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  • But isn't it un-American and wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion?

  • But, Jimmy, the problem

  • Uh, I mean, look, I'm for it...

  • But, look...

  • We have people coming into our country

  • that are looking to do tremendous harm.

  • You look at the two-

  • Look at Paris.

  • Look at what happened in Paris.

  • I mean, these people, they did not come from Sweden

  • Okay?

  • Look at what happened in Paris.

  • Look at what happened last week in California,

  • with...with, you know, fourteen people dead.

  • Other people going to die,

  • they're so badly injured.

  • We have a real problem.

  • There's a tremendous hatred out there.

  • And what I wanna do is find out what-

  • you know, you can't solve a problem

  • until you find out what's the root cause.

  • And I wanna find out what is the problem

  • what's going on.

  • And, it's temporary

  • I've had so many people call me and say thank you.

  • Now, if you remember, when I did that a week ago

  • it was like bedlam

  • All of a sudden --

  • and you watch last night

  • and you see people talking.

  • They say, "Well, Trump has a point.

  • We have to get down to the problem."

  • The people that are friends of mine that called,

  • they said,

  • "Donald, you've done us a tremendous service,

  • because we do have a problem

  • and we have to find out what is the --

  • -and we have to find out what is the-- -those might have been prank calls

  • -those may have been prank calls -No, no

  • One of the things I find fascinating about Donald Trump

  • is the way he uses language

  • differently than other candidates for political office,

  • especially president of the United States

  • Whereas his opponents and the political class in general seem hyper-aware that

  • their words would be picked apart and used against them

  • Trump willfully disregards this fact.

  • As a lifelong salesman, he has a huckster's knack for selling a feeling

  • even if the ideas and facts that underscore it are spurious, racist or just plain incomprehensible

  • so I thought it would be illuminating to look at a Trump answer to a simple question

  • In this case Jimmy Kimmel asking Trump whether or not it’s wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion

  • referring to Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the United States

  • This 220 word, exactly 1 minute answer displays

  • I think, a range of the things that Trump uses all the time in his speech

  • The first thing to know is how simple this language is

  • Of the 220 words, 172, or 78%, are only one syllable

  • and often they come in a rhythmic series like a volley of jabs ending with one of his buzz words

  • we have to get down to the problem

  • 39 words, or 17%, are two syllables long

  • only 4 words have 3 syllables, 3 of which are the word tremendous, tremendous, tremendous

  • and just two words are 4 syllables long

  • California, which he’s forced to use because it has less syllables than San Bernardino

  • and temporary, which he swallows

  • and it’s temporary, I’ve had so many people

  • this breakdown fits with the study done by the Boston Globe

  • that put all 2016 presidential candidatesannouncement speeches

  • through the Flesch-Kincaid readability test to determine their respective grade level rankings

  • Donald Trump’s speech came out at the 4th grade reading level

  • Now for reference, Ben Carson came out at 6th grade

  • Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were speaking at an 8th grade reading level

  • and Bernie Sanders was a way up in high school, a sophomore, to be exact

  • Now this isn’t only down to word or syllable choice

  • it’s about sentence construction, too

  • Trump favors simple sentences like

  • we have a real problem, there is a tremendous hatred out there

  • Rarely does he use complex sentences or independent clauses

  • He also favors the second person a lot of the time, addressing listeners directly with commands

  • Look at Paris, Look at what happened in Paris, Look at what happened in Paris, Look at what happened last week in California

  • Or implicating us in what he’s saying as if weve already agreed

  • and you watch last night, and you see people talking

  • He’s really good at this, at framing negative response as an over-reaction that was subsequently realized as such

  • if you remember, when I did that a week ago it was like bedlam.

  • All of a suddenand you watch last, and you see people talking.

  • They said, “Well Trump has a point. We have to get down to the problem."

  • Maybe the most important technique Trump utilizes and he does this more than anyone I’ve ever heard

  • is ending his sentences with strong punchy words.

  • A lot of times hell rearrange the beginning of a sentence awkwardly, so that he can end strong.

  • For example, here, it would probably be more natural to say

  • you can’t solve a problem until you find out what the root cause is

  • but he brings the is forward to end on root cause

  • he does the same here

  • and it looks like he was going to about the same in the end before Kimmel cuts him off

  • these final words are crucial for Trump

  • Theyre pointed and taken together sketch the theme of the entire answer

  • harm, dead, die, badly injured, problem, root cause

  • thank you, bedlam, point, problem, service, problem

  • In some sense, it’s these words that audiences remember

  • especially when the rest of the speech is incoherent

  • Like the best salesman, Trump keeps it simple, he repeats a lot

  • we have a real problem, what is the problem

  • we do have a problem, we have to get down to the problem

  • and he uses his favorite words over and over

  • tremendous, tremendous, tremendous service

  • and he always seems to have friends who are part of the group that he’s currently insulting

  • calling him up and thanking him for the privilege

  • many of them called me they said you know Donald, youre right, we have a problem and look, there is a problem

  • Donald Trump knows when to sound incredulous, or forceful

  • He has good comedic instinct, you can even call him witty

  • but you can’t call him smart or well informed

  • the best salesman could sell you a TV without knowing anything about it

  • because the TV isn’t what matters.

  • What matters, is you.

  • And if you are an American citizen who, for years

  • has listened to politicians sound sophisticated while accomplishing nothing

  • you might just be primed for something

  • that is everything they are not.

  • But the next time you feel like Donald Trump has a point

  • do yourself a favor

  • and look at his words.

  • Hey everybody, thanks for watching. I want to point you in the direction of my friends over at Wisecrack

  • who do some awesome work, some awesome video essays. If you like my stuff, you're definitely going to

  • like what they do. They talk about books, movies, and my personal favorite is definitely 8-Bit Philosophy,

  • which is like philosophy explained with Nintendo graphics. So well done. I wish I had thought of that.

  • Anyway, go over there, click there, subscribe, watch a video. If you guys want to help me out, as always,

  • you can click right here, pledge a dollar or three dollars or five dollars to my channel.

  • Help me start 2016 right. We're going to do some awesome stuff in the next year.

  • I can't wait to see you guys next Wednesday for the next video and I will see you...

  • Well, I just said I'll see you next Wednesday, so bye!

But isn't it un-American and wrong to discriminate against people based on their religion?


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ドナルド・トランプが質問に答える方法 (How Donald Trump Answers A Question)

  • 1174 64
    鄭小鬼 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日