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  • See that's the problem that here in America, when it comes to the English, we mistake accents with intellect

  • right? We think theyre smart, because no matter what theyre talking about, they sound quite intelligent.

  • It doesn’t really matter; they could talk about anything, like: “My belly button is quite itchy.”

  • And we’d be like: “That dude’s smart.”

  • But theyre not! OK? Just sound smart, they look smart with their crooked teeth and the wacky hair.

  • Oh no, you go to England, some of the English have like the Elephant Man look about it: “Oh no, I look a bit frightening but at least I sound intelligent.”

  • And the Englishthe English have a weird thing with the letter “t“,

  • because sometimes they overpronunciate the letter, likethat‘,

  • and sometimes they ignore the le(tt)ers comple(t)ely. It’s like, “What happened? Where did the letters go?”

  • And there are two “t“s in the word le(tt)er, and yet theyre nowhere to be found. It’s quite odd, right?

  • No, no, likeif the idea of some was that one “t“, you just miss it, you know, that’s fine, wha(t)everwha(t)ever, one “t”, gone, fine;

  • but when there are two, let’s skip them over, likethat’s rude….

  • It’s like the le(tt)ers don´t even ma(tt)er.

  • The English and their “t“s: they spend half of the days drinking teas and the other half ignoring them . . .

See that's the problem that here in America, when it comes to the English, we mistake accents with intellect


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A2 初級

エロンゴールドのアクセント (Elon Gold Accents)

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    奇奇 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日