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Today's video is all about
If you are anything like me you don't have the best
of memories so let's explain why that is.
In this facts in five I'm going to explain everything
that you need to know about memory
in five minutes or less.
Today we're reaching deep into the brain and pulling
out a ton of information about how we recall things
and possibly how to become better
at remembering those things.
And like I said if you're anything like me
you're going to need this information.
This is facts in five, all about memory.
So what is memory?
I'm glad you asked Imma tells ya.
Memory is the process within the brain where
information is encoded, stored, and then retrieved
when something is required to be remembered.
Think of your brain almost like an advanced hard drive
with the sequence of events that goes as follows.
First you encounter the information through one or more
of your various senses.
We got something here time to store it.
Second this information is sorted and coded,
that's to say changed to fit properly into the storage
within your mind.
It's kind of like clicking save on your computer.
Third the information is then stored into the right parts
of the brain and maintained there so that it's easy
to recall.
Oh I've seen that guy before,
And finally when your brain is cued to retrieve that
information, that stored memory is then accessed
and thus you remember what happened.
Yes that's right your brain is basically like
a very powerful super computer
only exponentially more powerful.
You're basically like a mini robot.
Who has the best memory?
Not me, that's for sure.
While there is no actual scientific evidence of
photographic memories being a real ability in people,
many people are blessed with
an absolute incredible recollection.
There is something called eidetic memory which is
found in only about 10% of children under the age of six
which allows the individual to recall visual information in
great detail after only being exposed to it for a very
short time.
This ability is incredibly rare however,
if the child's ability is nurtured and encouraged,
the child can actually maintain their eidetic memory
however this is even more rare.
The reason that the kids that do have it lose it,
is because verbal skills often alter their memory process.
In other words more talky-talky, less thinky-thinky.
Where do memories go?
There are actually three types of memory your brain
can record.
Sensory memory, short term memory,
and of course long term memory.
Sensory memory is created in less than one second
after an item is perceived and is an automatic response.
Like when you see the booty.
Or a better example would be like if a bird flew swiftly by,
it would be your ability to recall what it looked like
only moments later due to your short term sensory memory.
Then there's short term memory,
the capacity of which is small but allows temporary
storage of small amounts of data.
Say like a phone number that you just heard on the radio.
Then in contrast to that there's long term memory.
That can store information as long as you're alive.
It's the important things like your parent's names,
birthday's, friend's phone numbers and addresses
that you've known for a long time,
stuff like that.
In addition to the amount of time that memories are stored,
short term encodes information acoustically while
long term encodes it semantically.
In other words, one is related to your hearing
and the other is the ability to relate words to things.
So when are memories influenced?
See that was weird that's going to influence your memory,
you're going to remember that.
Seriously though there are a number of factors that
can influence how well our memories work
or how quickly they can encode information into our
long term memories.
Some of these factors include the nutrients from
the food that you eat, how much sleep that you get,
your emotional state when you perceive the information,
any alcohol or drugs in your system,
and your familiarity with your surroundings
just to name some.
Interestingly our smell has been directly linked to
the creation of memories,
that's why for example when you smell somebody's
cologne, if you smell that same cologne five years later,
you'll remember that person.
Farts can have the same affect,
but it's a much less pleasant flashback.
So why is it sometimes hard to remember things?
Yep, I need to know this one.
Improving your memory isn't necessarily about
expanding your brain to hold more data,
it's about teaching yourself new ways to recall
those memories.
According to multiple researchers,
eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping right are
the basics for a good memory.
Additionally, taking on one task at a time instead
of wearing yourself thin and eliminating as much
stress as possible from your life will also benefit you.
And finally, learning new ways to store information
can be a great benefit such mnemonic devices
which is something that I used to use in grade school.
For example, 30 days has September, April, June,
and November.
All the rest have 31 save February minus two carry the six,
okay they work most of the time.
Ah yeah speaking of things to remember,
remember to press that red subscribe button
so that you can subscribe to my channel and
catch my next video, I upload every Tuesday and Saturday.
And also remember to add me to Twitter,
Snapchat, and Instagram because that's where I post
all my food pictures and things to remind me
what I did during the day.
It's primarily what I use social media for.
Anyway, have a good day, bye.