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  • Hello. This is Jack from and this is Ask Jack, where I answer your questions

  • about learning English and the English language. And, today’s question is all about the difference

  • between American and British English. So, here it is. John from Tanzania asks, "What’s

  • the difference between American and British English and is British English the proper

  • one to use?"

  • Great question. Thank you for sending this in. Before I talk about which type of English

  • you should study, I’m going to go through some of the differences between British and

  • American English. It’s also worth noting at this point that there are many different

  • types of English too. Different countries have their own version of English and it also

  • varies by country. So, how people speak in the North of England is different to how people

  • speak in the South of England, for example.

  • Let’s start with grammar. There are many differences between American English and British

  • English when it comes to grammar. So, I’m going to give you an example. In the UK, you

  • will hear people ask, “Have you had breakfast yet?” Have you had breakfast yet? In the

  • US, you will hear, “Did you have breakfast yet?” Did you have breakfast yet? So, in

  • the UK, people are using the present perfect tense. In the US, people are using the past

  • simple in the example I have just given you and there are many other differences when

  • it comes to grammar.

  • People use different tenses, sentence structure, prepositions, etc. There are also many differences

  • in the words used in these 2 countries. So, for example, in the UK, ‘this is a car park

  • but in the US they call it a ‘parking lot’. This is a ‘liftin the UK and anelevator

  • in the US. These arechipsin the UK but French fries or fries in the US and these

  • arecrispsin the UK butchipsin American English. So, there are many differences

  • here.

  • What I want you to do as well, at the end of this video is to write down more differences.

  • What are other words that are different in American and British English? Pronunciation

  • can vary between America and the UK too. So, for example, when I go to a restaurant and

  • I sayCan I have a water?” Usually, the server looks at me and says “A what?”

  • Because, I pronounce water differently to how Americans pronounce it. Now, just listen

  • again, okay, water, water. Two things that are different because the American version

  • is water, water. Now, I’m sorry if my American accent isn’t perfect. But, here it is again,

  • water, water. So, they use the American ‘t’ and it sounds like a ‘d’. It sounds more

  • like a ‘d’ than a ‘t’ sound. Whereas in the UK, wat-, water, it sounds like a ‘t’.

  • The ending of this word is also different. In British English, we use the schwa at the

  • end, water, water. Whereas, you can hear the ‘r’ in American English, water, water.

  • So, that is a big difference there.

  • There are also other differences, yoghurtyoghurt, so a different vowel sound, vitamin

  • vitamin, again a different vowel sound. Many other ways that you can pronounce words

  • differently in the UK and in the US. There are also many differences with slang, with

  • phrases and expressions and also with spelling. Here are a couple of examples of words that

  • spelled differently in the UK and the US. So, the first one is color (colour) and you

  • can see here, in the British spelling there is a letter U, in the American there is no

  • U. And, also one which is really interesting is aluminium or aluminum. So, you can see

  • the difference here with the spelling and also with the pronunciation.

  • Now, to go back to the second part of your question, where you asked about which one

  • is proper? And I imagine you have been told or you have read that British English is the

  • proper way to speak.

  • Now, this is not true. This is just someone's opinion. There is no right way. And the type of English

  • that you learn, or the type of English that you focus on will depend on you and your situation.

  • For example, if you're going to move to the U.S. in the future, then learn American English.

  • If you are going to work in an industry that uses British English, then it's probably wise

  • to learn more British English. Additionally, think about exams as well, so, if you are

  • taking an exam, then go to the past papers, and do the listening, and see which type of

  • English is used. So, that's a really good tip for those people who are taking exams.

  • You know, look at which type of English is used and then focus on that for your exam.

  • The last thing I want to say about this is that it's fun. You know, these differences

  • are fun. Certain people get very passionate about which one is right, and it's just because

  • they're used to a certain type of English. You know, people from the UK might say that

  • British English is correct. And, er, people from the U.S. will disagree. So, it just depends

  • on you and your situation. But enjoy these differences - these differences are fun. And

  • knowing these differences, and being aware of them, will help you when it comes to speaking

  • with people from all over the world.

  • So, I hope you have found this useful. My question for this video is... well, there

  • are two parts to the question. The first part is to leave some differences between British

  • and American English in the comment section. Something I didn't mention in this video.

  • And then, tell me which type of English you prefer: American, British, or something else.

  • So, thank you for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.

Hello. This is Jack from and this is Ask Jack, where I answer your questions


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英米英語とアメリカ英語の違いとどちらを学ぶべきか (AJ #13) (The Difference Between British and American English and Which One to Learn (AJ #13))

  • 840 78
    Harrison Mia に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日