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  • Hello. Nice to meet you. (Applause)

  • I work at the KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)

  • doing jobs related with designing aircrafts, and developing unmanned aircraft system.

  • My name is Sam Ok Koo.

  • Today, I am going to talk about

  • a topic involved in

  • the keyword on the screen,

  • UAS, the unmanned aircraft system.

  • Thanks to the development of science and technology,

  • so-called 3d(dull, dirty, difficult) jobs have been increasingly substituted by robotic machines.

  • On the extended front line of this trend

  • is there the aerial robot, or, UAS,

  • which does not need pilots.

  • While I am introducing you the area of the unmanned aircraft technology,

  • I would like to not only finish in UAS,

  • but also, dream the way to the future aerial vehicle with you.

  • These includes adapting UAS technologies,

  • which does not need pilots,

  • to airplanes people take.

  • For example,

  • like vehicles we drive,

  • untrained people

  • can easily take airplanes.

  • I may ask few questions.

  • Many people here seem to have experiences of taking airplanes.

  • Anyone has entered to an airplane cockpit?

  • It is quite rare.

  • Have anyone grabbed cockpit sticks at amusement parks?

  • (Laughs) Yes, quite many.

  • There seems to be many professions among the appliers.

  • Anyone is pilot currently?

  • No one seems to be. Is there one person?

  • OK. There is one person.

  • Actually I am a pilot.

  • Then, let's assume that,

  • airplanes requires prices, driving skills, and difficulties,

  • which are similar with those of cars.

  • Then, anyone want to take them and fly?

  • Yes. There are plenty.

  • Many people would take them.

  • It is an impossible dream right now,

  • but if we combine contents I am going to talk about today,

  • in the recent future,

  • I think there could be

  • aircrafts which requires

  • difficulties of driving cars

  • What do you think this number looks like to be?

  • If I ask this to elementary school students, they answer "1".

  • This number means the count of pilots

  • at an aircraft cockpit.

  • After WW II,

  • the aircraft manufactures turned their capability

  • in large bombers and cargo aircraft

  • into the commercial trans-continental transport.

  • There were five crew members in the cockpit

  • of the early passenger transports:

  • pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, navigator, and radio operator.

  • They are required 10, or 20 hours,

  • for a long-distance flight.

  • In the early 60's the radio operator was eliminated from the cockpit,

  • due to the development of communications technologies.

  • There are four people left.

  • In the 70's the inertial navigation system was developed, expelled the navigator.

  • and there were a lot of long-distance flight experiences,

  • therefore, the navigator was expelled.

  • Navigator finds the routes

  • for long-distance flights,

  • which is not capable by pilots.

  • Flight engineers are still left.

  • A lot of instrumental panels you can see here.

  • Flight engineers fly for over 10 hours, looking at the wall.

  • While pilots sit towards the front,

  • flight engineers sit towards the sides,

  • monitoring a lot of instrumental panels

  • and could not be relaxed before the landing.

  • As the automation progressed,

  • in the 80's,

  • when people start to use personal mobile computers

  • those many instrumental panels go into a computer screen.

  • As you see in the screen, instrumental panels

  • are changed to digital panels in the computer screen,

  • and even user manuals are imported into computers.

  • From then, if you take airplanes now,

  • there have been only 2 crews remaining in the cockpit.

  • Let's guess what would happen there next. Who will be expelled first? (Laugh)

  • Perhaps, in recent future,

  • as you see here,

  • you may take an airplane, which has a cockpit but not a pilot,

  • for overseas trips.

  • Then, we might not need any pilot.

  • Actually, a long-distance trans-continental flight

  • without any pilot,

  • was proven by the small UAS in this picture in 1998.

  • It took 26+ hours

  • to cross the Atlantic for about 3200km

  • from Newfoundland to Ireland.

  • This airplane is a very small one with 12kg weight.

  • Just after then, 10 years from now,

  • the unmanned trans-Pacific flight was done in 2001 by the Global Hawk,

  • the most sophisticated and highest performance UAS.

  • From California to an air base in Australia,

  • it took 22 hours for flying 13000km, and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records,

  • for a long-distance flight record without pilots.

  • There is basically

  • no technological barrier

  • in long-range flight without a pilot on board.

  • Even though, most UAS is for military purposes.

  • More than 93% is used as military,

  • The typical example is the Predator, you can see in this picture.

  • It is a beautiful-looking airplane, but has a scary name, Predator.

  • But in the beginning, the airplane also used for

  • ground detection, which was a very peaceful purpose.

  • It was practically used for ground detections at NASA,

  • or scientific researches.

  • It started to be used in war at Bosnia in 1995, and Afghanistan in 2000,

  • and started to be armed.

  • As you see now, there are 2 missiles under the beautiful airplane.

  • What do you expect their usages are for?

  • This video is recorded by the Predator, which is a real situation.

  • A video, which detected a specific target at Afghanistan,

  • and attacked the building directly above it.

  • 2 hellfire missiles are launched.

  • You can see a car running away.

  • A person driving the car was lucky.

  • The target was at the different place.

  • Now, from the sky, in the dark, people who didn't recognized the plane flying,

  • were hit by the missile from somewhere, and died.

  • If I show this video to elementary school students,

  • they seems to be interested like watching interesting movies.

  • But kids, let's think as you were in the place. (Laughs)

  • What if the people in there were you, or your brothers at military service?

  • What if the plane up above air was from your bad neighbor country?

  • Think of the Manchu war of 1636, and the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592...

  • Think about those airplanes...

  • Children's face became solid and it became silent.

  • I end the story with "Therefore, you need to study hard." (Laughs)

  • Because of those reasons,

  • Korea is investigating about UAS.

  • In this big picture, it is showing 송골매 which was developed in 90's,

  • and is used for the researches related with observations in the military and in the sky.

  • The next one which is at right upper corner, is 'Remoeye-006',

  • which is sent as troops with Korean soldiers to Afghanistan

  • standing guard duty.

  • From among these, the one which should be focused is at the right bottom:

  • A helicopter, 'Remo-H'.

  • Even though more than 93% of UASs are used for military purposes,

  • one of the most successful applications of civil unmanned aircraft technology is the agricultural helicopters.

  • It is made in Korea. Capable of flying autonomously...

  • If we input the coordinate of a rice paddy, it automatically scans, and sprays aerosols.

  • This can cover 6000 평 (20,000 square meters) in a flight mission of 15-minutes.

  • This increases the productivity very much.

  • In addition, there shows many aircraft models...

  • In research institutions, or schools,

  • There have been many researches related to UAS.

  • Even though UAS is needed for the national defense,

  • it have been researched hard, not to be fallen, behind the technology developments,

  • such as making airplanes unmanned or automated.

  • The Smart UAV Program

  • is another representative UAS-technology development program

  • of our country.

  • As you can see in the screen,

  • I am developing UAS-technology including that vehicle.

  • This vehicle has 2 large tilt-rotors,

  • which is different from other vehicles.

  • When take-off or landing, rotors are headed to above direction,

  • so that it could do vertical take-off, or landing.

  • If it is speeded up, rotors are tilted to front direction.

  • When it speeded up to the certain speed, for example,

  • 250km/h like usual airplanes, it becomes like this.

  • Fixed-wing mode cruise.

  • When it is in helicopter mode,

  • rotors covers all weights to make the plane lift.

  • On the other hand, in fixed-wing mode, wings lift the plane,

  • and rotors generate projectile force.

  • This increases the fuel efficiency very much.

  • Among all world-wide airplane companies,

  • only Bell hellicopters have this feature.

  • We became the second.

  • There can be many core technologies of this airplane.

  • The most important one is that

  • transitioning from the helicopter mode to the fixed-wing mode by tilting the rotors.

  • Some people might think that,

  • just after taking off, it can tilt rotors very quick, and go on.

  • But this process is very complicated.

  • When taking off, it is totally a helicopter.

  • It controls the flight depending on 2 large tilt-rotors.

  • When it became airplane mode,

  • it controls the flight just like other fixed-wing airplanes do.

  • The control system is totally changed,

  • so the intermediate processes should be changed gradually.

  • The core technology is in that part.

  • Unfortunately, or fortunately,

  • There is no company, but only Bell helicopter in USA, who has the technology.

  • And the technology was strategic, so we needed to develop it autonomously.

  • To develop the flight control technology autonomously,

  • we created a small airplane in the picture.

  • The big picture is in full scale. It weighs about 1000kg.

  • And the front small one is 40% downscaled model.

  • Using this model, we did flight test,

  • and solved the mystery of transitioning from helcopter mode to fixed-wing mode.

  • We call tilting wings as tilting angle,

  • Tilt in English,

  • When take-off or landing, it is defined as 90 degree,

  • and when airplane mode, it is defined as 0 degree.

  • <Smart unmanned airplane miniature automated flight>

  • The process had many complications.

  • When we do flight test, we start at 90 degree,

  • flying in helicopter mode, and then lands automatically.

  • After that, the control system should change gradually.

  • It changed a bit, for example, changed to 80 degree, and then came back.

  • In the next flight, it tried to 70 degree.

  • We decided to try it until 30 degree at the first time,

  • but it became better, so we succeeded 23 degree.

  • Our researchers liked it very much.

  • It was rolled heavily at 45 degree.

  • We succeeded at 23 degree, so we changed our goal to 20 degree.

  • We had a tremendous happening then.

  • There are many new generation people here... That OTL is not the abbreviation of unmanned airplane system.

  • We should not pronounce it as OTL.

  • There must be sorrows and frustrations.

  • When we made airplanes and flew them,

  • like rubber-powered planes or gliders at your childhoods,

  • you feel yourself excited when you made them by your own hand and flew them.

  • But if you make those unique thing,

  • Umm.. it is unutterable.

  • But developing this flying vehicle has a different part compared with other machines.

  • There is an unavoidable destiny.

  • It is this.

  • During flight test, tilt degree passed 30 degree, and before it reached to 20 degree, this happened.

  • It is required to be recovered gradually to land down, but at the moment, that happened.

  • This is very critical to airplane development researchers.

  • We cannot control at the moment, which is called spin.

  • Any control is possible.

  • Shivers were sent down our spines. Our mind went blank.

  • That's the reason why my hair became white. (Laughs)

  • To break through the 20 degree barrier,

  • from then, 20 degree drinks were abandoned to our teammates.

  • Our goal was 0 degree. So, after then, until we reach 0 degree,

  • we kept mind about 0 degree during eating pork, or broiled eels.

  • Finally, we succeeded.

  • This picture shows Global Hawk, the best UAS.

  • It seems to be no exception to Americans.

  • An aviation pioneer,

  • Otto Lilienthal, who led aviation development more than Light brothers,

  • made glider and flew by himself, and fell down which killed him.

  • Before he passed away, he said like this.

  • That made us to keep our researches,

  • and the related R&Ds all over the world are going on.

  • Up to this place, we talked about the researches related with UAS.

  • Then, if the technology, which can make flight automatic and doesn't require any pilots, is developed,

  • we can apply it to the usual airplanes.

  • Then, we don't need professionally trained pilots,

  • but just usual people like audiences here can sit,

  • and drive as we drive cars. It was my opinion.

  • Therefore in the near future,

  • before very special airplane came out,

  • we can integrate those UAS technology with existing aircrafts,

  • so that it is controlled automatically without pilots, does tasks,

  • moves to target point, and lands automatically.

  • Then, there could be airplanes to which usual people can approach easily.

  • It was my opinion.

  • In extension of that idea,

  • an American engineer created a painting here.

  • We can ride like cars.

  • At the airport, we can fly like airplanes using wings.

  • A proto type ended test flights.

  • We are receiving orders, and developing a commercialized model.

  • In 2025 may, Young-hee's family in Daejeon take PV,

  • and go travel to their grandmother's home near 설악산.

  • After self-test of car-mode, they move to an airstrip near home,

  • change to flight-mode and get departure approval to departure automatically.

  • Using IT technology-related next generation flight system,

  • it automatically fly to the target place fast.

  • In less than one hour, they can see 설악산.

  • After a control center approves landing, it lands automatically,

  • and changes to car-mode to drive to their grandmother's house.

  • In very complicated metropolis,

  • cars move in 2-dimention on the ground.

  • To control car traffics,

  • there are stop lines, and traffic congestions.

  • If we create roads parallel in 3-dimension,

  • there can be no traffic congestions.

  • There are ideas like sky-taxi, or sky-car.

  • Like those ideas, if technologies are developed,

  • to create future personal airplane, I think these conditions should be satisfied.

  • First, it should be easy to control as we drive cars nowadays.

  • Second, to drive in the air in a very complicated city,

  • it requires speeds, and also,

  • it should be capable of stop or backward movement in the air.

  • Next, if there were many airplanes at the same time,

  • servomechanism should be completed,

  • so that, they should not be crashed to each other. You may not know the term.

  • For airplane flight, as usual people don't know much,

  • technical infra structures should be prepared.

  • For example, in the metropolis, we can set multi-layered air routes,

  • and even though airplanes approach in ultra-close distance, there should be no collision risk.

  • Those kind of infra, institution, technology, and system should be settled.

  • Especially, air route following system is important

  • for no collisions at complex routes.

  • For example, if there is a reckless driver like in this movie...

  • Those things happen because it is in the movie. They cannot be happened in real world.

  • If this kind of servomechanism is completed, then it can be applied to metropolis.

  • Like I showed in animation recently, in the near future, at an uncrowded road,

  • these type of airplanes can be used.

  • Above all, the traffic safety and reliability will be on the highest priority.

  • It is needless to say more.

  • After this, after the new airplane comes out,

  • for example, in my apartment, 3000 households live in there,

  • imagine that, in the morning, 3000 cars comes out,

  • and fly up to the sky.

  • It will be like this. (Laughs)

  • Actually, scientists got the idea from a crowd flight of migrant birds,

  • and research about it, and the research is in progress.

  • Someday in the future, it will become possible.

  • I expect that, especially, new generation people who came as audience today

  • may take those car-like airplanes

  • to commute in the near future.

  • Let's dream together. Thank you for your attention.

Hello. Nice to meet you. (Applause)


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B1 中級

TEDx】無人航空機から未来の空飛ぶ乗り物への道を夢見る。SamOkk Koo at TEDxDaedeokValley (【TEDx】Dreaming a way to future aerial vehicle from unmanned aircraft: SamOk Koo at TEDxDaedeokValley)

  • 284 10
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日