字幕表 動画を再生する
So, just put a little apple cider vinegar in your tea, and that should do the trick. Apple cider vinegar cures everything.
ほんの少し紅茶に リンゴ酢を入れるだけで 効くはず リンゴ酢って何でも治してくれるんだよ
Thanks, I'll definitely try that. I've been sick all week. - No problem.
ありがとう 絶対やるわ 今週はずっと具合が悪くて… - うん、気にしないで
How have you been? How are things with Brett? Did you break up with him yet? - Um...
あなたは 元気にしてた? ブレットとはどう? もう別れたの? - ええと…
No, we didn't break up. We actually ended up moving in together.
まだ、別れてないんだよね 実は一緒に住むことになって…
Dude, you've been talking about breaking up with her for months.
お前さ、何か月も彼女と別れる話 してたじゃん
I know, but I couldn't do that to Brett.
そうなんだけど ブレットにそんな仕打ちできなかったの
You're right, you're right. Man, I just couldn't break her heart like that.
そう、そうなんだけどさ そんなふうに あいつのこと傷つけられなくて
- Well, you see, the thing about Mona is that she's just so nice. - Brett's just way too nice.
- 分かるだろ モナってさ、とにかくいい娘なんだよ - ブレットっていい人過ぎるんだよね
- Nice to hear from you, Steven, it was great. - It's so nice talking to you.
- 電話ありがとな、スティーブン 声が聞けて良かったわ - 話せてホントに良かった
- Okay, goodbye. Bye now. - I really hope the apple cider vinegar works. Okay, see ya.
- 分かった、 じゃあな もう切るわ - ほんとにリンゴ酢 効くといいね うん、またね
♪ Let me into your atmosphere ♪
♪ I'm going to orbit your interior ♪
♪ You adapt with no gravity ♪
♪ A space station in plain sight ♪
Oh, my god. Am I bothering you?
あぁ、もう 邪魔してる?
No, no, no, the inventory can wait. I've got something for ya.
いやいや、目録の作成は後でもできるから 渡したいものがあるんだ
What? What?
- Huh? - (gasps softly)
- どう? - (静かに息を飲む音)
Celebrate our move-in together?
Oh, my gosh, that's so sweet. It's so fancy.
あぁ、もう めちゃめちゃ優しい すごく高いやつだね
It is a rare vintage from... Oh.
珍しいヴィンテージの… あぁ
Oh, I totally forgot. You can't have carbonation because it corrodes your esophagus for singing.
あぁ、すっかり忘れてた 炭酸はダメなんだよね 歌うのに大事な食道を傷めちゃうから
Oh, but this was so thoughtful. I should have some.
え、でも色々思ってしてくれたんでしょ 少しもらうよ
No, no, that's crazy. You know what? I'm just gonna pour it out.
いや、そんなのダメだよ そうだ、捨てちゃおう
What? No!
No-no-no-no-no-no, I can't let you do that.
ダメ!ダメ、ダメ、ダメ、ダメ そんなことさせられない
What? No, no, no. If you're gonna do something bad for your health, I'll do it too then for solidarity, huh?
え?いやいや、君が体に良くないことするなら 俺もするよ 一蓮托生ね?
Mm! Gluten.
Hey, babe?
One sec.
Sorry, I just had to preserve that specimen before it went bad. That is going to be a problem because you're vegan, isn't it?
ごめん 標本が悪くならないようにしなくちゃいけなかったんだ 嫌だよね ビーガンだもんね
No, it's fine.
Okay, are you sure? Because I can totally quit my profession and do something completely different with my life.
そう、ほんとに? 俺、今の仕事 やめても全然いいんだよ まったく違うことやってもいいんだ
No, no, keep your profession. Uh, listen... Now that we've been living together for a little bit...
ダメ、ダメ 仕事は続けて あの、聞いてほしいんだけど… 私たち、ほんのちょっとだけ一緒に暮らしたけど
I think that this relationship should...
Should... should keep on compromising.
これからも 折り合いをつけてやっていこう
Yeah. Yeah, okay.
うん、うん そうだね
I'm just gonna go... take a shower.
私 行くね… シャワー浴びるわ
Oh, no. The shower.
(Mona screams)
Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm going to start applying to law schools tomorrow.
ごめん ほんと ごめん 明日 ロースクールに出願するよ
Don't you dare. (clears throat)
やめて (咳払い)
Sorry, I just lost my voice from all the screaming.
ごめんね 叫び過ぎて声が出なくなっちゃった
Look, by the way, do you happen to know where my formaldehyde is? Because all I can find is this throat remedy that is in a very similar-looking bottle.
ね、ところでなんだけど もしかして僕のホルムアルデヒドがどこか知ってたりする? すごくよく似た瓶に入った喉の薬しか見つからないんだ
I am so sorry.
No, don't be. I actually think getting my stomach pumped brought us closer together.
いいの 胃の洗浄で 絆が深まった気がするし
Yeah, I mean... I mean, I definitely know the color of your bile now.
そうだね なんていうか、もう君の胆汁の色が分かるし
- Can we talk? - Yeah, let's, uh... Let's talk.
- 話せる? - うん、そうしよう… 話そう
I've been thinking.
Me, too.
And I think that maybe if we maybe think about possibly...
思うんだけど もしかして、私たち考えてみたりするかな、可能性として…
Maybe we should...
Yeah, just... (clicks tongue)
そう、もう… (舌を鳴らす音)
Yeah, I mean, nothing permanent though.
No, right. That'd be crazy. Just a couple of months or...
そうだね それだと大変だから 2か月とか…
Or weeks.
Or just a night off, really.
And it doesn't really even have to be tonight.
It could be any night. Any night at all.
いつでもいいよね いつでも全然
Okay, that's enough. We can't keep filming forever. Just end it already.
よし、もういい 俺たち一生は撮り続けられない もう終わらせてくれよ
No sorrys. I'm calling it; you're broken up.
謝らなくていいから 俺が終わらせる 君らはもうおしまい
Wow, that sound effect and music is kinda harsh. Can we try something a little less mean?
う~ん、その効果音、なんかひどい もうちょっと やんわりしたのにしない?
Yeah, and maybe like a question mark at the end, so it's like, "End of relationship?" So it's not so forever and final.
そうだね、文末にクエスチョンマークを入れたりしてもいいかも 「二人の関係の終わり?」みたいな そうすれば、永遠に終わりってかんじじゃなくなるし
Much better. - So much better.
その方がすごく良い - ずっと良いよ