字幕表 動画を再生する
So, we just came back from Taiwan, and filmed a whole bunch of delicious, amazing food videos, coming out soon.
SIMON: 私たちは台湾から帰ってきたばかりで、美味しくて素晴らしい食べ物のビデオをたくさん撮影しました。
But for today, we have a load of Taiwanese snacks that we didn't actually get to try while we were in Taiwan, so we're trying today in Korea.
I'm excited!
MARTINA: 私は興奮しています!
Let's give this a shot. The first one we're trying is one everyone told us about--Pineapple Cake.
I would say that this is more like a luxury item, we're not exactly "convenience store" fooding this.
MARTINA: 私は、これは贅沢品のようなものだと言うでしょう、私たちは正確に"コンビニエンスストア"これを食べることではありません。
- Oh, they're individually packaged! - I somehow pictured a huge loaf.
SIMON: あら、個別包装されているのね。MARTINA: 何となく大きなパンを想像してしまったわ。
- Me, too! - Did you? - Okay, okay, here we go.
SIMON: 私も!MARTINA: そうなの?SIMON: オーケー、オーケー、行くわよ。
Ooh, heavy! SIMON: Ooh, really dense! MARTINA: (oohs) SIMON: (sound of excitement)
MARTINA: おぉ、重い!SIMON: おっと、本当に濃い! MARTINA: (oohs) SIMON: (興奮の音)
- Okay, Pineapple Cake. - Pineapple Cake.
オーケー パイナップルケーキSIMON: パイナップルケーキ。
- Okay, this is really dry. - This is nothing that I expected.
SIMON: さて、これは本当に乾燥しています。MARTINA: これは私が期待していたものではありません。
- This looks like a biscuit.
K, let's see... - Here we go.
MARTINA: K, let's see...SIMON: いくぞ。
マルティーナ: mm
Oh, my God.
OK, that's not dry at all.
MARTINA: OK、全然乾いてないね。
It's filled with pineapple jelly. - This tastes like a shortbread cookie wrapped over pineapple jelly.
SIMON: パイナップルゼリーが入っているの。MARTINA: パイナップルゼリーに包まれたショートブレッドクッキーのような味がします。
SIMON: That is shortbread. MARTINA: Oh my God, this can't be good for you.
SIMON: mm, oh yeah. MARTINA: Oh my God SIMON: Oh yeah MARTINA: Wow
SIMON: うーん、そうなんだ。MARTINA: Oh my God SIMON: Oh yeah MARTINA: Wow
MARTINA: OK, I don't know, this is really surprising to me. Holy cow, thumb up for me.
MARTINA: OK, I don'39;t know, this is really surprising to me.私のために親指を立ててくれたんだ。
SIMON: Now here's the thing, when we came back to Korea we brought two extra boxes for other people on our staff and I just decided not to give it to them.
SIMON: ここからが問題なんですが、韓国に戻ってきたときに、スタッフのために余分な箱を2つ持ってきたんですが、彼らには渡さないことにしました。
we're gonna keep these for ourselves now. MARTINA: They might have already eaten it Simon.
SIMON: So here we're gonna try next something that doesn't look that good. MARTINA: Why y'all gotta pick the scary one next?
SIMON: さて、次はあまり良くなさそうなものを試してみようと思います。MARTINA: なんでみんな次は怖いものを選ばなきゃいけないの?
SIMON: I thought this was gonna be tapioca. MARTINA: Let's just merge into the happy potato.
SIMON: タピオカになるんじゃないの?MARTINA: ハッピーポテトに合体しよう。
SIMON: No no no, we did a good one, we need to do a challenging one. MARTINA: He's wearing an American bowtie.
SIMON: いやいやいや、僕らはいいことをしたんだよ。MARTINA: 彼はアメリカの蝶ネクタイをしています。
SIMON: No we're doing this one first. MARTINA: I don't know what this is, there's an egg and a questionable mushroom.
SIMON: いや、これを先にやっているんだ。MARTINA: これが何なのかわからないわ、卵と怪しいキノコがあるの。
SIMON: Okay, MARTINA: I don't want to. SIMON: These actually are eggs
SIMON: Okay, MARTINA: I don't want to.SIMON: これは実際に卵です。
MARTINA: Don't look at what it is SIMON: and they are a delicacy. MARTINA: just eat it.
MARTINA: Don't look at what it is SIMON: and they are a delicacy.MARTINA: それを食べてください。
SIMON: Okay, MARTINA: I thought they were boba tea.
SIMON: Okay, MARTINA: Boba teaだと思っていました。
MARTINA: I thought they were like SIMON: Yeah I were like tapioca bubbles, here we go
MARTINA: 私は彼らがSIMONのようなものだと思っていました: ええ、私はタピオカの泡のようなものでした。
SIMON: Oh yeah, that smells like soy sauce. MARTINA: Hmm.
SIMON: そうそう、醤油の匂いがするんだ。MARTINA: うーん。
SIMON: Look at how congealed that is. MARTINA: That can't be egg.
凝固しているのを見てください。MARTINA: 卵ではありえないわね。
SIMON: Look at, these are eggs alright. MARTINA: Really
SIMON: You know what, I've never actually had eggs that stick together MARTINA: Do you just break them apart?
SIMON: あのね、一緒にくっつく卵を食べたことがないの。
SIMON: I, I don't know MARTINA: Or.. SIMON: I think you just gotta shove the whole thing in your mouth.
MARTINA: No, no that's not happening. SIMON: OK, now grab an egg.
MARTINA: いいえ、それはありません。SIMON: OK、卵を持ってきて。
MARTINA: Uhhh SIMON: Now grab one, pull it off.
MARTINA: Oh, this is definitely an egg SIMON: Yep I can see like the egg yolk.
MARTINA: ああ、これは間違いなく卵だね。
MARTINA: Is this the kinda thing where we're supposed to be eating this with rice and we're just gonna stick something mega salty into our mouth? SIMON: Maybe,
MARTINA: これって、ご飯と一緒に食べることになっていて、何か塩辛いものを口に入れることになっているのかな?SIMON: たぶんね。
SIMON: maybe you eat on its own. MARTINA: It's like visiting Canada and America and someone being like this is beef bullion and everyone's just like mmm, and they just like eat it.
SIMON: それだけで食べてしまうのかもしれませんね。MARTINA: カナダやアメリカに行って、誰かがこれは牛肉の地金だと言って、みんながうーんと言って食べているようなものです。
SIMON: We'll see MARTINA: Alright here we go.
MARTINA: よし、行くぞ。
SIMON: Whoa, whoa MARTINA: That has some very specific spice in there that I remember
SIMON: Whoa, whoa MARTINA: 私が覚えているスパイスが入っています。
SIMON: I'm actually gonna eat another one. MARTINA: These are really good. SIMON: The outside is really gummy
SIMON: 実はもう一つ食べようと思っています。MARTINA: これは本当に美味しいよ。SIMON: 外側は本当にグミです。
SIMON: but the flavoring here, like what do they marinate this in? MARTINA: It's got some kind of, what is it, like Chinese five spice, all those different flavors.
でも、ここの味付けは、何に漬け込んでいるのかな?MARTINA: 中国の五香辛料のようなものが入っていて、いろいろな味があるんです。
SIMON: That is a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. MARTINA: This is like a muscle builder's dream snack, you're like let's go to the convenience store and buy an egg brick sandwich.
SIMON: 思っていたよりもずっといいね。MARTINA: これは筋肉ビルダーの夢のスナックのようなもので、コンビニに行ってエッグブリックサンドを買おうって感じですね。
SIMON: Good choice, whoa.
MARTINA: Okay, bags of chips time. I have here what looks like pirate melon and this is American potato soup chip man.
SIMON: No no, the bottom is ahh, oyster omelet. MARTINA: But look he's got a little American bowtie on, I don't know why
SIMON: いやいや、下はあー、牡蠣のオムレツだよ。 MARTINA: でも、彼はアメリカの蝶ネクタイをしています。
SIMON: Yes, and here we have pea crackers, garlic pea crackers, and here we have SQUID.
SIMON: Alright gonna try 'em. MARTINA: Gotta try them out.
SIMON: These are interesting MARTINA: Oh! I have never smelled a chip like this before in my life.
SIMON: これは面白いですねMARTINA: ああ!こんなチップの匂いを嗅いだことは人生で一度もありません。
SIMON: I say we try the safe traditional one that we're used to first. MARTINA: OK. So we don't really know what flavor this is.
最初に慣れ親しんだ安全な伝統的なものを試してみようと思うわ。MARTINA: そうなんだ、これがどんな味なのかよくわからないんだ。
SIMON: Well these look like Ruffles. MARTINA: Yeah.
SIMON: そうですね......これはラッフルズのように見えます。MARTINA: うん。
MARTINA: Oh my God. SIMON: Whoa MARTINA: We needed luggage loaded up with these guys
SIMON: This is intense. This is great. MARTINA: These are, these might be the best chips I've ever had in my life. I'm serious.
SIMON: これは強烈ですね。これは素晴らしい。MARTINA: これは、今まで食べた中で最高のチップスかもしれないわ。本気で言ってるの。
SIMON: I don't know if they're the best, they're really good. They have that um, seaweed taste to them MARTINA: They taste like ramen, but they have
SIMON: 最高かどうかは分からないけど、本当に美味しいよ。MARTINA: 海藻の味がするんですよ。
MARTINA: seafood, they have seaweed, have like a sweet oystery taste. SIMON: Oyster sauce it tastes like.
MARTINA: シーフード、海藻が入っていて、甘いオイスターソースのような味がします。SIMON: オイスターソースのような味がします。
SIMON: Oh man MARTINA: This tastes like I'm eating take out seafood ramen.
SIMON: Oh man MARTINA: テイクアウトのシーフードラーメンを食べているような味だね。
SIMON: Oyster omelets on chips. MARTINA: Oyster something. Oyster soup. This is amazing
SIMON: カキのオムレツをチップスに。MARTINA: カキの何か。カキのスープ。これは素晴らしい
MARTINA: I would definitely pass up on this if I saw it in a store because I would have been like ooh oyster egg flavor but that would have been a terrible mistake.
MARTINA: 店頭で見かけたら絶対に諦めていました。
MARTINA: What are you doing!
SIMON: (unintelligible) MARTINA: Save some for me.
SIMON: (意味不明) MARTINA: 私のために取っておいてね。
SIMON: Now we're gonna try the pea crackers MARTINA: These are the, they look like spaghetti, it looks like whats it called spaghetti
SIMON: 次はエンドウ豆のクラッカーを食べてみましょう MARTINA: これはスパゲッティのような形をしています。
SIMON: Fusilli MARTINA: Fusilli? SIMON: Are these fusilli? What are the curly spaghetti called?
SIMON: Fusilli MARTINA: Fusilli?SIMON: これがフュージリですか?くるくるスパゲッティは何と呼ばれていますか?
MARTINA: Aaaah SIMON: Curly spaghetti, rigatoni! MARTINA: Spiraly, no
MARTINA: Aaaah SIMON: Curly spaghetti, rigatoni!MARTINA: スパイラル、いいえ
SIMON: Porcini? MARTINA: Porcini's a mushroom isn't it?
SIMON: ポルチーニ?MARTINA: ポルチーニはキノコですよね?
MARTINA: Rotini? SIMON: Rotini.
SIMON: Ri-rigatoni, tony-moly MARTINA: Ro-ti-goli
SIMON: Ri-rigatoni, tony-moly MARTINA: Ro-ti-goli
Spiral pasta!
SIMON: Ready?
SIMON: That is strong MARTINA: Wow, that one is not messing around with the flavors.
simon: それは強いですねmartina: うわー、あれは味をいじってないですね。
SIMON:that is MARTINA: garlic SIMON: roasted garlic to the extreme
simon:that is MARTINA:garlic simon:極上のローストガーリック
SIMON: I love roasted garlic MARTINA: Okay, this tastes like, the pea chips are actually the texture
SIMON: 私はローストガーリックが大好きなんです。
is quite interesting, it has a creamy taste rather than like the potato texture, the flavor of the garlic
tastes like garlic bread at a restaurant. This is amazing.
Okay, okay, what's up Taiwan? Why have you been holding these secrets from us?
SIMON: Taiwan I don't think you understand the concept of this video. We're supposed to taste some stuff that's gross
SIMON: Taiwan......このビデオのコンセプトを理解していないようですね。私たちはグロいものを味わうことになっているんです。
MARTINA: and be like, "eww" SIMON: and weird, but all this is delicious.
MARTINA: and be like, " eww" SIMON: and weird, but all this is delicious.
I hope this squid stuff sucks. I'm waiting for the squid stuff
This better suck or I'll be disappointed.
Okay, we're doing the squid ones next.
These ones look a little bit iffy
MARTINA: These look like little, chopped up squid arms. SIMON: 'K, this better be gross.
MARTINA: This better be gross SIMON: This better be gross!
SIMON: Oh man MARTINA: It's not gross
SIMON: Oh man MARTINA: It's not gross.
SIMON: That was great MARTINA: Wow SIMON: It's so sweet
SIMON: That was great MARTINA: Wow SIMON: It's so sweet.
MARTINA: M'kay, these aren't SIMON: I like everything! MARTINA: these aren't my favorite though
MARTINA: M'Kay, these aren't't SIMON: I like everything!MARTINA: これは好きじゃないけどね。
These are kinda boring in comparison to everything else but these are good.
SIMON: Boring? Naw, they're still great MARTINA: [unintelligible] SIMON: [unintelligible]
SIMON: 退屈?いや、彼らはまだ偉大だよ MARTINA: [unintelligible] SIMON: [unintelligible]
MARTINA: Okay, you know what I will say? SIMON: Wha? MARTINA: These don't have the strong squid taste I expected.
MARTINA: さて、私が何を言おうか知っていますか? SIMON: え?MARTINA: これは私が期待していた強いイカの味がしません。
When I have shrimp chips I enjoy that shrimpy left over flavor
This tastes more like some kind of sauce
SIMON: There you go MARTINA: Right. Yeah, take that! Your squid chips are
so so delicious.
SIMON: They're okay. MARTINA: Alright, I have high hopes for this to be awful. Ready?
SIMON: 彼らは大丈夫だよ。 さて、私はこれがひどいものになることを期待しています。準備はいい?
SIMON: Please suck!
MARTINA: Right? SIMON: Smells like, what is that, creamy peanut butter?
そうでしょ? 何かクリーミーなピーナッツバターのような匂い?
MARTINA: It smells like- what is wrong with your nose? Smell it again
SIMON: Ahh, chunky peanut butter.
MARTINA: No. This smells like bubble tea, the Wintermelon burb- bubble tea that you hate. SIMON: Burble tea, ha ha!
これはバブルティーの匂いがするわ、あなたが嫌いなウィンターメロンのバーブルティーよ。 SIMON: バーブル・ティー、ハハハ!
MARITNA: I'm going in for it
MARITNA: I'm going in in it.
SIMON: Okay, that's so-so. No actually that's quite good. Martina: That's pretty good
SIMON: そうですか、まあまあですね。いえ、実際にはかなりいいですよ。 Martina: それはかなりいいわよ。
MARTINA: Haha SIMON: That just dissolved in my mouth and that tastes really good.
MARTINA: Haha SIMON: それが口の中で溶けて、すごく美味しいんだ。
MARTINA: That tastes really good. SIMON: You gotta put more than one in your mouth.
MARTINA: 本当に美味しいですね。 SIMON: 何個も口に入れないとダメだよ。
MARTINA: It almost has a creamy, marshmallow- let's see how many we can put in our mouth.
MARTINA: マシュマロのようなクリーミーさがありますね。
MARTINA: Okay, and we're gonna see who can whistle first? SIMON: Whistle first.
MARTINA: オーケー、誰が最初に口笛を吹けるか見てみましょうか? 最初に口笛を吹けるのは誰かな?
MARTINA: No, whistle, or sing a song? SIMON: Whistle first. MARTINA: Otherwise you'll just start singing and have food flying everywhere.
いや、口笛か、歌を歌うか? 口笛を吹くのが先です。 MARTINA: そうしないと、歌を歌い始めて、食べ物があちこちに飛んできてしまいますよ。
SIMON: You ready? First one to whistle wins. MARTINA: Ready, go!
準備はいいか?最初に口笛を吹いた者の勝ちだ 準備はいいか、行け!
MARTINA: [whistles] SIMON: Oh!
MARTINA: Oh! Oh no. SIMON: It just sucked out all my moisture.
MARTINA: That's why I did one at a time, technique. You know what this tastes like?
MARTINA: だから1つずつやったんだよ、テクニック。これがどんな味かわかる?
The left over milk from cereal, after you eat like a fruity pebbles or like fruit loops or like a marshmallow cereal
and the milk tastes like this. This is what it tastes like.
You have tons, how much stuff don't you lodge into your beard? You have like an entire factory
of melon puffs in your beard
SIMON: This I'm sure is gonna be gross! It has to be gross. There needs to be something gross here.
This I'm sure is gonna be gross!It has to be gross.何かグロスである必要があります。
MARTINA: You know why I'm suspicious that this is gonna be gross?
MARTINA: なぜ私が疑っているか分かる?
There's a traditional teapot on. What we've learned in our experiences
is that traditional things taste like medicine.
SIMON: This is ISO 22000 MARTINA: Yes. Just go for it
SIMON: What is- this just looks wrong MARTINA: I can't tell if it's a fruit or SIMON: I'm excited
MARTINA: 果物なのか、それともSIMON: 私は興奮しています。
MARTINA: a vegetable or like a squid, I don't know SIMON: Okay
MARTINA: 野菜かイカのようなものか、わかりません。
MARTINA: Does it smell medical? SIMON: Smells like soy sauce.
MARTINA:医学的な匂いがするのかな? SIMON: しょうゆのような匂いがする。
MARTINA: It smells good. SIMON: Smells good.
MARTINA: いい匂いがする。 SIMON: いい匂い。
SIMON: but it doesn't look good. Look at this. MARTINA: look at that, ahh, what is this?
でも、いい感じには見えません。これを見てください。 MARTINA: これを見て、あー、これは何ですか?
SIMON: It looks like a leather shoelace.
SIMON: 革の靴ひもみたいな感じですね。
MARTINA: Oh no, it's gonna be the worst SIMON: This is gonna suck. Alright lets go.
MARTINA: but it smells so good. SIMON: You ready? MARTINA: Yep
MARTINA: でも、すごくいい匂いがする。 準備はいい? マルティナ: うん
SIMON: Okay, I don't like this one MARTINA: Okay, we have a winner.
SIMON: Okay, I don't wanna like this one MARTINA: Okay, we have a winner.
SIMON: Don't you mean loser?
SIMON: Don't you mean losinger?
MARTINA: I think this might be fat. SIMON: I think this is tofu. I think it's marinated
MARTINA: これは太っているのではないかと思います。 SIMON: これは豆腐だと思います。マリネにしたものだと思います。
SIMON: dried tofu cut into shoelaces. MARTINA: The spices on the outside aren't bad but it's a bit
SIMON: 高野豆腐を靴紐に切ったもの。 MARTINA: 外側の香辛料は悪くないけど、ちょっと
MARTINA: the texture is kinda unnerving. SIMON: Yeah MARTINA: Not my favorite thing
MARTINA: 質感がちょっと気になる。 SIMON: うん MARTINA: 私の好きなものではない。
SIMON: No. MARTINA: There you go SIMON: Finally! Taiwan finally got something wrong.
SIMON: いや、MARTINA: ほらね、SIMON: ついに!台湾はついに何かを間違えた
MARTINA: It's not even that bad SIMON: No its really not. MARTINA: We're just trying really hard to be like, 'I don't like it'
MARTINA: そんなに悪くないわよ。 MARTINA: 私たちはただ一生懸命やっているだけなのよ。
SIMON: Okay, this is, I will not enjoy- MARTINA: I will not purchase it again. There you go.
OK、これは、私は楽しめない...MARTINA: 二度と買わないわ。それでいいわ
SIMON: I'll purchase everything else here again. MARTINA: Okay so really the only thing we're disappointed with
SIMON: 他のものはまたここで買います。 MARTINA: そうですか、本当に唯一がっかりしているのは
the tofu? thingy. This one here. Was just kinda like, ahh, I didn't like it.
Other than that everything here was amazing. SIMON: The oyster chips were amazing MARTINA: Oh my God.
それ以外は、ここの全てが素晴らしかったです。 SIMON: オイスターチップスは素晴らしかった MARTINA: なんてことだ。
I've been nicely surprised. I really didn't expect all this food to taste so amazing. SIMON: Exactly.
私はびっくりしました。こんなに素晴らしい味がするとは思っていませんでした。 SIMON: その通り。
MARTINA: Really different from the food we're used to back home. SIMON: Mm-hm
MARTINA: 家で食べているものとは本当に違いますね。 SIMON: Mm-hm
MARTINA: I just want this to be an encouraging video to people so that when you travel to another country
MARTINA: これが人々の励みになるようなビデオにしたいと思っています。
SIMON: Try out all the stuff! MARTINA: Yeah SIMON: You might find something that you fall in love with
SIMON: いろんなものを試してみて MARTINA: Yeah SIMON: あなたが恋に落ちるようなものが見つかるかもしれない。
MARTINA: I mean it looks strange on the outside but it tastes, like these eggs, these eggs look terrifying
MARTINA: 見た目は変な感じだけど、味は、この卵のように、この卵は恐ろしく見えます。
SIMON: Yes MARTINA: They taste fantastic!
SIMON: はい、MARTINA: 最高の味ですね。
SIMON: They're great MARTINA: Yeah exactly
SIMON: They're great MARTINA: Yeah exactly.
SIMON: Also make sure you subscribe because we have a whole bunch of other Taiwan videos coming up with a whole bunch of warm food
SIMON: また、他の台湾の動画をたくさん持っているので、ぜひ購読してみてください。
freshly made in Taiwan. One of the best food experiences of our lives. Make sure you check those out when those come out
MARTINA: The night market SIMON: Ah, man.
MARTINA: 夜市 SIMON: ああ、男だ。
MARTINA: The soup dumplings SIMON: Oooo, all the bubble teas
MARTINA:スープ団子 SIMON:Oooo、すべてのバブルティー
Martina: Oh my gosh guys. SIMON: Coming soon
Martina: Oh my gosh guys. SIMON: Coming soon