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  • Hi, good afternoon, my name is Billy Wood.

  • I'm a senior lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department at The University of Texas at Austin.

  • Talking to you today about a study abroad opportunity that we have here at The University

  • of Texas known as a Maymester. Personally I have been a faculty here, this

  • is my 30th year. I've taught classes for 30 years; I've been

  • an administrator for part of that time and been involved with study abroad since

  • we began it in Engineering in 1996 and now I'm looking forward to participating

  • as an instructor abroad doing a 2010 Maymester in Vienna, Austria.

  • The purpose of a Maymester is to give our freshman engineering class an exposure in

  • doing a study abroad. Maymester is intended to be a four-week session

  • that takes place as soon as the spring semester is over

  • and basically runs for four weeks through the month of June.

  • The course that I'm going to be teaching is ME302 and ME210

  • which is a course that is taken by mechanical engineering students,

  • aerospace students and civil engineering students. And it's open to other engineering majors

  • as their departments will accommodate them.

  • ME302 and ME210 are required courses of engineering students and that's what we want with the

  • Maymester, is we want the students to be taking courses

  • that counts towards their degree.

  • The time involved on the Maymester is that we need to be in Vienna on May 27

  • and we will be finished with the course on June the 23rd.

  • The students will need to arrive by the 27th and check in with us

  • and then they can leave at their leisure on the 23rd.

  • So they want to travel around Europe, that's at their discretion.

  • We won't be coming back en masse. It's just up to every individual as to what

  • they have to do for the summer.

  • The cost that we have set for the trip will cover our expenses while we are abroad.

  • However, they will not cover the transportation to and from Europe

  • as well as eating expenses while you're over there.

  • Meals will be on your own.

  • The activities that we have planned while we're in Vienna,

  • including the travelling in Vienna, as well as our trip outside of Vienna,

  • all of those costs are included in the cost that the students pay up front, of the $3,300.

  • The students that completed the application by the November 1st deadline are being admitted

  • into the program by the provost's office. And in the spring semester, we will have a

  • one-hour seminar that meets on Tuesdays at two o'clock here in our building,

  • and that will be our pre-departure seminar. During that seminar, the students will get

  • presentations from the study abroad office in terms of insurance while they're abroad,

  • tips on travel, tips on living, tips on the culture there in Vienna, as well

  • as learning to deal with the euro.

  • We also have other activities that we will be doing there.

  • Our classes will run Monday through Thursday. We'll have lectures in the morning,

  • we're going to have computer labs in the afternoon, and our classes will run Mondays through Thursday.

  • We're keeping Fridays open for activities in Vienna, as well as one planned out-of-town

  • trip. We're going to take the electric train to

  • Graz to visit Magna Steyr, which is an automobile assembly plant, state-of-the-art,

  • which I think all the engineering students will enjoy.

  • We intend to do this trip over the next several years,

  • so the original cost of $3,300 was for this trip.

  • Each trip generates its own costs. It could be a little higher next year, it

  • could be a little bit lower, but nonetheless, we're going to have a wonderful

  • time studying engineering in Europe and I invite anybody that is looking at our

  • video to please contact me if you have any questions about the program,

  • and I will be happy to answer your question. My email address should be on the web page

  • that you're looking at and come join us in Vienna.

  • Auf Wiedersehen.

Hi, good afternoon, my name is Billy Wood.


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ビリー・ウッドと一緒にUTオースティンでウィーン留学 (Vienna Study Abroad at UT Austin with Billy Wood)

  • 48 4
    Jane に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日