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Hey, it's Mandy
So for this next dance tutorial, I'm about to break down "Worth It" by Fifth Harmony
with my girls, Melinda and J.La
And this routine was originally choreographed by Sean Bankhead
Alright, so let's get started
So for the first move, you have your legs in second
your right hand is on your hip while your left arm is up
and your left hand is in a fist
and you step to the right while crossing your left arm
over the top, and then you step back to the left
and right and left
For the next move, you're circling your left arm over
to snap down and circle around
here and down
So let's try that from the top, 6, 7, 8
It goes 1, 2, 3, 4
And circle, snap, and circle, snap
The next movement is you're twisting to the right
while your left arm crosses over and your focus also goes to the right
So you go cross, go back to the center
and arm up, down
And then moving on, you're stepping left, right
So let's try that from the top, 5, 6, 7, 8
It goes 1, 2, 3, 4
and circle, snap, circle snap
And twist, and up, step left, right
Moving on, we're doing a step, together, step
So it goes left, right, left
And then you're stepping right, left
And on that right, left, you're swinging your left arm over, back
So let's try that from the top, 5, 6, 7, 8
It goes 1, 2, 3, 4
Circle, snap, circle, snap
And twist, up, left, right
Step, together, step, and swing, swing
Moving on we're just pushing both of our hands out
and then push again, and your left foot comes up
Step back down, and you push again
And then your right foot comes up so it looks like this:
Push, up, push, up
So let's try that from 5 and 6 and 7, 8
It goes push, up, push, up
Now we're repeating the twist, and up, and
Then you put your arms on your waist and you look to the right, left
Moving on, we're pushing our right shoulder down
while stepping your weight on your right foot, repeat to the left
And then you brush your hip, and hip
Then you ball change and you're kind of pumping your fist in
while your hips go forward, ball change, forward
And pose
So let's try that all from the top, 5, 6, 7, 8
We go 1, 2, 3, 4
Circle, snap, circle, snap
And twist, up, and left, right step, together, step
and swing, swing we go push, and push, and
twist, up, focus, front
and down, down, brush, brush, ball change, ball change
and pose
Alright, so now you guys are ready to try it with the music