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  • In midterms, you keep waiting for the rise of the establishment which you refer to,

  • and you do have these people who, in the pack behind those two guys in the establishment lane,

  • who look as if maybe they're ready finally to go somewhere,

  • Chris Christie seems to have found his voice in the last couple of weeks.

  • Jeb Bush, you got to figure that the most well known and the most well-financed candidate is eventually going to have a moment,

  • maybe that starts with the debate here this week, and Marco Rubio is maybe poised to explode,

  • so it feels as if there's bubbling just beneath the surface.

  • It definitely feels that way, and I think that this debate may create become that juncture in the campaign,

  • largely because of the content of the debate, and we're going to be discussing the economy and jobs and taxes,

  • and if you look at the prior debates, when the conversation went into policy deep, Trump didn't do very well.

  • Yeah.

  • And Ben Carson didn't do very well, and the guys who have records, who know how to answer these questions

  • that have, you know, built their careers, steeped in this debate, they do quite well.

  • And so, if the debate conversation stays in those areas,

  • I think it is an opportunity for one of the more experienced candidates to get a lift.

  • Yeah, I do think we're going to have policy heavy, this Tuesday night,

  • I think I can promise people that.

  • Yes, and I'm looking for Rubio to really have his moment of the top four candidates,

  • and I say four because there're four in double digits: Carson, Trump, Rubio and Cruz.

  • Rubio was the one who we've seen, as Jeanne was saying in prior debates,

  • putting out substance, he's the one who says, "look, the next president has to deal with the fact that the largest

  • retailer in this country, Amazon, has no brick-and-mortar stores, is entirely online.

  • How do we develop a workforce that can deal with that kind of world?"

  • He talks about education, locational education, access to higher education, in a way that you don't hear a lot of from the other candidates.

  • In a debate like we're going to have Tuesday night, those, that policy could really rise and fill the room.

  • Well, let's talk a little bit about what the other candidates need to do, Jeanne, as we head into this debate.

  • It seems to me that Ben Carson and this goes back to comments we've been making along the way,

  • Ben Carson needs to show that he has some substance here.

  • I think it's been policy light for him, this is not going to be an environment where he can get away with that necessarily.

  • Yes, and they, he and Donald Trump keep promising things are coming, but if you look at the last debate,

  • Ben Carson, struggled to answer a question about his own tax plan.

  • He barely got to the end of that sentence, so we got to see if he has,

  • you know, boned up and built out what his policy proposals are going to be.

  • Because as I said, up against the more experienced guys, Carson and Trump don't do well with these conversations.

In midterms, you keep waiting for the rise of the establishment which you refer to,


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エスタブリッシュメントはついに台頭するのか? (Will the Establishment Finally Rise?)

  • 37 2
    Kristi Yang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日