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  • a survey by the japan family planning association finds that...

  • even a fewer young people in Japan are interested in having sex

  • and producing

  • so we've got a story before

  • and it's really disastrous for the population of Japan

  • they're expecting that its population will shrink

  • by one-third as early as twenty sixty

  • yeah the new numbers are struggle

  • they are

  • and not only the population shrinking considerably

  • but uh... when you look a number of people that are interested in having sex

  • and not having sex, it's amazing.

  • whether its the guys or the girls... first the girls, ....

  • Can you give me those numbers...

  • yes ok, so if you look at female,

  • 59% of females in their survey,

  • aged 16 to 19 are completely uninterested

  • or averse to sex.

  • and this.. and this is a 12% increase since 2008.

  • so its like growing and growing...

  • ok nine...look 16 to 19 years old that is going...

  • going through puberty and beyond, and your hormones are kicking.

  • That's what you're supposed to mostly active right?

  • 59% are stunning high number,

  • you might say that is girl that's it.

  • How about the guy?

  • 36% of males aged 16 to 19 have "No Interest" in

  • or even "despised", despised sex.

  • that's a 19% increase since 2008.

  • so in Japan right now you're seeing a huge change in...

  • you know, the thought process the males there, right?

  • because they're tired of trying

  • they don't want to try,

  • they don't want to be masculine,

  • they want to completely reject societal expectations,

  • and you know just basically

  • consider themselves something known this herbivore men.

  • Disaster, Disaster, Disaster

  • Ok herbivore men, let me just give you some insight on that.

  • because it's amazing

  • that was a phrase coined by someone by name of Maki Fukasawa.

  • and he basically says yeah these guys what he reject masculinity.

  • they're tired, they're of trying, they're tired of rejection.

  • they're tried of spending their time, trying to swoon a woman

  • and you know get a full love with him.

  • so they're just giving up, and they're like "yeah, we're herbivore men, and what?".

  • Yeah alright. massively disagree with that concept

  • So, not the concept that he created, unfortunately, it apparently exists, but that idea.

  • So, now look, we're a lib show right?

  • So if you have different view of masculinity.

  • and you wanna live that

  • god bless of course we gonna not be opposed right?

  • but these guys are saying that,

  • they are basically giving up because they can't

  • they think it's too hard to get laid.

  • their masculinity is strange.

  • they're just like, "it's a pain in the ass, I'm gonna sit at home with my video games,

  • and go to work on myself on some anime instead".

  • Oh god

  • By the way, that's in the story, in the BBC story, like...

  • they didn't get into the details, but they say the guys at home are watching anime a lot.

  • Look.

  • We know that means.

  • We found that story before, I mean we have done story about man in Japan,

  • who have girlfriends who are inanimate objects.

  • Like...just like a pillow or something like that.

  • Like cartoons, pillows, you know, robots, blow-up dolls.

  • yea, it's unacceptable.

  • 36% of 16 to 19 years old men not wanting have sex.

  • We're not talking about how crazy that number.

  • That number should be like 2%.

  • All right, some people are unexpected. What you gonna do?

  • God bless, no problem with that.

  • 36%?

  • Some of them are despised sex, like thought of sex...

  • no no no, that's just, no look, it's weak sauce man.

  • I know I'm gonna get a lot of it,

  • and you herbivore men are gonna attack.

  • boy, love each other. Anyway, but you gonna go out there, and live life man.

  • You gonna try.

  • Oh, it's too hard to get laid. Some of them are sitting home.

  • It's ridiculous.

  • Look, you know we talk on this show, we're not afraid to take on parts of different cultures that we don't agree with.

  • I know that it's very on DC.

  • But I think this is a aphenomenon we have been trying long time in Japan.

  • That is hurting Japan.

  • and eventually, by the way, one of ways that it hurts them.

  • It's that there is too many senior citizens not backed up by enough workers

  • so then they're not gonna able to pay their bills.

  • so it has so many different negative ramifications,

  • one of which is you're not getting a laid.

a survey by the japan family planning association finds that...


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B1 中級

ヤング・タークス:日本の性の冷えた国【中国語字幕 (The Young Turks:日本性冷感國家【中文字幕】)

  • 561 36
    Benjamin Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日