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\\f0\\fs24 \\cf0 How to measure and install shifter cables for SRAM Road Shifters.\\
\\ Here is a list of tools to get everything
ready that you will need.\\ Allen wrenches, grease for lubrication of
the cables, cable cutters, crimpers, shifter housing, shifter cable, ferrules for the housing,
cable ends and a poke tool. Next is measuring out your shifter housing. Run it along the
back of the handle bar, looks good, set aside and move to next section. Make sure you have enough housing because
if you make it too tight you will have an issue with shifting due to too much friction.
If you have too much well you just have too much. To install a shifter cable you insert
in this bottom hole, theres a little space where it slides into, put a little effort
and cable slides out the top. Once you have pulled cable all the way through you grab
your housing, make sure to check both ends, push on your cable, and don't forget to apply
a light coating of grease. Pull all the tension through, and insert down. Since you have't
wrapped the bars wrapped you have cables showing. Now run routing beneath the bottom bracket,
pull tension through the derailleur and tighten the cable. Run through the gears because the
cables will stretch, and this will take out some of the slack and help to prevent form
having to adjust the cable. Go ahead and cut excess off, grab cable end and crimp. Thats
how you install shifter cables on a road bike.\\ \\
Thank you from biking.com}