are four gates, each of them has the same area.
We have: Outside High Gate
Inside High Gate
Outside Low Gate
Inside Low Gate
For example any attack to the outside high gate will be blocked to the outside.
Also any attacks to the inside gate (both high and low) will be blocked inward.
In general, your defense arm moves towards your opponent's offense arm.
After touching it, your must continue your hand movement in the same direction.
And stop your defense movement when your arm reaches one of the boundary lines.
Remember the hands position in the basic stance.
We have forward and rear arm.
So, there are two main areas: the forward and the rear ones.
It will be seen in a side view, so we have:
High forward area
High rear area
Low forward area
Low rear area
It's desirable to block any attack with your forward arm.
If you do not have time to defense with your forward arm you can use your back hand.
It can be done in an extreme case.
Why? Because you have very little time to reflect attacks with your back hand.
Performing your defense movements, look where your arms are.
It's desirable to have one hand in a high area, and another one in a low area.
Now we review all variants of defensive movements.
It will be eight variants.
Outside High Gate Forward.
This is an example of a forward, outside high block with the forward hand.
Executing such kind of defense,
keep blocking arm high and the rear one must be near the solar plexus.
Inside High Gate Forward.
You can use a slap block.
Outside Low Gate Forward.
I perform a low, outer wrist block with the forward hand.
Inside Low Gate Forward.
You must press by the palm of your defensive arm on your opponent's attacking hand.
Outside High Gate Rear
It is a rear slap block executed with the rear hand.
Inside High Gate Rear
This palm-up block can be performed with a straight punch of another hand.
Outside Low Gate Rear
I perform a low, outer wrist block with the rear hand.
Inside Low Gate Rear
You must press by the palm of your defensive arm on your opponent's attacking hand.
That's all for today.
See you later. Bye-bye.