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  • ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪

  • ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪

  • ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪

  • How's it goin', bros? My name is PewDiePie.

  • What day is it?

  • - (singing) Fridays with PewDiePie. - Are we reacting to PewDiePie?

  • While I was in New Orleans for holiday,

  • I wasn't checking Twitter as much.

  • I wasn't checking Facebook,

  • I couldn't read the comments.

  • That's the opposite of me.

  • This is about the comments, isn't it? Aah!

  • So when I came back and I read the comments

  • and I do all these things, I just felt like

  • you bros weren't really there.

  • Oh, how sad.

  • I don't see the same type of support--

  • Wait, what's happening?

  • I make videos every day for you bros.

  • That's my reason of wanting to do this.

  • And I think the main problem here is the comments.

  • The comments?

  • I've been thinking about the comments a lot.

  • I go to the comments and it's mainly spam.

  • It's people self-advertising.

  • Wait a minute.

  • Are you telling me that somebody with 30 million subscribers

  • is getting spam in their comments?

  • Just all this stuff that, to me, it doesn't mean anything.

  • I've been trying to find solutions to it.

  • I've been hoping that--

  • The struggle, the YouTube struggle.

  • I was hoping YouTube would try to figure a way out,

  • but it doesn't seem like it and I'm just sick of it

  • so I'm gonna turn the comments off forever.

  • Whoa!

  • - They're not coming back. - I heard he did this.

  • Is this for real?

  • Wait, what? You can do that?

  • ..I'm doing that.

  • I wouldn't say it as we lose something.

  • I would say it as taking the next step in the right direction.

  • Okay, "In Pewds We Trust."

  • ..comments being [bleep] and it just bothers me.

  • That's a huge move.

  • I'm gonna use Twitter. I'm gonna put up a Reddit.

  • I'm gonna use it as frequently as I can.

  • I just wanna connect with you bros.

  • That's all I care about.

  • - Does bros include women? - Sure.

  • If I don't feel like you bros are with me,

  • - I'm like-- - I'm with you.

  • Thank you for understanding this decision.

  • Wow.

  • As always, we gotta end it with a brofist.

  • - Don't take me out, bro. - I hope everything is okay.

  • - Don't cry. - I'm crying on the inside.

  • (groaning)

  • But how am I gonna spam my channel now?

  • (Finebros cracks up)

  • That was a shot heard around the world.

  • People freaked out!

  • PewDiePie cancels comments. What's wrong with that?

  • That's crazy!

  • I think he's one of the few people that can actually pull that off.

  • ♪ (dramatic chord) ♪

  • (Finebros) So, first off, what do you think of PewDiePie's decision

  • and reason for turning the comments off?

  • I definitely agree.

  • That's definitely extreme. I'd probably wouldn't turn mine off,

  • but he has a really good point.

  • I think it's valid.

  • I've thought of turning off the comments myself.

  • It's hard for me to comment on that because I'm not at his level.

  • There's about a 27 million subscriber difference there.

  • If you're putting something out into the world,

  • you're putting it out for criticism.

  • If you're putting a video on YouTube, comments is part of it.

  • I don't think I would ever disable comments

  • I don't see spam, and if I do, or if I see people self-advertising

  • I just mute them or block them from the channel

  • and then that's it.

  • A big part of YouTube is the fact that people get to interact.

  • If you turn the comments off, then it's no different from TV.

  • It was really brave of him and, I mean, he is the biggest YouTuber

  • so this is a huge deal.

  • I support it and it's working for him.

  • The Twitter and all that stuff, he does try to engage.

  • There is a lot of negativity that comes into YouTube comments

  • and if this screws everything up for him,

  • well, I'm glad he's the first one doing it.

  • (Finebros) Do you agree with the issues PewDiePie brought up?

  • Here's the thing.

  • I think I'm the wrong person to be talking about this

  • 'cause I don't give a [bleep] about any of this.

  • Watch the video. That's all I want.

  • If you wanna leave some crazy comments, I really don't care.

  • It's hard to actually get feedback on the actual video's content sometimes.

  • The only thing I relate to or agree with is the negativity.

  • Not so much negativity towards me.

  • More towards each other within the comments section.

  • I feel like the spam has gotten a lot better.

  • The spam's gotten a lot better?

  • The spam is ridiculous.

  • I've seen some stuff in his comment feed that I've never seen on YouTube ever.

  • (Finebos) Can you talk to us about your experience

  • in your own comments, the good, the bad, and the ugly?

  • Lots of lovely things and a lot of ugly things.

  • I love the feedback, whether good or bad.

  • I'll get hate every now and then-- everyone does.

  • But it's never to the point where it's all over the comments

  • and it gets to me.

  • It's literally the most racist, hateful, disrespectful [bleep]

  • anyone can think of to say to you.

  • I used to never delete comments.

  • But then when there's just this one annoying negative comment

  • with all these likes, then I'm like, "Mmm. Remove."

  • I delete comments.

  • I will jump on record and say I delete comments.

  • There's certain lines and if you cross it, actions have to be taken.

  • (Finebros) What is your perspective on the YouTube comments

  • after taking over for someone so iconic

  • and not really having a background in new media?

  • Honestly, I had no idea what to expect.

  • Ray had prepped me a little bit, you know.

  • He was scaring the crap out of me before I did my first episode.

  • He was kinda like, you know, Game of Thrones.

  • "Winter is coming."

  • Like, I didn't know what winter was gonna be.

  • That might have been the most difficult week

  • I've had to live.

  • And the response was way more positive than I anticipated.

  • (Finebros) What are some of the biggest problems

  • with the current way the YouTube comments work?

  • I mean, listen, I think there's a lot of spam on YouTube.

  • I think there's a lot of horrible comments that probably shouldn't be there.

  • I like the comments system-- you'll never hear any YouTuber say that.

  • I hate saying this, but I love the switch over from the old system,

  • but it's obviously not perfect.

  • But you know what?

  • No comments system is perfect.

  • The good comments, they get caught by the spam filter.

  • I would almost rather just have my comment blacklist

  • be the only thing that is referenced when deciding

  • "Hey, is this comment good enough to go through?"

  • I don't understand the point of top comments.

  • The top comment is the first thing you see

  • when you get to the video.

  • It sets the tone for the rest of the comments.

  • Then it starts this huge, annoying conversation

  • when I'm just trying to read if people thought

  • my [bleep] jokes were funny.

  • When I come to your channel, I know there is a pool,

  • a massive pool of people that love you

  • so I know what I'm gonna get into when I say something negative

  • and it becomes the top comment.

  • Yes, mission accomplished!

  • The troll underneath the bridge is like,

  • "(devious chuckling) Yes!"

  • For people who've been on the platform for a long time,

  • they kinda know the deal, but people who are like,

  • "What is that online video thing? What is that YouTube thing?"

  • and they come over there, yeah, I do think feel

  • like there's a legitimization problem.

  • (Finebros) YouTube not too long ago made a lot of changes

  • to the comments system, including features like a filter

  • where you can put in words or phrases that will never show up.

  • Do you utilize that feature?

  • I actually have and I forgot that they did that.

  • I have not used it. I should.

  • Oh, heck yes!

  • I've got a pretty hefty bit of text in there.

  • You bet I have.

  • Bob is nowhere to be seen on my channel,

  • nor is his tank, nor is his army.

  • Really? I did not know that.

  • What? That's censorship.

  • (feigns disbelief) What?

  • Whoa.

  • I mean, I'm not gonna do it, but-- (laughs)

  • I didn't know that you could block certain key words

  • from showing up in comments.

  • - Like, Rhett. - (wry chuckle)

  • (Finebros) Do you have any ideas of how YouTube can make

  • - the comments system better? - Some magical fairy that could stop

  • kids from being mean to each other.

  • Make flagging more effective 'cause I think you can rely

  • on the community to filter out for you.

  • One thing I like to see in the comments is, as a creator,

  • if I leave a comment, it would be highlighted.

  • Facebook does that.

  • Maybe a bigger team to just dedicate to the comments

  • so spam is not a thing that you associate YouTube with

  • because that can hurt your brand.

  • Some sort of system where you could pin comments.

  • Not necessarily to sway the conversation, but to be like,

  • "This is the type of discussion that I want to see happening."

  • What if there was a way where you could pick

  • your favorite comments to go up to the top, right?

  • So that way people would be trying to be that comment that you like

  • so there would be more positivity than negativity.

  • Every system can be taken advantage of.

  • It's, I think, the key is for YouTube to continue to be reactive.

  • (Finebros) Do you think the comments situation will ever get better?

  • I don't think it'll get worse at this point.

  • Hopefully it does get better. I think it will

  • and the more people address it.

  • Like I'm glad PewDiePie addressed it.

  • When the internet first came out, I think comments was way worse.

  • Now there's a lot more anti-cyber bullying stuff,

  • so I think we are gonna get better.

  • I think the comments situation is just gonna get worse.

  • I don't think there's any way YouTube comments are ever going to

  • become more along the lines of Reddit.

  • As long as there's a way for people to anonymously talk [bleep],

  • people will always talk [bleep].

  • I think this is what it's going to be like forever.

  • (laughing) I'm, like, the biggest pessimist.

  • (Finebros) Last question:

  • what would you want to say to PewDiePie for making this decision

  • and getting people to talk more about this?

  • I mean, I think it's a good thing to do.

  • I've talked about the comments before.

  • Pewd-- Pie. Can I call you Pie?

  • I love you. You're beautiful.

  • I think you should turn the comments back on.

  • You've gotta turn those comments back on, man.

  • You can't let the trolls win.

  • You can't let the spammers win.

  • You gotta let the community thrive, my brotha.

  • Felix, I'm sorry you have to go through bull [bleep].

  • I'll leave you good comments. Just let me comment.

  • I think that it sends a loud message that, okay, where there's

  • something fundamentally wrong if the number one guy

  • on the platform is having a problem.

  • He's such a hard worker.

  • Like it's ridic-- I tell my parents about him.

  • He's really inspiring to me and it's very hard

  • for me to be inspired these days.

  • Thanks so much for watching this episode of YouTubers react.

  • Make sure you check out all these amazing people down below.

  • Subscribe to them, check 'em out.

  • In the comments below, make sure to leave lots of nice things.

  • Let's talk about how great we all are.

  • Let's just hold hands via comments.

  • Just keep in mind that opinions are like butt holes--

  • we all have them and they usually stink.

  • ♪ (end music) ♪

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B1 中級

YouTubeのコメントシステムに反応するYouTuberたち (YouTubers React to YouTube Comments System)

  • 384 19
    Edwina に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日