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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • You could be the song in my silent movie

  • It's you who put the motion in my picture

  • It's starting right now

  • I can hear the projector

  • Don't let the trailer be better than the movie

  • I plan on staying till the end

  • Dim the lights and recite your lines to me

  • Don't let it be a short film

  • You could be the star you are brighter than the spotlights

  • Who wouldn't cast you in the role

  • You got the part auditioning for my heart

  • You had me at hello

  • The orchestra rises up

  • Please don't let our scenes get cut

  • This is where we kiss and fall in love

  • So don't let the trailer be better than the movie

  • Don't let it have too many twists

  • You don't need no camera tricks

  • You have you're own special effects

  • And that affection keeps me hanging in suspense

  • quiet on the set, are you ready for your close-up

  • Your a natural on the screen

  • with your eyes you stop motion

  • Put my life into focus

  • You're the darling of the critics

  • But this movie's just for me

  • The orchestra rises up

  • Please don't let our scenes get cut

  • This is where we ride off in the sun

  • The orchestra rises up

  • This is what I'm dreaming of

  • Let's make everyone believe in love

  • Let's make everyone believe in love

  • Thank you.

You could be the song in my silent movie


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

この映画は)私たちの評価 (【VT STAR 年度英文歌喉戰】游學謙&古庭安 ─ (This Movie Is) Rated Ours)

  • 126 2
    陳怡平 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日