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  • Least Safe Countries If WW3 Breaks Out

  • Number 10: Israel.

  • If a Third World War were to ever break out,

  • the State of Israel probably would have the most to lose.

  • Israel is reliant on imports

  • for its food, fuel and industries.

  • In fact, water is such a hotly contested resource

  • that the Israelis have often had to skirmish

  • with their neighbors in order to secure

  • reliable sources of water.

  • Even the best of times, Israel has been a nation

  • on the brink of destruction

  • and if World War III were to ever start,

  • the principal ally of Israel, the United States,

  • would have much bigger problems to deal with

  • than trying to defend a nonstrategic piece of land

  • in the Middle East.

  • Israel is also extremely dependent on foreign aid

  • which is something that would almost immediately cease

  • if its allies came under attack.

  • This thin strip of desert land

  • would also not be able to stand the harsh political reality

  • of being surrounded by nations that despise Israel.

  • This include Egypt,

  • which has been at war with Israel five times;

  • Jordan, which has been at war three times;

  • Syria, five times;

  • Lebanon, three times;

  • and Palestine, eight times.

  • These factors and more

  • make Israel one of the worst places to be

  • in the case of a Third World War.

  • Number 9: Russia.

  • During the Cold War, it was widely assumed

  • that if Word War III were to ever break out,

  • the Soviet Union would be one of the combatants.

  • This reality hasn't changed much

  • of the creation of modern Russia.

  • As of this video's release,

  • Russia's currently embroiled in two proxy wars

  • against the United States and Ukraine and in Syria,

  • and while this is an unlikely scenario,

  • either of these conflicts could bring Russia into a war

  • against the United States and NATO.

  • but Russia's involvement in a game of geopolitical chess

  • with the United States is just the tip of the iceberg.

  • Russia is a uniquely unsafe place

  • if a Third World War were to ever break out.

  • This is because of a Russian trigger system

  • known as the Dead Man's Switch.

  • The Dead Man's Switch is an automatic launching mechanism

  • that is linked to every missile in Russia's nuclear arsenal.

  • The Dead Man's Switch

  • continuously monitors Russian territory

  • and if a nuclear strike within Russia

  • detected by its seismic and radioactivity sensors,

  • the system automatically launches

  • every Russian ICBM in a retaliatory strike.

  • This system is designed to operate

  • in the event that all of Russia's leadership

  • is wiped out in a nuclear attack,

  • but even if Russian's leaders survive a nuclear strike,

  • the automatic launch order from the Dead Man's Switch

  • cannot be reversed.

  • Meaning, the Dead Man's Switch

  • essentially doomed the Russian populous

  • to the ravages of nuclear war.

  • Number 8: The United Kingdom.

  • Thanks to the United Kingdom's alliance

  • with the United States and NATO,

  • it cannot be disputed that the United Kingdom

  • would also get involved in any Third World War,

  • but the trouble is that the United Kingdom

  • is extremely vulnerable.

  • The British Isles currently have a much larger population

  • than can be supported naturally

  • and the United Kingdom is also a net importer of food,

  • meaning that the inhabitants of the UK

  • would face instant starvation

  • if they were ever cut off from their food shipments.

  • Also, as of this video's release,

  • the Scottish National Party is poised

  • to end the United Kingdom's Nuclear Trident program

  • due to its excessive cost.

  • These attempts to disarm the UK's nuclear stockpile

  • may be smart in peace time,

  • but could leave the gate open for a nuclear first strike

  • on the UK in the unlikely event of Third World War to occur.

  • Number 7: China.

  • China's tethered to the global shipping lanes

  • which makes its coastal trading to be prime targets

  • for amphibious assaults, airstrikes,

  • and even a nuclear attack.

  • China's military relies on a massive national draft

  • which could theoretically raise an army

  • of up to seven million soldiers.

  • Fueling an army of this enormous magnitude

  • would come in an enormous cost

  • to the average Chinese citizen.

  • Even without the strain of a global conflict,

  • China's still in danger of going into unrest.

  • Overwhelming pollution has put China on course

  • to exhaust its entire supply of drinking water by 2030,

  • which is a problem that requires

  • a massive government intervention to solve

  • and if China's government has weakened or destroyed

  • during a global conflict,

  • their problems with pollution will go unaddressed.

  • If China does get dragged into a Third World War,

  • areas of China will likely break free

  • the second they get a chance to,

  • and this process will only bring great misery to China.

  • Number 6: The United States.

  • The United States is by far the biggest candidate

  • for a surprise nuclear strike.

  • In the event of a Third World War,

  • enemies of the United States

  • could attempt a nuclear preemptive strike

  • in order to save their own countries

  • from nuclear annihilation.

  • This attack would render most of the US unhabitable.

  • Even people in the Midwest of the United States

  • who would normally think they are safe would not be safe

  • because there are dozens of missile silos in this region

  • that would be primary targets in a nuclear first strike.

  • These silos would be targeted in the hopes

  • of destroying the United States nuclear arsenal

  • before it has a chance to launch.

  • In the aftermath of a nuclear war

  • or even a conventional war, it is likely United States

  • would fracture into smaller regions

  • and the diverse racial and cultural groups

  • of the United States would likely fight

  • for dominance in the ashes.

  • The region of Southern California alone

  • has over twenty million people living in area

  • with no local sources of food or water.

  • The Southern California's close proximity

  • in Mexico's violent drug cartels of the south

  • doesn't help either.

  • If law and order were to break down

  • during a global conflict,

  • it is likely these cartels would ravage

  • the Southwestern United States.

  • Number 5: Germany.

  • Germany is bound by its NATO collective defense agreements

  • which means that even if a NATO member

  • as small as Lithuania were to be attacked,

  • Germany must go to war in defense of that nation.

  • Germany's involvement in NATO

  • essentially guarantees that this country

  • will be placed in the front lines of a Third World War,

  • making Germany an extremely unsafe place to be

  • during a global conflict.

  • During the Cold War, both Soviet and Western battle plans

  • put Germany in the front lines of any future war.

  • This reality is not changed in the 21st century,

  • and any Third World War

  • between western powers and Russia and its allies

  • would likely be decided during engagements on German soil.

  • Number 4: South Korea.

  • If a Third World War were to break out,

  • it is likely that the United States would withdraw

  • or undersupply its soldiers in the Korean peninsula

  • at the first opportunity,

  • thus giving North Korea a chance

  • to launch an invasion in South Korea

  • while the United States is distracted.

  • Without the United States, the South Korean army

  • would be heavily outnumbered by the North.

  • Any war between the North and South

  • would cause a massive humanitarian crisis,

  • which is something South Korea admits

  • that is nowhere near prepared for.

  • In reality though, it doesn't matter

  • whether the North or the South of Korea attacks first.

  • This small peninsula is guaranteed to be devastated

  • during any conflicts regardless of who is victorious.

  • Number 3: Liberia.

  • In 2010, Liberia was ranked

  • as the most dependent country on foreign aid

  • in the entire world.

  • Meaning that without foreign aid,

  • Liberia simply cannot survive.

  • To compound this problem,

  • the United States is Liberia's largest financial backer.

  • The US provides Liberia with $450 million need each year.

  • It is likely that in the event of a Third World War,

  • the United States will have bigger problems to address

  • than Liberia's financial lifeline

  • and it will be abruptly cut,

  • leaving Liberians to face starvation.

  • Number 2: The Solomon Islands.

  • Behind Liberia, the Solomon Islands

  • is the second most dependent country on foreign aid.

  • Any world conflict would threaten

  • the Solomon Islands' lifeline of foreign aid,

  • leaving its population to suffer greatly.

  • In addition to this economic vulnerability,

  • the Solomon Islands is also located

  • in a very unfortunate place.

  • During the Second World War, the Solomon Islands

  • was a strategic location for an airbase to threaten

  • the populated areas of Australia and New Zealand.

  • If a Third World War were to ever break out,

  • it is probable that the Solomon Islands

  • would again be fought over

  • and potentially be used as an airbase to threaten Australia

  • placing it on the front lines of any future world conflict.

  • Number 1: Saudi Arabia.

  • Saudi Arabia's massive oil reserves

  • have been the country's greatest gift,

  • but also its greatest curse.

  • If a Third World War were to ever break out,

  • it is guaranteed that as fuel became scarce,

  • a major power would attempt to invade Saudi Arabia

  • in order to gain control of its massive oil reserves.

  • Saudi Arabia has a relatively small military

  • and has relied on its alliances to keep it safe.

  • This decision unfortunately also leaves the kingdom

  • in a vulnerable position.

  • The Saudi Arabian monarchy

  • is also not the most stable institution in the world

  • and would likely collapse during any devastating conflict.

  • But Saudi Arabia's problems go deeper

  • than its assured place on the front line

  • of a Third World War.

  • The country is reliant on imports of food,

  • water, consumer products, and industrial goods,

  • which means that these critical resources

  • would be in short supply

  • leading to unrest, starvation, and death.

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Least Safe Countries If WW3 Breaks Out


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第3次世界大戦が勃発した場合、最も安全でない10カ国 (10 Least Safe Countries If WW3 Breaks Out)

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    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日