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  • - The facts are strong in my family.

  • My father has it,

  • I have it,

  • and now you have it.

  • - The Force is strong with this one.

  • - Hmm.

  • - Here are 50 Amazing Facts about Star Wars.

  • In his personal life,

  • Harrison Ford is actually an accomplished pilot.

  • When they were planning his return in The Force Awakens,

  • he asked them to make sure

  • that the switches in the Millennium Falcon

  • had a realistic, springy feel to it.

  • He also taught Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey,

  • to not push buttons too frantically

  • because everything needs to have a purpose.

  • - In Attack of the Clones,

  • in the scene where Anakin and Padme

  • are romantically sitting in a field talking,

  • there were actually a lot of bugs

  • flying around them while filming the scene.

  • The visual effects team had to remove each bug

  • during post-production, painting each one out by hand,

  • one frame at a time.

  • It took weeks to do.

  • - When Star Wars first came out in 1977,

  • Carrie Fisher was 20 years old,

  • Mark Hamill was 25,

  • and Harrison Ford was 34,

  • making him 14 years older than Carrie.

  • - James Earl Jones, who voiced Darth Vader,

  • was not originally credited in the New Hope

  • or The Empire Strikes Back

  • because his dialog for both films

  • only took a few hours to record.

  • David Prowse, the six foot seven man

  • in the Darth Vader suit,

  • was credited because he spent months as Vader on set.

  • However, James Earl Jones's name was finally added

  • to the credits for Return of the Jedi.

  • - While shooting The Force Awakens,

  • a 63-year-old Mark Hamill,

  • who plays an old Luke Skywalker,

  • was the same age as Sir Alec Guinness, 63,

  • when he played the original Ben Kenobi

  • in the first Star Wars.

  • - To create the hologram of Princess Leia saying,

  • "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope,"

  • they played the footage of her

  • back through an old analog TV,

  • and then they wiggled the cord

  • so that it would appear all fuzzy and staticy

  • and have lines through it.

  • They then filmed that staticy TV with another camera.

  • - Before making The Force Awakens,

  • Disney bought Lucasfilm back in 2012

  • for over $4 billion.

  • George Lucas, who owned 100% of the Lucasfilm empire,

  • donated most of it to charity.

  • - For both The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi,

  • Sir Alec Guinness, who played Obi-Wan,

  • was able to film all of his scenes in just one day each,

  • as opposed to the rest of the cast who would have

  • spent months filming on sets around the world.

  • - Have you ever wondered what Mark Hamill

  • has been up to for the past 30 years?

  • Well, you might not have seen his face much.

  • That's actually because he's a very successful voice actor,

  • most well known as the voice

  • of the animated Joker since 1992.

  • - Carrie Fisher was asked if she wanted a stunt double

  • for the shots where she kills Jabba the Hut.

  • She said that she really wanted to do it herself

  • and that it was the best time she had as an actor.

  • - The droids in The Force Awakens were actually made

  • by hardcore Star Wars fans who were part of a fan club

  • called The R2-D2 Builders Club.

  • The president of Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy,

  • met them at a fan event and commissioned them herself

  • to work on the droids for Episode VII.

  • - The name Ewok was never actually spoken

  • during any of the Star Wars films.

  • The word "Ewok" mostly became well known

  • due to the merchandising, the animated television series,

  • and two made-for-TV movies.

  • - Ben Burtt, the sound designer for all six Star Wars films,

  • is credited with coming up with the original sound effects

  • for the lightsaber, R2-D2, and more.

  • He also provides the voice for another famous robot, Wall-E.

  • - In 1983's Return of the Jedi,

  • 88-year-old Emperor Palpatine

  • was played by Scottish actor Ian McDiarmid,

  • who was only 38 years old at the time,

  • wearing heavy prosthetics and makeup.

  • 16 years later, in 1999,

  • McDiarmid, who was then 54 years old,

  • again played the Emperor in Episodes I through III,

  • except this time he was considerably older

  • playing a much younger version of the same character.

  • - There's a popular myth that states that Darth Vader

  • got his name from the German "vater" meaning father.

  • While it is a wonderful coincidence,

  • he actually got his name from a creative play

  • on the words "dark invader."

  • - In A New Hope, there's a scene where a number

  • of stormtroopers enter a room on the Death Star

  • and the tallest stormtrooper actually hits his head

  • on the ceiling as he enters the room.

  • As a nod to this mistake, the filmmakers added a scene

  • in Attack of the Clones where Jango Fett,

  • who was the original host of the cloned troopers,

  • hits his head while entering his ship.

  • - For the famous line, "I am your father"

  • uttered by Darth Vader,

  • George Lucas wanted to make sure

  • that spoilers didn't leak from the set,

  • so the official shooting script

  • actually contained a different plot twist:

  • "Obi-Wan killed your father."

  • The real line was voiced after by James Earl Jones

  • and added in post-production.

  • - In Return of the Jedi, George Lucas wanted to have

  • the Empire defeated by a tribe of primitive Wookiees.

  • When it was pointed out that Chewbacca

  • was a technologically proficient Wookiee,

  • they decided to change the species.

  • Because Wookiees were tall,

  • they made the Ewoks short.

  • They even took the word Woo-kiee and flipped it.

  • E-wok.

  • - The Star Wars movies use certain colors

  • to help the viewer know what they're looking at.

  • The heroes' ships usually have red lasers,

  • while the villains' ships usually have green.

  • Also, in Episode II, the heroes' missiles

  • all shoot with white smoke,

  • while the villains' missiles shoot with black.

  • - In The Empire Strikes Back,

  • when Luke clashes with Darth Vader,

  • there is a shot where Vader falls out of the frame

  • and Luke jumps down after him.

  • If you look in the lower left corner of the frame,

  • you can see Mark Hamill bounce back up

  • on a trampoline into the shot

  • and look directly into the camera.

  • - The Podrace scene in Episode I

  • was entirely digitally created for the film

  • because nowhere on Earth looks like that,

  • and even if it did, there no cameras

  • that can travel fast enough to convey the race.

  • That's because pods are meant to be racing

  • at over 966 kilometers per hour,

  • or 600 miles per hour.

  • - Star Wars: Episode V and Episode VI

  • were not actually directed by George Lucas.

  • After completing A New Hope,

  • George went to his old instructor

  • from the University of Southern California

  • and convinced him to direct The Empire Strikes Back.

  • That's director Irvin Kershner.

  • - Famous actress Keira Knightley was in Episode I.

  • She was the handmaiden that pretends

  • to be the queen to keep Padme safe.

  • - While on the set in Northern Africa

  • filming the desert scenes,

  • the script originally had Luke's last name as Starkiller.

  • George Lucas changed it to Skywalker

  • as the production headed to England

  • before filming the rest of the movie.

  • As an homage to this,

  • J.J. Abrams named a new superweapon

  • Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens.

  • - Christopher Lee,

  • who played Count Dooku in Episodes II and III,

  • holds the Guinness World Record for the most

  • films with a sword fight by an actor.

  • He even did his own lightsaber fighting

  • for his close-up shots, at 80 years old.

  • - One of the most memorable scenes with Han Solo

  • is the exchange he has over the intercom on the Death Star.

  • Harrison Ford intentionally never memorized his lines,

  • fumbling and ad libbing what was in the original script

  • to give the scene authenticity.

  • - When the first Star Wars came out in May of 1977,

  • it was the first film to have massive merchandising success.

  • In fact, the demand for toys was so huge

  • that Kenner Toys weren't able to produce them in time.

  • So what did they do?

  • Well, that Christmas they ended up literally

  • selling empty boxes with a certificate inside.

  • The box contained an order form

  • for people to mail away to Kenner,

  • who eventually shipped back four action figures.

  • - Adjusted for inflation, the original Star Wars movie

  • is the third highest grossing film of all time,

  • having made over $2.8 billion,

  • and surpassed only by Avatar and Gone with the Wind.

  • - Revenge of the Sith has the record

  • for the longest sword fight in cinematic history.

  • - While shooting The Empire Strikes Back,

  • they hadn't yet cast who would play the Emperor,

  • so the makeup designer of the film, Rick Baker,

  • got his wife to provide the face

  • and they superimposed her eyes

  • with those of a chimpanzee.

  • Over 30 years later, while shooting Revenge of the Sith,

  • they got Ian McDiarmid to reshoot the scene

  • and inserted him digitally into a film he was never in.

  • - At the beginning of Return of the Jedi,

  • as Luke enters Jabba's palace,

  • we see what he appears to be him Force choking

  • the guards at the entrance,

  • which sounds like a Dark Side thing to do,

  • but there is a popular theory that states

  • that what he's actually doing is using a Jedi mind trick

  • to make them think they're being choked

  • without actually hurting them.

  • - In The Empire Strikes Back there's a very memorable scene

  • in which Han Solo is frozen in carbonite.

  • They did this because they weren't certain

  • if Harrison Ford was going to come back

  • for Return of the Jedi,

  • as he hadn't signed his contract yet for the film.

  • - Every single clone trooper

  • throughout the prequel trilogy is 100% digital.

  • - In The Phantom Menace,

  • during one of the thrilling senate scenes,

  • E.T. the extra-terrestrial can be seen in a pod.

  • Similarly, there is scene in the movie E.T.

  • that features a child dressed up as Yoda on Halloween.

  • This was to fulfill a promise between George Lucas

  • and Steven Spielberg, who are best friends.

  • - Samuel L. Jackson was really excited to be a Jedi

  • and decided to add his own personal flair to the character,

  • specifically requesting a purple lightsaber,

  • his favorite color.

  • He also got a little creative,

  • because on the hilt of his lightsaber

  • was engraved the words "bad mother(bleeped),"

  • which made it into the movie,

  • but were covered by his hands.

  • - Anthony Daniels, who plays C-3PO,

  • is the only actor to appear in all seven Star Wars movies.

  • - Originally, lightsabers were only ever intended

  • to be blue or red, but they had to change

  • Luke's lightsaber to green during the visual effects stage

  • because his lightsaber wouldn't show up

  • against the blue sky of Tatooine.

  • - While filming The Force Awakens,

  • a door on the Millennium Falcon fell on Harrison Ford,

  • breaking his left leg.

  • J.J. Abrams injured his back trying to rescue Harrison.

  • Harrison got out his personal cell phone

  • and called helicopter pilot who picked him up

  • and flew him to the nearest hospital.

  • - The original inspiration for Chewbacca

  • came from George Lucas driving around town

  • with his dog in the passenger seat,

  • a huge Alaskan Malamute.

  • His dog's name was Indiana,

  • which became the inspiration

  • for the name Indiana Jones.

  • - This is really cool.

  • The lightsaber that Finn uses in The Force Awakens

  • is the same lightsaber that Luke uses

  • in Episode IV and V, and then loses,

  • that was given to him by Obi-Wan

  • that he took from Anakin Skywalker.

  • That lightsaber has been around the galaxy

  • for over 50 years.

  • - Femi Taylor was the actress who played

  • the dancing Twi'lek in 1983.

  • For the special edition of Return of the Jedi,

  • George Lucas wanted to add more scenes

  • to the musical number in Jabba's palace,

  • so she returned 14 years later,

  • at the age of 37,

  • still in fantastic shape, and filmed some new scenes

  • where you can't tell that she's any older.

  • - Chewbacca intentionally doesn't look

  • any older in Episode VII.

  • Wookiee's typically live to be older than 400 years old.

  • Chewbacca's only about half that.

  • - In a memorable scene in the carbon freezing chamber,

  • an upset Chewbacca throws a fit

  • and began tossing stormtroopers.

  • Boba Fett goes to shoot the heroes,

  • but Darth Vader stops him.

  • Many people wonder why, but there's a popular theory

  • that Vader is actually protecting C-3PO

  • out of sentimentality for having been C-3PO's creator.

  • - Peter Mayhew, the actor who plays Chewbacca,

  • is in his seventies and over seven feet tall.

  • He's been wheelchair-bound for most of recent history,

  • but when he heard he was coming back in Episode VII

  • to play Chewbacca, he got surgery on both of his knees

  • so he could play the part.

  • - All of Boba Fett's lines in the original trilogy

  • fit into the length of a single tweet.

  • Here's everything that says:

  • "As you wish."

  • "He's no good to me to dead."

  • "What if he doesn't survive?

  • "He's worth a lot to me."

  • And, "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."

  • - The massive crashed star destroyer

  • that appears on the planet Jakku in The Force Awakens

  • was from an important battle that took place

  • between the Rebels and the Empire

  • in between Episode VI and VII.

  • - In Revenge of the Sith,

  • where we see Vader reborn in his black armor,

  • attention was given to make sure

  • that Vader did not rise in a Jesus Christ pose.

  • As it was originally shot,

  • Vader's arms were awkwardly strapped out to his sides.

  • This only ever appeared in the

  • official trailer for the film.

  • This is because after fans criticized the pose online,

  • it was digitally changed to have Vader keep his arms

  • straight down at his side.

  • - Captain Phasma is played by Gwendoline Christie,

  • who also plays Brienne of Tarth on Game of Thrones.

  • She's also six foot three.

  • - Did you know that there are more Star Wars movies

  • than just the episodes?

  • There are actually an additional four made-for-TV movies.

  • The Ewoks got two of their own,

  • Caravan of Courage and the Battle of Endor.

  • Star Wars: Clone Wars had a movie

  • that actually got a theatrical release.

  • And finally, there's a Star Wars holiday special

  • that is so bad that George Lucas has been quoted as saying,

  • "If I had the time and a sledgehammer,

  • "I would track down every copy of that show

  • "and smash it."

  • Well, we all have regrets.

  • - Carrie Fisher lost over 35 pounds to come back

  • in The Force Awakens as Leia.

  • Mark Hamill lost a good 50 pounds

  • to get in shape to play Luke Skywalker.

  • - And that's it for this time, guys.

  • I hope you enjoyed this special 50 Amazing Facts,

  • Star Wars Edition.

  • Special thanks to Corey Vidal,

  • my good friend who is probably

  • the biggest Star Wars fan on the planet,

  • - I'm so excited!

  • (Matt laughs)

  • - for giving me these facts

  • because he got a lot these from Blueray extras and books.

  • - All the books.

  • - And all the things that aren't,

  • most of these are not available online,

  • - No.

  • - So I hope you guys enjoyed this special edition.

  • If you did, share it on Facebook,

  • share it on Twitter--

  • - Prove your friends wrong.

  • - (chuckles) Yeah, that's right.

  • And be sure to follow Corey on all of his socials.

  • It's just slash Corey Vidal on everything.

  • - Yep.

  • - There you go. - [Corey] Thanks.

  • May the Force be with you.

  • - May the Force be with you.

  • I'll see you guys next time, peace.

- The facts are strong in my family.


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スター・ウォーズについての50の驚くべき事実! (50 AMAZING Facts About Star Wars!)

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    噹噹 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日