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Jon: Let's talk about the book Exodus now you're probably familiar with this book
ジョン: さぁ、「出エジプト」の話をしようか。 この書は君も知ってるかな。
because the epic story of Moses leading Israel out of slavery in Egypt.
モーセが奴隷だったイスラエルの民を エジプトから救う話は有名だからね。
Tim: Yeah, but that's just the first half at the book.
The second half has Moses giving the Ten Commandments to Israel
along with these blueprints for making a sacred tent.
Now right here in the middle is this story that connects these two halves together
and it all takes place at the foot of a famous mountain.
Jon: OK, let's start back at the beginning.
ジョン:OK. 最初にもどろうか。
Tim: So the first thing we have to remember is we're continuing this story from Genesis.
ティム:まず忘れちゃいけないのが これは「創世記」の続きだってこと。
Jon: In Genesis God promised Abraham that through his family
all the nations of the earth will be blessed.
And Genesis ends with Abraham's family down in Egypt.
When Exodus begins, four hundred years have passed, the family grows
「出エジプト」の話は、そこから400年後 アブラハムの子孫が増え広がり
and becomes the people group now called Israel.
Tim: But there's this huge problem because the Israelites are enslaved to this King of the Egyptians
ティム:でも、この時、イスラエルの民は エジプトの王によって奴隷の身となっているんだ。
a guy called Pharaoh.
Jon: This guy is really bad news.
Tim: Yeah, he is horrible.
He disregards their humanity. He brutally enslaves them.
And he even orders that all of the Israelite sons should be killed
彼は、すべてのイスラエル人の男の赤ん坊を ナイル川に投げて殺せと命令する。
by throwing them into the Nile River. He wants to wipe these people out,
he is the worst character in the Bible so far.
Jon: Here's where we meet an Israelite woman who wants to save her son.
ジョン:ここで出てくるのが 息子を救おうとするイスラエル人の女性だ。
Tim: And so she does throw him in the river, but safely
in this little reed basket.
Jon: And Pharaoh's daughter finds this baby and takes him as her own.
Tim: And this is the boy who grow up to become Moses, the man who will rescue Israel from slavery.
ティム:この男の子が、モーセだ。 やがて奴隷であるイスラエルの民を救う人物だよ。
Jon: So Moses grows up, and one day much later in his life he has this crazy encounter with God
where he comes across a bush thats on fire, but it isn't actually burning up.
Tim: And God speaks from the bush, and he appoints Moses as the man he will use to deliver Israel.
ティム:そして【神】が燃える柴の中から語り モーセをイスラエルの民を救出する人に任命するんだ。
Jon: So Moses goes to Pharaoh to tell him this news
that God wants His people free.
Tim: And Pharaoh, he just pretty much laughs at him,
"Who is this God, Yahweh?"
And, in fact he is so offended by this request he decides to make the Israelites work even harder.
そして、モーセの要求に腹をたて イスラエルの民の労働をさらに重くする。
Jon: So discouraged, Moses goes back to God and says, "Listen, this plan's not gonna work."
ジョン:気落ちしたモーセは戻って【神】に言う。 「聞いてください。この計画はうまくいきません。」
Tim: But God repeats His promise that He's going to rescue them.
ティム:しかし【神】は約束を繰り返す。 【神】がイスラエルの民を救い出すのだ、と。
And in fact, it's right here for the first time in the Bible
that we hear the word "redemption"
it literally just means 'to purchase a slave's freedom'
But God here uses this word to describe what He's going to do for enslaved Israel.
【神】はその言葉でイスラエルの民に 自分の計画を伝えているんだ。
Jon And God knows Pharaoh is going to resist so he sends ten different plauges
ジョン:そして【神】はファラオが抵抗することを知っていて 10の災いをもたらす。
one after another... like turning water into blood...
次から次へとね… 水を血に変えたり…
sending all sorts pests and disease...
these plagues are really severe.
Tim: They are severe.
But what we need to understand is that the story is presenting these as
acts of divine justice against one of the worst oppressors in the story of the Bible.
この災いは聖書で最もひどい圧制者に対する 【神】の正義の現れなんだ。
And they are aimed at the purpose of rescuing these enslaved people and defeating the God's of Egypt.
そして、その目的は奴隷の民を救うことと エジプトの神々を打ち負かすことなんだ。
Jon: This all comes to a climax at the tenth plague...
where God is going to kill the first-born sons across all Egypt, every house, it is pretty rough.
【神】がエジプト全土の、すべての家の長男を殺すという 手荒な方法さ。
Tim: It is. But is also God's response for how Pharaoh killed the Israelite sons.
ティム:うん。でもこれはファラオの 「イスラエルの男の赤ん坊殺害」に対する【神】の応答でもある。
Jon: Now as you turn the page, you suddenly get two long chapters of detailed instructions
for what's essentially throwing a dinner party with a recipe for lamb...?
Tim: Yeah, but this lamb is super important.
God tells the Israelites to pick it out and to prepare it to be eaten.
And they are supposed to take its blood and then paint it all over the door frame of their house.
And anyone who is in that house will be spared from this final plague.
誰でもこの家にいるものは 10個目の災いから免れることができるんだ。
And so this meal, which is called "Passover",
it commemorates this key moment in the story where God brings his justice on human evil,
この食事は【神】が人類の悪に正義を もたらしたことを記念するためなんだけど
but also shows mercy by providing this substitute.
Jon: This final plauge makes Pharaoh angry, and he demands that Israel get out of Egypt, which is great!
ジョン:この最後の災いはファラオを激怒させ、彼は イスラエルの民にエジプトを去るように命じる。素晴らしい!
But suddenly, as they leave, Pharaoh changes his mind- he has "a change of heart."
でもイスラエルの民が去ると、突然ファラオは気を変える。 彼は「考えを一変した」んだ。
Tim: But on top of that, we are also told that "God hardens Pharaoh's heart."
ティム:でもそれだけでなく、聖書には 「【神】がファラオの心をかたくなにし」とある。
Jon: Why would God do that?
Tim: Well, what we need to remember is that over and over in the story Pharaoh has already chosen to harden his own heart...
ティム:そうだね。忘れちゃいけないのが、ファラオはすでに 何度も繰り返し、自分で自分の心をかたくなにしてきた…
so at this point, Pharaoh, he's not just evil, he's become monstrously evil.
だからこの時点では、ファラオはただの悪いやつというより 極悪人レベルだ。
Even his own advisers think that he has gone way too far.
And so how was God supposed to deal with such an extreme form of evil?
And what we see in the story is that God uses his power
to lure evil into its own destruction.
Jon: Pharaoh and his army are destroyed in the Red Sea as Israel passes into freedom.
ジョン:ファラオと彼の軍隊は 自由を求め紅海を渡るイスラエルの民を追いかけ、全滅する。
Tim: And after this we find the very first song of worship in the Bible
ティム:そしてこのあと、聖書で最初の ワーシップソングが出てくるんだ。
as people praise God for redeeming them.
And it is in this story that the word salvation is also used for the first time,
which means simply, 'to be rescued from danger'.
Jon: Now that they're saved, you would think think that everything should be great...
...but the story quickly turns.
The Israelites start wandering in the desert. They are tired, hungry, lost.
イスラエルの民は砂漠で考えだす。 彼らは疲労と空腹で、正気を失ってしまう。
and you start to wonder what's God doing? What are they saved for?
【神】はいったい何をしているんだ? なんのために彼らを救い出したんだ?と君も思うかもしれない。
Tim: And we learn the answer to that question in the very next story
which ties the two parts at this whole book together.
このストーリーこそが二つの部分をつなぎ この書全体をまとめているんだ。