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[How We Met]
Okay. Uh, you got the Sauvignon blanc, chilled?
- Yep. Check. - Okay.
- これかな? - うん。
- All the dips? Queso, seven-layer bean, garlic artichoke. - Okay, okay.
- 全部のディップ?ケソと、7層ビーンズと、ガーリック・アーティチョーク。- よし。
What's the matter? You seem kinda flustered.
I know. I know. I'm sorry. It's just like, ever since college, Malia always tries to, like, one-up me. And now that we're in new relationships, I just wanna win.
I don't think it's gonna be a problem.
Okay. She's already gonna think us meeting on Tinder is super lame.
彼女、Tinder で出会ったことを超ダサいと思ってるはずだわ。
All right, let's just make up a story.
We can do that?
- Yeah, let's just make up a story about how we met. - Okay. Okay. Uh, how did we meet?
- そうだ、俺たちの出会いの物語を作ろう。- わかった、よし。私たちはどうやって出会ったの?
Oh, uh, the grocery store.
What? Babe, that's so lame. Nobody meets at the [bleep] grocery store.
- Okay. If they ask, just follow my lead. - Yeah, they probably won't even ask.
- よし、聞かれたら従え。 - 多分聞かれないと思うけど。
- Hi! Nice to see you! - Hi! Nice to see you!
- こんにちは!- こんにちは!
So how did you guys meet?
How did we meet? Uh...
- Well, we should sit down for this, because it is such a doozy of a story. - It's a doozy.
- まあ、すごい話なので、とりあえず座ってみようか。- すごいんだ。
- It's a doozy. It's a doozy. - I bet it's amazing.
- すごい話だよ。- きっとすごいのね。
- Yeah, but probably not as good as our meet story. - Oh, well, it's really hard to top our meet story, babe.
- ええ、でも僕たちの出会いの物語ほどではないだろう。- 私たちの出会いの物語を超えるのは難しいよ。
- So, Riley and I actually met at, uh, Cafe Jitters. And it's... it's actually more interesting than it sounds.
Yeah. Yes. Uh, so, every morning at 8:57 a.m., like clockwork, Fay would come in. It got to the point where I was timing my coffee run to be there exactly when Fay would get there. - I even memorized her favorite drink. - Oh...
そうだよね。そうなんだ。毎朝8時57分にフェイが来るんだ。時計のようにね。フェイが来る時間に合わせてコーヒーを飲むようになった。 - 彼女の好きな飲み物も覚えた。 - ああ...
- Medium triple-shot latte... - Latte.
- ミディアム・トリプルショット・ラテ... - ラテ。
- Extra hot. - Extra hot.
-熱めで。 -熱めで。
Wait a second. I thought you didn't drink caffeine because it makes you super paranoid.
Oh! Uh, I... I... I don't normally. I was just, you know, trying it for a few weeks inexplicably so that I could, uh, see... how... how... how I am.
あ、あの、私... 普段はしないんだ。ただ、数週間試しただけなんだ......それで......
You know, I'm pretty into coffee, like, I belong to a Roast of the Month club and--
- A Roast of the Month club? - Yeah. It's not a big deal, but... you know. - Hmm.
- 月替わりローストクラブ?- ああ、大したことではないが... - ふーん。
- Uh, any-- anyways. So, uh, yeah, this one morning, Fay was kind of running a little late, so I ordered her drink, and when she burst through the door in a tizzy, I had it, and that was my in.
- とにかく、ある朝フェイが遅れそうだったから、飲み物を注文したら慌てて出てきたので、それを飲んだら、俺の出番だった。
Oh, my god, that is so sweet.
- Well, not as sweet as our story though. - It's hard to be sweeter than our story, because it is so intense.
- まあ、俺たちの話ほど甘くはないんだけどね。- 私たちの話より甘くなるのは難しいんのよ、だって熱烈なんだもん。
Last month, the restaurant that I work at had this huge kitchen fire, and I got trapped in the supply closet behind it.
- Wow. - Hunter was passing by on his way to the shelter that he volunteers at routinely. And he sees the fire, runs in, and saves my life.
- わあ。- ハンターは日常的にボランティアをしている施設に行く途中、通りかかりったの。それで、火事を見て駆けつけて、私の命を救ってくれたの。
Cool story. But we weren't done with our story.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were.
No. So, uh, after Riley gave me my order, this... this man... this big scary man just busts in and throws hot coffee all over me and takes my wallet out of my purse and just books it.
ライリーが注文した後、この男... この大男が押し入ってきて、熱いコーヒーをかけやがったの。私の財布を取り上げて、帳消しにしたんだ。
And then Riley sees this, and he looks at me, and he says, "Ma'am, do you believe in vigilante justice?"
Oh, wow, sexy.
Well, I added only after we contact the authorities and go through all the official channels. I... I just think that cops get a really bad rap.
Oh, my god, you guys. Ferguson.
You know, it is such a travesty.
- Well, yeah. I think it's probably a... unfortunate, uh, misunderstanding. I mean, it's tragic. It was tragic, but-- - Wait. Wait. You're on that side of Ferguson? I have always been a "[bleep] the police" kinda girl.
- まあ、そうだな。たぶん...不幸な、あー、誤解だと思う。つまり、悲劇的なことだ。でも... ファーガソン側の人間なの?わたしはいつも警察派よ。
My dad was a cop.
- You didn't tell me that. - Well...
- そんなこと聞いてないわ - まあ...
W-why don't we get back to the story, hon?
- Yeah, yeah. Okay. So the chase is on, and then I fall. You know, I'm stumbling. And I, like, hit the ground hard, and I break my ankle.
- ああ、そうだな。それで、追いかけっこをしてたら、落ちちゃったんだ。つまずいて。で、地面に激しく打ち付けて、足首を骨折した。
So Riley just points to his back, and it-- let's show them, honey. Let's just show them. So I... I piggyback him, and it's, like, top-rope style.
だからライリーは背中を指差して...見せよう、ハニー。見せてあげよう だから... おんぶして綱渡りだ。
We're just running. We're just chasing this Latino perp guy. And-- - Wait, I'm sorry.
- Wait, why did you mention that he's Latino? - Because he is Latino.
- 待てよ、なぜ彼がラテン系だと言ったんだ?- 彼はラテン系だから。
- Yeah, I just think that's, like, a totally unnecessary detail though. - Well, maybe it'll become necessary later in the story.
- あぁ、でもそれは全く不要なディテールだと思うんだ。- まあ、物語の後半で必要になってくるのかもしれないね。
- Well, maybe it's just a little racist. - Oh, it's racist? Mr. System feels bad for the criminal who mugged me and threw coffee on me?
- まあ、ちょっと差別的かもしれないね。- え、差別なの?システムさんは、私を襲ってコーヒーをかけた犯罪者に悪いと思ってるの?
- Okay, you know what? Why don't I take the story from here?
- あのさ、ここからは、俺が話を進めようか。
So, uh, we catch up with this, uh, Hispanic Latino from Mexico, right? And he just punches Fay right in the face, kinda like a modified clothesline shot.
And then a van pulls up, right? And it straight-up abducts her.
Oh, my god. You were abducted?
- Now, that is a story, man. - Totally crazy.
- 今のはネタだろ。- 完全におかしかった。
So I don't know what to do. So I-- I file a missing persons report, and I open a crisis center. But, you know, nothing happens. 72 hours pass, no word, and you know what they say.
どうしたらいいのかわからない。それで... 行方不明者の報告書を提出して、危機管理センターを開いた。でもね、何も起きないんだ。72時間経っても何の連絡もない何て言ったか知ってるか?
They never find the person after the first 72 hours.
That's exactly what they say, Hunter. That's exactly what they say.
So I start thinking, maybe I got to move on, you know? How do I know she didn't abduct herself, like in that Gone Girl?
それで考え始めたんだ、前に進まなきゃって。ゴーン・ガールのように、彼女が自分で誘拐されたんじゃないと どうやってわかる?
- Makes sense. - True.
- なるほどね。- その通り。
No, it does not make sense, just like your taste in music, movies, and professional wrestlers.
Yeah, well, you know what? I never thought you were funny. I mean, it's like you know how to laugh at all the right stuff, but you never know how to add anything new.
Are you guys still telling the story about how you met at--
Yes! Yes, it is. But don't worry, because it's also the story of how we broke up!
- Great! - Great!
- いいね! - いいね!
- (louder) Great! - Great!
-(大きな声で) 素晴らしい! - 素晴らしい!
[End of Relationship]
Do you think that we should tell them we actually met on Tinder?
実は本当は Tinder で出会ったと言うべきかな?
No. Never.