字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント For most of our history, human technology consisted of our brains, fire, and sharp sticks 人類の持つ技術は長い間 While fire and sharp sticks became power plants and nuclear weapons 火と尖った棒だった The biggest upgrade has happened to our brains 今は発電所や核兵器に変わり Since the 1960's, the power of our brain machines has kept growing exponentially 人の脳は進歩した allowing computers to get smaller and more powerful at the same time 1960年代からは機械が進歩を続け But this process is about to meet its physical limits 年々より小型に より強力になった Computer parts are approaching the size of an atom だがここに物理的限界がきた To understand why this is a problem, we have to clear up some basics 小さくなりすぎたのだ In a Nutshell -By Kurzgesagt この問題を基礎から説明していこう A computer is made up of very simple components コンピューターの構成要素は単純だ doing very simple things 記憶 演算 制御の装置でできている Representing data, the means of processing it, and control mechanisms 中にはチップ モジュール Computer chips contains modules which contains logic gates, which contains transistors 論理ゲート トランジスタがある A transistor is the simplest form of a data processor in computers トランジスタは単純なスイッチで basically a switch that can either block, or open the way for information coming through 情報を流したり止めたりしている This information is made up of bits 情報はビットで表され Which can be set to either 0 or 1 0か1の値を取る Combinations of several bits are used to represent more complex information 複数あれば より複雑な情報も表せる Transistors are combined to create logic gates which still do very simple stuff 論理ゲートは単純な演算を行う For example, an AND Gate sends an output of 1 if all of its inputs are 1 and a output of 0 otherwise 例えばANDゲートは Combinations of logic gates finally form meaningful modules say for adding two numbers 全部1だと1を送り Once you can add, you can also multiple それ以外は0を送る and once you can multiple, you can basically do anything この集まりがモジュールとなり Since all basic operations are literally simpler than first grade math 足し算ができる You can imagine a computer as a group of 7 year old answering really basic math questions 足し算で掛け算ができ A large enough bunch of them could compute anything 掛け算ができれば 何でもできる from astrophysics to zelda あるのは単純な計算の集まりだ However, with parts getting tinier and tinier 7歳の子が集まって Quantum physics are making things tricky 計算しているようなもの In a nutshell, a transistor is just a electric switch だがこれで Electricity is electrons moving from one place to another 物理学やゼルダが可能になる So, a switch is a passage that can block electrons from moving in one direction 物質が小さくなると Today, a typical scale for Transistors is 14 nanometers 量子の性質が現れる Which is about 8 time less than a HIV virus' diameter トランジスタは電気のスイッチだ and 500 times smaller than a red blood cells 電流は電子の動きであり As transistors are shrinking to the size of only a few atoms スイッチはこの流れを遮断している Electrons may just transfer them to the other side of a blocked passage 今この大きさは14ナノメートルで viral process called Quantum Tunneling HIVウイルスの8分の1 In the quantum realm, physic works quite differently from the predictable way were used to 赤血球の500分の1しかない and traditional computers just stop making sense この大きさまで小さくなると We are approaching a real physical barrier for our technological progress 電子はトンネル効果により To solve this problem 壁をすり抜けてしまう scientist are trying to use these unusual quantum properties to their advantage 量子の世界に通常の物理学は使えず by building quantum computers 機械も使えなくなってしまう In normal computers, bits are the smallest unit of information 技術は物理の限界に来たようだ Quantum computers use Qubits which can also be set to one of two values この問題を解決するため A qubit can be any two level quantum system 新しい機械が考案された such as a spin and a magnetic field or a single photon 量子コンピューターだ 0 and 1 are the system's possible states 普通はビットを使うところを like the photons horizontal or vertical polarization 二つの状態を取れる In the quantum world, the qubit doesn't have to be just one of those 量子ビットを使う It can be any proportions of both states at once 量子が磁場であると同時に This is called Superposition 粒子であることを利用する But as soon as you test its value say by sending the photon through a filter 0と1の状態があり It has to decide to be either vertically or horizontally polarized これは光子の偏光状態に近い So as long as it's unobserved 量子ビットは一つの状態ではなく The qubit is in a superposition of probabilities for 0 and 1 and you can't predit which it'll be 一度に二つの状態で存在する But the instant you measure it これを重ね合わせと呼ぶ It collapses into on of the definit states 光子は偏光板に通した瞬間 superposition is a game changer 垂直偏光か水平偏光かが決定される Four classical bits can be in one of two to the power of four different configurations at a time 観測されない限り量子ビットは that's 16 possible combinations at which you can use just one 0と1の両方であると考えられ Four qubits in superposition however, can be in all of those 16 combinations at once 特定の状態は観測した瞬間に決まる This number grows exponentially with each extra qubit 重ね合わせが肝だ 20 of them can already store a million values in parallel 通常4ビットで情報を表すときは A really wired and uninsured property qubits can have is Entanglement 16通りあるうちの一つしか使えない A close connection that makes each of the qubits react to a change in the other state instantaneously でも量子ビットを使えば no matter how far they are apart 16通りすべてを一度に表せる This means when measuring just one entangled qubit, you can directly to use property of it's partner's この増加は指数関数的だ without having to look 20個使えば100万通りが並列できる Qubit Manipulation is a mind bender as well さらに量子もつれという現象がある A normal logic gate gets a simple set of inputs and produce one definite output 二つの量子ビットが 離れていても A quantum gate manipulates an input of superposition rotates probabilities 同時に同じ状態になる現象だ and produces another superposition as its output これにより一方を見るだけで So a quantum computer sets up some qubits, apply quantum gates to entangle them and manipulate probabilities もう一方の状態を知ることができる then finally measures the outcome collapsing superposition to an actual seqence of 0s and 1s 量子ビットの操作は難しい What this means is you get entire lot of calculations that are possible with your setup all done at the same time 論理ゲートでは Ultimately you can only measure one of the results and it'll only probably be the one you want 一つの入力に一つの出力をしていた So you might have to double check and try again 量子ゲートでは入力が回転して But by cleverly exploiting superposition and entanglement 出力として別の重ね合わせが現れる this can be exponentially more efficient than would ever be possible on a normal computer 量子ビットに入れた入力が So, while quantum computers will not probably not replace our home computers 量子ゲートを通ってもつれ in some areas, they are vastly superior それを観測すると One of them is database searching 重ね合わせが崩れて結果がわかる to find something in a database, a normal computer may have to test every single one of its entries そこでは可能な計算が Quantum algorithms need only the square root of that time 全部同時に行われている which for large databases, is a huge difference 求めたい結果はその中の一つなので The most famous use of quantum computers is ruining IT sercity それを探し出す苦労がある right now you are browsing email and banking data is being kept secure by an encryption safety system だが量子の性質をうまく利用すれば in which you give everyone a public key to encode messages only you can decode 超高速な計算が可能になるだろう The problem is that this public key can actually be used to calculate your secret private key 私たちの生活に量子化は必要ないが Luckily, doing the necessary math on any normal computer would literally take years of try and error いくつかの領域では重要だ But a quantum computer with exponential speed-up could do it in a breath 一つはデータベース検索 Another really exciting new use is simulations 普通はすべての要素を参照するが Simulations of the quantum world are very intense on resources 量子のアルゴリズムでは and even for bigger structures such as molecules they often lack accuracy その平方根の時間で検索できる So why not simulate quantum physics with actual quantum physics 一番大変なのは情報セキュリティだ Quantum simulations could provide new insights on proteins that might revolutionize medicine 現在 ネットや銀行では Right now we don't know if quantum computers will be just a specallized tool 公開鍵を使う方法によって or a big revolution for humanity 情報を暗号化して守っている We have no idea where the limits of technology are だが公開鍵は計算すれば and there's only one way to find out 解読できるものだ This video is supported by the Australian Academy of Science 普通のコンピューターでは which promotes and supports excellence in science 何年もかかる計算だが Learn more about this topic and others like it at nova.org.au 量子コンピューターを使えば一瞬だ It was a blast to work with them, so go check out their site! シミュレーションにも使える Our video are also made possible by your support on patreon.com 膨大な計算が必要な分野であり If you want to support us and become part of the Kurzgesagt bird army, check out our Patreon page! 分子構造の解析などに役立つだろう Subtitles by James Zhang [revisioned by Pietro Pasquero] 量子力学自体の研究にも当然使える
B2 中上級 日本語 英 量子 ビット ゲート 計算 コンピューター 使え 量子コンピュータの説明 - ヒューマンテクノロジーの限界 (Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology) 999 108 mommy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語