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  • Monopolies. These are companies which have grown so large that their dominating influence on the market pushes out competition from smaller rivals.


  • Monopolies can often harm the prospects for new businesses and force customers to pay higher prices.


  • And that’s bad for any country.


  • America, and many other nations, have fair competition laws that ban monopolies.


  • Yet, as mega corporations seem to get bigger and bigger, you have to wonder, where is the distinction?


  • Are megacorporations becoming monopolies?


  • Were going to explore a few of America’s largest companies.


  • Just to be clear, these companies are not officially considered monopolies, although they have come under scrutiny by the government for encroaching on fair market competition.


  • First let’s talk about Google, a company that made nearly $70 billion dollars last year.

    まず最初に、昨年700億ドル近い利益を上げた Google についてお話します。

  • It owns companies like YouTube, Android, and Waze. But it’s had numerous run-ins with the Federal Trade Commission.

    YouTube、Android、Waze などの企業を所有しています。しかし、米連邦取引委員会(Federal Trade Commission)とは何度も対立しています。

  • Recently, a leaked FTC report from 2013 revealed just how close the FTC was to bringing charges.

    最近では、2013年に流出した FTC の報告書により、FTC がどれほど告発に近づいたかが明らかになりました。

  • Google was accused of illegal practices like promoting its own affiliate websites in google search results and restricting advertisersabilities to use other search engines.


  • The report said, Google’s conduct resulted in "real harm to consumers and to innovation in the online search and advertising markets."


  • However, Google ended up settling with the FTC out of court.

    しかし、Google は最終的に FTC との和解を成立させました。

  • Monsanto is another huge company that’s been accused of monopolistic practices.


  • They have patents on genetically modified seeds.


  • Farmers are forced to purchase seeds every year instead of replanting, to avoid patent infringement.


  • Monsanto remains the leading supplier of GM seeds, along with other agricultural products such as the weed killer RoundUp, and a number of farming tech firms.


  • According to Food and Water Watch, in America, 80% of corn and 93% of soybeans are grown from Monsanto GMO seeds.

    フード・アンド・ウォーター・ウォッチという NGO によると、アメリカでは、トウモロコシの80%、大豆の93%がモンサント社の遺伝子組み換え種を使って栽培されています。

  • Then there’s Microsoft, a company that made almost 90 billion dollars last year.


  • They own brands like Windows, Xbox, Hotmail, and Bing.

    Windows、Xbox、Hotmail、Bing などのブランドを所有しています。

  • In the ‘90s, the huge corporation barely escaped being split in two by an antitrust lawsuit brought against them by the government.


  • The lawsuit alleged that Microsoft promoted their own web browser on the Windows operating system and shut out competitors.

    その訴訟では、マイクロソフトが Windows OS 上で独自の Web ブラウザを推進し、競合他社を排除したと主張しています。

  • In 1999, a judge did find that Microsoft "maintained its monopoly power by anticompetitive means."


  • However, this verdict was later overturned.


  • How do some of these gigantic companies escape antitrust regulation?


  • Well, many of the subsidiary brands within the parent company occupy separate markets, as delineated by the FTC.

    親会社の中にある子会社のブランドの多くは、FTC が定めるように、別の市場を占めています。

  • For instance, another corporate giant, Unilever, owns brands in different niche markets, like "ice cream", "premium ice cream" and "super premium ice cream".


  • Also, the mega-corporations have a huge amount of financial and lobbying power.


  • For example, Google was the fifth largest political lobbyist in 2013.

    例として、Google は2013年に第5位の政治的ロビイストでした。

  • And Monsanto has spent almost $70 million dollars since 1998 on agricultural lobbying.

    また、モンサント は1998年以降、農業関連のロビー活動に約7,000万ドルを費やしています。

  • Clearly, these giant companies have major influence in their respective markets.


  • And even if they aren’t technically violating antitrust laws yet, they are right on the cusp of what is considered a monopoly.


  • In order to regulate against monopolies, the government has developed what are called antitrust laws.


  • To learn how these laws work, check out our video here.


  • They were called trusts back then, but now we call them monopolies.


  • Monopolies can force consumers to pay higher prices, and make it impossible for other companies to enter the market.


  • Because of their size, they can hurt the economy, and even skirt government regulations.


  • For more TestTube every day of the week, please hit subscribe now. Thanks for staying with us.

    曜日ごとに TestTube をご覧になりたい方は、今すぐ登録してください。お付き合いいただきありがとうございます。

Monopolies. These are companies which have grown so large that their dominating influence on the market pushes out competition from smaller rivals.


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