字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント [MOTHERBOARD] 【マザーボード】 [BROOKLYN, NEW YORK] [ニューヨーク ブルックリン] Hey, it's Brian with Motherboard. ブライアンだ [BRIAN A. ANDERSON MOTHERBOARD] I've got one word for you: drones. 【マザーボード記者 ブライアン・アンダーソン】 ドローンとはー Now, you've probably heard a little bit about drones in the news lately. 無人飛行機のことだ These things fly all throughout the Middle East and the horn of Africa. 中東や 東アフリカを飛び回りー When they're not spying on suspected terrorists, テロリストの偵察や ミサイル攻撃に使われてる they're probably killing them with hellfire missiles. 実は このドローンが アメリカに上陸した But here's the thing, drones are coming to the States. 偵察用なので 今のところ 市民は攻撃されない And they're actually already here. 興味深いドローンだがー They're being used to keep an eye on things, so they're not gonna kill you. 誤解されている点も多い At least not yet. その誤解を解くためー Motherboard has been fascinated with drones for a while now. 製造者や 販売業者から 話を聞いてみる But it seems there are some misconceptions about the age of unmanned aerial vehicles. できれば操縦もしたい To try and clear the air just a little bit, 取材の行方が 楽しみだ we're gonna head out and talk to some people who are building drones, 【ドローン 無人飛行機】 who are selling drones all over the world. ニューヨーク市 With any luck, we hope to fly some drones as well. ドローン愛好家からー We have absolutely no idea what we're getting into. 得た映像 [DRONE ON] もちろん違法だ New York City. 9・11テロ後 こんな撮影をするのはー Captured by a Swiss drone hobbyist. 結構 まずい As you're probably thinking, みんなが知るドローン映像は きっとこれだろう yes, this is illegal as all hell. 無人飛行機が撮影した 画素の粗い映像はー And I'll be the first to say that doing this sort of thing インターネットで大人気だ over the sight of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil? ユーチューブ上では 〝ドローン・ポルノ〟と呼ばれる Probably not the best idea. では ロボット戦争の 経緯とは? The drone view that you've seen probably looks a bit more like this. 答えを求め 我々は世界屈指の 軍事ロボット専門家に会いにー Or more accurately, this. ワシントンへ向かった The grainy, pixelated birds eye views that unmanned aerial vehicles, 私たちはー or UAVs, offer, have become wildly popular on the internet. 【『ロボット兵士の戦争』著者 シンガー氏】 ロボット革命の中でー Maybe you've heard of the grim footage under it's nome de YouTube: 生きることの意味を 探っている drone porn. プレデターなど 今の軍事ロボットはー How did we arrive at the Robo Wars? まだ初歩レベルだ And where are they taking us? だが すでに戦時中の 法遵守をどう見直すかなどー To get an idea, we left our Brooklyn offices for Washington, D.C., 疑問が浮上してる to meet up with P.W. Singer, 同時に 国内使用が始まる中 国内法の改正も問われてる one of the world's foremost experts on military robotics. 人類は 様々な技術が 進化する様子を 見てきた We are 飛行機を例にとるとー [P.W. SINGER AUTHOR, "WIRED FOR WAR"] wrestling with what it means to 戦争がどう飛行機産業を 変えてきたかがわかる live, work and even fight through a robotics revolution. 空飛ぶ機械なんて 昔はSFだった The technology that we're using with things like the Predator or the PackBot, しかし ライト兄弟の発明後 数年で戦争に使われるように you know, those are Model T4, those are Wright Brothers equivalents. 第1次大戦の前半は 偵察用のみ But even with that first generation, だが 次第に武器を載せ やがて攻撃専用機を製造 we're seeing impact on questions like, 第1次大戦終結までに 他の様々な用途が見出されー how do we catch up our laws 商業利用も始まる in war? 旅行 郵便 医療救助など But also how do we start to catch up our laws domestically ロボット工学も 同様の流れが as we start to see that technology move over to the domestic side? SFのものが 現実になっていく We're seeing an evolution that is following many other technologies. プレデターも初めは 偵察用でー The story of the airplane is, I think, a good illustration やがて武器が積まれ 戦闘用機が製造された of where we're at and the impact of war 今では 他の用途も 出てきてる on an industry that becomes a game changer. 自律型ドローンの 軍用開発が進んでる The flying machine was once thought, 目的地を告げ 自動制御装置を 作動させるだけでー is mere science fiction. 到着するのだ Then, the Wright Brothers make it real. 大ヒット製品に共通する 特徴も見られる Within a couple years, it's utilized in war. 小型化だ In World War I at the start, they're not armed. 去年 ヨルダンで開かれた 世界最大の軍事見本市ー They're just used for observation. SOFEXの様子だ Then they jury-rig arm there. 子供の頃 小型のー Then they start to specially design them to be armed. 【VICE記者 シェーン・スミス】 模型飛行機で遊んだな And then by the end of World War I, you see all these other roles 誰かの家に必ずあった being visualized for planes 今のドローンは それに似てて 撮影や 爆弾投下までできる that soon move over to the commercial sector. 今年も 小型ドローンの市場を 知るために 再びヨルダンへ Passenger, postal delivery, medical evacuation, you name it. [軍事見本市 2012 ヨルダンの首都アンマン] Same exact thing is happening with robotics. 各国軍が注目するドローンには 50カ国以上 約600の会社が関る You know um, first, science fiction. 用途は 偵察と攻撃 Then, becomes real. 展示ブースで出会ったのが トルコのドローン会社だ The Predator was originally unarmed, 名前はファーティフ just used for observation. 【アトランティスUVS社 ファーティフ・シャンクル】 開発しているのはー Then they jury-rig arm it. 無人飛行機エアロシーカー Then they specially designed them to be armed. 監視目的で使用する 一般人もいればー Now, we're seeing all sorts of other roles. 軍事目的や 追跡捜査で 利用されることも One of the latest developments in militarized drones is autonomy. トルコ軍から積載量を聞かれ 「500グラム」と答えたらー Being able to tell your drone where to go, 「じゃあ超小型カメラとー」 and then basically setting the thing on cruise control until it gets there 「500グラムの爆弾を積めば 自爆攻撃できる」と言うんだ is a game changer. 軍隊のこんな発想はー At the same time, 想定外だった drone technology is doing what most any other killer ad does as it proliferates. さらに こんな発想も It's becoming smaller. 私は『ターミネーター』が 大好きなんだ We actually noticed this evolution last year when VICE was in Amman, Jordan, いつか本物が見たい 2030年くらいになるかな home to SOFEX, 実現できるよう がんばってる the world's largest military weapons expo. そんな急激な 進歩も 困る... You know when you were a kid you used to have those 次の男も 変わり者 [SHANE SMITH VICE] little model airplanes and then be like... やはり発想がすごい You know, somebody's dad would be a real nerd and have the model airplane. ドローンは 自律的に動く Now like, it's all model airplane-style drones 【クリス・バーター デイトロン社】 『2001年宇宙の旅』のー that can take pictures or drop bombs. HALみたいにね We want to check out some of these micro drones and size up their market. 彼の持つ〝スカウト〟にー So we decided to go back. HALのような自意識が生まれ 暴走しないことを願う [SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES EXPOSITION 2012 AMMAN, JORDAN] [価格 6万米ドル] Drones are becoming hot commodities for armed forces around the world. 実は スカウトはカナダの エリヨン社製だ Some 600 companies from well over 50 countries are dabbling with drone tech エリヨン社の販売代理店が デイトロン社でー for both spying and killing. クリスはディーラー And nowhere is this more evident than among the trade booths at SOFEX, スカウトは デイトロン社の主力商品 where we first meet this guy, その大きさから スカウトは 明らかに偵察専用だ a rep for a Turkish drone company. 最高時速は50キロ My name is Fatih Senkul, 摂氏-30度から+50度まで 作動できー [FATIH SENKUL ATLANTIS UVS] I'm working for Atlantis Unmanned Vehicle Solutions 時速80キロまでの 突風に耐える developing unmanned vehicles like "Aeroseeker." 小型で高性能なためー Some photographers want to use it for surveillance purposes, 米国の 海洋大気庁や 沿岸警備隊などが使用 military issues, and maybe some go track-and-seek missions. 何かー Some of the militaries, even the Turkish Army [said], "What's the payload?" カタログのようなものは もらえないかね They asked, we said "500 grams" すぐに連絡するよ "So let's put a very little camera, ぜひ and just put 500 grams of bomb クリスから サンディエゴにある 本社に招かれた and they will do a suicide attack." サーフィンも楽しめるからと That's one of the issues they offered that we hadn't thought of. 温厚な性格だからー This is something that the military is thinking. 下手な運転やサーフィン以外は まず動じないよ If that sounds crazy, well, スカウトで波乗りを 撮影したことは? then there's this. あるよ I am a fan of Terminator パイプラインで 撮影したいね and I love these movies. ドローンを売りさばく クリスだがー I really would like to see some of them in the future, 根はサーファーの ドローン愛好家 like 2030 maybe? 軍用以外の 可能性を見出すのはー So, ジャスティンも同じだ I'm trying to do my best to see them. あのゴーグルが 彼に 未知の世界を見せてくれる Unlike Fatih, ドローンのカメラ映像が ゴーグルに送られてー I'm in no rush to hasten the rise of the machines. 彼は空へ飛び立つ The next guy we meet at SOFEX maybe isn't either. この話はまた後で Then, he says something almost as crazy. [カリフォルニア州ビスタ ドローン・バレー] To me, drone means you've got something that's operational on its own, 南カリフォルニアは航空産業のハブで デイトロンのような会社が乱立 [CHRIS BARTER DATRON] it's kind of doing its own thing, like a HAL out of a いわば〝ドローンの谷〟だ '2001: Space Odyssey.' 産業地域の デイトロン社でー Here's hoping his robot, The Scout, クリスと同僚が 迎えてくれた has no intentions of becoming self-aware like HAL まず 購入者について 聞いてみた and refusing to open the pod-bay doors. 具体的な名前は出せないが 顧客ターゲットなら言えるよ [COST $60,000 USD] [デイトロン社のPV] スカウトは 持ち運びできー Now, to be clear, 使いやすく ホットスワップも可能 The Scout is built by Aeryon Labs, 組み立ては道具いらず a Canadian drone firm. 数秒のうちに完成 Datron, its reps like Chris, 顧客は 警察官や 戦域にある部隊などだ work with Aeryon on the supply side of the chain. 1万キロ以上離れた 基地からー Chris Barter's a drone dealer. 操縦されるより 直に飛ばしたい という連中だ The Scout is the flagship UAV in Datron's suite of tactical robotics. 多くの攻撃用ドローンは 南部の 空軍基地から飛び立つ Take one look at its size, and it's pretty clear 不快に思う人もいればー that The Scout is nothing more than a surveillance system. 歓迎する人も It can fly at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. パキスタンでのドローン攻撃に 気がとがめはしないがー It's fully operational from -22 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. 無人飛行機を一緒くたに 考えないでほしい And it can withstand wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. スカウトは 武装されることはない It's a compact, capable machine 監視専用だ and has been sought after by the likes of NOA, 人に害を及ぼさない 事故がない限りね the US Coast Guard and FEMA. 完全に自動で飛ぶ 高度 速度 目的地ー Is there anything that, 【デイトロン社 ポール・ウィルソン】 対象だけ 指示する you know, that you can give me, 状態に問題なし GPS精度は2.6メートル like a brochure or something like that? 回転を開始しよう And hopefully we will be contacting you very very soon. チェック完了 離陸準備OK Sounds like a plan. 離陸だ After Chris closes the deal, 自動でスムーズに飛ぶ he invites us back to Datron's headquarters, 高度 目的地 撮影対象など 与えた指示を 従うんだ just outside of San Diego. 他の利用法にも 力を入れてる In addition to drones, he promises 例えば 石油タンカーが集まる アラスカ州ノームでー there's going to be some pretty decent surfing. いつもより早く 港が凍結 I'm a pretty Buddhist guy. そこでスカウトが 港の周辺を撮影した There's not much that makes me tick out there. その映像に 画像処理をかけ 氷のー Um, outside of bad driving and bad surfing. 厚さを計算 そこから タンカーの航路を決めた Would you ever use a Scout to shoot some pretty gnarly, 利用法は多いよ big wave surfing footage? 説得を重ねー Oh absolutely, man. スカウトを 操縦させてもらえた That's actually one of my dreams is to take it out to Pipeline or Waimea. 見上げたスカウトからー So even though Chris exudes the calculating precision 見下ろされていた of a drone capitalist, プライバシー侵害の 危険性についてー he's a surfer dude at heart. クリスの考えを聞いた And maybe even a drone hobbyist. 安全性やプライバシーの権利は もちろん重要だ And he isn't the only one who views drones as being だが我々が力を入れるのは 消防士や警察官の 支援なんだ a whole lot more than killers and spies. 彼らは 建物の内部や裏側の 状況を知る必要が This is Justin Wellender. 良し悪しの判断は 世論に委ねる Notice those goggles he's putting on. デイトロン社はノーコメント Those allow for what's known as first person viewing. クリスの望みは スカウトが 人々の日常にとけ込むことだ So suddenly, これらの装置は 人間のためにあるんだ what the drone's camera sees, transmits back to Justin's goggles. 決して敵ではない In effect, allowing him to fly. 腕前はどう? But, we'll get back to the hobbyist later. うまいもんだ [DRONE VALLEY VISTA, CALIFORNIA] 離着陸も見事 壊さなかったしー Southern California has long been a hub of aerospace R and D. 上出来だ And today, drone firms like Datron are popping up all over the region. 傷もヘコミも 作らなかった You can call it Drone Valley. 少し違う世界を 覗いてみよう Or even the Drone Zone. ホビー用ドローンの 最先端だ Datron's campus is in one of these cookie cutter industrial parks. 数キロ先の 3Dロボティクス社は ドローンの印象を大きく変えた But soon enough, we find the place, アランとサムが 社内を簡単に案内してくれた and we're greeted by Chris and two of his colleagues. ここで設計するんだ We get down to the brass tax. 【3Dロボティクス社 アラン・サンチェス】 骨組みやー Who buys a Scout? 回路などを I will not go into specific customers by name, 遊び場だよ but I can address customer bases that we will go after. こっちで開発してー [DATRON PROMO VIDEO] The Scout is man-packable and offers fast setup, 製造 テスト 発送などは向こう側 ease of use and hot, swappable payload capabilities. 今は〝ドローン〟という言葉に マイナスのイメージがある The snap together assembly requires no tools 戦争に使われるからね and total assembly to take-off time could be measured in seconds. でも実際には ドローンは 単なる自律型ロボットだ We're targeting the guy, be it the law enforcement officer, 人ができないことを やってくれる装置だよ be it the squad guy who's out in a combat theater, 僕らは普通のラジコン飛行機や ヘリを 自律型に変えてる who doesn't want to rely on some guy flying a system in Las Vegas うちのオートパイロットを入れれば 既存の機種が自律型になる that's being launched out of an airport that's, you know, 7,000 miles away. 今では 普通の人でも 手に入る装置だ Unlike the Scout, most so-called "hunter-killer drones" 我々が考案したこの ツールをどう使うかはー are flown out of airforce bases throughout the American West. ユーザー次第だ Many people lose sleep over the thought of these hulking drones. 買ったハサミで悪さをするかも しれないのと 同じだよ But many others accept the new bug-splat warfare. クリスだ I have no qualms when I read the news about a drone strike in Pakistan. 【3Dロボティクス社の共同創設者 クリス・アンダーソン】 共同設立者でー What troubles me is that DIYドローンズという コミュニティを設立 people have a tendency to kind of lump in a lot of these unmanned systems 本業は WIREDの編集長 one with another. インタビューの直後ー So a Scout, which is unarmed and will probably always be unarmed, 3Dロボティクスに専念するため 彼はWIREDを辞めた is meant specifically for surveillance. 今の状況は アップル社に 似てると思うよ Will never be harming any individual. 初期アップル社は アマチュア集団でー For the most part, unless you know, any kind of accident. 当時のIBMなどと 全く違ってた The unit really and truly flies itself. 携帯電話のプロセッサや 無線などの技術が普及したのでー It just waits first to tell it when to take off, how high to go, 個人用ドローンの 技術が急激に発展 [PAUL WILSON DATRON] how fast to fly, where we want it to go and what to look at. 個人用を誕生させるのは 航空業界や軍じゃなく 愛好家だ All of our status says we're okay, we've got a GPS accuracy of 2.6 meters. それに うちの仕事は オープンソースなんだ So we're ready to take off. 軍や 産業界の技術を開放して ドローンのイメージを変えたい It spins up, 近くの 性能試験場に案内された it says I've done all my check so now I'm ready to take off. 2人は クアッドコプターと ラジコン飛行機を持ってきた So I hit take off. スカウトなどの プロ仕様との違いは? The vehicle is very good at flying itself 軽いんだ and it just listens to the directions of how high we want it to go, 発泡体でできてるから 当たっても痛くない where we want it to go to and what we want it to look at. 武器は乗らない 重い物は積めないからね We've had a lot of interest in special use cases デザインは おもちゃの飛行機だがー like in Nome, Alaska, where they actually had an oil tanker trended, ちゃんと飛べる ship oil into Nome. 高く飛ばすにはコツが Unfortunately, the harbor froze really early in the year. これでいいかな What they actually did with the Scout was they took it off [価格 500米ドル] and they took photographs of the ice surrounding this harbor. フライトは中断 And in a post-processing, um... 近くを 自家用機が 通ったのだ Using post-processing software, they were able to actually そこで 連邦航空局の 規定を訊ねた map out the sea ice thickness. ドローンへの規定はないから ラジコン機の規定に従ってる So they could navigate this tanker in accordingly. だから飛行高度に 限界があってね So it's a pretty diverse system. 122メートル以内 つまり目視の範囲内なんだ It takes some convincing, 他の規則もだけどー but eventually Chris and his team let us take this diverse system of theirs ドローンは性能がいいから 適用外かもね for a spin. [価格 600米ドル] So I'm gazing up at this airborne robot. スカウトと似ているがー Only to see it looking back down at me. 中身は 全く違う I begin to feel the sting of my own privacy potentially being compromised. まず3Dの 映像の方がきれいだ And I can't help but wonder if Chris and Datron feel the same. ご覧の通り Yes, we do empathize with the security and privacy rights, だが スカウトには 耐久性が but we're more so focused on supporting that agency, GPS機能や 操作性もあり 偵察や捜索救助に使える supporting that firefighter or supporting that law enforcement officer ラジコン改造機のような 3Dとは 天と地の差 going into the building, 3Dのドローンは ラジコンで飛ばせるしー who needs to know either what's happening in that building 自律型飛行もできる in a tactical type of situation or what's happening on the other side. つまり 指定した地点までを 自動操縦にできー So really, it's in the court of public opinion how that gets fleshed out. そこからまた 手動の操縦に戻せるのだ Datron doesn't want to talk about privacy. ドローンで 遊んでいたいけどー But Chris hopes every day civilians will come to see something like the Scout ニューヨークに帰らねば as a friend, not Big Brother. 取材の出発点だ As we deploy these into real world environments, ドローンに感じた危機感は 今も残っておりー what I hope happens is that people attain an understanding それには十分な理由が of how these systems are actually working for them. 楽しいおもちゃでもー As opposed to against them. その技術が 殺人兵器として 発展し続けているのも 事実だ How do you think we did? 着陸は スイッチを下ろす You guys did pretty good. プレデターを使って 異国で 一般市民やアメリカ人を焼き殺すのはー You took off and you landed exactly where you wanted it to 戦争とはいえ 行き過ぎてる and you didn't crash a thing. アパートの窓の外を飛ぶ 偵察ロボットもイヤだ You did good. -No blood. だが ヨルダンや サンディエゴで見たドローンにはー No blood! 心を奪われた No blood, no dents, no scratches! 状況によっては ドローンを 否定できなくなる Now that we've gotten a glimpse of the defense and professional side of this equation, 去年エリヨン社は反カダフィ軍に スカウトを数台送りー we decided to check out some of the folks 内戦終結を助けた at the leading edge of hobby drones. 戦争だけじゃない A few miles down the road from Datron is 3D Robotics, 研究 映画... 使い道は幅広い a company that represents a drastic culture shift in drone tech. 宅配ピザとかもね Alan and Sam, two engineers with the company, 飛行体験だってできる give us a quick run of the lab. 10年後のドローン業界は 全く予想不可能だ This is where we design all the だが この取材で 分かったのはー [ALAN SANCHEZ 3D ROBOTICS] frames, the autopilots, ドローンが今以上に 日常生活に入り込むことだ all the circuits. もちろん 不安だ Right. でも 合法的に使われれば 最悪の状況は免れるのかも And also where we play around. CREATEDATE 6/12/13 4:22 PM So this is just where everything starts 字幕翻訳 日本映像翻訳アカデミー 字幕監修 大石レナ and then the manufacturing, shipping and testing is on the other side. So right now, the word "drone" I feel has a negative connotation, especially with all the wars that have been going on and military drones being the most common use of the word. But really, a drone is a machine that you can, you know, pre-program or class at a level of autonomy. That could, you know, do a job the user can't do or doesn't want to do. So what we're doing is turning regular RC Aircraft or even, you know, helicopter squad copters into autonomous vehicles. With our autopilot, you can just drop it into your existing vehicle and turn it into a fully autonomous aircraft... Um, something that wasn't available for the masses before. Um, and then, what to do with it, that's where the user comes in, you know? We're selling the tool and it's up to the user to come up with a use for it. And you know, you can go buy scissors and do something bad with it, so it's basically the same thing. I'm Chris Anderson, [CHRIS ANDERSON CO-FOUNDER 3D ROBOTICS] I'm the co-founder of 3D Robotics and founded DIY drones in the community that spawned us initially. This is not my day job. My day job is I'm the editor at WIRED. Shortly after taping this interview, Chris Anderson announced his departure from WIRED to focus on 3D Robotics full-time. Well what you're looking at here is what we think of something like, you know, the Apple, you know, from 1977, coming out of the Home-brewed computing club. Amateurs, um, hobbyists, you know, not the IBMs of the day. Technology in your cell phone, the sensors, the processors, the wireless, etc. The fact that this has become cheap and available and ubiquitous is the enabling technology of the personal drone movement. And we don't come out of the airspace and disappear. It'll come-it definitely won't come out of the military. We come out of the hobbyist world, and what you're seeing here is just a bottoms up, open-sourced, community-based attempt to take technology that was once a military, industrial one and democratize it. Make it available to everybody and introduce the word "personal" to drone. Minutes later, we're heading to a nearby field that serves as one of the main proving grounds for 3D's aircraft. Alan and Sam bring along two drones: a small quad copter and a more traditional RC glider. We're curious to see how these guys stack up against the pro model, like the Scout. These things are light. The planes are foam, they hit you on the head, they'll just sort of bounce off. It won't hurt you but they're not, they don't have weapons. They are, you know, can't carry anything very heavy. They're, you know, designed basically to like, radar patrol like toy airplanes but they just have a plane. Yeah, so these things take a while to get some altitude. Bottled it up. Fill it up or should I just... [COST $500 USD] And just like that, our graceful flight is cut short. The guys are spooked by a small private plane passing through our airspace. Which brings us to the Federal Aviation Administration's stance on drones. You know, since the FAA doesn't really have rules for what we make, we just piggyback onto RC Aircraft. And so we're limited by, you know, altitude, we can only fly 400 feet or below. We have to fly within line of sight. Just various rules that are there that maybe we could do away with 'cause our drones are more capable. [COST $600 USD] While 3D's quad copter and the Scout might look similar, their differences far outweigh any similarities. 3D shoots seemingly better looking footage than the Scout that we flew, for one thing. Just compare the two. Then again, what the Scout might lack in visuals, it makes up in durability. And of course the GPS and the slick user interface allow for reconnaissance and search and rescue capabilities that put it above and beyond 3D's systems, which are more or less, pimped out RC Aircraft. We fly 3D's drones the old-fashioned way, with RC controllers. But thanks to 3D's autopilot, these are autonomous aircraft. Meaning that just like the Scout, you can tell your DIY drone where to go, let it get there by itself, and then regain control once it's at point B. Wow. I could see how it would be easy to drop out and kick it in the drone zone forever, but it's time we get back to New York. So we've made it back to Brooklyn. Before this trip, a lot of my thinking about today's drone world came with a certain alarmism. To a degree, I think it still does. And for good reason. When you're playing with toys like these, it can be hard to forget that drone technologies are evolving in large part to being really, really good at killing a lot of people. So if you want it to come back to you, -Yeah. take this switch and pull it all the way down. So I think that rigging that big Predator and Reaper drones to incinerate innocent civilians and American citizens on foreign soil, is too much the stuff of war crimes and extrajudicial killings. And I certainly don't sit well with the thought of a spying robot peering into my apartment window. But when it comes to some of the tactical and hobbyist drone deployments that I saw in Jordan and San Diego, I kind of caught the bug. It's getting harder and harder to argue against the fact that for certain scenarios, drones just make sense. Think about Aeryon giving a couple Scouts to Libyan rebels last year to help aid their fight against Muammar Qaddafi's forces. We all know how that story ended. But beyond the wartime theater, think of the myriad possibilities that drones open up for research, filmmaking, even the next generation in taco delivery. Or I think about a guy like Justin, who's just really, really stoked on flying. My guess as to what the domestic dronescape is going to look like in the next five to ten years is about as good as yours. But having spoken with people like Chris Barter and Sam and Alan out at 3D, I can say with relative assurity that drones are going to become more a part of our everyday lives than they already are. Should we be concerned about that? Absolutely. But so long as these drones are being put to legitimate uses, that's maybe not the worst thing, is it?
B2 中上級 日本語 ドローン スカウト 飛行 無人 ロボット 自律 無人航空機の未来 - The Future of UAV Over the US (無人航空機の未来 - The Future of UAV Over the US) 261 13 richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語