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  • Hello, my name is Don Dodge.

  • I work at Google.

  • If you want to contact me it's dondodge@google

  • or if you're a Twitter user

  • you can find me @DonDodge.

  • So. Google is this amazing company,

  • amazing people, creativity,

  • where there are no limits.

  • Anything is possible.

  • I'll talk more about how we do this kind of things a little later.

  • At Google, we call them moon shots,

  • shooting for the moon.

  • Alright.

  • We want things that are 10 times better,

  • not 10 percent better, 10 times better.

  • And it takes a different way of thinking

  • and a different way of approaching problems

  • when you're trying to do things that are 10 times better.

  • The number one thing

  • that gets in the way of doing great things is fear of failure.

  • Fear prevents us from doing the things that we want to do,

  • that we know that we should do,

  • but we are afraid of failing.

  • So I am going to talk a little bit about failure

  • and how to handle that,

  • and how to break through that fear of failure.

  • How to unlock your inter creativity.

  • We are all creative

  • but it's suppressed by a fear of failure.

  • So I want to talk about how to get around that.

  • And lastly how to say yes to life.

  • So before Google, I worked at Microsoft with some amazing people.

  • And before that, let me go back in time, I worked at Altavista.

  • That was 18 years ago, it's hard to imagine now.

  • Did any of you ever used Altavista?

  • The first search engine?

  • God bless you, thank you. (Laughter)

  • At that time, we were the best search engine in the world.

  • We were number one.

  • It was not without risk though. We took amazing risks to make that happen.

  • My group, the group that I led, invented multimedia search.

  • So to be able to search for photos and images, to be able to search for music

  • or to be able to search for video.

  • Nineteen years later, that seems very obvious.

  • Of course, you can do that.

  • But let me tell you, 19 years ago, it was impossible.

  • You just couldn't do it.

  • There were a few failures along the way.

  • It was a very difficult job to do.

  • One of the things that we found was... well, two things.

  • Number one was pornography and number two was spam.

  • And we were innocent,

  • we didn't know that people would use this search engine to find porn.

  • Or that they would create all of these pages that were spam.

  • Spam means that you put pages in there

  • that say that they are about something and they are not.

  • They are about something completely different.

  • So we have to invent algorithms and technology to beat them.

  • To find the porn and filter it out.

  • And to find spam and filter it out.

  • This is very very difficult to do.

  • We created these algorithms to try to find the porn,

  • but they weren't always successful.

  • We were always missing some.

  • It was very very difficult to do.

  • So we had to have human intervention.

  • Technology couldn't do it at that time.

  • So we had interns who would come in to Altavista,

  • and they would spend all day looking at pages of porn.

  • (Laughter)

  • Interesting job.

  • But we needed to identify if it was porn or not,

  • and our algorithms could only go so far.

  • So we had these interns come in and they're looking at porn everyday

  • and they're saying "Yep, that's porn, that's porn, that's porn".

  • Okay, great!

  • After a week or two, we started to get a little concerned

  • about what would happen if they are going to look at porn all day everyday.

  • (Laughter)

  • This could be a problem.

  • So we took the people who were looking at porn,

  • and we put them over to the group that was looking at spam and identifying spam,

  • and we took the spam people and put them on the porn.

  • And we kept moving them back and forth.

  • There probably would have been some excellent sociological experiments

  • that we could have done,

  • but we were too busy trying to create this technology,

  • so we didn't really do it.

  • But it was an interesting time.

  • It was one of the most creative and amazing times of my life.

  • I've had the good fortune to work

  • with lots of interesting people and creative people.

  • Napster was another one.

  • Immediately after Altavista I went to Napster.

  • And we changed the world.

  • Literally changed the world. How people find music.

  • How they appreciate music and how they move on.

  • We thought that we were going to be what iTunes is today.

  • But we failed.

  • We managed to change the world but we failed in our objective.

  • iTunes could not exist today without Napster coming first.

  • We paved the way so that iTunes could exist.

  • And for that, I think okay, it wasn't a failure.

  • It was fun.

  • So how many of you used Napster back the day.

  • Oh, just about everybody.

  • Excellent, it was fun, wasn't it?

  • Too bad, it doesn't exist anymore.

  • Winston Churchill is one of my favorite people

  • and he has some amazing quotes,

  • but this one I love.

  • "Success is not final, failure is not fatal.

  • It's moving forward that counts."

  • Having the courage to move forward that counts most.

  • So in the case of the Altavista and Napster and even of Google,

  • we had tremendous success.

  • But success is not final, it's not guranteed.

  • You have to work hard every single day to maintain that success.

  • No one is going to give you anything.

  • So today, there are thousands of people all over the world

  • trying to do a better search, trying to do a better YouTube,

  • trying to do a better Google maps.

  • And everyday, there are thousands of people at Google,

  • who are trying to do it better and running as fast as we can.

  • That creates an amazing environment.

  • When I moved to Silicon Valley, one of the first things I realized was

  • there is a force field of energy around Silicon Valley.

  • It's the highest concentration of type A personalities, creative people,

  • brilliant scientists, that I've ever seen in my life.

  • And what it does is, it drives you to do more than you ever thought possible.

  • It pushes you that sense of competition and that collaborative work environment,

  • working with other people, pushes you to excel and to do things

  • that you didn't think you could do.

  • It's an amazing place.

  • After I was at Google for about six months,

  • my friends at Microsoft, and many other friends said,

  • "Don, tell me about Google.

  • It's such a stunning company.

  • How was it different, how do they do it?"

  • And I coined this phrase, "At Google achieving 60 percent of the impossible

  • is better than 100 percent of the ordinary."

  • And what we mean by that is those moon shots, that I talked about earlier,

  • we want to do things ten times better, not ten percent better.

  • And if in the pursuit of doing something ten times better,

  • a moon shot that seems impossible.

  • If you only get 60 percent of the way there, that's okay. That's great.

  • Because we would rather have that,

  • than have tiny little incremental improvements of ten percent.

  • So that's the way we think about it.

  • And it's fairly uncommon, most companies don't think that way.

  • So I'll tell you a little bit, oh... Let's go back in time even further.

  • So, if you were to walk into any first grade class,

  • and you ask them, "Can you paint?", every hand goes up.

  • "Yes, yes I can paint."

  • If you ask them, "Can you sing?"

  • Every hand goes up.

  • "Yes, I can sing".

  • It's amazing, they are creative and they are confident.

  • Ten years later, this is what was happens.

  • Ten years later you go ask the same students, "Can you paint?".

  • Not a single hand goes up.

  • "Can you sing?"

  • Maybe one or two.

  • What happened, what happened to these kids?

  • Well, the problem is we teach conformity.

  • We don't teach creativity.

  • We teach our kids to conform,

  • to paint within the lines, to do only what we tell them to do.

  • And after a while, it takes a toll

  • and that creativity gets back smaller, smaller,

  • and is recessed back into your mind, back into your brain.

  • We create these filters that don't allow us to be creative.

  • But it goes back even further.

  • This poor baby is totally overstimulated and overwhelmed.

  • And the problem is babies don't know. They don't know how to filter.

  • They react to everything.

  • Everything is equally important.

  • And all of these senses, after a while, it just overstimulates them

  • and they can't take it anymore and they cry.

  • So if you have a baby, you know, this happens.

  • Babies' first word that they learn, other than mom and dada,

  • the first word they learn is "no".

  • "No, no, I don't want that."

  • That's the first word they learn.

  • That becomes a problem later on.

  • It becomes a problem for parents when you are trying to do things

  • and they always say "no".

  • But I'll show you later why that's a big problem.

  • But adults do that too.

  • Adults get into sensory overload.

  • If you've ever been to Disney World.

  • I'll never forget the first time I went to Disney World with my two sons.

  • They were very small, and you are in a sea of thousands of thousands of people.

  • And there's music blaring, and there's beautiful sights,

  • and there's kids yelling and screaming.

  • And every kid is yelling "Dad, dad, mom"

  • and all ten thousand kids that are yelling dad, I think it's mine.

  • So I am overstimulated.

  • At the end of the day, I was exhausted.

  • I couldn't take it anymore.

  • I was overstimulated.

  • So even adults, we create these filters.

  • So we filter things out.

  • Remember Julian's presentation earlier today about sound and sensory

  • and how we create filters to filter things out.

  • Yeah, we do that. Adults do that. Babies do that.

  • And over time, we get really good at it.

  • So remember the baby that says no all the time, as adults, we do that too.

  • We sit home with our remote control in front of the TV

  • and say, "No, no, no, next, next, next".

  • We can say "no" 50 times in one minute.

  • Fifty times. We are very very good at saying "no".

  • But we're not very good at saying "yes".

  • So, I want to talk about how we overcome fear of failure to do amazing things.

  • How we unlock our creative inner self

  • and how we say "yes", rather than "no".

  • So the pattern matching, whenever you meet someone on the street,

  • the first thing you do before they even approach you,

  • you're starting to do pattern matching.

  • You're looking at their eyes, at the way they walk,

  • you're looking at if they are smiling or not.

  • And you are deciding right away, within the first second,

  • whether you are going to interact with this person or not.

  • On the breaks outside, when you saw people,

  • now we're all friends here, right?

  • We know each other, but when someone approaches you,

  • immediately in your brain you are doing pattern matching.

  • And you are trying to figure out, should I interact with this person or not.

  • We are very very good at it.

  • So, oh, I am behind, OK, here we go.

  • Failure is not an option.

  • The first time I heard this word was from NASA.

  • The Apollo Space Mission.

  • And when they said, "Failure is not an option",

  • what they meant was, we will try everything,

  • we'll try a hundred times until we get it right.

  • Failure is not an option.

  • That's the way we think at Google.

  • We will not fail.

  • We'll keep trying until we get it right.

  • I wrote a story about this, failure is not an option.

  • And I'll never forget,

  • an executive of a very large European bank came up to me after a conference

  • and said "Don, I read your story about failure is not an option, it was terrific!

  • But my CEO at my bank also says failure is not an option."

  • I said, "That's great. I love that."

  • He says, "No Don, it's not good.

  • When he says failure is not an option,

  • what he means is if you fail, you're fired, you're gone".

  • In that kind of environment,

  • how do you think we're going to get 10x improvements,

  • and moon shots, and amazing things?

  • You're not, because if you are afraid of failing,

  • and you are going to be fired,

  • what kind of goals are you going to set?

  • Achievable ones, very small ones.

  • And that's just not going to get you there.

  • So that's the big difference.

  • So what I want to do is help you to think differently about failure.

  • So, anyone knows who this is?

  • I'm from Boston, this is American Baseball.

  • His name is Ted Williams.

  • He was the greatest hitter of all time, the greatest.

  • In one season, he achieves something that no one else ever did.

  • He hit 406. It was stunning, and no one has done it since.

  • In case you don't know baseball 406 means 40.6 percent.

  • So he was able to successfully get a hit 40.6 percent of the time.

  • But what that also means is he failed 59.4 percent of the time to get a hit.

  • So even though he failed about 60 percent of the time,

  • he was the greatest hitter of all time.

  • So you need to accept a little failure along the way.

  • This is Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of our time.

  • He invented the light bulb, he invented the phonograph,

  • he invented motion pictures.

  • And he said, "I haven't failed 100 times.

  • I have successfully found 100 approaches that didn't work

  • and I am that much closer to my goal."

  • Do you know what this product is?

  • WD40.

  • Do you know what it means?

  • WD means "water dispersant".

  • The 40 means, it was the 40th time, the 40th formulation.

  • It took them 40 times to get it right

  • Angry Birds, everyone has played Angry Birds right?

  • What you probably don't know is this was the 52nd game that they built.

  • Rovio built 51 games before this, and you have never heard of them.

  • But they had the courage to keep going to do something better.

  • Now this poor guy, he failed one too many times.

  • And if you end up like this guy, you are going to bang your head against the wall,

  • and bang your head against the wall, and eventually, you are going to die.

  • So in order not to do that,

  • what you need to do is don't make the same mistake twice.

  • Make a different mistake.

  • So when you're facing a fork on the road, don't go the one you've already been.

  • Go a different path.

  • I want to talk about dreams.

  • Do you all dream at night? When you sleep?

  • I think you do.

  • Some dreams you remember because they're so vivid and bizarre,

  • but others you don't.

  • And what's happening is all of the people in those dreams

  • and the dialogue that happens between the characters

  • and the places that they happen

  • and all of these amazing things,

  • that was you.

  • You created that in your brain.

  • But you did it while you were sleeping.

  • So what I want you to do is to take that creativity when you're dreaming,

  • and dream during the day, dream when you are awake, dream big.

  • You can do it, you have it inside you,

  • but you've suppressed it for so long that you don't remember.

  • Say "yes".

  • "Yes" is the most amazing word.

  • Remember "no" is the word that we learn first and we say the most,

  • but "yes" is the most powerful word.

  • So say "yes" to life, say "yes" to opportunity,

  • say "yes" when someone asks you for help.

  • Because by saying yes, you are going to open the door to other things,

  • other creativity, and other opportunities.

  • So I hope that you can feel differently about the fear of failure

  • and unlocking your creativity and saying "yes".

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

Hello, my name is Don Dodge.


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TEDx】失敗を恐れず、内なる創造性を解き放ち、イエスと言え|ドン・ダッジ|TEDxAthens (【TEDx】Don't fear failure, unlock your inner creativity, and say yes | Don Dodge | TEDxAthens)

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    Max Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日