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  • The Lord has told me personally.

  • Yea, for I walk with the Lord. Amen.

  • He said, "Larry, you and your flock shall see the Promised Land.

  • "But only if you first destroy the twin evils...

  • "of godless communism abroad and liberal humanism at home. "

  • Hello, Mother. Hello, Father. Anything to eat?

  • Now, my friends, occasionally we get a letter from a viewer that says:

  • "Now, the only reason Reverend Larry comes on your television set...

  • "is because he wants your money. " And you know what?

  • They're right.

  • I do want your money, because God wants your money.

  • So, I want you to go out and mortgage that home...

  • and sell that car, and send me your money. You don't need that car.

  • Put it on a plate, Son. You'll enjoy it more.

  • Couldn't enjoy it any more, Mom.

  • This is swell.

  • Dad?

  • Hey, Dad?

  • What is it, Son?

  • Do you remember...

  • that you once told me, a long time ago...

  • Well, not too long ago, but...

  • that you told me that you'd give me $1,000 to go to Europe if I finished school?

  • Well, you know something? You were right...

  • about finishing school. That's what I'd like to do.

  • But I wanna know if I can have the money first.

  • Like now.

  • You know, I really love you, Dad. I've always loved you. You, too, Mom.

  • What do you say?

  • I don't have it anymore.

  • What?

  • (Mom) Your father gave all our extra money

  • to the Reverend's telethon, Otto.

  • We're sending Bibles to El Salvador.

  • Well, what about me?

  • (Dad) You're on the honor roll of the Chariots of Fire.

  • Same as us, Otto.

  • It was a gift from all of us, jointly.

The Lord has told me personally.


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レポ男 (3/10) Movie CLIP - 牧師のテレソン (1984) HD (Repo Man (3/10) Movie CLIP - The Reverend's Telethon (1984) HD)

  • 22 0
    fisher に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日