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Every day, I listen to harrowing stories of people fleeing for their lives,
命の安全を求めて 危険な国境や冷たい海を越えて
across dangerous borders and unfriendly seas.
避難する人々の悲惨な話を 毎日 耳にします
But there's one story that keeps me awake at night,
ですが 夜も眠れないような物語が ひとつあります
and it's about Doaa.
A Syrian refugee, 19 years old,
she was living a grinding existence in Egypt working day wages.
エジプトで日雇い労働をし その日暮らしの貧しい生活をしていました
Her dad was constantly thinking of his thriving business back in Syria
彼女の父親は 爆撃により吹きとばされてしまった―
that had been blown to pieces by a bomb.
シリアで成功していた事業のことを 考えてばかりいました
And the war that drove them there was still raging in its fourth year.
彼らをエジプトへと追いやった戦争は 4年目に入り いまだに続いていました
And the community that once welcomed them there
かつては温かく迎え入れてくれた コミュニティも
had become weary of them.
And one day, men on motorcycles tried to kidnap her.
ある日 バイクに乗った男性が ドーアを誘拐しようとしました
Once an aspiring student thinking only of her future,
かつては自分の将来だけを考えていた 意欲的な学生だった彼女は
now she was scared all the time.
今や 四六時中おびえていました
But she was also full of hope,
それでも 彼女は希望に満ちていました
because she was in love with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem.
というのも 同じくシリア難民の バセムと恋をしていたからです
Bassem was also struggling in Egypt, and he said to Doaa,
同じくエジプトで苦労を強いられていた バセムはドーアに言いました
"Let's go to Europe; seek asylum, safety.
「ヨーロッパに行こう 保護と安全を求めるんだ
I will work, you can study -- the promise of a new life."
僕が働いて 君は勉強できる― 新しい生活が約束されている」
And he asked her father for her hand in marriage.
そして彼はドーアの父親に 結婚の許しを求めました
But they knew to get to Europe they had to risk their lives,
しかし2人はヨーロッパに行くには 命の危険を冒して
traveling across the Mediterranean Sea,
putting their hands in smugglers', notorious for their cruelty.
残酷なことで知られる密輸業者に 身を委ねなければならないと知っていました
And Doaa was terrified of the water.
She always had been. She never learned to swim.
昔からそうでした 彼女は泳げなかったのです
It was August that year, and already 2,000 people had died
その年の8月 すでに 2千人の人々が命を落としていました
trying to cross the Mediterranean,
but Doaa knew of a friend who had made it all the way to Northern Europe,
しかしドーアには北欧に 辿り着いた友人がおり こう考えたのです
and she thought, "Maybe we can, too."
So she asked her parents if they could go,
彼女は行かせてほしいと 両親に頼みました
and after a painful discussion, they consented,
そして苦しい議論を重ねた末に 両親は承諾しました
and Bassem paid his entire life savings -- 2,500 dollars each --
バセムは全貯金をはたいて 1人当たり2,500ドルを
to the smugglers.
It was a Saturday morning when the call came,
呼び出しがあったのは 土曜の朝でした
and they were taken by bus to a beach, hundreds of people on the beach.
バスで浜辺に連れて行かれると そこには何百人もの人々がいました
They were taken then by small boats onto an old fishing boat,
500 of them crammed onto that boat,
300 below, 500 above.
下段に300人 上段に500人です
There were Syrians, Palestinians, Africans, Muslims and Christians,
シリア人、パレスチナ人やアフリカ人 イスラム教徒やクリスチャンなど様々で
100 children, including Sandra -- little Sandra, six years old --
100人の子供もいました その中に幼い6歳のサンドラと―
and Masa, 18 months.
There were families on that boat, crammed together shoulder to shoulder,
多くの家族が乗り込んでおり 肩を付き合わせて 隙間なく
feet to feet.
Doaa was sitting with her legs crammed up to her chest,
ドーアはぎゅっと両脚を 胸に抱えるように座り
Bassem holding her hand.
Day two on the water, they were sick with worry
海に出て2日目 彼らは不安から気分が悪くなり
and sick to their stomachs from the rough sea.
Day three, Doaa had a premonition.
3日目 ドーアは嫌な予感がしました
And she said to Bassem, "I fear we're not going to make it.
彼女はバセムにこう言いました 「たどり着けない気がするの
I fear the boat is going to sink."
And Bassem said to her, "Please be patient.
バセムは彼女に 「辛抱してほしい
We will make it to Sweden, we will get married
僕らはスウェーデンに行って そこで結婚するんだ
and we will have a future."
Day four, the passengers were getting agitated.
4日目 乗船者たちは 徐々に動揺し始めました
They asked the captain, "When will we get there?"
彼らは船長に尋ねました 「一体いつ着くんだ?」
He told them to shut up, and he insulted them.
船長は黙れと一喝し ひどい言葉を投げかけました
He said, "In 16 hours we will reach the shores of Italy."
彼は「あと16時間で イタリアの海岸に着く」と言いました
They were weak and weary.
乗船者たちは衰弱し 疲れ切っていました
Soon they saw a boat approach -- a smaller boat, 10 men on board,
やがて あるボートが近づいてきました 小さなボートに10人乗っています
who started shouting at them, hurling insults,
彼らは乗船者たちに向かって怒鳴り 罵声を浴びせて
throwing sticks, asking them to all disembark
棒を投げるなどして この船を降りて―
and get on this smaller, more unseaworthy boat.
海を渡れそうにもない より小さな船に移るよう言いました
The parents were terrified for their children,
親たちは子供たちを案じて 恐怖を感じ
and they collectively refused to disembark.
彼らは集団的に下船するのを 拒否しました
So the boat sped away in anger,
そのボートは怒りをあらわにしながら 去って行き
and a half an hour later, came back
and started deliberately ramming a hole in the side of Doaa's boat,
そして意図的にドーアの乗った船の側面に 故意に衝突し 穴を開け始めました
just below where she and Bassem were sitting.
ドーアとバセムの座っている場所の すぐ下にです
And she heard how they yelled,
"Let the fish eat your flesh!"
And they started laughing as the boat capsized and sank.
船が転覆し沈んでいくのを見て 彼らは笑い始めました
The 300 people below deck were doomed.
下段に乗った300人の運命は 破滅に向かっていました
Doaa was holding on to the side of the boat as it sank,
ドーアは船が沈みゆく中で 側面にしがみつき
and watched in horror as a small child was cut to pieces by the propeller.
幼い子供がプロペラで ずたずたに 切り裂かれるのを恐怖に震えて見ていました
Bassem said to her, "Please let go,
バセムは彼女に言いました 「手を離すんだ
or you'll be swept in and the propeller will kill you, too."
さもないと 君までプロペラに 巻き込まれて死んでしまう」
And remember -- she can't swim.
思い出してください 彼女は泳げないのです
But she let go and she started moving her arms and her legs,
彼女は手を離し 泳いでいるつもりで
thinking, "This is swimming."
And miraculously, Bassem found a life ring.
奇跡的に バセムは 浮き輪を見つけました
It was one of those child's rings
that they use to play in swimming pools and on calm seas.
プールや穏やかな海で 遊ぶためのものです
And Doaa climbed onto the ring,
her arms and her legs dangling by the side.
Bassem was a good swimmer,
so he held her hand and tread water.
彼は彼女の手を取って 立ち泳ぎをしました
Around them there were corpses.
Around 100 people survived initially,
and they started coming together in groups, praying for rescue.
一緒に集まって 救助が来るのを祈りました
But when a day went by and no one came,
しかし1日が過ぎても 誰も現れないと
some people gave up hope,
and Doaa and Bassem watched
as men in the distance took their life vests off and sank into the water.
遠くの方で救命胴衣を外して 水に沈んでゆく人々を目にしました
One man approached them with a small baby perched on his shoulder,
ある男性が幼い子供を肩に抱えて 彼らに近づいてきました
nine months old -- Malek.
He was holding onto a gas canister to stay afloat, and he said to them,
男性は浮き代わりのガスボンベに つかまっており 彼らに言いました
"I fear I am not going to survive.
I'm too weak. I don't have the courage anymore."
もうだめだ 精根尽き果てた」
And he handed little Malek over to Bassem and to Doaa,
男性は幼いマレクを バセムとドーアに託しました
and they perched her onto the life ring.
So now they were three, Doaa, Bassem and little Malek.
そうして3人になりました ドーアとバセム そして幼いマレクです
And let me take a pause in this story right here
and ask the question:
why do refugees like Doaa take these kinds of risks?
どうしてドーアのような難民は こんな危険を冒すのでしょうか?
Millions of refugees are living in exile, in limbo.
何百万人もの難民が祖国を追われて 不安定な生活を送っています
They're living in countries [fleeing] from a war that has been raging
彼らは4年間も続く戦争から逃れて 様々な国々で
for four years.
Even if they wanted to return, they can't.
戻りたくても 戻れません
Their homes, their businesses,
their towns and their cities have been completely destroyed.
町も都市も完全に 破壊されてしまいました
This is a UNESCO World Heritage City,
ここはユネスコの世界遺産にも 指定されている都市です
Homs, in Syria.
So people continue to flee into neighboring countries,
and we build refugee camps for them in the desert.
私たちは難民キャンプを 砂漠に作りました
Hundreds of thousands of people live in camps like these,
何十万もの人々が このようなキャンプに暮らしています
and thousands and thousands more, millions, live in towns and cities.
そしてさらに何百万という人々が 町や都市に暮らしています
And the communities,
それゆえ かつては
the neighboring countries that once welcomed them
with open arms and hearts
are overwhelmed.
There are simply not enough schools, water systems, sanitation.
単に学校や浄水システム 下水設備が十分でないのです
Even rich European countries could never handle such an influx
豊かなヨーロッパの国々でさえ 多額の投資なしには
without massive investment.
これほどの難民の流入に 対処できないでしょう
The Syria war has driven almost four million people over the borders,
シリアの戦争はおよそ4百万人を 国境の外へと追いやりました
but over seven million people are on the run inside the country.
しかし7百万人以上の人々が 国内で逃げ惑っています
That means that over half the Syrian population
has been forced to flee.
Back to those neighboring countries hosting so many.
非常に多くの難民を受け入れている 近隣諸国に話を戻します
They feel that the richer world has done too little to support them.
彼らは豊かな国々がほとんど 支援をしてくれないと感じています
And days have turned into months, months into years.
数日が数ヶ月になり 数年へと延びています
A refugee's stay is supposed to be temporary.
難民の滞在は一時的なもので あるはずです
Back to Doaa and Bassem in the water.
海に浮かんだドーアとバセムに 話を戻しましょう
It was their second day, and Bassem was getting very weak.
2日目になって バセムはとても衰弱してきました
And now it was Doaa's turn to say to Bassem,
今度はドーアの方が バセムに向かって こう言う番でした
"My love, please hold on to hope, to our future. We will make it."
「希望と未来をあきらめないで 私たちはきっと大丈夫だから」
And he said to her,
"I'm sorry, my love, that I put you in this situation.
I have never loved anyone as much as I love you."
And he released himself into the water,
そして彼は手を離し 水の中へと消えていきました
and Doaa watched as the love of her life drowned before her eyes.
ドーアは将来を誓った恋人が 目の前で溺れるのを目にしたのです
Later that day,
その日 後になって
a mother came up to Doaa with her small 18-month-old daughter, Masa.
ある母親が1歳半の娘 マーサを連れて近づいてきました
This was the little girl I showed you in the picture earlier,
最初に写真をお見せした 救命胴衣を着た―
with the life vests.
Her older sister Sandra had just drowned,
お姉さんのサンドラは 溺れてしまったところで
and her mother knew she had to do everything in her power
to save her daughter.
And she said to Doaa, "Please take this child.
母親はドーアに言いました 「この子をお願いします
Let her be part of you. I will not survive."
どうか連れて行って 私は生き延びられないでしょう」
And then she went away and drowned.
そして母親は去り 溺れてしまいました
So Doaa, the 19-year-old refugee who was terrified of the water,
19歳の難民であるドーアは― 水が怖くて
who couldn't swim,
found herself in charge of two little baby kids.
And they were thirsty and they were hungry and they were agitated,
子供たちは喉が渇いて 空腹で 苛立っていました
and she tried her best to amuse them,
彼女はできる限り 子供たちをあやして
to sing to them, to say words to them from the Quran.
歌を歌ったり コーランの言葉を 聞かせたりしました
Around them, the bodies were bloating and turning black.
周囲の死体は水を含んで膨張し 黒ずんできました
The sun was blazing during the day.
At night, there was a cold moon and fog.
夜には冷たい月が照らし 霧が立ちこめます
It was very frightening.
On the fourth day in the water, this is how Doaa probably looked
そして海の上での4日目― 浮き輪の上でのドーアと
on the ring with her two children.
2人の子供は このような様子だったでしょう
A woman came on the fourth day and approached her
and asked her to take another child --
a little boy, just four years old.
When Doaa took the little boy and the mother drowned,
ドーアは男の子を預かり 母親が沈んでいくと
she said to the sobbing child,
"She just went away to find you water and food."
「お母さんはお水と食べ物を 探しに行ってくれたんだよ」
But his heart soon stopped,
しかし この子の心臓も まもなく止まり
and Doaa had to release the little boy into the water.
ドーアはその男の子を 海に帰さなければなりませんでした
Later that day,
その日 後になって
she looked up into the sky with hope,
彼女は希望を持って 空を見上げました
because she saw two planes crossing in the sky.
飛んでいく飛行機を2機 見かけたのです
And she waved her arms, hoping they would see her,
彼女は見つけてもらいたいと 腕を振りましたが
but the planes were soon gone.
But that afternoon, as the sun was going down,
しかし その午後 太陽が沈みかけたとき
she saw a boat, a merchant vessel.
And she said, "Please, God, let them rescue me."
「どうか神様 彼らが私を助けて くれますように」と願いました
She waved her arms and she felt like she shouted for about two hours.
彼女は手を振り 2時間は 叫び続けたように感じました
And it had become dark, but finally the searchlights found her
そして暗くなってから サーチライトが ようやく彼女を見つけました
and they extended a rope,
astonished to see a woman clutching onto two babies.
女性が2人の子供を 抱えているのに驚きました
They pulled them onto the boat, they got oxygen and blankets,
彼らは3人を船に引き上げると 酸素ボンベや毛布を与えました
and a Greek helicopter came to pick them up
ギリシャのヘリコプターが 迎えに来て
and take them to the island of Crete.
But Doaa looked down and asked, "What of Malek?"
しかし ドーアは見下ろして尋ねました 「マレクはどうなったの?」
And they told her the little baby did not survive --
そこで この幼い子は 生きられなかったと告げられました
she drew her last breath in the boat's clinic.
But Doaa was sure that as they had been pulled up onto the rescue boat,
しかし ドーアは救命ボートに 助けられたとき
that little baby girl had been smiling.
この女の赤ん坊がにっこり 笑っていたと確かに覚えていました
Only 11 people survived that wreck, of the 500.
500人を乗せた船の難破を 生き延びたのはたった11人でした
There was never an international investigation into what happened.
事故の詳細について国際的な調査が 行われることはありませんでした
There were some media reports about mass murder at sea,
海の上での大量殺人についてや 悲惨な悲劇をメディアが
a terrible tragedy,
but that was only for one day.
And then the news cycle moved on.
そしてニュースは次の話題へと 移っていきます
Meanwhile, in a pediatric hospital on Crete,
その間 クレタ島の 小児病院では
little Masa was on the edge of death.
She was really dehydrated. Her kidneys were failing.
ひどい脱水症状で 腎臓が機能不全に陥りつつあり
Her glucose levels were dangerously low.
The doctors did everything in their medical power to save them,
医師たちは医療でできることは 全て手を尽くしました
and the Greek nurses never left her side,
ギリシャ人の看護師たちは そばを片時も離れず
holding her, hugging her, singing her words.
抱きかかえたり 歌ってあげたりしました
My colleagues also visited and said pretty words to her in Arabic.
私の同僚もお見舞いに行き アラビア語で優しい言葉をかけました
Amazingly, little Masa survived.
驚くべきことに 幼いマーサは生き延びたのです
And soon the Greek press started reporting about the miracle baby,
やがてギリシャの報道陣は 奇跡の赤ちゃんのニュースを報じました
who had survived four days in the water without food or anything to drink,
海の上で飲まず食わずで 4日間も生き延びたのだと
and offers to adopt her came from all over the country.
マーサを引き取りたいという声は 国中から上がりました
And meanwhile, Doaa was in another hospital on Crete,
その頃 ドーアはクレタ島の 別の病院にいました
thin, dehydrated.
やせ細り 脱水症状でした
An Egyptian family took her into their home as soon as she was released.
退院すると同時に エジプト人家族が彼女を迎えました
And soon word went around about Doaa's survival,
まもなくドーアの物語は あっという間に広がり
and a phone number was published on Facebook.
電話番号がFacebookに 載るほどでした
Messages started coming in.
"Doaa, do you know what happened to my brother?
「ドーア 私の兄がどうなったか 知っていますか?
My sister? My parents? My friends? Do you know if they survived?"
姉は? 両親は? 友人は? 彼らは生き延びられたのでしょうか?」
One of those messages said,
そのメッセージの中に こういうものがありました
"I believe you saved my little niece, Masa."
「私の幼い姪マーサを 助けてくれましたね」
And it had this photo.
This was from Masa's uncle,
a Syrian refugee who had made it to Sweden with his family
彼自身スウェーデンに亡命した シリア難民で
and also Masa's older sister.
Soon, we hope, Masa will be reunited with him in Sweden,
マーサが早くスウェーデンで 叔父さんと再会できることを望んでいますが
and until then, she's being cared for in a beautiful orphanage in Athens.
それまでマーサはアテネの 素晴らしい孤児院で世話を受けています
And Doaa? Well, word went around about her survival, too.
ではドーアは? 彼女の話も大いに広まりました
And the media wrote about this slight woman,
and couldn't imagine how she could survive all this time
どうやって生き延びれば良いかも わからないまま
under such conditions in that sea,
and still save another life.
もうひとつの命を救ったことを 報じました
The Academy of Athens, one of Greece's most prestigious institutions,
アテネ・アカデミーという ギリシャの最高権威のひとつが
gave her an award of bravery,
and she deserves all that praise,
and she deserves a second chance.
But she wants to still go to Sweden.
しかし彼女はまだスウェーデンに 行きたいと考えています
She wants to reunite with her family there.
She wants to bring her mother and her father and her younger siblings
away from Egypt there as well,
エジプトから連れて行きたいと 考えています
and I believe she will succeed.
She wants to become a lawyer or a politician
or something that can help fight injustice.
不正と戦う手助けができる人に なりたいそうです
She is an extraordinary survivor.
But I have to ask:
でも こう問わねばなりません
what if she didn't have to take that risk?
Why did she have to go through all that?
なぜ彼女は辛い経験を せねばならなかったのでしょう?
Why wasn't there a legal way for her to study in Europe?
なぜ彼女が合法にヨーロッパで 勉強できる手立てはなかったのでしょう?
Why couldn't Masa have taken an airplane to Sweden?
なぜマーサはスウェーデンに 飛行機で行けなかったのでしょう?
Why couldn't Bassem have found work?
なぜバセムは仕事を 見つけられなかったのでしょう?
Why is there no massive resettlement program for Syrian refugees,
どうしてシリア難民のための 大規模な移住計画がないのでしょう?
the victims of the worst war of our times?
今世紀最悪の戦争の 被害者であるというのに?
The world did this for the Vietnamese in the 1970s. Why not now?
1970年代にはベトナム難民のために 行われたのに なぜ今行わないのでしょう?
Why is there so little investment in the neighboring countries
どうしてあまりに多くの難民を 抱えている近隣諸国には
hosting so many refugees?
And why, the root question,
is so little being done to stop the wars, the persecution
どうして これほど多くの人々を ヨーロッパ沿岸に引き寄せている―
and the poverty that is driving so many people
戦争や迫害 そして貧困を止める努力が
to the shores of Europe?
Until these issues are resolved,
people will continue to take to the seas
and to seek safety and asylum.
And what happens next?
Well, that is largely Europe's choice.
それは概ねヨーロッパの選択に 委ねられています
And I understand the public fears.
People are worried about their security, their economies, the changes of culture.
人々は身の安全や経済 文化の変容を恐れています
But is that more important than saving human lives?
しかし それは人命を救うことよりも 重要なことでしょうか?
Because there is something fundamental here
なぜなら ここには他の問題を くつがえしてしまうような
that I think overrides the rest,
and it is about our common humanity.
No person fleeing war or persecution
戦争や迫害から逃れる人々は 誰一人として―
should have to die crossing a sea to reach safety.
安全を求めて海を渡る際に 命を落としてはならないのです
One thing is for sure,
that no refugee would be on those dangerous boats
自分たちの居場所で生活できれば 危険な船で
if they could thrive where they are.
And no migrant would take that dangerous journey
自分たちと子供たちのための 十分な食糧があれば
if they had enough food for themselves and their children.
そんな危険な旅路に出る 移民もいないでしょう
And no one would put their life savings
in the hands of those notorious smugglers
if there was a legal way to migrate.
So on behalf of little Masa
and on behalf of Doaa
and of Bassem
and of those 500 people who drowned with them,
そして500人のうち 溺れてしまった人々のために
can we make sure that they did not die in vain?
彼らの死を無駄にしないことが できますか?
Could we be inspired by what happened,
既に起こったことから 気付きを得て
and take a stand for a world in which every life matters?
すべての命が大切にされる世界に 賛成の立場を取れるでしょうか?
Thank you.